viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

BATTLE OF THE on for equal rights!

And the eternal battle begins. Who is better? Men or women? There are two genders and we can’t just live with the idea of one complementing the other, has two Be one superior. Again the white male kingdom is been threatened by others. Why to give up all the benefits of the number one, the smarter , stronger , dominant one on earth. Well the only way to maintain that position is by not letting anyone else to prove them wrong. Reason why the only way to keep women in control Ian by marginalizing them. Becoming housewife’s dedicated to raise the kids and care about home while they actually taking control of their families just living under the income of their husbands. Making them feel like a second option in sports and entertainment always moving under the make directions. But times have changed. After civil right and looking for equality, woman has raised their voice and said no more. No more oppression. No more being submissive. They as smart as men and even physically can’t be as strong as them they can give a fight and show some moves and talent when it comes to sports and challenges. Understanding that men and women are different in many ways but that doesn’t mean they are less valuable than the other and they deserve to be in charge and take control of their actions and lives. They can Ben the center of their world and can make business out of them , from their talent and as any other human being, deserves recognition for that. The battlefield is no longer the bedroom where husbands and wives try to keep a family together understanding each other and loving the other as your other half, to build and make a relationship work.

Now we are trying to make business, rule countries, manage institutions, all under the same rights and opportunities for everyone. No race, gender or religion will discriminate you. We all have the same chance to prove themselves and if capable take the lead. And examples of this revolutionary movement come from decades ago, but is until now that we get to enjoy the benefits, but now more than ever is important and feels right to go back and remember the ones who were brave enough to stand up and speak out making a change and starting a movement that would change society to the way we all know now. One of this memorable moments happened at a tennis court. “Battle of the sexes” (2017) was named and now is a motion picture about that famous tennis match between world's #1 woman Billie Jean King performed for recently award winner actress Emma Stone in a role that feels like she was born to play, and ex-men's champ Bobby Riggs, performed with the usual humor and temper we are use to from actor Steve Carell, bringing to live this perfect example of a white 50 year old man, trying to prove men are better than women, at least in sports, he says. This event reached more than 90 million viewers around the world and is until these days that we feel grateful for it as it just not prove how wrong were men about women but started a revolution back in 1973 that continued with civil rights and even in recent years equality rights for marriage. But the charm and magic of this story is not only by remembering such an historic moment but to understand these two characters that through their own lives will expose why things were like that back then and why is natural to believe we've accomplished that much unable to even try to go back.

She is a young marries woman that is focused on her passion, tennis, and after proving being the best at it while keep being humble and have fun, she realizes that deserves better and not only her but all her team mates, specially when it comes to the paycheck, while men are getting paid by millions, she just get a small portion just for being a girl. but this one is not a quite one and she had enough so she decides to defy the league  and go by her own, campaigning about equal pay for women. But during this time she also happens to meet real love, when getting a haircut, she meets this woman that makes her feel so special and understand what everybody says about sparks flying all around. But she is married to a lovely, handsome and understanding man. He is one of the good ones, but sadly she cant reciprocate that, specially now that she has discovered their real feeling and what she really likes. But also, she's aware of the fight she is about to face so for better has to keep things in the closet and accept her reality and choose a fight, and she goes for women rights, specially after getting an offer from Riggs himself, trying to make a point about men being stronger and able to manage stress better than the emotional women. And even she can see his real intentions, after he beats the #2 using that to prove his point, she  can't handle and accept the offer to play against him and defend women's honor, against all odds to win, even the own women were rooting for the man, proving sometimes is hard to stand against the more popular. But Billie is a tough woman and confident of her skills and is tired of talking, she just wants to play and stop that man of bullying woman and prove all these old men running the major companies how wrong they are to still believe women deserve less or are incapable of matching their male opponents.

And Riggs will be always known as the joke he was.  He reacts like the small kid in class when feeling insecure and threatened, by screaming and making fun of others to distract the attention from the real matter. He is no one. Just living from his old glories. Re married, and living under his new wife roof and protection, he has a good life, one that he can't care less as he has a severe addiction for gambling, which creates conflict between him and his wife and leaves him looking foolish in front of everyone else. He can't even have a real relationship with his sons. Instead of being a father figure, they seem him as a joke and someone they can't rely on. And so his wife, which ends kicking him out of the house. Reason why he can't tolerate another woman proves more power in something that he is good at: tennis. And he has the experience and the skills even that age is playing against him, this will be more about technique. And by doing what he does the best, he gambles, asking Billie to play against him. He can't resist the opportunity. And he'll do whatever it takes to make this happen, and turn the whole match into a circus, showing up in tv at any opportunity, practicing in every possible costume that will make fun of women. And the match actually happens, as everybody knows already, and for those who still have no clue about it, won't spoiled the end, but what really happens when these two face off in the tennis court is a magic moment between men and women. The perfect example of how different we are while at the same time we are both humans and that's enough to prove how similar we are and both capable and wonderful in each way, more of a complement to each other than adversary and at the same movement than the ball goes from one side to the other, so is this game between genders trying to understand the other in order to respect it but at the end no one is better than the other but you can make it less by your own actions and that won't make you better.

How aware are we about the changes nd the evolution from 50 years ago until now days? Now we are entitled to ask for equal rights. Women are divas ruling the entertainment industry. A few have already ruled countries and proved they are as capable to that duty and responsibility as any other man. Every day we get to see more women managing business, entrepreneurs, reaching higher positions in big corporations other than just been the assistant of a big head. All these are big steps after just a few decades of revolution trying to break the stigma of women are only meant to be married, become mothers, and raise kids. Now is even common to see man staying at home while she is the one going out for work. Proving that man is no less a man or will lose his masculinity if able to take care of the house chores and being a parent. It's about becoming a real couple where both have the same rights and opinions and deserve the same opportunities to search success and challenge their capabilities. Is just the image of the alpha male that keeps weighting among some, afraid of seem less at others sight if they let other take control, specially a woman, but they are emotional and have proven that their compassion can build better negotiations than the male ego that just seek power no matter what. So after all this is time to remember and be grateful for what we have achieved and over come and give some credit to those that initiated this change by letting their voice being heard and show with actions what they meant rather than just talk and blind themselves from the truth. So even the film sometimes tries too hard to takes us back to that time and test our feeling of nostalgia to sell the story, is their performances and the resonance of the events and all what is involve in it that makes it a most to watch this season as probably will be make more noise as the award season gets closer and these two for sure will be present and we'll be there to applaud their recognition rather than just a performance and hopefully all that would sound louder to shut all the noise of those wanting to go back to the time was before.

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

When you put your s***t together, you become....STRONGER

How many times you see someone and by their first impression, you would think they are great people and they are doing well in life. Until you get to know them and realize that behind that sweetness and politeness, there's  chaos and a very messed up life. And it's hard to judge them just by the fact that their lives are a mess, because we don't know where they are coming or how hard or easy their life has been. Sometimes we even like them that much that we don't want to see the reality behind them but focusing on the surface. Until we are put on a test. Life likes to shake us up and bring us some challenges either to prove that we can go further than where we are or push us up to become better, "STRONGER" (2017). This is a new drama based on real events, that happened recently in Boston. Triggered by the bombs at Boston's Marathon, this story focuses on the struggle of just one survivor and his fight to overcome that day that changed him for the rest of his life, and with that, for all the people around him, family and friends, that will see a different person from now on, even when seems like everybody wants to see and turn him into a hero. A survivor from a battle that happened at home, so when people more need re assurance of safety and that things will be better, comes someone that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and now is the image left from that event to bring that very needed hope after trying to do the right by helping the FBI catching the responsible of such terrible thing, but who's taking care of him? Who has his back while he goes through this new reality and adjust to a new life after  experienced such a life changer event.

So for everyone that is not familiar about the story of Jeff Bowman, deeply performed by talented actor Jake Gyllenhaal, a Boston native that used to work at Costco and spend his time watching the Red Sox and drinking with his family and friends. He used to have an ordinary life, living with his alcoholic mother and ding nothing major for his life other than spending fun times at family BBQ's and the local bar to watch baseball games. But because love plays a big role in our lives this actually might be a sort of love story. Because Jeff really likes a girl, even that she has broken up with him three times already, he refuses to let her go. And she likes him too, but she has given up to him as he has no goals or any intentions to do better than what he has right now, not even going out with her. And he realizes that now, so he wants to make it up to her and so he decides to show up at the marathon, at the finish line, and be there for her, and show to her how willing he is to change. And so he does. He shows up just in time to cross paths with a terrorist that has left a bomb next to him to explode. And when this happens the consequences are that even he is so lucky to be alive, he has lost both legs. And as the american tradition is when tragedies like this happen, everybody turn for help and trying to help each other, which worked for him, as he made it to the hospital with no other damage than what the bomb did to him. But after surgery, when he is able to wake up, he feels the need to do the right thing before anything else happens, and that is talk to the FBI and tell them he saw face to face the one responsible of this.

And because of that, the whole town turned him into a hero. A survivor of  a horrible event that threatened their home and killed and injured some of their own. And you might think that this is a story of facing the challenge of losing your legs and become stronger to be able to walk. But let me spoil it for you because it is not. This a story that goes beyond that. This a story of a man and his struggle in life than now just happens his facing a new reality where has lost both of his legs. But when you see his story from this perspective you might feel this was a very needed push from life or destiny to shake him off from the bubble he was living at, and stories like him, are plenty, all around the world, people stuck in a hole, wishing things would be better but settling for what life has to offer to them, thinking that all what happens is just what they can see and there's no more than that, at least not for them, so usually spend their time just moving around the basics: family, friends, and a job that will let them survive. No ambitions, and when they do have them, someone from around will come to crash it. And no surprise, that is part of our human nature, feeling that we live at the center of a universe where we are the middle point, that all great and bad things happen to us and that there can't be more than what we can see, blinding us from seeing others reality as part of our own, and hard to empathize until something similar happens to us. We love to complain about our circumstances and why things can't be better or why not having what other have or just settle with what is supposed to be without giving a try to fight and become better, stronger.

That's where the charm and real soul of this movie and story surfaces. When we are able to see things in perspective and understand what's happening behind the first impression. And this guy is a perfect example of how someone can be manipulated by the circumstances, making him the person he is now and again, circumstances have shown up to change that, and he seems to take them again, until he, and only he be willing to say enough and fight for something better. Coming from a broken home, with no siblings other than his best friends, he turned into a mediocre man, following others and under the protection of an alcoholic mother that nourishes his own apathy and irresponsibility and now they try to take advantage of his popularity to show him up and attend to all sorts of local events where they see him as a hero, a living proof of hope that things can get better after a horrible event. But the only thing no one is listening or looking at is his own struggle. He is no hero, and he doesn't want to be one, specially because he can't even take care of himself. He is still struggling to adapt to this new reality and come over from an experience that can traumatize anyone. But he prefers to keep it for himself and play along with everybody pretending to be someone he is not and save that anxiety for his time alone or taking it off with the girl he likes. Because remember, this is a love story, a living proof that love can changes us, how? by inspiring us to be better, and when this girl feels guilty for what happened to Jeff, because finally he showed up for her and because of that now he is a victim, she stays to help him and be supportive, until she realizes that she loves him and misses him too, mostly because  that is what she does, feeling drawn by his charming personality and the idea that he will change.

But for all of you who still think you can change someone because they love you. That is a false statement. No one changes just because and it won't happen from one day to other. Changes in behavior or life style take time. Sometimes more or less than expected. And so it happened to Jeff, he tried to do better for a few time and eventually he came back to his usual because results didn't show up fast. And not even the fact of getting the girl he wants at his side and loving him, helping him through all this craziness, being supportive is enough for him. He can't but go back to be the only thing he knows better, failure. He's missing his rehabilitation sessions, mostly because relaying in his drunk mother that forgets when passes out, and being busy showing of at events that want to show him up as an american hero. So when you don't do thing differently, results will be the same. And again he loses the girl, he is stuck in his shitty life, but now without legs, making him a complete dependent in others, no matter how much he wants to walk again, he won't because he's doing nothing to make that happen, even he has all what he needs cover to make it happen. Until he faces reality: he is alive, while others have lost someone, and life has been hard on them, they are fighting to do better and help others, he is still alive, and he is doing nothing about it, but when you listen to others and realize that they actually don't see you as a hero but as an inspirational figure, you might realize how lucky you are to have what you have because you actually can do better than other whom unfortunately have lost that opportunity and as all the community is fighting to become stronger and over come what just happened, you might be the only one giving up and just because you are too lazy to try, and so love will push you and motivate to have that will to start changing this, realizing will take time but at the end might happen and only then you will realize that becoming stronger is not a physical matter but about you as a whole and if we are lucky to be healthy and alive, there's nothing that we can't accomplish if we really try hard for it.

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

JENNIFER LAWRENCE...the hunger playbook

La palabra destino puede ser difícil de creer o de aplicar. Muchos esperan a que cosas les sucedan mientras otros luchas porque asi pasen pero cuando ambas se mzclan, lo llamamos la fuerza del destino. Tal es el caso de una de las mas recientes celebridades del nuevo milenio, Jennifer Shrader Lawrence, una joven originaria de un poblado en Kentucky. Hija de un obrero de construcción y una asistente de campamentos de verano, la joven Lawrence fue criada a lado de sus dos hermanos en el aspecto masculino de estos, alejada de las ademas niñas de su clase y aunque de adolescente fue parte del equipo de porristas, formo también parte del equipo de basketball y hockey que su padre entrenaba, ademas de crear una afición por montar a caballo. Sin embargo crecer bajo estas circunstancias no fue divertido para ella, según sus palabras, sufriendo de ansiedad, la cual lograba disipar cuando actuaba, por  cual participo en un par de obras en la escuela. Sin embargo, ella no persiguió el camino de la actuación, a pesar de estar segura de que algún día seria famosa. Y así, a sus 14 primaveras, en un viaje familiar a New York City, un agente la ve en la calle y la incita a seguir su carrera como actriz y audicionar para varios roles. Una vez que logra su primer lectura, la respuesta fue muy favorable para alguien tan joven como ella, por lo que el siguiente paso es mudarse a Los Angeles para poder ser atada a diversos roles. Su madre acepto con la condición de que terminara al menos la preparatoria, por lo cual estudio desde casa hasta graduarse con buenas calificaciones y tan confiada se sentía de su talento como actriz que rechazo varias oportunidades como modelo.

Su carrera despega en 2006 con roles pequeños en series de television hasta hacer su debut cinematográfico en 2008 con la cinta "Garden Party", un film independiente que gozo de una corrida muy limitada. Pero le abre las puertas para otro proyecto "The Poker House" (2008), un drama sobre un dia en la vida de tres hermanas, Lawrence interpretando a la mayor de ellas, quien tendra que hacerse cargo de sus hermanas, cuando su madre es forzada a prostituirse y caer en la drogas para mantenerlas. Co protagoniza a lado de otra naciente actriz, la joven Chloe Grace Moretz. Otra vez la cinta paso desapercibida por su limitada exhibicion. Mas las puertas se le seguirían abriendo colandose en la cinta "The Burning Plan" (2009), un drama donde co protagoniza a lado de Charlize Theron y Kim Basinger, en una historia escrita y dirigida por el mexicano Guillermo Arriaga, conocido por sus previos proyectos los cuales no siguen una historia lineal, y desafortunadamente en este caso no le funciono ya que a pesar de ser promovida en festivales, una vez que abrió comercialmente la respuesta fue muy pobre, sin embargo la actriz llamo la atención al interpretar el mismo rol que su contra parte Theron, cuando mas joven, lo cual intrigo a varios preguntándose quien es ese joven talento?

Sin embargo su carrera despega al protagonizar la cinta "Winter's Bone" (2010), un drama independiente sobre una joven que lucha por mantener y proteger a sus hermanos y para evitar ser desterrados de su rural casa tendrá que emprender la búsqueda de su desaparecido padre lo que la llevara a explorar el mundo clandestino de las drogas y la existente pobreza en zonas del centro del país. La cinta genero buenas criticas lo que ayudo a impulsarla desde su aparición en el Festival de Sundance hasta llegar a los premios de la Academia, nominando a la entonces desconocida Lawrence como mejor actriz por su rol en la misma. Con esto, la industria la pondria en la mira y mas oportunidades comenzarian a caer. Sin embargo sus proyectos previos aun seguirían saliendo, tal es el caso de "Like Crazy" (2011), una drama romántico sobre una joven pareja, que enfrenta los problemas de migración, cuando ella, una estudiante inglesa se enamora de un joven americano y decide extender su estadía en el país aun cuando su visa ha caducado poniendo su relación en peligro por la distancia y al no poder ella, regresar al país. Lawrence aparece en un rol secundaria como la nueva novia del joven, el facllecido actor Anton Yelchin, y que servira para crear un triangulo amoroso. La cinta gozo de buenas criticas y aceptable recepcion para un filem de bajo presupuesto y con corrida limitada, pero su debut en el festival de Sundance le ayudo a empujarla.

Poniendose bajo la batuta de la actriz Jodie Foster como directora y a lado de un ambicioso y riesgoso proyecto que incluye a Mel Gibson recién fuera de rehabilitación protagonizando como un hombre que se comunica a travez de un castor de juguete, como consecuencia de haber sido despedido de una importante compañía de juguetes y por su esposa, por lo que tras varios intentos de suicido genera una personalidad alterna mediante el singular castor. A pesar de las buenas criticas la historia fue dificil de vender sin importar el talento involucrado convirtiendola en un fracaso de aquel verano. Afortunadamente, la actriz solo cuenta con un rol secundario, otra vez, como un potencial interes romantico del hijo de esta depresivo hombre, quien otra vez es interpretado por el fallecido Yolchin. Mas tras su nominación al Oscar, los estudios buscaban la manera de contratar a la actriz, así que las ofertas de grandes blockbusters no se hicieron esperar, siendo "X-MEN: First Class" (2011), el primero de ellos. Re lanzando la franquicia con caracteres ya conocidos en previo filmes pero ahora en su juventud alla en la decada de los 60's, y con un nuevo cast que incluiria a la actriz interpretando a la mutante Mystique, una de las mas poderosas y favoritas mutantes de la serie, que puede cambiar su apariencia a como guste y hacerse pasar por cualquiera. Luciendo su atractiva fisionomía cubierta en un traje azul que la muestra casi desnuda, la actriz genero muchas criticas positivas por parte de los fans de la saga, mostrando una nueva faceta de la mutante cuando joven y formando parte de la primera generación de X-men, co protagonizando a lado de Michael Fassbender y James McAvoy, trayendo nuevos aire a la franquicia que genero excelentes criticas y una sorpresiva excelente taquilla, que diera luz verde a dos secuelas: "X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST  " (2014) en donde ambas franquicias se mezclan en una lucha de presente y pasado con el nuevo elenco y trayendo de vuelta el original, siendo el filme mas popular de la franquicia al momento y finalmente "X-MEN: Apocalypse" (2016), el cual pretendió ubicar esta nueva generación en los 80's enfrentando al mutante mas poderos terminando en una historia aburrida y con exceso de personajes y efectos que opacaron la trama y su frescura que habia generado.

Pero mientras se mantenía ocupada con horas de maquillaje, inicio un romance con su co protagonista Nicholas Hoult, quien interpretara al mutante Beast, otro personaje que requeriría horas de maquilla. Y por si fuera poco y esto no la mantuviera ocupada lo suficiente, se involucra en la esperada adaptación cinematográfica de la popular novela "The Hunger Games" (2012), la cual resulta en un éxito rotundo y sorpresivamente no solo en taquilla sino por parte de la critica también, en una historia sobre un futuro donde el país esta dividido por sectores y gobernado por un Capitolio, que los obliga una vez al ano a reclutar jóvenes que se enfrentaran a muerte para sobrevivir este juego. Con muchos tintes politicos en la historia y un triangulo amoroso en el despertar de la adolescencia  esta serie es ya un icono de la cultura pop de esta decada y el personaje de Katniss Everdeen, interpretado por la talentosa actriz es un clasico entre las jovenes adolescentes y un simbolo del nuevo feminismo post moderno. Obviamente tras el éxito obtenido, se daría luz verde a la adaptación de los otros dos libros, siendo el ultimo dividido en dos cintas por meros propósitos comerciales, y asi vimos "Catching Fire" (2013) que supero a la original en todos aspectos y "Mockingjay Part 1" (2014) y "Mockingjay Part 2"(2015), las cuales mostraron señales de decadencia, al presentar números mas bajos que sus predecesoras, mucho se culpa al hecho de haber decidido dividir la novela en dos partes cuando esto no es necesario y rompiendo la secuencia y linaje de la historia, siendo difícil de juzgarlas por separado.

Con estas dos franquicias bajo el brazo y protagonizando tan iconicos roles, la barra se puso alta para la joven actriz, quien para buscar romper estereotipos empezó a tomar papeles mas maduros, inclusive para su edad, obligandose a crecer aunque sea en pantalla. Así la vimos en el thriller psicológico  "House at the end of the street" (2012),  una historia sobre una joven y su madre que al mudarse a su nueva casa descubren que en ella aconteció un doble asesinato y al buscar mas información al respecto, terminara relacionandose con el hermano de la joven que cometió dicho acto, poniendo a ambas en peligro. Desafortunadamente al publicó no le llamo la atención la premisa ni el hecho de que ella protagonizara este tipo de cintas, siendo este uno de sus mayores fracasos al momento. Pero el mal trago no le duraria mucho, ya que tan solo meses despues la vemo en "Silver Lining Playbook" (2012), una drama romantico, sobre dos problematicos jovenes y como al cruzar caminos se ayudaran a superar sus propias batallas inspirrados por ganar un concurso de baile. El tiene lapsos de ansiedad que lo tornan violento mientras ella sufre de depresion al ser viuda tan joven y verse envuelta de chismes sobre su comportamieto con los hombres de la colonia.  La cinta no solo genero varias nominaciones, sino que le dio su primer Oscar a la actriz y se conviertio en un exito de la temporada y un favorito para los amantes del genero.

Repitiendo la formula que le abrió las puertas de Hollywood convirtiéndola en una celebridad, que ademas de gozar talento robo la atención por su carisma y espontaneidad al caerse en pleno escenario cuando iba a recibir el premio de la Academia y a la fecha es una de las celebridades mas sencillas y ubicadas de la industria, lo cual le ha ganado fama y seguidores, sin contar su cada día mas notable belleza, y al parecer, buen tino para escoger proyectos, por lo cual regresa a las manos del director David O'Rusell y compartiendo créditos con el actor Bradley Cooper en la cinta "American Hustle" (2013), un drama americano co protagonizado también por Amy Adams y Christian Bale, quienes robaron la pantalla en una historia sobre un grupo de artistas que pretenden robar a un politico haciéndose pasar por inversionistas. La cinta, con tal talento involucrado, genero mucho buzz y buenas criticas que l llevaron nuevamente a los premios de la Academia entre otros, y otra nominación para la actriz, ahora como actriz de reparto y aunque no gano, el pedigree de la cinta es mas que suficiente para su ya talentosa carrera. Por ende repite por tercera su química en pantalla con el actor Cooper en la cinta "Serena" (2014), un drama de época que estuvo enlatado por meses  y para cuando por fin vio la luz perdió todo interés sin contar que la critica no la favoreció al ser una historia sin gran profundidad sobre una joven pareja de recién casados que inician un negocio de madera para construcción allá en los años 30's. Tras ese pequeño tropiezo en su carrera, la actriz regresa por tercera ocasión a colaborar con el director O'Rusell en una historia basada en la vida de una mujer empresaria que buscando soportar a su familia logra una idea que la convertiría en una de las empresarias mas reconocidas del país, "Joy" (2015), un drama sobre la lucha de dicha mujer por lograr que su idea de lo que ahora conocemos como trapeador se vendiera e el mercado. La cinta tuvo una tibia respuesta pero esto no le impidió colarse a algunas nominaciones de los mas reconocidos premios incluyendo los de la Academia.

Mas a estas alturas la joven es incluida dentro de las celebridades con mayor influencia en la industria y la actriz mejor pagada del 2015. Por ello al involucrarse en el ambicioso proyecto "Passengers" (2016), las expectativas se pusieron muy altas  y al co protagonizar a lado del actor Chris Pratt, uno de los actores ms cotizados del momento, todo pintaba para un éxito rotundo, mas el resultado no fue así. El intento de romance de dos extraños varado en una nave espacial, con el resto de la tripulación en suspensión animada y con toda la nave a su disposición mientras logran salvarla para llegar a su destino en un nuevo inhabitado planeta, resulto en una historia predecible, no divertida ni romántica, sino mas moralista y existencialista, que aunque no se considero un fracaso, estuvo lejos de ser un éxito. Por ellos este ms regresa de las manos del director Darren Aronofski en "Mother!" (2017), un thriller sobre una pareja que habita en medio del campo y empezara a recibir visitas de desconocidos con intenciones no muy claras y que pretende ser una muy personal vision del director de la historia bíblica de la humanidad e la Tierra. Desgraciadamente a la fecha la cinta ya es un fracaso en taquilla apesar de contar con la aprobacion de la critica. Y las cosas no pintan bien para su siguiente proyecto "Red Sparrow" (2018), donde la veremos como una agente sovietica entrenada para usar su cuerpo a su favor seduciendo y eliminando objetivos al trabajar para una agencia de espías. Eperemos que las mieles el triunfo no la esten cegando en la eleccion de proyectos y el futuo pinte mejor para esta joven actriz que llego a conquistar Hollywood y al menos ya hizo historia en la industria.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

IT...will hunt you

Fear. One of our primal instincts. And as crazy as it sounds it help us to survive. Thanks to our fears we can learn how to face them and become stronger, pushing us to develop new skills and face things that slow us down and can break us. We love, we laugh, we cherish, but for every one of  those we need to conquer a new fear, to be broken hearted, to fail, to die. Each one of us through time and our own experiences faces different kind of fears. It also comes by our unique personalities. Some will fear to something specif rather than others fearing something more global. Point is fear is in all of us and we face it every day as soon as we wake up and embrace a new day full of possibilities and challenges. So what if fear will hunt us and feed from us? The more we fear the more a pray we become. And that put a target on all of us, as we walk in life fearing at every single breath, even we are not always conscious about it. But only making it real and by being fully aware of it we can face it and conquer our fears. Who doesn't remember as a kid been afraid of dark? or a ghost or monster under the bed? and then we grew up and realize there's nothing to fear as most of that is not real, but then our fears evolve to other levels, like being afraid of getting sick, or be in an accident, or lose someone we love, and sometimes we carry those fears from childhood to adulthood in a subconscious way like fear of commitment because we grew up in the lack of it, or afraid to fail as we were raised under a strict regimen of perfection and high standards. All of them in different ways are fears that stick with us until we face them but if not can be the cause to bring us down and stay stock in the same place...again that will make us an easy prey for other that can sense that fear and use it in their advantage.

A terrifying idea of the later we can see now in the modern adaptation of one of the most popular novels from popular writer Stephen King, one of the best known authors in recent times yet not a favorite for everyone but one thing that most agreed on, this is one of his best and most popular novels that has become a classic already for the fans and it's genre. The novel in question is "IT", published in 1986, a horror novel that follows seven kids as they are hunted by a being that exploits their fears and phobias of it's victims while hunting them, and usually takes form of a clown to attract it's primal target: kids. The novel moves around two time periods, from the 60's to the 80's, where the same group of kids now as grown ups are pushed to go back to their hometown and face the same monster that terrified them as kids under a promise they made. So the pages take you back and forth to explore the lives of them when young to understand the man and women they've become and while all of them have moved around the world and taste their share of success, they are still haunted by that summer and all what happened to them, their families and the town of Derry, Maine, which becomes another character in the novel, because sometimes is hard to identify who's the real evil in the story, if a monster killing people to feed from their fears or is this troubled people living in this place who are so tormented that are able to feed and maintain a monster like that around. The truth is always put on a test from the readers perspective.

So now, moving forward to 2017, we get the film adaptation of the popular novel: "IT" (2017), as a motion picture has been divided and what we'll see this time is just all the events happening in one period time, now the late 80's, when the lucky seven or self called Losers Club, were just 13 year old kids having the worst summer of their lives. But at the same time, all these events could be the best thing that ever happen to them as it got them together and built a friendship that will be timeless but to get there might cost their lives as each one of them will face these monster while trying to mess with them and kill them. And so we meet and follow Bill, the leader and strongest of all, that is still mourning from the loss of his little brother Georgie after he went out to play in the rain by himself and he cant forgive himself for not going with him.  Eddie is his best friend, but as a frail asthmatic hypochondriac leaving under his over protected mother and fear to any possible disease. Beverly is the only girl and a tomboyish type which all the guys have a secret crush on but is mostly Bill and Ben the ones fighting for her heart and ignoring the rumors about her specially she coming from the poorest area in town and being abused by her father. Ben, the new kid in town, abused because being fat and like to spend his time in the library but also very handy because all his knowledge. Richie, the most lighthearted always making jokes and also known as trash mouth challenging his boredom into hyper-active wisecracking that will help them against IT. Stanley, the most skeptical, a Jewish boy that as a rational person is harder for him to believe that this is real and happening. And last, Mike, the last one to join the club, as an African american boy he feels an outsider and has been persecuted because his race by the troubled kids in town and that's how he met the club, when they came after him to help him.

While all of them try to be just kids and enjoy summer as normal kids playing around, each one of them will face their own fears to be able to survive this thing that seems to be hunting them and the entire town as people keep missing but no one seems to really care. On the contrary, everyone seems to be hiding something and trying just to survive on their own leaving their faith to these group that just found a clue of this mysterious clown that has been around since the town was built, showing up every 27 years and following the same pattern bringing disasters to the town. And they will try to stop it, because they won't let it to keep hurting other kids the way it already has hurt them all, and so they will embark in a search to hunt it before it hunts him. But it will fight back and will bring all their fears to break them apart and only that way kill each one of them one by one. But what it won't count with is the fact that some of them don't fear it anymore, making it weak and not able to feed from them so will have to use other resources like manipulating others to kill them for him. And so the story moves between a fantastic world and a realistic, bringing fears to live as something that can actually kill you, using them to expose our own nature as complex humans, capable of fearing and face it and conquer them to become stronger but at the same time making us vulnerable among others that will try to hurt us in order for them to face their own fears. How can we all leave in harmony if we all have troubles and challenges to face and if we really want to achieve and over come them, going through others might be the only answer?, Is this fair or should we keep finding other ways that might destroy us or work better?

While comparing the source material versus it's adaptations, including a mini series from 1990, that translated the whole book while this new one will do it in two movies, is hard to say which one is better or scarier. While the novel leaves a lot to the readers imagination, it focuses on it's characters exploring their fears and where they come from, while doing this exposing the town and it's people as the source of evil or just a consequence of the evil around them. We get to immerse into each character from his childhood to modern times to see how they over come their past and became successful yet haven't moved on from that curse that stands next to each one of them and this shape shiftier exposes the true nature of fear as a condiment to it's meal to feed from people to survive through a 27 year hibernation and bring out our own fears. The movie forgets about that suspense and trying to please modern audiences shows more than expected turning this creepy clown into a more cartoonish character that as the movie goes on, becomes less scary and more enjoyable as mystery to solve forgetting that is fear what we are talking about and what they are facing is an entity that might kill you rather than entertain you, and while this new adaptation has heart and works well with the characters making you want to spend more time with this club, is the reason why the film works better as a movie from the 80's where a group of kids face some challenges and get involve in some sort of adventures like movies as "E.T." (1982) and "The Goonies" (1985), rather than a new entry standing by it's own uniqueness and embracing itself a horror entry supposed to be scary and terrify you as you witness these events and takes you back to your childhood and all those fears that kept you wake all night, but at the end there is hope that you can do better and what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger as you'll notice as you walk out of the theater, if you dare to watch it.

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

Because every family has a story...THIS IS US

The big buzz around this month are the Emmy's. And one of the last season surprises was a tv show that goes back to the traditional tv drama series. Far from big novel adaptations or sci fi, but focusing only in the story of it's characters. "This is us" (2016- current), is a hit and ow a multi nominated tv show that left all the country in tears after immerse us in the story of a traditional middle class family that could be anyone's or from anywhere. And that's the heart of the story. We become so founded into this characters and their story that only can thing about our own lives and the story that everyone has to tell. Every episode we get to experience a new episode in this family lives and learn in the process more about our own. And that is exactly what makes this new series so special, because anyone can relate to it, and their struggles are real. They face the same kind of situations that any person can go through while living with their family or was raised by one. And it will hit you, when come to realize that we might share more in common with the rest of us than we though. No matter where we grew up or under what kind of education or religion, all families as a structure lead with the same kind of situations and to each one of their members will affect in similar ways and even the consequences will be different for anyone under each one's circumstances, we all share that feeling of happiness and  love but struggle and frustration that comes with that baggage call family.  And that is why the magic of a tv show that takes one of this families to expose them and prove this theory makes it so special by presenting them self as "hey world, this is us".

The show moves in between two period times, the one in past, not working as a flashback but as a complementary and different line when all the characters were living together as a family back in the 80's-90's and the present time when the kids are now grown ups and are struggling with the afterwards of become an adult and all the baggage they carry from their childhood. So we met Jake, the father, a young man coming from a dysfunctional family, with an abusive father, where he grew up closer to his mom that encourage him to be better than his dad and pursue the family we couldn't have. Growing in a low class environment, he seems forced to work harder to make his living and help his mom to leave his father. Reason why when he cross paths and meet Beth he can't but fall for her as the strong independent woman for her time she is trying to be, moving away from the shadow of her controlling mother that while trying to help her and looking after the best for her, has only been bringing her confidence down. So when these two find each other and chemistry feels right, they feel motivated for the other motives and engage in something casual that moves to something serious ending in marriage as an impulsive move from two young lovers that want to build a new life and escape from their past but as young as they are, they're full of ideals and goals so kids and settle doesn't seem the right thing plus they need to explore marriage and their relationship first, because at least this couple, are in love and are together for the right reasons, so as they try to do the right thing, every move has to be planned and avoid mistakes that can take their relationship down.

But eventually kids will come to the table, just by how things happen, life surprise them with triplets, and by the end of her pregnancy, she feels like going to explode, carrying three babies inside her, has turned her into a big woman and her husband can't even recognize her for the mood she has every day, after having so much fun during early stages of her pregnancy, when all the excitement and changes were a very welcome surprise but now just feels like too much. Sadly when the moment comes, they lose one of the babies, remaining with two, a girl and a boy. But again destiny plays a factor in their story, bringing them the opportunity to adopt a black baby boy that has been abandoned at the local fire station and now is  waiting at the hospital to see what life awaits for him. That's how we meet Kevin a successful and handsome actor that is having a middle life crisis at his 30's after being at a popular sit com, he wants a change, to prove he is a serious actor, reason why he publicly quits and moves to NY in order to pursue a career in theater by producing a play that could place him as the next Broadway star. But as we see him when a kid, we can realize how all these make sense, and was just matter of time, because since little he was craving for attention, always trying to be the center of everything and being dramatic about everything and everywhere, stealing every second from his siblings and because he turned to be the a good looking boy, never had any trouble for that, but he suffered the curse of be an attractive face once that he can get away with everything making him fail in his relationships, with girls and his own family, pushing him to become more a loner just for his sister Kate who has the patience to listen to him and enjoying living through his experiences.

And that's the sad face we get to see from Kate, a woman that has always suffer for her overweight. First as a kid, being bullied by the other girls and lacking of attention from the boys,  making her an insecure and sad person that can't fully enjoy life other than those moments when her dad tried to make her happy and show her how beautiful of a person and a woman she is besides her looking. And in fact she is, a very pretty woman, just overshadow by her weight and obsession to lose it and look like all the skinny girls in town or the magazines. That's why she devotes all her time to try any option to lose weight, until meeting a guy that is in the same place but in difference as her, he makes fun of his situation and refuses to feel miserable by the circumstances bringing a new joy and fun to her life, but mostly offering what she's been hoping for: love. Unfortunately life is not a fairy tale and she can't just fall in love with him or anyone else because she doesn't love her self first and because of that she is incapable to love others and turn off her obsession to become someone that she is not. And sadly we live in a society that judge us by the cover so she also needs to build her confidence to shut out all the judgement from others and accept who she is. But how many times do we see things like this?  How many people do we know or are out there feeling miserable because they are not who they want to be or because they were told that be that way is wrong? Who  are we to decide that for others, specially when they are good people? We try to build a prefect society that will look perfect in the outside but once we look deeper will be all messed up and damage because we value more the appearances that the real soul and essence of anyone.

And last is Randall, the adoptive son that even has been always treated as their own, he can't but feel like an outsider always feeling different from the rest even he has been loved and accepted no matter how he looks or his real background is, and his siblings treat him like one of them, fighting and loving each other every step of the way, and he is in fact different but not in a bad way, he is more private, not as social as his brother Kevin, he loves math and science, he is more organized and focus on perfection, reason why he is successful but also suffers anxiety and tries to rise his own family with the same love he was raised with, even now that has finally found his real father and is spending time with him, to get to know him in a way to get to know himself, because how many times we blame our parents for the person we have become, for all the qualities we don't like or annoyed us just to realize we are like these because of them, maybe are their genes maybe we are just imitating all what we learned when kids. True fact is that family shape us and we are more involved that we'd like in that group that keep following or hunting us for the rest of our lives because no matter how successful you've become those christmas full of traditions and special moments with them will be stuck in your mind and you'll try to bring and share the same happiness to your beloved ones. And if you think your family is special or annoying or crazy of fun, wait to meet your neighbors or any other one at the other side of the world and you'd be surprise how many similarities we share and how amazing is the fact that we all go struggle with the same issues and enjoy the same things, but if need more evidence about what i'm talking about just take a glimpse of this family and you'll be surprise of how similar we all are and how you can relate to others when understanding where they come from.