Based on the popular novel, that mention apart, happens to be one of my favorite books, "Ready Player one" (2018) is the new book adaptation into a motion picture that these days we see happening as a trend, so after becoming a best seller back in 2011, it was meant to be his translation into the big screen, specially after the whole story has so many cinematic references that just not doing it will be such a missed opportunity. It might not b a life changing read or a Pulitzer nominee, but it is such a fun ride, specially for all those with a geek heart that grew up in the 80's and 90's. So what's all this buzz about? Well, the story takes us to the near future, 2045 to be exact, where after globalization and global warming, the planet is suffering an economical recession, leading it's population to a high rate of unemployment, and a drastic separation between low class from the wealthy. In this not so fictional setting we meet Wade, an orphan living with his aunt and her abusive boyfriend. This 17 year old boy in lack of opportunities has been living hiding in a virtual world called the Oasis. For those not familiar with virtual reality, think about this like going online in the internet jut that with the proper gear you'll actually feel like being immersive in this world, so you can create your avatar as whatever your choice is and be a new you, a version of you that always wanted to be. Also not only you can be whatever you want to be or look as your desire but to do whatever you can possible imagine without leaving your room. That's the magic of virtual reality, it can make you feel like being somewhere or do something without actually being there. But also this can be tricky and addictive as a hideout from reality.
And that is exactly what everybody is doing in order to escape their lives and the ugly truth out there. They just log in and build a life in this virtual world that offers more opportunities than the real one. That is until the owner and creator of it dies and leaves a message to all the users, where he left a hidden egg and to be able to find it they will have to go through 3 challenges that will give them three keys to find this egg, and whoever finds it first will heritage all his money and the rights of the Oasis. This starts an east hunt among basically everybody as involve different motives such as the opportunity of become a millionaire and own the biggest company in the world, but for some is just the opportunity to save the place they like the most and make it better for the world. But the challenge is not an easy task and it's been 5 years since the challenge started and no one has even found the first key until the name Parzival, Wade's avatar nickname, shows up on the board leading the score of the race. Unfortunately this will set the bar higher and big corporation with the resources to make things happen will invest everything they have to try to win this but how far can they go until someone stops them Or can a no one be able to win them? The fact that all clues to find and complete the challenge are based in the life of it's creator, a Steve Jobs type of man, and all cover by different hints from pop culture from the 80's, an era where this nerd grew up, making it an immersive experience for anyone else into his world, as if the oasis wouldn't be enough, making it seem like the game is about to get to know and understand it's creator, so who's playing who?
Anyways the real soul of this story relies on the quest of a young boy trying to find love, friendship and himself in a world that seems to have nothing to offer but to hide in an alternative reality where you can actually have a life, like a drug offering you some distraction from your reality. Under the vision of director Steven Spielberg, the movie brings all the magic of his cinematic vision and follows the same story line he got us used to. Bombing the screen with so many references that while in the book seem to be quotes or winks to a golden era, in here feel like a parade trying to prove a point. And this might be the biggest flaw of the movie. While the book became so popular for it's easter egg hunt and all the clues hidden in the pop culture of the 80's, focusing in the search of Parzival to each one of them, in the big screen they changed completely the story to keep the basic story line just adjusting it to make it more as a real race where there is no much time to waste exploring little details but go straight to the action and it bigger, louder, brighter, and not always more means better. We get a visual sugar rush where we prefer to spend more time in the virtual world than knowing what is happening to the real one and it's characters and that is not a good sign. This new adaptation from the original source has made the true fans to reject the movie, by omitting a lot of information that gives the journey of each character a purpose and a real place in this virtual world, rather than just create another collage of the same type of characters looking to appeal to anyone.
While in the book the chase for the hidden egg is longer and full of different challenges that involve a very wide knowledge of pop culture such as movies, tv shows, music, games, books from the 80's, here in the movie, everything seems so simple that we can't but wonder what all the fuzz is about and how come no one figure it out before. In the book, Wide spent most of his life navigating through the Oasis playing video games and watching all movies that by now he knows by memory, giving him that advantage over others, just because sadly he has no other life, no friends, no family to look after him, so he hides in this world to socialize with others and explore different things that at the end will shape him towards the man he will become. And just because the fact that he is a no one and he navigates under water learning all these clues about the life of the creator being able to be unnoticed while everybody else explore out and expose. So when he becomes the first person to find the first key, all eyes will be on him and will become a very popular character, changing his life completely but the race is on and everything is about to change including the fact that he will make new friends and enemies and most important, love. This will come in the shape of his ciber crush, a girls that has been blogging about clues and theories of the location of the hidden egg, and in a world where everyone could be whatever they choose to be, he might be tricked and fall for the wrong person, but deep inside of him, he knows she is a genuine person worth to take the risk and since he has nothing to lose, that makes him stronger.
But hiding and trying to escape reality to live even if it’s a non real scenario fair to compensate whatever is missing? How about real connections? Getting to know someone by hanging with them face to face and be able to see their face expressions and touch them from a hug to a kiss. How can we compensate that? Your feeling towards them will be real but might be based in a fictional, idealistic ground. A big lesson these days where people spend more time online that living out and about. A time where walking down the street looking at your phone and Being more concern about social media than social life. When kids prefer to spend their afternoons playing video games instead of going outside and play sports or ride a bike. A time when dating and meeting new people is all about online sites and apps, where you can pretend to be the person you want but might not be truthful to the reality, leaving us behind of those days where greeting someone at the bar or a party feels so outdated. We have become victims of technology, because it’s easier to escape and pretend than face reality, motivated by our fears we choose the easy way but that doesn’t justify it, there’s nothing as real as reality and the only way to actually embrace life is to be here and Be able to take life as it comes knowing that just as any other reality it will become better we just need to find the right motivation and surround us with the right company to become as strong as any avatar.
viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018
viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018
PACIFIC RIM: UPRISING... time to take control of your life

The fact that the movie industry is dying because of the rising of TV as a prime option for everybody, while ticket prices keep increasing making it far from an affordable entertainment for families anymore, desperate measures had been taken, pushing the studios to hold into any option that can bring some cash to the table, and they will milk that cow until there is nothing left, proving that movies had moved from being an art to a mere business where any idea able to been sold to the audience and make a profit is welcome, no matter how bad it will turn or the lack of an actual story of good writing is but wrapped it up in a shiny presentation for those just willing to put their brain on the side and kill some time because at this point not even well done FX are game changers, as we've seen great stories along the most innovated visuals. With the excuse of using the big screen as a must see for this kind of epic battles, an immersing experience for anyone at the theaters rather than your living room, makes this kind of blockbusters the only survivors to this Hollywood crisis, so every studio is fighting hard to find a franchise to develop and patent as their signature to keep going on business. There are no more Hollywood celebrities able to attract audiences to the movies, things have changed where is the story and the franchise the one capable to stand up and make some business or be cursed to become a bomb. If you want to see a deep, emotional drama or a funny rom-com, people prefer to wait until available on demand and watch it comfortable at home. There motion picture events are dying but the few one still alive are taking all the gold.
So what can be said about a mere excuse become motion picture like "Pacific Rim: Uprising" (2018), a sequel that has more of Transformers and less of Pacific Rim, following the events of the original, where after ten years from the end of the war against the monsters, now the world seems to start getting back together, re building cities, but economies are crashing after spending all resources in trying to build big robots and survive an invasion, so way of life has change dramatically and also has people. After losing beloved ones or relatives, some people had to move on and figure out a new life without them, taking care of themselves, no matter how they lose them, but facing the fact that they are gone. And that is something we all can relate, specially these days when war has moved to our neighborhoods, and we might not feel safe anymore as we used to. So we have to evolve and learn how to survive. Being able to enjoy a life that is given by those who sacrificed themselves to get this opportunity but still living with ghosts from the past hunting us. With a cast that can't do much to show these emotions and trapped in cliched performances we move through the story of a young man whose dad died as a hero to safe humanity but left him behind, turning him into a rebel boy that will try to leave breaking the rules of a system that has left nothing for him. Until his sister pushes him to join the army, where their father belong, just for a brief mission and then he can go back to be a runaway but obviously this will turn into him realizing how he belongs to this world and how capable he i to follow his dad steps.
Indeed, very predictable and lack of originality, specially if we look at all the characters around them, a group of teenagers that are in training to be the pilots of these huge robots, and even they suck at it, by the time the monsters are back and will threat with destroy the world, again, they will leave up to the expectations in a blink of an eye. But if you not distracted by this, you might follow the journey of the main hero, while runs into another outcast, a young girl that has develop a talent to build her own robot by stealing all the pieces from war zones. She has been trying to survive but after losing all at war now her main concern is to be prepared for any future outcomes and protect herself as she couldn't before. The pain and grief of losing your family is hardly translated in the movie, even when it becomes the line to follow the story telling of this fantasy and the motivation of it's characters. Most of them are picking up the pieces from a fallen kingdom and a life that took everything from them shaping them into someone different from what they were supposed to be or maybe it has always been supposed to be this way, but we all know someone that has bee trough this struggle and fight of becoming independent and strong after losing all, and fighting others and some monsters that represent our worst nightmares is a fight that happens every day at home, school, work, and we just need to be prepared for it and knowing that sometimes we'll lose some battles in order to learn and grow and keep fighting and becoming stronger and stronger.
Sometimes we are born into this place that we didn't choose and when we are able to realize it we just feel like we don't belong. So do we embrace our heritage and where we belong to or should we go out and find our own place in the world?Some people might choose the first option while others might go for the second, meaning that there is no right answer to that but what fits you better. In here, we are able to witness how the main character has been running away from his destiny as by avoiding falling into everything that has to be with his gone father, but once he decides to give it a try, again, he realizes how much he belongs to this place and how deep this place grows on you. But it's not that easy, let's not forget this is a movie and not a very deep one so in real life it translates to a real journey where understanding and accepting where you come from will show you the path of who you are so anyone can understand itself and continue their quest in life but only by getting to that point of knowing we'd be able to see the reality hiding in us and be prepared for the real fight, the one against ourselves, those voices in our heads pulling us in different directions miss leaded by the voices of others turning it into a big messy fight. So if you looking to spend a fun time feeling like a kid again or bringing back your inner childhood while watching big robots destroying cities and fighting epic battles against other robots and colossal monsters that is worth watching in the big screen, here is an option for you but leave your expectations at home regarding a profound storytelling or complex characters or moving performances and you'll have a fun time at the movies in the new era of unjustified franchises and sequels.
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018
Everybody deserves a great love story... LOVE, SIMON

And that is basically the story behind "Love, Simon" (2018), a romantic comedy about the process of coming out for those misfits hiding afraid of embracing themselves. Simon is a seventeen year old guy that navigates through high school just as any other kid. He has a lovely family that supports him and he loves them back. He feels lucky to have a group of friends that he knows since they were kids, so he definitely doesn't want things to change. He feels so fortunate to ruin things the way they are. But he's secret is killing him from inside, holding him back from being what he truly is. Until one day another guy secretly comes out at school motivating him to start taking baby steps on himself. The fact of having someone able to talk to, that is going through the same process, is comforting and exciting. So when both start talking to each other anonymously, they inspire each other to start accepting themselves. But as their journey get them closer, challenges may approach and they will have to face the moment of start coming out in front of others. That nerve breaking moment of telling someone you love that you are not what they thought but at the same time you are still the same and expecting them to love you as usual is a life changing moments that just a few have to go through and at some point the movie makes fun of that, turning the table to the fact that why straight people doesn't need to come out? Why if we all are equals and sexual preference is no longer a taboo or myth, why only the LGBT community has to face this moment in their lives, and they manage to do it in a very funny way, thanks to the vision and touch of tv guru Greg Berlanti, in his directorial debut, openly gay himself, trying to tell a story that can relate to everybody and trying to avoid all possible cliches about what a majority will think being gay represents.
And feels like this is the main reason for this movie to be made. Based on the popular novel Simon vs The Homo sapiens agenda, it's adaptation comes a little bit late for a time where we are pass through the fight for acceptance and proving that being gay is ok and it's as normal as being straight. But even the timing doesn't help to make it feel fresh, its story and beloved characters will prove that a coming to age story can relate to anyone because there is always a different niche struggling to let their voice been heard. And now is the time for the LGBT community to expose their struggle when coming out as a gay person and for all the rest to get to see and understand what they go through in order to being accepted. So Simon, is just as a regular guy as it can be. He spends time with his family, friends, go partying, school, watch games, has dreams. Just as any other guy would do far from the cliches about what being gay represents and not because he is not aware of them but just because it is not a rule and he feels comfortable enough to be who he is just the way he is. No need of pretend to be someone else. No musicals, fit clothes, diva references. He is just an average Joe that happens to like other regular guys. And while we join him through his search of this anonymous guy, we'll learn that love comes in many shapes, and bases itself in that connection rather than just mere attraction. The need to find someone that can hold you hand while you going through a life changing situation makes a whole of a difference. And friends will make anyone's journey easier to handle and more fun than it seems. But finding that right person that deserves to hold your heart is a quest that no motion picture has encounter yet.
So what is so special about this movie compared with other similar teenager movies? Like those classics from the 80's? Well, let's say that special the fact that is a movie to define a whole new generation and the ones that had no chance or opportunity to come out like this and had to live their lives hiding and ashamed of their situation. Because let's remember that not long time ago, being gay was still an issue. Someone that was define as an homosexual was cursed, evil, marked as someone bad, and not even close to the idea of them getting marries or been seen holding hands or kissing in public. They were stereotyped as men trying to be girls and women pretending to be boys. But not anymore. Now that the dust has cleared out and we get to see them coming out and proud, we can realize that they are as normal as anyone else. But still, there is still this moment happening when they have to come out about their preferences to their beloved ones. But for those that don't have to go through that sounds like a minor thing, so movies like this that show it not as a big deal but a life changing event in their lives, is refreshing when we get to see how some people need to have that talk and express their preferences to the people around them not because things will change but because they will be looking after someone of their same sex. And the fact that they have to do it, means that they are looking that validation, and acceptance from others. Knowing that they'll be still loved is all what matters from this experience. There is a crucial scene in the movie where Simon finally sits and talks with his mom looking for some comfort after things seem like falling apart in school, and she admits that she didn't know or expect this but she noticed that at some point he was holding himself back, like hiding something or carrying a big secret within, and now that the secret is out, she still loves him as always and nothing will change because he is still her same son. And that moments represents this whole coming out situation.
So maybe you don't need to come out from your own sexual preferences, but maybe you also have some secrets that are holding you back from being the real you or reach your full potential, or maybe you know and love someone that has or is at this moment or you just an avid fan of romantic comedies where love as a whole comes along any obstacle and proves that is one of the major forces that unite And just as Simon journey to explore his feelings, and find the right one, while navigating the waters of puberty, friendship, family, responsibilities and all that stuff that anyone of us go through every day, we all can do better if we are able to be honest to ourselves and fight for our believes and convictions even they might not be well taken for some and we'll have to face some rejections and criticism, but that is life in general, no matter your believes, preferences, gender, race, we all label other and point fingers so realizing that there is a lot of work to do in ourselves rather than being looking after others. But if you are in the need of coming out and are feeling trapped inside a big lie or secret, afraid of what might come after the truth, hoping for a better life for yourself where the people that supposedly loves you will also accept you, this movie is a must see for you, to get the courage and be inspired by the love and the possibility of a better option for yourself, where everyone around you that really cares and loves you won't care but for your happiness and will support you because love is unconditional, but for that, you need to love yourself and be real so others can see you for who you are rather than what are you pretend to be. Your bravery will inspire others even those ones so close minded to see how unique and special you are, unless you prefer to be another idiot but accepted rather than a misunderstood but loved one? So what it would be?...because you deserve a great story for the movie of your life.
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018
ALICIA VIKANDER... una maquina danesa
Su esfuerzo empieza a tener frutos cuando se le es reconocida por varios roles pequeños en comerciales y series de television en su natal Suecia, pero su mayor logro viene de un popular drama para la television sueca que se transmitió por 2 años, para después brincar a la pantalla grande con la cinta "Pure" (2010), donde interpreta el rol principal, Katerina, una secretaria que trata desesperadamente por escapar de su vida. Este rol le logro el premio local de actriz del mañana, así como otros premios en festivales Europeos como mejor actriz y revelación. En 2011, estrena su segunda cinta, "The crown Jewels", sobre una mujer que es arrestada por intento de asesinato, en la cual interpreta el protagónico de la cinta. Buscando expandir sus opciones, logra reconocimiento internacional cuando participa en la nueva adaptación del clásico "Anna Karenina" (2012), narrando la trágica historia de una aristócrata rusa que vive atrapada entre su esposo y un joven que se convierte en el amor de su vida, y en su amante. Esta nueva version, una producción británica, cuenta con un elenco estelar que incluye a la actriz Keira Knightley y Jude Law. La actriz tiene un rol menor interpretando a la hermana de la cuñada de la protagonista. La cinta tuvo excelentes criticas y recibimiento, mas no fue un éxito a la hora de competir en la temporada de premios.
Esto no la detuvo en absoluto para abrirse camino a America, donde logra colarse en "The Fifth State" (2013), un thriller que tenia grandes aspiraciones, al tocar el tema sonado de los wikileaks, un sonado grupo de reporteros piratas en la red que filtran información confidencial del gobierno para hacerla publica. Sin embrago la cinta fallo en exponer a este grupo y su líder, así como tocar y profundizar los temas politicos, económicos y tecnológicos que asumia, y ni siquiera poder convertirse en un potente thriller. La actriz queda opacada por el resto del elenco, al interpretar a un miembro de dicho grupo, pero esto en vez de tornarse en un fracaso, solo sirve para abrirle puerta a otros proyectos, como el drama británico "Testament of youth" (2014), basado en la novela homónima, sobre una mujer en plena guerra mundial, con ideas liberales y feministas para su época que decide enlistarse como enfermera para ayudar a los jóvenes que están luchando por su país, y sobre todo cuando su hermano, su novio y su mejor amigo, se enlistan para enorgullecer a su familia, por lo cual ella buscara probar que el mandar a sus hijos a la guerra no significa mas para ninguna familia sino un perdida que difícilmente podrá recuperarse, por lo cual recorre el mundo con esta filosofía buscando hacer un cambio anti-guerra.
Internacionalizandose aun mas, se incorpora a "Son of a gun" (2014), un thriller Australiano, protagonizado por Ewan McGregor, quien interpreta a uno de los bandidos mas buscados que tras conocer a un joven en prision, lo reclutara una vez fuera para que lo ayude en su negocio de trafico de armas y drogas y donde conocerá a su joven asistente, protagonizada por la actriz. La cinta tuvo poca distribución internacional tras sus tibias criticas. Pero para 2015 las cosas cambiarían drásticamente cuando la actriz participara no en uno o dos filmes, sino 5!, todo un record para alguien que esta apenas forjando una carrera en Hollywood. Primero la vimos en "The Seventh Son" (2015), una cinta fantástica, donde dragones y brujas se mezclan para crear una mezcla de cuentos de hadas sobre un joven que es el elegido para derrocar a las brujas que aterrorizan su reinado. A pesar del elenco estelar conformado entre otros por la gran actriz Julianne Moore y el actor Jeff Bridges, la cinta fue aplastada por la critica por su estupido plot y por ende la audiencia la evito, siendo uno de los mas sonados fracasos del año. Pero meses después aparece en un thriller independiente llamado "Ex-machina", que toca temas sobre la inteligencia artificial y lo que define a la humanidad de la s maquinas. La actriz brinda una actuación que prácticamente se roba cada escena en la que aparece opacando incluso los asombrosos efectos especiales. La cinta fue todo un éxito que se fue abriendo de boca en boca, ademas de gozar de excelentes criticas.
Esta fue en definitiva la gran oportunidad que estaba buscando y que la catapulto a una fama inmediata y donde todo mundo estaba hablando sobre la nueva mujer robot y quien es la hermosa actriz que la interpreta?. Para el verano la vimos en "The Man from U.N.C.L.E" (2015), la nueva adaptación fílmica de una serie de television de los 60's, esta vez sobre dos agentes, uno de la KGB y otro de la CIA, en plena guerra fría, y uniendo fuerzas contra otras naciones que buscan controlar o destruir al mundo. La actriz interpreta a la damisela en peligro y que termina fungiendo como tercero en discordia con un giro que era de esperarse. Desgraciadamente no fue el éxito esperado, lo cual le augura un final sin secuela, mas gozo de compartir pantalla con dos de los galanes de moda: Henry Cavill y Armie Hammer. Meses después la vemos en el tragicomedia "Burnt" (2015), protagonizada por Bradley Cooper, en una historia sobre la redempcion de un chef, al tocar fondo y buscar iniciar de nuevo en el restaurant de un viejo amigo, que esta secretamente enamorado de el, solo para probar que la vida en la cocina es una imitación a la vida en el ejercito y que inclusive los patanes merecen una segunda oportunidad. Mas no en la pantalla ni en taquilla, pues esta vez ni el carisma del actor ni el elenco de primera, Uma Thurman, Senna Miller, Emma Thompson, logran rescatarla, y la actriz, quien interpreta a la antigua novia que arrastro al popular chef al hoyo, solo sirvió para mandar a la actriz al rincón, lo cual al final le beneficio para salir librada de tan absurdo lio.
Finalmente la vimos en "The Danish Girl" (2015), en plana temporada decembrina y lista para la temporada de premios, en una historia sobre el primer caso de cambio de sexo, y donde la actriz interpreta a la entonces esposa de un hombre que se descubre como mujer atrapada en cuerpo de hombre y que enfrenta a su ahora mejor amiga a reprimir sus sentimientos y buscar el amor en otro lado. La poderosa interpretación de una mujer enfrentando la transformación del amor de su vida le valió a la actriz el Oscar como mejor actriz de reparto, asir amo otros premios y nominaciones en los principales círculos de críticos y festivales de cine. Ahora recientemente la vimos en la nueva cinta del famoso agente americano con problemas de identidad, "Jason Bourne" (2016), continuando la popular serie de la década pasada y donde ahora el joven Bourne, tras haber recobrado la memoria, recibirá mas información de su pasado y su familia, siendo el papel de la actriz, una agente del gobierno que primero lucha por pararlo, quien terminara ayudándolo a cumplir su objetivo y calvez convencerlo de regresar al programa, mas eso esta en duda tras la tibia recepción que tuvo la cinta este verano.
Y también la vimos en la adaptación de la popular novela "The Light Between Oceans" (2016), donde co protagoniza a lado del actor y ahora esposo fuera de la pantalla, Michael Fassbender, en una historia sobre una pareja que habita en una isla y que lucha por formar una familia, hasta que el destino les trae un bebe naufrago y huérfano solo para tiempo después descubrir a su posible familia y ponerlos en el dilema de quedárselo o regresarlo. Tiempo despues formo parte de "Tulip Fever" (2017), un romance ubicado en el siglo pasado, sobre una mujer que seduce a un joven en una época llena de tabus y moralismos.Y aunque su futuro aun se ve incierto, es un hecho que esta consolidada como una revelación en la industria y pareciera tener trabajo para rato, mas en esta industria no hay nada seguro, pero al menos es un hecho que la veremos en 2018 con varios nuevos proyectos: Primero la veremos este mes en "Tomb Raider" (2018), la nueva adaptacion del popular video juego donde protagoniza como Lara Croft, una audaz mujer que motivada por decifrar el legado de su padre, un arquelogo reconocido que ha desaparecido la pondra en una serie de peligros y aventuras que al parecer gozan de increibles y trepidantes escenas de accion mas carece deprofundidad digna de una adaptacion filmica sobre un video juego. Luego aparecerá en "Submergence" (2018), un thriller del aclamado director Wim Wenders, basado en la novela homónima y donde co protagoniza con el actor James McAvoy en un romance que sobre un espia y una investigadora que esta por sumergirce en una expedicion en mar profundo y como sus vidas estan por chocar nuevamente. Al paso que esta actriz va, no tardaremos mucho en averiguar si sera del gusto de la audiencia que la consolidara como una nueva estrella de esta generación., o al menos si sigue seleccionando sus proyectos como hasta ahora, también pronto sera una garantía para correr a verla en cada proyecto que decida involucrarse. Otro talento de importación para Norte America.
viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

"Rectify" (2013-2016). An intense drama by Sundance Channel, that carves deeply into the human soul of, as it's title, rectifying. Exploring the live of someone that made a terrible mistake, but his actions not only will affect him but all the ones around hi,: family, friends, neighbors, people related to the victim. It's all a cycle that runs like domino effect followed by just one action, one that could be the right one or can go wrong. And when times heals, a new start comes, but that will be a hard path to go in order to move on. That someone is Daniel Holden, a middle age man that after spending 20 years in prison for raping and murder, now has been released after DNA evidence just found, nullified his conviction. But then why did he play guilty all this time. What was going on in his head to be able to take that responsibility on his own? Was he afraid of something or was he protecting someone else? Whatever his real motives were now doesn't matter as he is a free man now but has to face a life that he left on pause. A lot of things have changed during 20 years. People had moved on but the mark of what he supposedly did, stays with him at the eyes of everyone else. Can you really forget someone when you can't forget what they did to you or forgiving means a fresh start? Why we are drawn by labels and once we see someone in one way we can't see them evolving or as someone different? As we follow Daniel's journey trying to adjust to his new life we can't but root for him so he can start over and find his place. But it is not only hard for him but for all his family that had been to a hard time living with his absence and suffering the judgement of the rest of the town that only can see them as guilty as him.As if they were the ones provoking him to become evil or as if they are evil people too. He can moved on if everyone else is pulling him back and as hard as it has been for him as his family everybody deserves a second chance to prove them right or wrong.
As we see and meet all these characters, family and friends in Daniel's life, we realize they all are fighting their own battles. We just don't know what they are until we get the chance to get to know them. For example his brother, who seems like having the perfect life, taking care of the family business and marries to a beautiful and devoted woman, it is not a happy person. He has built this frustration against his brother, not for what he did, but for what he put them on because of that: business is crashing, their parents were struggling having their son away from them, their sister is just going from one bad relationship to other and traveling to stay away from home, his wife is religious that he can't express his anger with her. And now that Daniel is out, he has to face and deal with everyone's stuff just as if would be his own. So maybe at the end we actually influence in people to push them to do good or bad things, specially if they are sensitive to be influenced. Why can't we just work on our own and try to do better for our best sake instead on dropping our baggage into others? Life is a tough journey and every decision that we make bring a sea of new possibilities but most of the time we can't see ahead of them so we become victims of the destiny, and we have to learn how to love ourselves so no one can break us apart, and be strong enough to face tough times so they don't bring us down. This is a a beautiful story of redemption and love, from the eyes of an ordinary family that can be placed in any town in the country, with lovely characters full of different colors just as anyone you can meet in the supermarket or a the office. Just a middle class family trying to survive and find the right way to full fill their lives after been shaken by a life changing event. And mostly, the journey of a man that has a second chance, that will come with a big package of revenge and hate from others but with hope and love for himself. Is he gonna be able to make it through or will he fall again victim of his circumstances? If you want to know the answer you know where to find it and might give you a new perspective of your own questions.
But if all this is too deep and soulful for you, you might want to take a look to a place that will make you smile and laugh while bringing also some interesting reflections about what you doing with your life. "The Good place" (2016-current) is a sitcom from NBC network, that even has been struggling with it's rating, has all the critics raving about it because it's originality and humor. Maybe the problem with this show might be fact that not everybody believes in that place, an afterlife place where if you had a good life, you are able to get a spot. But believes and religion aside, this is more about morality and how your actions matter. Because we all, at some point wonder what happens next?, we enjoy this life with the thought of something coming after this, and even we have no clue about it, it's what we do in this life what counts for whatever might come. And for so we've been buying the list of things that makes you a good person rather than a not so good one.Reason why we'll follow Eleanor, a young troubled woman that has died in an accident and for some reason has ended in this good place made for all of those that earned a spot in paradise as a reward for all their great actions while alive. Only thing is that she hasn't done anything right. Actually her life was totally a mess. She went from one bad decision to another, full of bad comments, insulting jokes, and hurtful actions to others. She can basically be considered a bad person, a troubled one, just a bitch. So what is she doing in such paradisaical place? Well seems like there has been a mistake, or maybe not. it all depends the perspective. She might have her own reasons to behave like that, we just don't know her story but now we will as she has to learn to co exist with other people that seem to have their shit together and be more thoughtful and intellectual comparing to her. This clash of personalities is what brings magic to the show, bringing a diverse palette of personalities and characters that stock in this place have to learn to accept, communicate and respect each other while trying to figure out their place in this new environment.
Learning that all comes around regarding your actions is key. All of them will explore the cons and pros of making bad decisions and how each one of them speaks loud about their personalities and who they are. Have you ever wonder why things happen to you, and maybe everything is a re action of what you've done previously? If any one is totally good or bad, why should be a good or bad place to wait for? If we are aware that we can't be perfect and we'll make mistakes why keep pushing people towards perfection? You have to look great, perfect body, picture perfect face, perfect job/career, partner, family, and it just keeps going. Why can't we settle with normal or average? We are rebels by nature. We embrace chaos and the only way to avoid self destruction is by motivation towards a better good, something bigger than us, but again, we end being labeled by perfection or imperfection. Why can't we just be us and try our best to improve ourselves in our own persona? Why not accept that life is not always fair and neither we are so we will do our best from what we get and just try to find not the perfect place but the right one for us, the one that fit us better and will let us live and experience a life full of joy and sadness, excitement and frustration. Because only that way we can be humble enough to accept that there are things beyond our knowledge. And just like this funny show, we can just sit and enjoy the fact of being death or more alive than never while going back to what have we done and learn from it to understand where are we know and why are this way because the only way to move forward is being able to forgive yourself and others from anything that is pulling you back realizing that there is always a hidden motive behind those actions and until we figure them out we are as vulnerable as we can. But if what you need is a good laugh and have a good time thinking about how horrible person you've been or how great you think you are, don't miss this underrated sit com that will shock you with life changing twist and unique simple humor while touching core fibers of our won existence, deep enough to laugh loud as if being tickled by god.
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