miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

Paper Towns ... when everything that lives there is fake

Are we have enough of this new movies based in popular YA novels? In times where super hero rule the box office, raunchy comedies are the only ones making money, and animated films are the event of the year, doesn't sound strange that a new genre came out to try to steal the main spot. YA have turned reading series into a pop culture phenomenon. Stories based in coming to age adventures for teenagers or they saving the world in a dystopian future have pleased the young ones were written to as the older that feel related to their stories and still want to be part of them when growing up has turned into a on going process till the end of their lives.

So what could possibly be new and enjoyable about the new movie "Paper Towns" (2015) based on the YA novel by John Green? Remarking that this happens to not be one of his most popular ones yet one of his best reviewed ones. To start we have to say that there's a lot but at the end still nothing great under it's skin. To be more specific let's say that the movie can be divided in three different acts or short films. The first one is the teenage dream, where we get to meet the main characters, a young boy named Q and his neighbor Margo, an adventurous girl that doesn't settle with an ordinary life and likes mysteries turning herself in to the biggest one, while playing the role of the popular chick of high school, the one everybody talks about. So been Q's childhood crush and now about to finish high school, time is running and as he is a shy, not adventurous, very simple guy, he just hopes for the opportunity to get a chance to get her back.

So when one night she appears into his room and propose to join her in a revenge quest against her best friends and ex boyfriend, he all scared say yes just to get the chance to spend time with her. Here everybody fees nauseas with all the possible cliches at this point the story shows. Every joke, romantic momentum, conversation evoques into something we have seen before yet we love about this movies, feels so safe that we can't but root for this two to fall in love and have their happy ending even when we can see it miles away. So the most interesting part of this gets almost at the end of this act, when we get to see the clash of this two very different persons and why the work together so well as one helps the other to fit their needs. He has goals, plans, values, traditions, so simple that is boring but he is just as anyone, he is following the path that everybody made for him, and in her words he looks cute when he's confident but less when he's not. On the other side, she is looking for more, she can't deal with the fact of people looking at her in just one way, she refuses to please them and wants more, something that feels more real, no fake as those ideas everybody is selling to buy a confortable predictable life.

So we jump to the second act, the mystery one, when Margo has disappeared leaving no one but just a few people, including Q to wonder her abouts. He can sleep and stop thinking what could possible went wrong after an amazing night together, is like she left him after the wedding. So in his mind he buys the idea that she left some clues for him to find him, all this with the encourage and support of his two best friends, the real couple that steal the show, two guys so different but so nice and funny that had made Q's life bearable. Radar is a total geek, ashamed of the crazy connection with his friends and family that keeps his girlfriend on the dark about them and B is a wanna be jock that only thinks about girls and sex and video games, and get drunk. The three complement each other. So this quest of lies turns into their new adventure, specially now that after graduation will have to take different paths with no better way that spend their last weeks together.

While searching for this clues, we get to see the real core of this movie, this might not be a romantic comedy but a movie about friendship and how have a crush, which at that age means everything, almost like love for grown ups, and friendships help everyone to grow up, to get out of that shell and experience all what you ever dreamed of. sometimes we need a push to realize that all what is stopping us to truly be ourselves is...in our mind. Get drunk, skip classes, have sex, drive away, destroy things, is al about experience new things, things that everybody talk about we need to try in order to understand them and find they place in our lives, things that will define us as we really are and not following what everybody expect from us, and that would be the real truth about growing up, is being a rabel, a misunderstood, seem stupid, act like a smart ass, just cause we need to, we are a mystery that needs to be solved.

So as life is, we get to the third act, the road trip, that journey that will lead us to that goal, the promise land, become an adult, defining ourselves and embrace what we want, like and are. As so, our three amigos, figured where could possibly be Margo and embrace the adventure of driving there and get back before graduation, plus getting two new additions, the girlfriend and Margo's best friend which seems been the other one concern about her and happens to be B's crush as she happens to be sexy and beautiful, what the odds! So as any conclusion we get to the best part, the momentum has been building up and it's time to take a risk. They travel from Florida to New York state, to one of the most popular paper towns nationwide. This five young adults with a different and unique dream and interest but getting together to support their friend and share a common goal. A metaphor that can't be more familiar.

Once they reach their destiny, would be a spoiler to spill the beans and feel what happens but the fact that things turned as they should be is more than satisfying and without saying exactly what this means, we realize that being a mystery means that we have no idea of what we want and what's the plan we want for us and sometimes the one we been holding to is not the right one, but the one that has been in front of our eyes and haven't noticed yet. That's like a splash of cold water that every kid needs to experience and us, the old ones, remember as a pin point in our lives. Because that's what life means, love, enjoy, have fun, be sad, while meeting interesting people that will lead us through this path, just to call them our friends, and jump to the other and get a new lesson, a new experience in order to keep growing up, becoming a better version of ourselves. Sometimes we need to get lost to be found and this might sound cliche but as the movie at the end things turn out to be very different from what we though and expect at the beginning.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Train wreck or rebels of the new era?

What means monogamy these days? the simple fact of spelling that word brings a lot of emotions and perspectives lately. When not long ago, that was like a sure thing, the only way, a unique option. But now the idea of commitment or the fact of missing to try out other options seems just not right. Commitment has become a turn off. Now that girls are as or more independent than guys, the table is set for a long path of exploring and success that doesn't involve strings to one person in particular. And this includes a whole package of other insecurities and baggage that we carry for the rest of our lives. We transform our relationships in just one more point in our daily agendas that will only serve as a distraction or help when needed.

Modern days, people are so involve in their own lives that there's no room for drama, romance, adventure. Sex has become a pure release of physical need and a confidence boost. When someone desire us, theres no chemistry but the need of feel wanted meaning that we are attractive for others and we are still on the game. Other than that, we can fit more feelings as the agenda is full to commit for dinner or a movie. Just keep it as casual as possible. We value ourselves not for our relationships, friendships or romance, but letting being defined by our jobs and careers. So you are a better catch if in a great job, good income, nice place, great car, fashionable looks, gym body, but if you drink overnight or day, getting shit face, sleeping with whoever gets in your way, just call your friends to hang out, have fun, go party, or need a shoulder to cry or complain, thats just aceptable and fine, you still are a great catch.
All this is "Trainwreck" (2015), the first movie from comedian and stand up Amy Schumer, who has given to women a new voice bringing feminism to other levels, as an equal to manhood. Girls have same opportunities and issues as guys use to. so in a comedy tone she tells their story. Amy is the oldest sister, closer to her dad that cheats on her mom, deciding to leave them all. So being raised by a macho alpha dad, only turns his girl into a mess of emotions where there is no room for commitment and monogamy as an example of the biggest insecurity of feeling not enough for anyone so avoiding getting hurt is easy to commit to failure and dysfunctional relationships. That being said, Amy a grown up, spends her days working for a men's magazine, being great at what she does and spending her nights partying, having fun, getting drunk and hooking up with random guys in a way that sexy has not even been closer. Using sex as a need of validation and escape from feelings make it a circle when we need it to survive and then as a need.

Feelings like desire and passion have a new meaning not related to romance. We are free as humans to follow our instincts so why overthink it. Just have sex and thats fun and will provide an immediate satisfaction while no need to intimate with that person but still getting the benefits of it. And society now judges better someone with experience sex wise than a virgen or someone with traditional values regarding sex, so welcome to horniness. But then Amy gets involve with one of the doctors she is interviewing and happens this is an old fashion guy, a nice one, that really likes her and she actually likes him either. So everything would be set up for romance but things are not as easy as the average romantic comedies. We don't change that easy and those kind of feelings are part of us now, we need to work on them in order to change our previous behavior.

 So when the chance to share time, get to know someone and fall in love knocks the door we tend to run away, and faster if we actually like the person, why? cause we share this fairs and emotions when we feel no one will like us the way we are so we try to protect ourselves and from there starts a chain reaction that lead us into one failure to another. Would be so simple to blame just one thing or circumstance for that behavior. Most of the time, comes from our parents and the way the educate us, how we grew up, the people we are surrounded by, the connections we made in the past, and at the end is the mix of everything, like in the movie we get to see how all this girls misfires came from her own dad, which happens to be her favorite person, so overtime she spend some time with him, gets more bombing and reminding of why se acts that way and why she believes so poor in herself and her relationships. Sometimes family can be a curse.

But among everything is the way, we as individuals had evolved into this new being where open relationships are ok in order to let others involve in our relationship putting on the side that big weight of commitment and bringing more freedom to the table. Or the fact that we focus more time and energy to work out our body and brain but we ignore that fact of working on our souls and minds in order to heal all of that stuff we are dealing with and become a better self. Every day is more common to see and judge love and romance as an old fashion thing, blaming the fact that as an evolve civilization we are capable or open our minds and embrace new ways to explore relationships but ignoring the fact that with that excuse we are getting far from the actual core and sense of a relationship with would be love, trust, support, connection, share not just companion to avoid loneliness. What would happen next? Are we still in search of true love or the love our lives? or just for Mr. right now? How capable are we to commit and make a relationship work or will we keep finding excuses to make the effort and pursue the easy way, while treating like shit to others, or hurting their feeling? It's all a circle that we need to break as a full speed train needs to be stopped.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Farewell to COUGAR TOWN

As many shows start every new season (not long ago, fall was the kick off season for new tv shows, but now that we hitter the new golden era of tv, we get new shows every yearly season), many other have to say good bye, specially those ones that reach the point of a fan base or cult series instead of mainstream. This would be the case of the latest show of actress Courtney Cox, better know for her character Monica in the beloved series "Friends" (1990-2000), but her try out as leading lady in a new comedy was a misfire that made it got almost cancel and then switch networks in order to continue.

"Cougar town" (2009-2015), is a comedy show or sitcom that along it's 6 seasons focuses on a 40 year old woman, recently divorced facing humorously challenges, pitfalls and rewards in this new chapter of life. Jules is her name and she lives in a small town in Florida nicknamed as the title because the high school basketball team, but serves as metaphor of this new era when 40's are the new 30's and adults get a new chance to behave as teenagers or young adults facing what would be their other half lifetime. Of course no one is alone on this ride so her life can't be as simple as she would like with company of her new family: her teenager son, her ex-husband, her new boyfriend, her sarcastic neighbor and best friend and other couple of wine lovers friends that will make every moment a joke with taste of wine or a wine testing stand up comedy.

What started as a funny idea of a comedy exposing this new timing when grown ups can still act like stupid teenagers and as part of life keep discovering wats next after their past failures or are able to have fun not just be boring and full of responsibilities turned into familiar places, cliches, and pleasant jokes after it's 3 first seasons, when for season 4 a change to a new network brought a new perspective to the show, special jumping from the single life to marriage. The term cougar refers to old women dating young guys, and that's what defined the first season. An older women just turned 40 and facing aging but still feeling young after facing the end of an era when now recently divorced gets back to the dating scene and meet new guys after being with her high school sweetheart for over 20 years and still being a mother with an already teenage son that will challenge her in all her decisions.

That's where we met Jules, putting herself out to meet and date guys but not looking anything serious till she starts fighting and getting involve with the new neighbor and bar tender of the town, Grayson, which after fooling around and jumping from hate to love will began a relationship. But what means dating when you are half way on your life? perspectives are different, goals have changed, can't pretend you are back to your early days when future is all you have. Now you got a job and probably you are or supposed to be on your way to achieve your career goals, you have faced ups and downs, but still theres a lot awaiting to be learned, probably you have learned what means been with someone and what a relationships means and brings to your life but once you spent decades with someone getting used to that life, how easy it's to forget that and get back to the beginning?

It's well known that as humans we can't promise anymore that love will be forever, and maybe that's why that realizations had increased divorce rating over last decades, but what no one can tell is what happens next, once you built a life with someone just to realize it's over. Then friends get to the picture to help you through the daily routine, making it as easy or complicated as any family reunion. Sharing advices and perspectives you can realize the person you really are by the people who loved you as sticks around your life.Can anyone still be a parent while learning how to love someone and get drunk in the process? Sex gets a new meaning after having it with the same person over years or that brings just more experience when comes to try it as a single? Or is sex different when you a parent or same rules apply as when you were not?

We've have been programmed to follow a simple life of commitment and marriage but if this one didn't work out there's nothing written of what's next and how to survive through this process. Not too long ago, divorce was not well accepted by society so everyone tried their most to stay together so now the older we get the younger we try to look. As part of this new acceptance of relationships, a new tendency has been created when aging gets you to look as young and attractive as your teenager days, and as we all already agreed that we can make mistakes and no one is perfect but we are a work in progress its easy to forget all those rules and behave as a young person figuring out life, including sleeping with random people and getting drunk with friends while complaining about frustrations on your day.

As they say, the best way to face trouble is with a smile in your face, nothing better than make fun of their situation. Thats where shows like this fit and find their audience. Nothing better than realize what you need, what it's missing or what to do next than laughing out loud with a bunch of guys trapped in the same situation and struggling with life as much as having a blast while doing it. And most important to learn to keep and love all your relationships through life because they will be present and might bring the best or worst of you and that would be defining the way to get to know yourself and move to next chapters easily and always with a big smile in your face. But for now, time to move to the next town and embrace married life and grow up

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Max ... un soldado de cuatro patas

Cuando nos referimos a una película familiar, es muy fácil predecir ante lo que estaremos por ver: una historia que por muy profunda deambulara en territorios superfluas para mantener la accesibilidad de todos los miembros de la familia, contara con una mezcla de géneros, ósea, un poco de drama, un poco de comedia, un poco de suspenso, un poco de acción para de igual manera poder satisfacer a todos y sobre todo sabemos que estamos en terreno seguro pues el desenlace sera complaciente. Ahora si a todo esto le agregamos que la historia esta basada en la mascota favorita de todas las familias, no puede sino agregar mas pastel a la mesa y si no se es un fan de estos animales en definitiva pondrá en riesgo el siquiera aventurarse a verla.

Entonces que podemos decir a favor de "Max" (2015), la nueva entrega del verano sobre algún animalito y sus desventuras on los humanos? Empezando por el hecho de que la cinta toca temas bélicos que poco se conocían sobre los caninos. Todos los vemos y hasta tememos en cualquier redada policiaca donde se aparecen para olfatear alguna indicio de armas, drogas, etc. pero poco se sabe de sus andares en las diferentes guerras. Y la cinta no es solo un tributo a la labor de estos animales sino una muestra mas de su nobleza y conexión con los humanos, dándonos de paso otra lección de las consecuencias de dichos conflictos bélicos tanto para ambas razas.

La historia se centra en Max, un perro labrador belga, por su raza no por su nacionalidad, aclarando, el cual sirve bajo las ordenes de su sargento Kyle, un joven que ha desarrollado buenas aptitudes para dirigir a su grupo incluyendo el canino amigo así como el éxito en varias misiones. El mismo lazo de fraternidad que le tiene a su mascota y soldado lo comparte con Tyler, su segundo a mano y con su familia mas no con su hermano menor Josh que como todo adolescente le guarda cierto recelo por ser el héroe de la familia. Mas las cosas cambian cuando Kyle muere en batalla y es el turno del joven Josh para hacerse cargo de Max y de paso tratar de resolver las incógnitas sobre la muerte de su hermano que lo orillaran a desenterrar otros secretos que lo pondrán en peligro así como al resto de su familia y amigos.

Ok, hasta aquí suena tal como lo predecimos antes, una perfecta aventura familiar. Y efectivamente lo es pero las cosas toman giros para el publico adulto que vale la pena destacar. El conflicto adolescente de crecer y madurar, lo hemos visto y platicado aquí innumerables veces, y seguiremos haciéndolo mientras siga dando de que hablar, pero también hay un sin numero de jóvenes que viven este proceso a lado de sus mascotas y pocas veces se les ha dado el reconocimiento por su labor fiel en las buenas y las malas. Cuando uno esta de malas, deprimido, o excitado, ahi esta para escucharnos y levantarnos el animo, siendo una compañía invaluable. A veces en los peores momentos o esas crisis de identidad que todos padecimos, inclusive como adultos, han cobrado un sentido, y motivación, en compañía de nuestras leales mascotas, y esto lo vemos en el proceso de Josh,  para enfrentar el hecho de perder a su hermano mayor, estar presente y apoyar a su familia durante tan duro momento así como madurar para hacerse responsable de Max y sus responsabilidades dentro de su vida diaria.

Asi mismo Max presenta ciertas facetas a diferencia de otras historias caninas, aquí vemos como los efectos de la guerra afectan a cualquiera y también ellos padecen de efectos post traumáticos que lo hacen mas vulnerable y agresivo con los humanos. Los ruidos, lugares, olores que lo recuerdan al campo de batalla son detonantes de estrés que tendrá que enfrentar para superarlo y aquí entra la ayuda de sus amigos humanos ya que así como a su vez el les ayuda en superar la perdida de uno de sus miembros ellos a su vez le brindan la protección y cariño que necesita para superar sus propios problemas caninos. Desgraciadamente no entraremos en detalles clínicos sobre la psique canina pero es una invitación para todos aquellos amantes de los animales y mas si posen uno para documentarse y no quedarse en la face donde se ven estos solo como una mascota, juguete o propiedad, ya es hora de tratarlos con la madurez y civilización que merecen

Y por ultimo, y por si lo anterior no fue suficiente para volver a poner la llaga sobre la necesidad de votar por un alto a las guerras y cambiar la ideología sobre los conflictos bélicos, ya que la historia se mueve en terrenos que explora la situación de muchos soldados que enfrentan la vida post guerra, es decir, que pasa cuando vuelven a casa? Después del estrés que enfrentaron, cuando enfrentan las consecuencias de portar armas y herir, destruir o matar a alguien o algún territorio foráneo? La experiencia que viven los soldados en un cambio de vida y no podemos asumir que su regreso sera tan sencillo como el volver a casa después de un viaje de negocios. Especialmente cuando de tratar de reincorporarse a la sociedad se trata. A que se dedicaran? Que harán de su tiempo libre? Les gustaran estas opciones? Muchas veces si pero otras no y entonces enfrentamos casos que recaerán an abuso de substancias como alcohol o drogas o actos ilícitos o violentos, todos ellos originados por esta experiencia cuando de no haber sucedido talvez otra seria la historia o talvez en primera instancia se unieron a la milicia por esa necesidad de adrenalina, que es otra forma de droga, entonces como dice el dicho y hablando de animales, que fue primero el huevo o la gallina? Hasta donde somos responsables de estos actos? Ya va siendo hora de evitar por completo el maltrato a nuestros semejantes ya sea humanos o de cualquier raza animal, y el cambio comienza por uno mismo. Tal vez ahora si quieran ver esta cinta familiar.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

AMANDA SEYFRIED .... Una Mamma con caperuza roja.

Durante su corta carrera, pareciera que una actriz esta dispuesta a probar diferentes o todas las facetas posibles que le posiciones un lugar o status dentro de la industria. Tal es el caso de Amanda Michelle Seyfried, una joven actriz originaria del estado de Pennsylvania, que con tan solo 29 años, cuenta con una carrera de actriz de mas de 10 años a pesar de haber empezado a sus 11 primaveras como modelo, a pesar de ser hija de una terapia y un farmacista y ser de descendiente aleman únicamente, pero es el gusanillo artístico de su hermana, una músico que la hace tomar clases de canto en su adolescencia para un coach de Broadway y que tras dejar el modelare a los 17 años, se recluye en un poblado para trabajar como mesera y descifrar que seria de su vida.

Así, tras haber incursionado en la actuación a sus 15 años, regresa para probar suerte en la pantalla grande tras pequeñas participaciones en la pantalla chica. Así audiciona para el papel de Regina George, la queen bee en un proyecto llamado "Mean Girls" (2004), bajo la batuta de Tina Fey. Aunque no logro ninguno de los papeles principales, le otorgan el papel de Karen, la mejor amiga de la villana, una de las chicas plásticas, lo cual le daría un empuje a su carrera interpretando a una virginal y demasiado ingenua rubia que pertenece al grupo mas popular de la preparatoria. La cinta se convirtió en un éxito de taquilla y a la fecha uno de los clásicos del genero. En definitiva un excelente inicio para su carrera a tan solo 19 años de edad.

Tras audiciones para otros roles principales en series de tv que resultaron en ahora clásicos, y sin lograr ninguno, pero la actriz no se daría por vencida hasta que así se colgó en la aclamada serie de la cadena HBO, "Big Love" (2006-2011), una serie que cuenta la historia de un hombre polígamo con tres esposas y una nueva version de familia. La actriz interpreta a una de las hijas del protagonista con una de las esposas. A pesar de la larga corrida del show, ella solo participa hasta su cuarta temporada debido a compromisos en su carrera cinematográfica que empieza a despuntar tras su participación en la cinta "Mamma Mia", basado en el popular musical de Broadway, una historia sobre una mujer y sus tres amores bajo las canciones del popular grupo sementero ABBA, historia que resulta irónicamente similar a la serie televisiva en que participa. Conciencia o destino? SU talento como cantante le vale el rol protagónico juvenil mas no sin antes haberse colado en la cinta "Alpha Dog" (2006), bajo la batuta del director Nick Cassavetes, un drama criminal que sale del festival sundance de ese año y con un elenco de jóvenes nuevos talentos que incluye a Justin Timberlake, Olivia Wilde, Emile Hirsh y Anton Yolchin, contando la historia verídica del secuestro y asesinato de un joven y los eventos relacionados con el narcotrfico de California.

Con el éxito obtenido  posicionado su cara en el gusto del publico como una promesa, participa en el esperado proyecto "Jennifer's Body" (2009), una sátira de horror sobre vampiros, demonios y adolescencia, mas el proyecto de la sobre valuada Diablo Cody fue un rotundo fracaso. Por fortuna la actriz no llevaba el peso del protagónico y su papel co protagónico le vale el gusto del publico como una posible nueve sweet heart o joven talento para las nuevas generaciones. Tratando de probar el cine independiente co protagoniza al lado de Julianne Moore y Liam Neeson en el thriller erotico "Chloe" (2009), bajo la dirección del director independiente Atom Egoyan y compartiendo pantalla con el par de talentosos actores mencionados, mas la historia de una joven que trabaja como call girl y se involucra con un hombre casado, lo cual genero el morbo necesario para una recaudación decente para el tipo de filme y una corrida limitada, mucho en la falta de erotismo y una interpretación no muy arriesgada en ese entonces para la actriz.

Para 2010, protagoniza a lado de Channing Tatum el drama romantico "Dear John" basado en la popular novela del escritor Nicholas Sparks, que se tradujo en un éxito comercial al contar la historia de una pareja de jóvenes separados por la guerra y contando su historia via cartas de amor. Nuevamente , tal vez coincidencia o totalmente planeado su siguiente proyecto "Letters to Juliette" (2010), la pone el genero romántico contando otra historia de amor, esta vez sobre dos jóvenes que se enamoran tras ayudar a responder las cartas que la gente escribe a Julieta, la heroina del clásico de Shakespeare. Con el éxito obtenido, logra otro protagónico cargando con el peso de la cinta en sus hombros , la nueva adaptación del clásico cuento infantil, Caperucita roja, "Red Riding Hood" (2011), bajo una vision mas obscura, codeandose mas como un thriller, lo cual no fue del agrado del publico y represento su primer fracaso, desgraciadamente ella cargo con las consecuencias afectando su promisoria carrera.

En 2011, co protagoniza nuevamente con el cantante Justin Timberlake la cinta de ciencia ficción "In Time", donde en un futuro cercano todos nacemos con timing de vida que se puede manipular de acuerdo a su posición económica. La cinta no causo asombro ya que la premisa aunque intrigante en su resultado no ofrece novedades ni sorpresas en el genero que satisfagan a los fans. Instalada en la faceta experimental ingresa al genero del thriller ahora con la cinta "Gone" (2012), sobre una joven cuya hermana desaparece sin dejar rastro. Nuevamente la premisa no presenta novedades y la historia cae en sitios explorados previamente y aunque no un fracaso paso al olvido rápidamente. A partir de aquí su carrera pareciera empezar a tomar un giro, no mas una promesa como protagonista o leading lady, mas con su talento y el éxito del pasado, le permite codearse en proyectos de renombre aunque tan solo como parte del elenco, esto inicia con "Les Miserables" (2012), la nueva adaptación del multi premiado y clásico musical de la revolución Francesa, en el cual su interpretación quedo opacada por las de sus protagonistas, Anne Hathaway y Hugh Jackman. La cinta fue todo un éxito mas poco se le atribuyo a la actriz.

Formando parte de otro proyecto con elenco multi estelar, "The Big Wedding" (2013), una comedia familiar que no logro ni risas ni romance y a pesar subsisitio un par de semanas en cartelera, contando la historia de una familia y sus desventuras ante la boda de uno de sus miembros. Ni el reparto que incluye a un acartonado Robert DeNiro, La repetida Diane Keaton, otra no mas futura sweet heart Katherine Heigl, y una Susan Sarandon y Robin Williams de relleno, lograron sacar a flote esta aburrida y repetida formula. Nuevamente experimentando, presta por primera vez su voz a la cinta animada "Epic"(2013), un ambicioso proyecto del estudio de animación de Sony Pictures, mas a pesar del aplauso de la critica, la historia de una joven que descubre un mundo miniatura de los insectos que viven en el jardín de nuestras casas fue un fracaso en taquilla épico.

Por esta razón se refugia en el cine independiente donde nuevamente se adentra en una faceta diferente, al contar una historia verídica de una leyenda del cine...porno, "Lovelace" (2013), un drama biográfico que cuenta la historia de Linda Boreman aka. Lovelace o quien protagonizara el iconico filme porno de los 70's "Garganta Profunda", que la convertiría en una celebridad de dicha industria. A pesar del aplauso de la critica en el festival de Sundance su corrida comercial fue muy limitada y aunque no un éxito el trabajo de la actriz fue reconocido por su talento. Mas no mucho hizo, que para 2014 solo presenta "A million ways to die in the west", un western que sirve de parodia de la cultura americana y global, muy al estilo de su director y protagonista Seth Mcfarlane y se convierte en uno de los fracasos mas sonados de ese verano pues no logro arrancar ni risas ni billetes verdes.

Sin embargo este 2015 pareciera regresar con mas fuerza con una serie de proyectos tan diversos entre ellos pero demostrando esa versatilidad ya característica de la actriz y que pudiera darle un segundo y re posicionarla en el gusto de los fans y de la industria o podría ser el inicio de otro decline en su carrera. Primero la vimos en la cinta indie "While We're Young", una historia que sirve para criticar y exponer ese gusto y afición que se vive por la juventud y lo que esta representa como faceta en nuestras vidas desde la perspectiva de una pareja de cuarentones (Naomi Watts y Ben Stiller) atrapados en la crisis de edad media que conocen y se relacionan con otra pareja de jóvenes hippies (Amanda y Adam Driver) para poder aceptarse y aceptar su momento y madurar finalmente. Este mes  la vemos en la secuela "Ted 2", la continuación de aquel éxito del osito de peluche parlanchina y lépero como cualquier hijo de albañil. A este momento ha sido un éxito mediano pero un fracaso en comparación a su antecesora. La actriz se une al reparto ya conocido como una abogada que buscara reconocer al susodicho oso como una persona y no una propiedad parodiando la situación actual del país ante sus inmigrantes y lucha por derechos civiles de una sociedad multi racial.

A finales de año la veremos como Wendy en la precuela del clásico "Pan", un ambicioso proyecto que ya se movie de su estreno en verano al otoño, y que brindara una nueva vision del clásico contando los hechos previos a lo que ya todos conocemos, y también ya todos conocemos como le fue la ultima vez que intento re interpretar clásicos por mucho que este venga con mayor pedigree. Y por ultimo la cinta independiente "Fathers and Daughters", un drama a lado de Russell Crowe y Aaron Paul, una historia multi racial que pretende codearse en la anticipada temporada de premios así que su futuro es tan incierto como el de la actriz quien al menos tendrá la oportunidad de demostrar mas de su talento y carisma que podrían funcionar como las herramientas que finalmente la coloquen en la cima de la industria o la entierren en un mar de olvido de jóvenes actores con promisorias carreras.