lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

GERARD BUTLER....The phantom of 300 or 2000?

Hay actores que persiguen la profesión por amor al arte, la oportunidad de interpretar diferentes roles que serán un reto y privilegio el tan solo poder ser parte de ello, entregándose por completo a una actuación y al hecho de interpretar a alguien diferente a uno mismo. Pero hay otros actores que persiguen los efectos secundarios de esta profesión, la fama y el reconocimiento que trae consigo el convertirse en una celebridad publica, con una base de fans siguiendo tus pasos y que te ven como un modelo a seguir o un objeto de deseo. Este  segundo pareciera ser el caso de Gerard James Butler, un nativo Escocés de ahora 46 años que creció como el mas joven de tres hermanos pero después de la separación de sus padres, es criado por su madre y no vuelve a ver a su padre sino hasta tener 16, razón que podría justificar sus decisiones siguientes, como formar parte de una banda de rock en la universidad mientras aplicaba para abogacía, siendo también el presidente de la sociedad de alumnos, pero una vez graduado esto se viene abajo, siendo irresponsable en su trabajo y siendo despedido de una importante firma a la semana.

Por ende decide mudarse a Londres persiguiendo su sueño de fama para convertirse en actor a los 25 tirando la abogacía por la basura, y consiguiendo roles en teatro mas que por su talento, por su entusiasmo y energía sobre los otros candidatos. Motivo por el cual decide mudarse a Los Angeles para continuar persiguiendo esta carrera con mejores oportunidades que el teatro y brincar a la pantalla grande. Con la falta de una educación en las artes pero con una atractiva presencia, logra colarse en pequeños papeles que lo llevarían a su primer rol protagónico y significativo en una cinta, obviamente, de terror que no aspiraba a mucho y que por supuesto fue aplastada por la critica pero su éxito moderado entre los fanáticos del genero le permitió cobrar cierto renombre, "Dracula 2000" (2000) bajo la mano de prestigiado director Wes Craven. Tiempo después logra participar en la cinta "Reign of Fire" (2002), una historia sobre una guerra post apocalíptica entre la humanidad y dragones que han despertado para gobernar la tierra. El blockbuster fue un fracaso en taquilla y critica pero gano la oportunidad de trabajar a lado de actores como Matthew Mcconaughey y Christian Bale.

Probada su capacidad como villano es tiempo de darle un giro con roles como el galán protagónico, pero no el típico principe azul sino mas del tipo del rebelde sin causa, así co protagoniza al lado de la actriz Angelina Jolie en la secuela y cinta de ación "Lara Croft Tomb Rider: The Cradle of Life" (2003), cinta basada en el popular video juego y que ahora centra a su protagonista en la búsqueda de la fuente de la juventud, acompañada por un caza fortunas interpretado por Butler, llevando una que buena química en pantalla con la actriz que desgraciadamente no pudo salvar la cinta y la serie del fracaso en taquilla pero abriéndole oportunidades al actor como estrella de acción, por lo que su siguiente cinta, ubicada en el genero de ciencia ficción, "Timeline" (2003), a lado de Paul Walker y basada en la novela de Michael Crichton, esta vez sobre las aventuras de un grupo de arqueólogos que tendrán que viajar en tiempo para rescatar a su profesor de una Francia medieval. Ni la dirección del Richard Donner pudo salvar esta historia del rechazo publico y poniendo otro fracaso en la incipiente carrera del actor.

Dando un giro inesperado, se cuelga su primer protagónico con la adaptación cinematografía del clásico de Broadway "The Phantom of the Opera" (2004), la cual no solo presenta una fiel representación en pantalla grande del musical de Andrew Lloyd Weber, sino poniendo al actor en la mira publica por su interpretación y siendo esta su primer gran éxito en su carrera. Tratando de expandir su nombre internacionalmente forma parte de una producción canadiense/Inglesa, "Beowful & Grendel " (2005), basada vagamente en el poema homónimo, mas desgraciadamente su corrida comercial se torno limitada optando la oportunidad de exponerse en grande en ambas tierras, pero esto no lo detendría para seguir colaborando en cintas británicas ahora que goza de cierto renombre en America y así protagoniza una pequeño drama ingles: "Dear Frankie" (2005), la historia de un niño sordomudo que recibe cartas de su padre que no es mas que una estafa creada por su propia madre quien conoce a un desconocido en un bar y le pide hacerse pasar por el padre de su hijo para poder continuar con su farsa creada trayendo inesperados giros en la vida de los tres ahora involucrados.

Regresando a America el actor protagoniza la cinta de acción "300" (2007), basada en la novela gráfica y bajo el mando del director Zack Snyder con una visión que re definiría el genero visualmente, convirtiéndose en un éxito instantáneo y rompiendo records en su tiempo para una cinta clasificada como solo para adultos, por su violencia gráfica en pantalla. Mucho se comenta que parte del éxito de la cinta, ademas de lo previamente mencionada, se basa en la presencia de su elenco 99% formado por hombres usando no mas que pequeños speedos, espadas y escudos con cuerpos perfectos y abdómenes de acero, lo cual atrajo tanto hombres en sed de sangre y acción así como mujeres dispuestas a tomar esta dosis mientras se deleitan la pupila mientras presencian la batalla 300 espartanos en contra los Persas para defender su hogar de una inminente invasion por el imperio Persa. Ese mismo año, aparece en un genero muy diferente, co protagonizando a lado de la actriz Hilary Swank, el romance "P.S. I love you", donde tras la muerte de su esposo, una joven recibirá una serie de cartas que la guiaran en una serie de retos que este le deja para reconstruir su vida sin el, y conquistando a todos aquellos que no cayera bajo sus redes tras verlo semi desnudo en violenta acción con su previo cinta y anotandose otro gran éxito en un nuevo genero y posicionándolo como  sex symbol y celebridad en su corta cerrera.

Nuevamente regresa a producciones independientes y extranjeras, ahora a lado de actores como Pierce Brosnan y Maria Bello con la cinta "Butterfly on a wheel" (2007), la cual es una alusión al poema de Alexander Pope, cuya linea hace referencia metafórica al hecho de porque alguien pondría tanto esfuerzo en lograr algo pequeño o sin importancia. Obviamente no canto con distribución en los EU. Posteriormente dando otro giro, se involucra en el genero familiar con la cinta "Nim's Island" (2008), a lado de Jodie Foster y Abigail Breslin, basada en el libro infantil homónimo sobre una niña que busca ayuda en el autor de su libro favorito cuando su padre desaparece en la isla del Pacifico Sur donde habitan. Sorpresivamente la cinta tuvo una buena respuesta en taquilla convirtiendo en otro éxito para sus involucrados. Retomando sus roles protagónicos participa en "RocknRolla" (2008), una comedia de acción del entonces visionario director británico Guy Richie sobre un grupo de rebeldes sobreviviendo una estafa a una de las cabezas principales de la mafia inglesa. La cinta es ahora un clásico de culto y aunque tuvo mediano éxito en ese entonces, su elenco de ahora A listers la hace una ganadora del genero.

Con el exit probado como galán protagonist, co protagoniza la comedia romántica "The Ugly Truth" (2009), que busca dar un giro al genero contando la historia desde la cínica perspectiva del genero masculino que ve el amor y romance de manera muy diferente a las féminas pero que a final de cuentas cada perspectiva aporta algo nuevo que balancea el resultado final y complaciendo hasta el mas exceptico. La formula funciono de maravilla convirtiéndola en éxito arrollador para su genero y sus protagonistas. Mas el actor evitando ser catalogado en dichos géneros que le han valido el éxito en su carrera, ahora probara con aquellos que no lo han sido tanto, y así regresa a la ciencia ficción, esta vez con "Gamer" (2009), una historia ubicada en una época donde juegos online pueden utilizar seres humanos como jugadores y ser controlados por los participantes. Desgraciadamente la premisa así como el resultado final dan mucho que desear y están esos de ser atractivos lo cual llevo al actor quien cargaba la cinta en sus hombres, a un inminente fracaso.

Tratando de quitarse la espinal fracaso previo, el actor se involucra en el thriller "Law Abiding Citizen" (2009), a lado de Jamie Foxx, una historia ubicada en Philadelphia, donde un hombre buscara hacer justicia propia sobre el asesino de su familia y el sistema legal que lo dejo libre, y aunque sus intenciones series fueron aplastadas por la critica logró un buen éxito en taquilla. Consolidado como galán romántico no del tipo niño bueno, co protagoniza a lado de Jennifer Aniston la comedia romántica "The bounty Hunter" (2010), sobre un cazador de recompensas contratado para atrapar a su ex esposa que se ha dado a la fuga, obviamente trayendo consecuencias románticas para ambos no sin antes meterlos en una serie de eventos para llegar a ello que provocaron mas risas que suspiros, pero ente ello muchos billetes, anotando otro éxito en la carrera de ambos actores. Regresando al genero familiar, presta su voz en una cinta animada por primera vez, para "How to train your dragon" (2010), de la casa DreamWorks, una historia de vikingos y dragones que buscan co existir en paz, descubriendo que el único medio para lograrlo es vencer los pre juicios hacia aquellos que no conocemos o tememos incluyendo nosotros mismos. Esta vez, estos dragones trajeron para el actor no solo un éxito en taquilla sino con la critica que amo la cinta.

Insistiendo en hacer una carrera en su tierra natal, participa en el primer film como director del actor Ralph Finnes, "Coriolanus" (2011) basado en la popular obra de Shakespeare. Obviamente sus aspiraciones artísticas y comerciales fueron tan bajas como su distribución a pesar de contar con elenco diverso de actores reconocidos internacionalmente. Tratando de perseguir el reconocimiento como actor serio, participa en "Machine Gun Preacher" (2011), un drama biográfico sobre Sam Childers, un ladrón convertido en sacerdote con una lucha personal por defender oréanos en el sur de Sudan. Con una mala recepción de la critica la cinta tuvo una corrida limitada que la llevo a una pobre taquilla y al rincón del olvido para la filmografía del actor. Persistente por lograr el balance perfecto en su carrera, entre cintas series y con un tinte de acción donde es mejor conocido, protagoniza "Chasing Mavericks" (2012), otro drama biográfico, de Jay Moriarity, un joven que destaco en las competencias de surf nacionales al competir en olas catalogadas como mavericks interpretando al entrenador que llevaría a este joven de ser un novato a un surfista profesional, fungiendo a la vez como el padre que el joven nunca tuvo para aprender mas allá del deporte, de la vida, antes de su prematura muerte a loa 22 años cuando buceaba de vacaciones. Desgraciadamente la cinta a pesar de una extensa campaña publicitaria no logro ni una decente recepción.

Viendo su fama y popularidad desvanecerse poco a poco el actor regresa a su zona de confort con una comedia romántica titulada "Playing for keeps" (2012), aludiendo el titulo a relaciones de pareja así como al deporte soccer, donde el actor interpreta a un entrenador de soccer infantil relacionados con un grupo de madres solteras y casadas que lo ven como un buen partido y que cada una le hará ver un lado de su vida que lo ha llevado al lugar donde esta ahora y aprender de esos errores para enmendarlos y darle un nuevo giro, lo cual curiosamente aplicaría para su vida personal llevándolo a rehabilitación por abuso de pastillas. Una vez rehabilitado protagoniza la cinta de acción "Olympus has fallen" (2013), una decente propuesta donde terroristas logran tomar la casa Blanca para atentar un asesinato hacia el presidente, siendo la cabeza servicio secreto, interpretado por el actor, quien tome la situación en sus manos y salve el día y a la Nación. La cinta tuvo un éxito sorpresivo que le llevaría a una secuela que veremos el proximo mes titulada ahora "London has fallen", repitiendo la misma premisa ahora ubicando la acción en la ciudad homónima y repitiendo el elenco causante del éxito previo.

Mas su primer intento en secuelas data en 2014, con "How to train your dragon 2", la secuela del éxito animado, que nuevamente se gano a la critica, que aplaudio a la cinta por su profunda historia, mas dirigida para los adultos que para los niños, siendo precisamente esto su talon de aquiles al no funcionar bien en taquilla por sentirse demasiado seria para el publica infantil y verse demasiado infantil para el publico adulto. Este mes regresa a la pantalla grande con la cinta épica "Gods of Egypt" (2016), una vaga adaptación de leyendas del antiguo Egipto sobre sus dioses y ciencias en una aventura de un joven ladrón por salvar a la mujer que ama y su ciudad de un Dios opresor  que no presenta una historia solida y efectos especiales mediocres que ni emociona ni divierte y se queda a medias tratando de imitar otras cintas del genero y por ende su resultado en taquilla a la fecha es mediocre o pobre para los estándares y dado su presupuesto. Razón por la cual su carrera y popularidad sera puesta en tela de juicio y se determinara en base a los resultados de sus próximos filmes y aunque dista de ser visto como un actor serio, su posición como estrella de acción o galán romántico puede estar en decadencia ante la falta de talento y un sex appeal dirigiéndose a un publico mucho mas adulto que gusta de mayor calidad sobre cantidad. Año decisivo para la su carrera definitivamente.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Eddie the Eagle... fly as far as you want

"The important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part; the important thing in life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well" - Pierre de Coubertin. This is the real meaning about the the next movie we will talk about and before anything comes to your mind and judge by it cover, let's start saying this is not a another sports movie. It is a feel good movie for sure and even falls in most of the cliches of sports and feels good movies, all this just work to serve a story about life and pursuing your dreams and how this works in life not just as an advice for life or making decisions about but finding the right when everything goes wrong, to enjoy happiness when everybody is giving you a hard time and to believe in yourself and prove everybody wrong. And yes, this is also a biography about someone that most of us haven't heard, specially since it's based on an olympic athlete from the UK back in the late 80's. This is the story of "Eddie the Eagle" (2016), a young man that since got hurt and broke his knees when just a kid, decided we wants to go to the Olympics.

The same way we all have dreamed about becoming rock stars, or dancers, or firemen, he just had this thought in his mind and is decided to go after it. even when he shows having no talent in any of the potential sports. When time goes by and he starts growing up, its his own family, his father to be specific the one who asks him to stop trying and realize he has no talent, or any option to go to the olympics so it's time of him to start focusing in real life and his studies and helping him with the family business, being a Plummer. So after his first fall and he's about to believe all his fathers words a new realization pops out in his mind motivating him to keep trying and fighting for his dream just that now in a different way, focusing in the winter Olympics. This gives him a new opportunity to prove some talent and finally some trophies start to come, but again when he is ready to apply for sponsorship to go to the Olympics as a ski athlete the heads on the committee put a stop to his dreams again, explaining that he has no talent or opportunity to be an Olympic athlete and compite with excellence not just as an amateur.

So again, after his dreams has been crushed and seems that everybody insists on trying to prove him the opposite of he believes and wants, but he knows what he wants and he has te courage to fight for it and even feeling down, is not ready to give up, so again looking in to the light on the darkness he finds an answer on a competition that his country has no one applying for: ski jumper. So once he signs up for the training camp, reality starts to hit and his real challenge begins now trying, again and maybe for the last time to prove others wrong and to prove himself he can do it, even when trying it it's almost killing him but he is determined to fight for his dreams. Fortunately as many times in life life puts people in our lives for a reason, sometimes we don't realize their real propose till its too late or maybe in time to take advantage of that, so in this case he finally tarts getting some help and some friends that will teach him and support him in this personal challenge . What happens next you'll have to discover by yourself once you see this emotional experience, but what makes it really special and emotional is the slap in the face you get once you look back at your own life and realize how many times we give up on our dreams or we fall for what other have to say about us just because there own agenda when don't even know us.Sadly this kind of judgement tends to define many of us, but is our strength and being able to shut those voices down and listen to our inner voice , follow our heart, is what matters. Fight for what we believe will prove others wrong and those who really loves us and are capable of put their own insecurities on the side to let us be without copping us will prove what love really is.

And again, as many sports movies telling a story of an underdog coming to triumph, this will follow the book but that's just the story line to follow a personal journey, a man's challenge, a coming to age story, a fight for your dreams, and the courage to stand up for yourself, because here doesn't matter if you win but as the quote says, what matters is being part of, and all the process in between. Also the personification of the young Eddie, a shy young guy, that might look insecure but has more balls than anyone around him serves just to prove that what matters at the end its not your natural talent for sports, arts or any activity, but the ability of being humble enough to learn from your mistakes and listen to others. This talent made him also win worldwide attention when he proves he is not there for the medal but to the opportunity to do his best, and that charm gave him friends and recognition, something that lot of people lack these days when mostly seeking for popularity and losing being a genuine person to become a copy of someone else. And earning respect from all kinds of people is just a matter of time when proving them wrong with your real talent.

Life is a sum of moments, experiences that start building of for an end, all leading to somewhere that will test you just to take to another place, making new friends and surrounding by different people, some will help you, others will try to break you, but all of them are serving for a bigger propose, the big picture, a master plan, that we have been pursuing and has the only purpose to bring the best of us, and sometimes we won't listen ad follow it, being trap in others life and decisions, but if we smart enough to read the clues, and listen to ourselves will take you places we couldn't imagine otherwise. And when we get to that specific moment, will feel like flying and so peaceful and excited that we won't be able to describe or put words on it but just enjoy it and then share whit of those who believed in us. So this is a story about life and what achieve your goals means, using a sports based story that will make you feel good as any orgasm can do but you only will enjoy it if knows what it takes to get there, to fight for it and as Hugh Jackman, in his role as Eddie's coach and an old time athlete that gave up in the past for not being able to follow the rules and listen blinded by his own proud, said: it's like making love to your favorite celebrity, but you only know what i mean if you have tried before. Time to lose your virginity and start practicing!

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

How To Be Single or how to love yourself...

Why is there an apparently obsession with relationships? There are tons of movies out there just focused on love and relationships. And by love i mean the one where you fall for someone else and that journey to get to know someone and create a connection that will lead into making plans together, share moments or a life in the future, sexual desire and finding yourself challenged by someone different. There is actually a whole genre dedicated to this kind of stories, so may i introduce you the rom-com, better known as romantic comedies, or romance, because not everything is happiness and cottons and candies. Love and relationships as we had already talked before are a hard work, a continuos improvement as we humans tend to lead on the complex side and like to evolve with time, changing our preferences and falling into routines that lead to boredom, but the fact to share a long period of time with someone that we chose is not as simple and romantic as it's sounds but definitely is worthy when feels right and specially choosing the right person for each one of us.

So after all this wave of worshipping romance and a quest for true love a new opportunity to present another kind of love feels refreshing and actually is very welcome as we are talking of the first love we need to achieve in order to love others, loving ourselves. Embracing the fact of being by yourself, with no one to support you or cheer you up, just getting to know you the same way you willing to do with others, enjoying your me times as fun times to remember, and accepting the fact that being alone and standing up for your own believes and pursuing your own dreams is not a selfish act or an excuse to shut down others but to enjoy your life cause it's only yours and you are the only one to make a statement of it ricing your voice out load over others to put yourself out and stand among others. So with that said, now may i present you "How to be single" (2016), a new comedy that also pretends to be romantic in a very contemporary way but as the title implies, this time is all about you and your own journey to find love, a love for yourself, to get to know someone, and that one is also you and that way, lovers and friends will come to you organically and will treasure moments that otherwise you would be sacrificing in order to make things work with others.

In order to make all this easier and making mores sense the story centers in four girls and a guy (and not to say this is a movie for women but allies to anyone but to be honest and also thinking that producers are trying to make money out of it, the main target for this genre are women, but don't get sacred if you are not, this one you'll definitely enjoy no matter what category you want to put yourself into). Our main character is a young girl, Alice, like the one in wonderland, but this one is another land called NYC, and she has been trapped in relationships all her life, jumping from to other, so when she finishes collage and get a job opportunity in the big apple, she decides to take a break with her college boyfriend to try to figure out things and get to know themselves as individuals out of the relationship, even when he's not agree with it. So as any young girl in a big city, great moments come to you, parties, long nights out, meeting guys, hook ups, or in resume lot of sex and alcohol. But the plan was to challenge herself as an independent woman so when she finds herself falling again into relationships with other guys and crossing paths with strangers just trying to jump into their lives, and again putting herself on the side, she will need to awake and realize that she doesn't know herself and she is not falling in love with anyone but just looking to feel completed, saved, and protected. All the wrong things to start a relationship.

Then is when her new best friend comes to the picture trying to show her that what she needs is to stand by herself and when this party girl seems superficial and just caring about having a good time, a slap of reality will shake her to prove that she might be the first to know the real her and actually is trying to help, pushing her in the right direction, avoiding commitment so she can enjoy life, her own time and pursue all those dreams she always talk about. But in this era where people are so focus in their selves, taking selfies of them even in the toilet, or just checking their phones 24/7, skipping moments just trying to be in the next one, this encouragement to appreciate time out of relationships could be misunderstood, so we get the other side of the coin, when we meet Alice's sister, an independent doctor, working long hours with big goals and a very successful career but a very lonely life. She know what she wants and she knows herself, maybe too much, so she's definitely not looking for any romance and no need of someone other than sexual needs. But when out of the blue she meets a young, charismatic, and old fashioned guy, that seems very into her, willing to get to know her even when she keeps pushing him away, she might realize that a life your by yourself could be sad and lonely. What's the fun about being successful having no one to share that with or without someone that will challenge you to be better and help you when things are not supposed to be easy and more important, that will love and accept you for who you are.

That's the true lesson about love and relationships, we need to find a balance and know yourself, like our fourth horse woman, a friend that spends all her free time in the bar downstairs of her apartment trying to find the man of her dreams online and figuring out statistics to make that happen, while the bartender, the guy that i mentioned before, starts falling for her. He is the guy that enjoys being single so he can sleep with as many girls as he can. He know the rues of the game and knows how to play it, and is working very well to him until he meets her, and she also now what she wants and he is not part of it so  she won't fall for him, she will fight to find her prince charming, and this one is not all about looks, but the perfect package, it's all about chemistry so when he is rejected, that;s when he will start his first step towards realizing that his life might have a lot of company but no one involves feelings or commitment and that can be sad as well, what;s the fun about paying solo all the time? Even fun can turned into boredom and routine is no fun. So as the movie quotes, the magic of love is that feeling and excitement of sharing with someone but is only those moments in between, when we are single, and standing by ourselves, the ones that will define us, and there will be just a few of them that will come and fulfill us, so we need to stop in that moment and enjoy cause when we realize will be gone. Love yourself and be happy without no one. That's the clue to find love and by love means sharing doing with others things that you would enjoy doing by yourself.

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

Hail, Caesar! ... A hell of a tribute to the movie industry

From the brilliant mind behind classics in cinema history comes their new film that can't be more accesible to commercial crowds, with a very light plot and a goofy sense of humor that brings on screen a A list cast that includes George Clooney, Josh Brolin, Channing Tatum, Scarlett Johansson, Tilda Swinton among others, the cohen brothers pay tribute to movies and their industry, with a pace that feels more Andersonian than their most popular thrillers and other brilliant comedies, the best way to reflect what's behind the screen and along the process of a movie making than a movie itself based on the golden era for movies, back in the 50's where the cold war was not only in the news but was something alive, part of everyone's life and a feeling that turn into paranoia among every industry and citizen of the country back then, but what would be of a war without the magic of movies and entertainment? How can spies, thieves and prostitutes can make it through it and success in life without the enlightening power of entertainment spotlighting them as heroes and survivors, becoming a thing before being judge or criticized.

All this and more is "Hail, Caesar!" (2016), which takes it's on title from one of the multiple movies of Capital Studios, than as one of many metaphors, represents all what capitalism means, proving than here as in any other industry the goal is not about movies and making art, innovate or transcend, it's all about the money. The movie industry turnes cinema from one of the biggest and most popular arts in the world into a money maker, a way to produce and export a product that sells itself as art and pure entertainment to become just a way to expand all kinds of income and using marketing and celebrities to dell it, it all goes back to the basics. And so the movie follows the story of a problem fixer man from the studio along 24 hrs when he faces the fact that his main star of the new movie has been kidnapped by an unknown group that asks for a ransom that will be offered to the Communism as this group is full of old people devoted to it, when their job as writers for studios is not paying back what they think is well deserved and because they are now part of  something bigger than themselves, that has left them aside, as a group of miscast looking for redemption and some kind of fame.

While this man follows the clues to find his star, he will run into other problems like the new order from one of the big heads to include an action hero, a super star that is popular among the fans and his stupid and simple movies are making more money than others, to jump into drama and become a real actor, when he barely knows how to speak, making this a big problem for his new director, a well known and visionary one that sees his career in risk after this decision leading him to skip art and his own signature for films to make use of editing and deliver the kind of product that others are expecting from him. Now that sounds kind of familiar, right? How many of us are trapped in an office or a job that just asks for us a check list that has to be done without questions and putting behind any new ideas or personal perspective just to satisfied a need for others.

And continuing with his long day, dealing with reporters seeking for gossips and attempting to publish the news about his missing celebrity, he jumps from one place to other where all kind of movies are in process, musicals and fantasy, dramas and epics, only remembering that time where movies were out of FX and only using simple basic for film making that turned a decade into an era where  movie was seen for millions and usually became classics, and the surprise effect was there as that feeling of being watching something more human and simple, not only full of violence and explosions, using sexual content to bring more people to the theaters but delivering what was current for that time, like politics and religion. two facts that should never been discussed over dinner but on screen they get a new perspective and power leading people to one side or the other and also becoming a very sensitive point due to a time where people still believed in a god and language and traditions were very subjective for that nature. A perfect time now for reflection and compare what are we watching these days and realizing what's the meaning we use for quality now over the last century.

But nothing would be better to evolve and move society than movies. A way to expose new ideas, transform people into believers and explore new worlds and emotions just to realize that all those people we are following and we admire on screen, are so different in real life that we barely know them. How our most beloved dancer and hunky star can be leading a new political revolution that will turn the country into a different world or the most beautiful and talented actress is just a puppet behind curtains where she will re married the new guy in order to play the cards of fame and get the benefits of a life with insurance. And sometimes the less talented turns to be the most real of all of them, but at the end what matters of all of them is who gets the more money and how getting through people's emotions, ideals, believes, we can transform society into a better or worse place and at the same time will make moments that will last forever like a dreams machine where what really matters is what is actually happening behind the camera, in the editing room, at the screening room, in the parking lot, or maybe at someone'sieac house where writers and celebrities will exchange stories just realizing at the end that no one knows who created who, the writer to the character, or the actor to inspire the writer?, maybe we'll never know but that's the magic of movies and they never looked bater and felt so human and funny than now, looking back to them.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

OUTLANDER...Because love never gets old

Through time we have been part of great romances and love stories. History has proved that is also full of great couples. We have been introduced to real and fiction journeys in search of love. But what makes them epic? What do they have that we get caught on them? Addicted to the resolution and their quest for love. What makes a story worth to be tell and more important is that kind of love real even if a fictional tale that we all can relate and hope for or romance is just another fantasy created for us as a motivation to make things happen and embrace the fact of relationships and there complexity as something exciting and worthy? So far we've learned that happy endings are a fairy tale but we all can find one according to our expectations and if are down to earth and ready to go through ups and downs, there is happiness and love behind all the drama. So in an era where princess are fighters and women are as independent and confident as men willing to find love but more important, trying to find a partner that full fill them in many other ways than just  being their savor or bring comfort and support.

But this is just a recent part of history. Women were left as mere accessories with no voice, having to be grateful to find someone to choose them as his wife and suffer from what to see what destiny is awaiting for them. In this context, we get most recent epic love story, a tv show that has change romance and historical dramas, showing a very real perspective of humanity and it's relationships. The name: "Outlander" (2014-current), a story of Claire, a nurse living the post world war life as a nurse that went to the battlefield to help others and now finds herself trapped in her own battle when is separated by magic from her lovely husband and now finds herself back two centuries ago living all these moments in history from Scotland as an English woman that she studied along with her husband and now she is in the middle of this battle between a country invaded and fighting for liberty and freedom from her people, the British. While she struggles to realize what just happened to her and to survive in a time where fights and battles are around every corner and as beautiful as that place looks is a hostile environment that will put her on test, but what hurts more to her is being away from her husband and had just vanished like that without a proper explanation, specially when they make such a great couple and support and love each other.

At least that's what she thought until she meets Jamie Frasier, a scots warrior so charming as his big heart and brave as his sense of humor. He's just not in the right place at the right time to save her and find her when lost but to bring a new kind of hope and prove that she can still be surprised and enchanted by his charm but also there's something that challenges her while gets attracted and pulled towards him. So when things pull both of them into an arrange marriage in order to survive through this fight and as a chance that might help her to find her way back home, things start to evolve between those two. She is a strong woman, independent and a fighter that has learned to survive through difficult times but now struggles to find herself being shut down as any other woman from that era and Jamie's humor always gets her back in track and his openness to listen and understand her, start building  connection that proves them that they might complement each other in a way that they would never imagined.

When they start to getting to know each other and realice how compassionate and similar they are but so different ideology they have, romance starts to happen and when they give it a chance sparks happen, there's chemistry and intimacy feels and fits them perfectly and feelings just happened for him to realize she is the woman has been waiting for even she seems hiding a secret and behaves like someone that is not from around but belongs here and same to her when she starts realizing that things happen for a reason and she might be there to change things and make a difference and maybe history needs a twist or maybe is that she actually belong there more than her real timing. But once that love happen between these two love birds, circumstances just strait to get more and more complicated, pulling them into a rebellion from the locals and the manipulative intentions of the king's men. So their own love and believes, so their strength and self core might be broken leaving them hopeless but alive. What could be worst, physical or emotional pain?

Love is a proof that better things can happen, that are some things that we can't still explain but are there and motivate us, bringing the best of us but also everybody carries a different kind of love. Some of this is full of fear and other of hope, leading to vengeance and hate to sacrifice and chivalry, just proving that life in general is complex as any of us are and even most of us are looking for love is what life goes for each one of us that makes a difference and paints some shades in love that need from us to fight for it and in war times as in modern times, old values and traditions never get old, our feelings are the same just evolved in different ways and perspectives but universal as they are we embrace them in order to fight for them and enjoy them, willing to find that person that will fight at hour side and turn things bigger than us and be able to see the big picture and as a couple and as individuals transcend through time and inspire others to do the same.