In order to make all this easier and making mores sense the story centers in four girls and a guy (and not to say this is a movie for women but allies to anyone but to be honest and also thinking that producers are trying to make money out of it, the main target for this genre are women, but don't get sacred if you are not, this one you'll definitely enjoy no matter what category you want to put yourself into). Our main character is a young girl, Alice, like the one in wonderland, but this one is another land called NYC, and she has been trapped in relationships all her life, jumping from to other, so when she finishes collage and get a job opportunity in the big apple, she decides to take a break with her college boyfriend to try to figure out things and get to know themselves as individuals out of the relationship, even when he's not agree with it. So as any young girl in a big city, great moments come to you, parties, long nights out, meeting guys, hook ups, or in resume lot of sex and alcohol. But the plan was to challenge herself as an independent woman so when she finds herself falling again into relationships with other guys and crossing paths with strangers just trying to jump into their lives, and again putting herself on the side, she will need to awake and realize that she doesn't know herself and she is not falling in love with anyone but just looking to feel completed, saved, and protected. All the wrong things to start a relationship.
Then is when her new best friend comes to the picture trying to show her that what she needs is to stand by herself and when this party girl seems superficial and just caring about having a good time, a slap of reality will shake her to prove that she might be the first to know the real her and actually is trying to help, pushing her in the right direction, avoiding commitment so she can enjoy life, her own time and pursue all those dreams she always talk about. But in this era where people are so focus in their selves, taking selfies of them even in the toilet, or just checking their phones 24/7, skipping moments just trying to be in the next one, this encouragement to appreciate time out of relationships could be misunderstood, so we get the other side of the coin, when we meet Alice's sister, an independent doctor, working long hours with big goals and a very successful career but a very lonely life. She know what she wants and she knows herself, maybe too much, so she's definitely not looking for any romance and no need of someone other than sexual needs. But when out of the blue she meets a young, charismatic, and old fashioned guy, that seems very into her, willing to get to know her even when she keeps pushing him away, she might realize that a life your by yourself could be sad and lonely. What's the fun about being successful having no one to share that with or without someone that will challenge you to be better and help you when things are not supposed to be easy and more important, that will love and accept you for who you are.
That's the true lesson about love and relationships, we need to find a balance and know yourself, like our fourth horse woman, a friend that spends all her free time in the bar downstairs of her apartment trying to find the man of her dreams online and figuring out statistics to make that happen, while the bartender, the guy that i mentioned before, starts falling for her. He is the guy that enjoys being single so he can sleep with as many girls as he can. He know the rues of the game and knows how to play it, and is working very well to him until he meets her, and she also now what she wants and he is not part of it so she won't fall for him, she will fight to find her prince charming, and this one is not all about looks, but the perfect package, it's all about chemistry so when he is rejected, that;s when he will start his first step towards realizing that his life might have a lot of company but no one involves feelings or commitment and that can be sad as well, what;s the fun about paying solo all the time? Even fun can turned into boredom and routine is no fun. So as the movie quotes, the magic of love is that feeling and excitement of sharing with someone but is only those moments in between, when we are single, and standing by ourselves, the ones that will define us, and there will be just a few of them that will come and fulfill us, so we need to stop in that moment and enjoy cause when we realize will be gone. Love yourself and be happy without no one. That's the clue to find love and by love means sharing doing with others things that you would enjoy doing by yourself.
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