viernes, 29 de julio de 2016

Because sometimes 2nd aboard is more fun.... VEEP

We are leaving in very political times where all eyes are watching what would be the next move from the people ruling the world and while talking about politics could be a very deep and objective topic, the fact that we should know all about our government and what are they doing is a must from us as citizens from every country. So what do we really know about law and rules that apply to all of those behind the desk, making new laws or changing them, what's going on with their lives that may affect their decisions and tendencies from their politic side as much as how well are they doing their job which is basically a public service and has a lot of responsibility to handle all their citizens in consideration from the better in order to turn the country into a better place. But that's only on paper, the ideal perspective of politics, but in reality there's more in stake and happening behind the cameras that we can imagine. How are they lives? what are they struggling with in their daily basis? how's a norma day in the office for all those senators, politicians, and the president and vice president? how normal or different could be relate to them and what they are actually doing for us? Is it really a circus as the from what we can see in the news?

Well, for all of you wondering what happens in the big office, here you got "Veep" (2012-present), an Emmy and Golden Globe awarded sit-com from HBO network that serving as a comedy and parody of the system, takes us to the life of the vice president of the United States, just to show us and expose the system with all their rules, negotiations, hard work, public service and complots to move ahead in the letter just proving that beyond the law and what is written on paper we are still humans with our own agenda and that hungry for power can curt anyone. But this is not an intense drama as others currently playing in other networks that also are trying to expose the government and all it's dirty business but here we are about to enjoy and laugh with all the ironic situations someone working for the public service and with the future of a country in it's hands can handle. How easy is to show up every day in your office and deal with a full agenda from people that needs something from you. While you need to make public appearances and greet the people that chose you to negotiate with all the other politicians in order to make things happen and push law to change or being created.

Nobody wants to get in second place or be the second one, meaning there is always one in front of you, more important or more something. But how bad can this would be? well as bas as the fact that will push you to bring the best of you and make it to the first spot next time learning from your mistakes but more hungry and wise to achieve that power and be the number one. So when it comes to ruling the number one country in the word or at least one of them, seems like a big deal but getting to that spot means a big achievement for everyone, while a lot of responsibilities will come but who cares? what matters is to make it and this is the story of Senator Selina Meyer, a narcissistic and egocentric in her journey as new vice president and her staff that will help her to make her job and achieve all what is needed from her. But things are not easy and less when the two parties will be fighting to get the more attention and achieve more success in the public eye, and will learn that politics is all about the people, and is a circus that need some control but can turn into chaos.

Politics is about people, is her karma, but she will learn how hard to please all this people is, and that she is working with people as well and they have their own agenda, they have their own ideals and are fighting for their own goals as they are trying to build their own career to the top, so she has a staff that includes a chief of staff, spokesperson, secretary, right hand man, analyst, all trying to help her to rule in the best way as the second in command for their country. And the fun will begin when they start realizing that ruling and trying to make their job is not only about how smart or competent are they but how well they manage their connections and relations with the rest of the staff as with the senate while trying to manage their personal lives which soon would turn into none existence as this is a 24/7 job but how fun can it be to become a comedy? Are politics that entertainment to be laughing about? Well that the irony of the situation: politics are not fun and this people will realize that sooner than later, and they will struggle and work hard to survive it but it's all these hard work and learning process that turns into a show where things happen and get messy and hilarious.

And as we said at the beginning, this serves as a parody, so while we watch sadly how this people rule a country, and how sometimes their personal agenda comes first that the public needs or how many mistakes are they willing to make in order to finally learn the lesson and improve and change things putting on their side their ego's and that power that has corrupted everyone one of them, but while we are witness of all this facade we are also able to realize what's going on there and how things happen so we can't feel blind about it and start doing something about it, like demanding justice for the first place. As fascinating and intriguing as this circus may sound or seem it's more about how this people manage to work as a team and as individuals to follow a system that asks to be corrupted and demand to be changed as things out there are evolving and can't be ruling as used to be 50 years ago. So season by season we will be learning a new lesson and we'll be going to a new process and a new journey to create law and a career that will prove that sometimes the second place can do better than the first and then we can finally get to the top, because here doesn't matter what you do but who you are to make a change and make history. And let the games begin!...

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