lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

BAD MOMS... the mother of all movies

There is no playbook to be a parent as we talked in our previous post, fatherhood comes with great responsibility as playing as role model, supportive figure and trying to inspire and be a leader for your kids that might see you as a hero, but when comes to the real deal about education and raising the kids, mom is the one to blame. She is supposed to be in charge of all the house. Take care of the cleaning, cooking, groceries, pick up the kids from school, attend to school meetings, socialize with neighbors, clean and fold clothing, and the list goes on, but things have changed and if now fathers can raise and take care of the kids, is also time for moms to get out and put themselves out there and build a career and why not? have some fun. It's time to break social and cultural stereotypes about women be signed to home and take care of all chores from it, they deserve to have a life as their spouses and their children. They say being mom is one of the hardest jobs and the one without a paycheck but the satisfaction of seeing your family together and your children become grown ups and turned into good, nice, decent people because the love a mom has for them is nothing to compare with, so it's about time to give them some credit and also a break.

Coming from this new feminist wave supporting new roles of women in modern society and trying to prove that girls just want to have fun, "Bad Moms" (2016), come as a comic relief and a hilarious parody of what supposed to be being  mom from this century when kids are not anymore those well behave-sit on the corner-play nice kids from the XX century. fortunately the result is a must watch comedy of the summer, full of laughs and heart, that without avoiding the cliches from the genre and sometimes trying to imitate other male ranch comedies, the one finally finds it's our tone and voice to stand as it's own, a perfect one of this time line when women are as open as any man and they can mess around and bring down the house with and without class. Mention apart deserve the perfect cast that works and serves perfect to the story and bounds as any buddy comedy and the jokes and lines feel like a fresh air when we though we've seen it all. But mostly is it's message that without preaching or feeling force gets deep to anyones who can relate to the fact that we are who we are thanks to all those moments that we used to hate when kids and dealing with mom while we were trying to get riddle of her but at the end she is home and we never felt safer and more loved than surrounded by her. It's just that person that knows us better and will be ready to do whatever it takes for us and what is best for us.

The story follows Amy, a perfect mom, with a part time job, that basically works thanks to her and her hard work, surrounded by young people that has no clue about what they are doing and an arrogant boss that just owns the title for being also the owner of a coffee company. She also has the perfect family, two adorable teenagers and a husband working in the finance market. But there's no thing as perfection as she will realize when catches her childish husband cheating her online, leaving her to become a single mom and try to survive the daily routine without any help. And kids are of no help but demanding and stress out as if deserving more that what they can give. All this new situation will take her to a breaking point in front of all the other moms from school to start a personal war against the wanna be perfectionist leader mom of school. But also will get her two new friends that are against all those rules as well, and while getting together they will realize they need to make some changes in their lives. Kiki is a submissive mom taking care of her 4 toddlers while husband play his macho role of just providing while avoiding any kind of involvement into raising and taking care of his children. She definitely needs a break from all the chores and have a social live and some fun and most important to stand up for herself to her husband. And the third card come from Carla, a single mom that tries to rise her teenage son while having wild fun, flirting with all the husbands and trying to avoid realization that she's single and lonely and raising a kid is hard and can be a tougher if not having anyone at her side for some support.

The new karma for this ladies is to realize that there's no playbook when comes to be a parent so it's ok to make mistakes and accept the fact that  they are not perfect and they will never be. They have to stop being so supportive and protective to their kids anklet them make their own mistakes ad try things by themselves instead of trying to provide them with everything. Just treating them as equals will bring the best of them and always remember them how much they love them and believe in them, giving them that kind of support they need to face the world and accept that not always will be mom and dad to solve their problems but that dent mean they don't love them. But also accept the fact that they are humans and they deserve to have some fun, a life, friends, a break, some me time, to just sit and do nothing, sleep in and watch tv. And they need to find romance and feel loved as anyone to brig the best of them. to prove that they are smart enough not just to solve any problem at home but at any work place and build a career that will bring some satisfactions and an extra income and a better experience than just cooking and cleaning because these days we all deserve the same opportunities and if someone has the heart to be willing to risk her life for her children, how come would they not have the brain to lead a company or a more?

But trying to change things and break past behaviors won't be easy and we've learned that there will be someone opposed to it, afraid of it or in a comfort zone living from it so this group of friends will face the challenge of prove to their fellow mothers at school that this new philosophy is ok and that al are going through same and different stuff, from dealing with crisis at home, problematic children or abusive husbands but only together will give them the courage to face it and the wisdom to know they are not alone because this is not happening only at a community like a regional school but countries where woman are marginalized and abused lacking of rights or opportunities as if were less than men or any race. We all come from a woman and most of us had the luck to be raised and loved by a mom, so it's time to show some respect and gratitud to others as they have to us and not to look women just as mom, sister and others but as all equals and give the same unconditional love. It's a great time for women and it's the perfect timing for some recognition to all moms and not just in a serious way but also giving them the opportunity to laugh, love, make mistakes, get waisted, dance and even have some wild sex (noticing that no one wants to know their moms sexual details) but this movie will make you realize how well deserve all this comes to them and how much we love them as much as we criticized when were young and most important how grateful we should be for all the sacrificed they did in order to make the best of us, even if that meant wearing  mom bra and being threw up, punched in the tits, or even stayed up all night not by choice, sounds fun? you should try it and don't miss it.  

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