viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

KATE HUDSON...almost famous in 10 days

Algunos actores nacen bajo la casta del talento y el amor al arte en la sangre tras formar parte de una familia de actores, donde lo que sobra es precisamente eso, talento y arte, mas esto no es garantía para que las futuras generaciones gozan de la misma suerte, u otra vez, talento, que sus progenitores, o tal vez, inclusive, los superen, mas otras, están por decirlo de alguna manera condenados a vivir bajo la sombre de la fama y popularidad de sus padres, que nunca logran brillar por cuenta propia o simplemente tienen una doble tarea, abrirse camino bajo su propia cuenta demostrando que su lugar lo merecen independientemente de donde vienen y de las influencias que se puedan tener en la industria. Así el caso de la bella Kate Garry Hudson, hija de la actriz ganadora al Oscar, Goldie Hawn y de Bill Hudson, actor y comediante, los cuales se divorciaron cuando ella apenas contaba con 18 meses de edad, por lo que tanto ella como su hermano mayor, el también actor Oliver Hudson, fueron criados en Colorado por su madre y su novio, el actor Kurt Russell, a quien ha declarado como su verdadero padre y destacando su admiración por su madre con quien comparte la creencia budista que practica activamente. Y a pesar de haber sido admitida en la NYU para perseguir una carrera, rechaza la oferta en busca de su oportunidad dentro de la actuación.

Dentro de sus primeras participaciones destaca la cinta "200 cigarettes" (1999), una comedia ubicada en año nuevo de 1981, siguiendo a diversos personajes y su trayectoria para asistir a la misma fiesta de dicha festividad. La cinta no fue un fracaso mas paso desapercibida, pero destaca su elenco formado por una ola de jóvenes actores de dicha generación buscando abrirse camino en la industria, entre ellos Ben Affleck, Paul Rudd, Courtney Love y Hudson. Pero no pasaría mucho tiempo para que la actriz lograra brillar en la pantalla grande. "Almost famous" (2000), un melodrama del aclamado director y guionista Cameron Crowe, que basado en su experiencia propia, relata la trayectoria de un reportero siguiendo a una banda de rock en su tour y el mundo que rodea a esta gente, incluyendo las groupies que los siguen incondicionalmente. Siendo este precisamente el papel que le valdría un Golden Globe y una nominación a mejor actriz de reparto, poniéndola en marcha para iniciar una promisoria carrera en Hollywood. Expandiendose al cine comercial, participa con un pequeño papel en "Gossip" (2000), una cinta suspenso juvenil, sobre un grupo de jóvenes que inician una serie de rumores atreves del campus universitario sobre sus amigos y otro estudiantes que no toleran para verse inmersos en una red de mentiras y manipulaciones que expondrán sus mayores secretos y verdades. Nuevamente contando con un talentoso elenco de jóvenes promesas, como James Marsden, Joshua Jackson y Norman Reedus, la cinta obtuvo criticas encontradas y un fracaso en taquilla que le impidió volverse un clásico para su genero y su generación,

Regresando al cine independiente, participa en la comedia romántica "About Adam" (2000), tratando de contar la historia de un joven que al conocer a una joven mesera termina involucrados sentimentalmente con ella y sus tres hermanas, lo cual generara complicaciones shakesperianas, y también en la taquilla que la evadir por completo a pesar de su limitada exhibición comercial y su presentación pomposa en el festival de Sundance. Tratando de incorporarse en proyectos de mayor presupuesto que la ayuden a posicionarse en la industria forma parte de "The Four Feathers" (2002), un drama de época ubicado en Sudan durante la explotación Británica y narrando la historia de un joven británico enviado por una causa y tachado de cobardía. Nuevamente a pesar de contar con un talentoso elenco, entre ellos Heath Ledger, Wes Bentley y Hudson, y estar basada en la popular novela homónima, el resultado fue un fracaso en taquilla y critica, lo que la lleva nuevamente a proyectos independientes como "Le Divorce", una comedia que protagoniza a lado de Naomi Watts sobre dos hermanas en Paris, y sus tormentosas relaciones con los hombres. La cinta sorpresivamente tuvo una taquilla moderada para su presupuesto pero su absurdo plot la mandaron al olvido muy pronto. Lo que pareciera indicar que su nicho esta en las comedias románticas la lleva a protagonizar a lado de Luke Wilson la cinta "Alex & Emma" (2003), una comedia romántica, que falla en encontrar romance y química entre sus protagonistas, mucho debido al absurdo guión sobre un escritor que tras un bloque creativo y con una deuda por pagar a la mafia cubana, contrata a una joven mecanógrafa para que lo ayude a terminar su obra y obtener el dinero que necesita, usándola como musa de inspiración para su novela y por si no lo adivinaron ya, terminar enamorándose uno del otro. Tan obvio como su historia fue s destino, un rotundo fracaso.

Cuando todo parecía indicar que la carrera de la actriz estaba terminada, llega con "How to lose a guy in 10 days" (2003), una de las comidas románticas mas populares de década pasada y ahora ya un clásico del genero, sobre una joven que trata de escribir un articulo sobre todos los pasos para alejar a un hombre cuando están saliendo sin saber que el joven elegido también esta tratando de ganar una apuesta así que mientras ella trata de hacerle la vida imposible, el trata de enamorarla. La química entre la actriz y el actor Mathew McConaughey le debe mucho al éxito de la cinta arriba de lo chistosa y fresca que esta se siente. Obviamente esto le genero varias nominaciones y premios por parte del publico posicionándola de nuevo en el mapa cinematográfico, logra un protagónico en la comedia "Raisin Helen" (2004), dirigida por el director Gary Marshall, en una historia de una talentosa joven new yorkina que tras la muerte de su hermana, queda a cargo de cuidar y criar a sus tres sobrinos, lo que de paso la ayudara a crear algunos issues personales tras haber crecido huérfana también. La cinta sonaba promisoria y aunque fue un éxito en taquilla, por su presupuesto no lo fue tanto y la critica la rechazo severamente. Ingresando al genero de suspenso, protagoniza la cinta "The Skeleton Key" (2005), una mezcla de brujería y thriller psicológico, sobre una joven que trabaja cuidando de ancianos para irse atrapada en las leyendas urbanas de la zona así como los secretos que se esconden en la casa de su mas reciente paciente. El giro inesperado de su final mas una historia que mantiene en suspenso de principio a fin, aunado a un elenco de primera, le valió otro éxito en taquilla mas una tibia recepción de la critica. Nada mal para una cinta de miedo.

Regresando a la comedia, forma parte de "You, me and Dupree" (2006), una comedia escatologica de los hermanos Russo, que protagoniza al lado de Mat Dillon y Owen Wilson, sobre una pareja de recién casados que tras la perdida de su casa y trabajo, el padrino de bodas y mejor amigo de el, se muda con ellos por unos días complicando las cosas en el nuevo nido de amor y generando varias de las conocidas bromas pesadas de sus directores que la llevaron a ser todo une éxito en taquilla mas apabullada por la critica. Mientras la actriz pareciera gozar del éxito en su carrera finalmente, en su vida personal enfrenta el divorcio de su pareja, el vocalista de una banda de rock con quien llevaba desde 2001 y con quien tiene un hijo. Mas tarde tratando de repetir el éxito logrado anteriormente se reúne con McConaughey en otro romance, la cinta "Fool's gold" (2008), sobre una pareja que busca recuperar la llama que los unió mientras se embarcan en la búsqueda de un tesoro. La formula funciono al menos en taquilla, pues muchos buscaban encontrar aquella pareja que tanto gusto años atrás pero que esta vez se siente fuera de lugar, razón por la cual la critica odio esta propuesta. Mas esto no detuvo a la actriz para seguir cosechando comedias románticas, la siguiente? "my best friend's girl" (2008), así de rebuscado como su titulo, lo es la historia: un joven enamorado de su compañera de trabajo acepta la ayuda de su primo para ir en una cita con ella y hacerla pasar el peor momento para que ella se desilusione de los hombres y lo acepte por ser la mejor opción, mas esta vez, ella opta por lo opuesto y decide salir con mas hombre, probando que aveces nos gusta lo complicado. Al menos la propuesta por ridícula que perece esconde lines frescas para el genero y le valió una moderada taquilla, suficiente para convertirla en un éxito pero aun así los críticos volvieron a apabullarla.

No conforme con esto, la actriz regresa con "Bride Wars" (2009), una divertida comedia sobre dos mejores amigas que escogen el mismo día para casarse lo que las llevara a enfrentarse una a otro por tener la mejor boda. Aunque absurda y exagerada, la cinta goza con un aire fresco y el carisma de sus protagonistas la rescata del montón para exponer el estrés de las novias y la planeación de sus bodas, al punto de ridiculizarlas, y convertida en todo un éxito taquillero mas no con la critica que nuevamente rechazo el trabajo de la actriz, quien buscara reivindicarse con la adaptación del musical italiano "Nine" (2009), sobre la historia de un hombre y su relación con las nueve mujeres que marcaron su vida, entre ellas, Sophia Lauren, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman y Hudson, quien tiene un pequeño papel, pero a pesar del talento involucrado y la calidad de la producción, la cinta no fue atractiva para el publico americano ni para la critica especializada, a pesar de colarse algunos premios y nominaciones en aspectos técnicos. Para 2010 regresa con un nuevo romance, al empezar una relación con el vocalista de la banda Muse y presentando la cinta "The Killer inside me", un thriller psicológico sobre un sheriff de Texas con un pasado criminal al violar a una niña y que lo pondrá nuevamente n un caso de asesinato que lo ligara con un par de prostitutas que pondrán su entereza al borde. La cinta se fue directo a video.

En 2011 protagonist "A little bit of heaven", un melodrama sue contó con una corrida limitada al contar la historia de una joven de espíritu libre y que se niega a enamorarse tan solo para enterarse que tiene cancer y su vida da un giro así como su salud va deteriorandose para terminar en un drama que manipulara hasta el mas fuerte para hacerlo llorar como un bebe. Una de las peores críticas en la carrera de la actriz. Ese mismo año la vemos en "Something borrowed" , la adaptación fílmica de la popular novela, sobre una joven que se enamora del prometido de su mejor amiga, quien estaba interesado inicialmente en ella pero su inseguridad lo empujo a terminar con su amiga. A pesar de contar nuevamente con terribles criticas, la cinta entretiene y brinda lo que una cinta de su genero busca mas re inventa, por lo que al menos fue un éxito en taquilla. Regresando al cine indie, la vemos en "Wish i was here" (2014), un drama familiar sobre un hombre tratando de ser actor y su esposa sobreviviendo un tedioso trabajo, que tratan de sacar adelante a sus hijos a pesar de lo perdidos que están y la poco inspiradora vida que les están dando. Un mediano éxito tanto en taquilla como en critica. También la vemos en "Good People" (2014) a lado del actor James Franco en un thriller sobre una pareja que tras embarcarse en una gran deuda por azares del destino encuentran dinero que les ayudaría pero deberán decidir si quedárselo o devolverlo y afrontar las consecuencias de cualquiera de esas. desgraciadamente la cinta se fue directo a video, a pesar de la popularidad de sus protagonistas.

En 2015 la vimos en "Rock the Kasbah", una comedia sobre un agente de músicos americanos que descubre en uno de sus viajes al medio oriente el talento de una mujer de esas tierras y buscara explotarla musicalmente en un programa de concurso a pesar de la opresión a las mujeres en aquella zona e inicia una revolución para las mujeres de por allá. El plot se oye promisorio, pero la critica la aplasto y esto la llevo a una muy mala taquilla a pesar del talento involucrado una vez mas. Este año por primera vez presta su voz a una cinta animada en "Kung fu panda 3" que tuvo una aceptable taquilla y muy buenas criticas para una tercera entrega, que ahora cuenta la historia del famoso panda karateka y su encuentro con su padre que lo abandono y su re incorporación a la comunidad panda a la que pertenece a pesar de seguir siendo diferente al resto de los pandas. Posteriormente la vimos en "Mother's Day" (2016), un ensamble de A-list como Julia Roberts y Jennifer Aniston en una mera excusa para contar varias historias que se enlazaran de algún modo en dicha celebración y hacer énfasis en el preciado valor que toda mujer y madre tiene en la vida de cualquiera y su rol en la sociedad. El cliche aun funciona y le dio una tibia taquilla y una muy merecida abucheada critica en general por tratar de crear un producto barato engalanado de talento como mera presentación. Y por ultimo este mes la vemos en "Deepwater Horizon" (2016), un drama sobre el mayor desastre ecológico de los últimos años cuando una plataforma petrolera explota en pleno océano no solo terminando con la vida de varios de sus trabajadores sino derramando toneladas de producto al mar y dañando la ecología, sirviendo ademas de entretenimiento y exponiendo la verdadera historia, pero como muestra de la avaricia capitalista de muchas empresas que en busca de mayores ingresos están dispuestos a sacrificar daños colaterales y vidas. Razón por la cual la critica la ha aplaudido y es ya una de las mejores cintas de la criticas a la fecha aunque en taquilla este aun por debajo ser catalogada un éxito, razón por la cual ya veremos si esta carrera es o fue un mero destello de lo que pudo ser o estamos ante un gran potencial que solo necesita encontrar otro vehículo de lucimiento y probar de lo que es capaz y finalmente poner su nombre separado al de su progenitora con quien ya de pos si goza un impresionante parecido físico.

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

GOAT... and the new meaning of masculinity.

So have you ever wanted to belong or join a fraternity as a young guy in college? Are you familiar with fraternities as an institution in campus all around the United States? Their legacy has expanded world wide, making young guys all around the globe wanting to become a frat and join one of this selective group of brothers. But what is the real meaning of brotherhood? that kind of friendship that transcends to become two guys brothers if not by blood by choice, with the idea of being there for each other no matter what and mostly be at their side in the bad and good and having fun along the way. To understand this we need to start by understanding how testosterone works. Making men trying to prove their strength, their power and superiority among others. Men have always wanted to be competitive and the only way to win among others is recruiting another group of men able to fight for the same cause and that way the can prove their power by leading others into their own cause. That's how fraternities are based in a very old concept or institution, the same one that built empires, cities and corporations in the past. Under the same idea of militia where you go to battle with your brothers, meaning guys from the same side and fighting for the cause, united more than for a goal, a link to your home, family and those people you are related to, those friends that are willing to sacrifice everything to protect the same ideals than yours, the ones that seem to understand you better than others, those ones that you can trust without a doubt but a the same time are your best friends with whom you will have the best moments of your life.

But things have changed are we are supposed to move on from old ideals and behaviors but still some things are still there by nature, as part of our instincts, the most primitive ones, so how much have we evolved in he last years and haven't we? This and more is "Goat" (2016), a new independent drama that tries to explore this side of men instincts, values and nature. And also takes you deep inside the heart of fraternities and their true goal and meaning as an institution or more as a tradition that might break some rules and create standards that differ from their origins. Produced by actor James Franco, who has a short cameo in the movie, also has his signature trying to make a social call about tis situation happening in all campus around the country and exposing an old over rated tradition that has been out of control and has been a cause of many incidents for college guys as some side effects in other students. Even we have seen stories before about the classism of fraternities and stories related to this young guys, they have been explored more as comedies and thrillers but we are in front of a well done drama, will an entertaining plot and writing that will take us deep into the initiation process for this guys as exposing the rest of them in the same process. With new breaking performances we will get deep into the skin of both sides, the guys that belong to the system and how the see things once inside as the from the ones that always wanted to join, looking at it as an opportunity to shine in college, meet new friends, have fun and most important feel part of something that will be fun and lasting, so they are willing to do whatever it takes to get in.

And so this is the story of two brothers, Brett and Brad, the oldest and the youngest. Brett already goes to college and belongs to one of the most prestigious fraternity in campus, so trying to convince his young brother to go to college and apply to join to the same institution he is, introducing him to his friends and taking him to some frat party, where he can get free alcohol and meet girls that look at him as a popular guy even he doesn't feel or act like one. Actually he is more on the geek and introvert side. He likes to be under the radar but sees to his brother as a role model to follow, and when he pushes him to this adventurous side he cannot feel but intrigued yet not fascinated about it. t's tempting but got against his nature. He is more quite and actually like to study better than party. He is looking to meet the right girl not just have fun with different ones. He likes to drink and party but he also likes to go home early and don't act like a cave man, making fun of others or just act stupid to entertain or prove something to others. Until one night, on his way home, since no one wanted to join him and leave the party early, he met a stranger, a young local guy asking for a ride, just to realize there are two of them and being insecure and shy couldn't say no to them and end by being harassed and beaten by the two guys that take his car and left him in he middle of nowhere. But this experience other than been traumatic for him also leaves a scar inside of him, why we didn't defend himself? why he got so nervous and let those guys to take advantage of him? is he not brave enough? is he a coward? is he less man than those guy that beat the shit out of him? He can't stop but feeling guilty and blame himself for what happen.

So when the opportunity arises he take it to prove himself he can be brave and man enough to go through this process more than belong to a group of guys that will protect him and supposedly be there for him. But since his brother is part of the fraternity already and can't help him so it won't seem like he has any kind of preference the initiation process starts to get wild and crazier than usual. Hell week starts and the candidates are humiliated, hazed, tortured, among other things. They have to prove how far are they willing to go to get in, and supposedly to prove they are strong enough and trust worthy to belong this brotherhood. But s it ok to go through all this to get someone to call you brother? it's ok for your brothers to humiliate you this way before they can be on your side and be your best friends for the rest of their lives? How ironic it is to let someone in your lives and be as close to him as a brother can be, trust him like your best friend but in order to win that or be eligible to that you have to let them do to you any kind of pranks and take advantage of you? Is this a way to feel superior or powerful? by denigrating others that are letting you do that? and of course this will become a cycle since next year this same guys will try to take what did to them on the fresh men. Just because this guys are usually jocks, good looking, fun, social guys, doesnt mean they are the kind of guys you want to be friends of.

Yes, they might be a good connection to a better social life in campus and access to a house with other selected guys, be popular among girls, specially those ones in sororities, but how can this be the best way to make new friends for life? Friendship is supposed to be based in trust and respect, a connection that comes from sharing the same values and ideas in life that will take you to explore new things with them and have great experiences through life, so how can anyone see as brotherhood an option when someone will take you down just to get you in? Men by nature like to move in pack, social life happens in groups, and there will be always a leader, the alpha male, like in early stages of human kind and society, but also men can be aggressive and like to act non sense, because proving other that can be funny but strong makes him more of a man, but we are at times where intellect triumphs over muscles, and it's been proved that most of this guys that had a blast in college ended throwing their future to the toilet becoming losers when grown ups, so when are this institutions going to change the same way those stigmas have done. When are we going to be able to show men the way is supposed to be, as a rational, sexy, emotional, intelligent human being rather than the strongest, fastest, and bigger one. This only proves again how afraid we are to accept changes or feel treated by the ones with more potential so finding a way to overcome them by bringing them down and use a little of power to control them will make us feel better when in real life this is just an hologram that will afde out the same moment that we graduate from college but the damage done to others will last forever and instead of being an institution that helps to build better men for the society is transforming them into marked sheep that will move way from the rest and will never seek for that help and that unity with others because has been hurt sometimes that not even blood can get it done but forgiveness and a need to move on. Do you still want to become my brother?

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

Bridget Jones’s Baby... because love is not a diary or a checklist

Why would we want to meet again someone that we haven't seen for over a decade? And why seems like Hollywood after being tired of sequels and franchises now feels like trying to go for reboots and re takes of old popular series as another prove that creativity doesn't match well with money and box office, leaving this to the independent side of cinema where the untold stories and risky, innovate and original projects are happening, but sadly not at the reach of many as most of them suffer from a limited distribution in lack of a potential success in the box office. Fortunately this new fresh air, if we may call it like that, of reboots where we are taken back to old friends in a modern twist of them has been so far surprisingly well done and thats why we can blame the new tendency moving forward there as keep getting good reviews from critics and audiences. But sadly not the case of our most beloved favorite british, the charming ex-chubby lonely and single Bridget Jones. Last time we saw her she finally was in top of her romantic life, fighting again to decide between the two loves of her life now fighting over her after she struggle to made them take her serious. But that was long time ago, twelve years to be exact, just when romantic comedies where a must see and ruling the box office and the hearts of everyone around the globe.

But things have changed, in a decade where social media rules and women feel stronger and more independent, they don't need a man at her side to feel loved and successful. They can also have lovers and a successful career, not too mention the idea of romance is overrated and feels like no one wants or craves for that romantic story for themselves, so being back tot he story of the good girl that at the end finds love after getting some trouble just to figure it out all, is not appealing anymore, specially in times where we've seen pretty much everything and that rejection has been translated to the box office where our blonde friend has made poorly, even that critics are raving for this third installment, so why would be worth to spend two hour with an old friend that has nothing new to bring on the table?. Exactly for the same reason why is so much fun to catch up with old friends that havent seen in a while but we are founded to them after spending some time with them and having such a strong connection and sharing amazing moments that he time we get to spend with them again feels like home and will be always fun even we already know what to expect from them. And that might be a problem for this generation, not for a movie, that is always looking for the next best thing, moving forward no matter what amazing thing is happening now, always trying to be part of what is next be the one able to say is making a difference or at this unique moment for the eyes of a social media crowd that will take part of it no matter if they know you or not.

And precisely  this is happening to Bridget in this new chapter: "Bridget Jones's Baby" (2016), when after a successful career as a new producer, she is stuck doing what she loves, with a nice paycheck and her lovely apartment but facing the fact that she is getting old, she's still single and all her friends are moving on, building their own families, and in top of that now she faces a new management in the network, fresh and young faces that are trying to bring that plus that this generation likes, but maybe missing the rue point of things, not saying new is bad and old fashion is better but reminding that sometimes we are moving to fast and losing perspective of what really matters and a bit of perspective with a touch of innovation can create better things but sadly as demand keeps growing we are facing the fact that once you are updated you are officially old and a waste for society that has no opportunity for you in this hunt for the top 1 and a new opening in the market. This is how feels to grow up in comparison with last decade when romance was still something to be pursued. So as she realizes this, time to get some fun and adapt or die comes just in time for her 43th birthday signing up for a fun weekend at a music festival where she will meet a new guy, a man that has built a website that uses a formula to find you the right match as a partner or lover. But she doesn't know this, so she just literally falls for him, twice, just to make sparks fly and realize he is a catch, that ware and mostly hard to believe handsome and emotional available guy, that seems to perfect in paper? But why did he like her we never know but they have a romantic and passionate hook up.

Ad as they say, destiny has funny ways, a week later she runs into her ex boyfriend Mr. Darcy, er supposed to be love of her life that apparently was too busy for her, leading their relationship to an evident break up that took him to marry another woman but now is facing a divorce so when sees a familiar face, and such as nice and tender like Bridget's he can't but put his loneliness over her taking her hidden feelings in bed. For a girl with apparently no love life, less a sexual one, two sex escapades in row is such a thing to boost anyone ego's, so tings can look better for her until she realizes she is pregnant and of course, she has no clue who the father is, setting the perfect excuse to funny moments of both men fighting over the lady to prove her who could be a better father, but as funny as is to watch this two trying to be charm and devoted to her, feelings start to develop, who would you choose when you have a perfect guy willing to settle and as ridiculous as it sounds in this century to jump into something serious with someone that just met, or the guy that you loved and even you know why things didn't work out let your past feeling to overcome you and fool yourself thinking that maybe this time they will. Both reasons sound perfectly wrong even we all dream with the moment of being adored and pursued not even by one but two people fighting over us.

Sadly this is more a need than real love. Choosing someone just for the fact of a promising ideal is just than, an idea, a real feeling comes to get to know someone and develop feelings in base to the connection that the two of them have, sharing moments and experiences that will bring them together, falling literally for each other, and being rational enough to realize when its more of an attraction than real love, love happens slowly and with time, and a lot of people fall in the tramp of loving the wrong person under the idea of changing him or her, which is just a justification of their own fear and protection of their feelings knowing back in their head that if things didn't work out was not your fault but the fact that that person never changed. So usually if thing didn't work out, rarely they will because unless was mere because of the circumstances people don't change from one day to the other, but among all this wrong examples that we can find all over romantic movies, one thing that is very true and as hard as it is to accept and realize, love doesn't follow a check list, so even if someone looks perfect in paper, doesn't mean will be the right fit for you, only chemistry and getting to someone for real will make you feel what is right and a perfect match for yourself. And be completely honest with yourself will take you to make that hard decision, that usually is always there, we just get distracted by following an idea sell by others of what we should take that we can't hear that little voice calling the name. So again, why after all this we should spend two hours with this old friend and all this nonsense and his romance and drama? Well, basically for the same reason we go and visit or get together with an old, because even we already know all their non sense and drama, there's a reason why we like them and because at the end we always have a good time with them witnessing their crazy adventures and sometimes learning from their mistakes so when our time come either we fall in the same place or do it better. Are you listening Mr. Jones?

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

Sully... the human side of catastrophe

In difficult times, in times when we mostly need some inspiration to feel that things can get better. Just when seems like there are no more real heroes there. Anyone able to put others before themselves. When violence has over take the news and our daily basis is full of bad news, terrorism and war, those good news seemed like a fairy tale or do we crave drama and tragedy as part of human condition forgetting that heroism and bravery is also very needed and also a very human side of all us? So casually just when we are celebrating 15 years from one of the biggest tragedies in recent history. One that started a war and series of other major attacks around the globe, we get another side of the coin. Yes, i'm talking about the 9/11 events, one of the major terrorist attacks, that involved airplanes packed with innocent people that lost their lives in hands of others trying to make a point against western society. And since then we started another series of attacks all around the world, including countries like Spain, France, UK, Turkey, Belgium just to mention a few. But the reason why i'm bringing back these sad and tragic events today, is just to refer that as we get disastrous news like this, we can also get others that might inspire us and show us that humanity can also have better moments and sometimes a few can still prove what being a hero for some means.

This is the case of Chesley Sullenberg, a pilot that back in 2009 faced a life or death decision and did his best to save as many lives as possible just by doing his best while doing his job. This proves that we don't need super powers to become heroes and by just proving why we are the best at what we do can change others lives and that's more than any super power. Sadly we are not used to this stories and any inspirational or motivating act feels more like a cliche or like something unreal or childish but actually being capable of transform lives, change them for good or just do something good requires more courage than any fight or struggle than anyone can go trough while moving from a rough patch. Why? Because our nature tends to move us to the dark side. Our survival instinct make us selfish and unaware of others while trying to focus on our needs and we embrace the fact that bad things are meant to happen in order to make us stronger and  prove what we are made of. But when a city like New York, one of the main cities in the world faces the fact of being targeted for terrorism and it's locals live in chaos and stress from loud streets, dirty subway, overpopulated side walks, rude visitors and crazy homeless, acknowledging the fact that some civilians and service workers came together in order to safe lives or help others, prove that there is still some good around. And this is "Sully" (2016), the new film directed by Clint Eastwood with Tom Hanks as the leader character, in a story that represents the events of January 2009, when an airplane from U.S.S Airlines landed in the Hudson River, just in between New York City and Jersey City.

But story is based in one major point more than the events by themselves: the fact that our experienced and dedicated pilot, decided to crash their plane into the river in order to save lives instead of following the protocol and fly it back to the airport. So based on this, we go trough the life of a man that just faced a life changing event when having other 155 lives in his hands and made a decision and his best to save all of them, but at the same time he's being on the spot, targeted as a criminal, a rebel, under constant interviews that seemed trying to prove the opposite, as of what he did was a bad decision and killed everybody. For anyone that had faced this kind of situation, the stress and consequences are as hard as any surgery multiply for 155. And it can be overwhelming when many others see you as a hero and you can't feel like one because there are a few trying to prove it wrong. This is where the movie gets an interesting twist or a disappointing one, as sometimes feels like any of those super hero movies, where our main character is presented as hero, facing a dilemma from his actions, where any power comes with a responsibility, and sometimes either the director or the actor make us feel like we need to have sympathy for him and he is as vulnerably as any victim when mostly is just side effects from a major event, bringing all kind of perspectives from it.
And on the other side, we get our villains best represented by the insurance and people behind the investigation from the federal aviation committee. They are definitely determined to find the error in this heroic act. For them the fact that lives have been saved is no major deal, but the fact that an airplane was landed and lost when all simulations seem to prove that following protocol was the right to do, putting the pilot under the spotlight as someone unable to accomplish his job and following orders.  Sadly we don't get to know much of the past from our main character to understand his motives and why he cares that much for others and understand what was going on his mind?. Other than he has been flying since young age and he is passionate about it, just proves him as an experienced pilot making us move towards his version of the story, and even we get to meet his family we don't know much about his relationship with them, feeling like was just brought in to add some family drama to the story, looking him being targeted by reporters and agents, we can't see how this impact his emotions and feelings and his family, he only seems to be preoccupied for others and save his career from going down, this mostly cause will affect being able to pay the mortgage. So even we are touched by the events of someone saving the day in a city that just saw two airplanes crashing to their most beloved and representative towers just a few years ago, and bringing together a group of people will definitely touch even the coldest heart we are missing being touched by the most important one.

But the most interesting and worth part of this story comes when we are able to go back to reality when corporations are becoming the rulers of this new era. They pursue their interest and mostly their capital, seeking for their best and avoiding losing anything, from reputation to capital, and they are willing to bring anyone down in order to come across for what it takes. So when insurances and corporations get slapped from what their trying to do just to realize that is nonsense and we are not a bunch of statistics, or just another number in their system but mere humans, with a life and feelings and emotions, no matter if simulations will try to prove a point and allowing a protocol to say what is right or wrong, missing the human factor is key to make a difference that turn events in different directions. It wasn't an auto pilot flying the plane, but two pilots, two human beings, that adds the fact they faced their emotions from unpredictable circumstances, then realizing what were getting into, the need to make a decision in a matter of just a few seconds under a lot of stress, and all that any simulation can't compare to. And that's when heroism gets a new meaning and we realize that even machines are ruling our life and we are surrounded by technology supposedly to make our life easier and more comfortable, this is just what corporations are looking to, to replace us just to get more money and our money, there will be things that can not be change as an emotion or human behavior will be needed in order to achieve the main goal and that scene or moment is worth any ticket price, just to prove not everything is lost yet.

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Security matters...QUANTICO

Do you feel safe? Do you walk the streets feeling safe and knowing you are protected or those days are far away? Is there a chance that we feel treated just by hanging out or go shopping? That you life can be taken away from you at any second just by taking the train or walking at the park? Is a fact that things have changed and that world or country where we used to feel safe and secure knowing that there are institutions and people taking care of protecting us and our families is no longer the same. We were raised in a world where guns and violence were just an issue for the poor and the rebels. A Smith that we know exists but not close to us, but more like in the movies, for those who serve as police or guardians of public security. But now access to those is being turned into a common thing, where everybody owns one, for protection or to take advantage of it. The fact that people has access to guns and others kind of treats, has changed the situation into a chaotic one where now we are not fighting for safety but for survival. We've gone backwards to the old west and roman empire where law belongs to the strongest and we are now fighting to survive another day. But how all this happened? How and why we let things to get out of control so easily, letting others take control over the majority of the people that life peaceful and quietly just to make a point and make some voices be heard, just in a not very friendly way and by actions that might hurt others but started a reaction that has others imitating their actions and trying to own their spot, and by the end of the day we have a world that lives in chaos, terrorism and treating everybody's life.

What is happing inside those organizations built to protect us? What are the mind set of all those fighting and trying to protect us everyday? If ever that has been a tough job risking their lives at every shift, now is just a Russian roulette where no one know what will happen the next second but still there are some willing to do their best to protect us, becoming a hero for a nation that craves from inspiration and help in times of desperation, when safety is no longer available but for a few there is still a chance to change thing and make it right again. But what do we actually know about all these people that live day by day under danger and fighting for an utopia and to bring safety to others. How do anyone deal with the stress of facing terrorism as part of their daily lives, fighting the worst in human kind to bring the best. How can you stay alive and sane to also be able to live your life while protecting others. How strong can anyone turn when you get to see and experience life and death and situations that are life changers, but for you is just another day at job? If you ever wonder or wanted to be a cop when a kid or how would be the life of a cop or agent, fighting and chasing bad guys as part of your job. Sounds exciting right? well you might ask others, like some young interns trying to become federal agents able to protect and serve their country working for the best and having the best training to become not only a cop, button agent able to solve cases while protecting others and chasing the bad guys all at the same time.

But who are the bad guys in this picture ? As we said things have changes are we don't know who is playing for safe and who has a double agenda. We might be trying to serve and protect but also we are looking to survive and that might turn the table and we won't look as a hero anymore. If you still have no clue what we are talking about you better check "Quantico" (2015-current), one of the most popular series from last season that is currently showing on the ABC network, becoming one of the must see shows of the fall and with a lot of buzz mostly cause their twists and eye candy. If you looking for a serious drama that will get deep into politics and insights of public institutions and deep psyche of those who work as public servers for security and protection of others, this is not the show for you, but definitely this is a fun and entertaining ride that brings some more serious questions about what is happening inside federal agencies and the life and romance between the agents trying to make a difference for an institution that looks beyond their potential. So the story jumps from present and past showing the life of a few young agents trying to graduate for the FBI as they enlist on their intense training having to survive and go through different task that will test their habilities to become an FBI agent with the highest standars needed to serve to the most popular country in the world.

What we don't know is that also has been a terrorist attack in present day that has killed hundreds of people and points to some of these agents as the ones behind such attack. We are in the middle of a cat and mouse game where every clue leads to a different suspect and we keep wondering whom from this group could be behind that event and seems to be planing another series of attacks so must be stopped but soon things prove us wrong and bodies start to fall and intentions start to switch at the same time that romance comes and goes. But what really matters is not all this soapy drama located in such an institution that tries to defend a whole country from treats inside and outside of it. What this show lacks is what raises the best topics. How people deal with power and politics while trying to make justice and how can you stay clean and focus on what matters when you face the worst of our society that might try to tempt you with more money, more power, a better security or simply getting away with whatever you want. knowing that we are humans and we by nature are not perfect and we live into a moral debate and we embrace that, because simple is not attractive nor fun but having to decide between what is the right thing to do and the best decision in the moment is something that we can't hide from as simple as that.

How do we know what all these people that we look after and call heroes are really trying to protect us or are they protecting themselves? how do they love and fight for what is right at the same time? How si their mission as important as their families? Even the most honest and idealist gets tempted by power and might get corrupted when the agenda turns in their favor. But at the end are they really doing their job and will they protect us from outsiders and insiders seeking to make a point and hurt others, no matter if they are civilians or agents, a human lose is a life that will be missed and will leave a mark in others and affect many families. How honest are we to each other to keep pursuing our ideals and values no matter if the reward comes just by knowing we did the right thing or by earning some money or other retributions. Are we really able to put our lives in service to protect others or is just an ideal of becoming a hero until reality hits and the one we want to protect the most is ourselves? In times of desperation and crisis when everybody is tearing apart each other, when gun shots and bombs explode at any mall and corner are we still able to make a difference and would be a chance to change things and bring safety back to our homes and others lives, specially when sometimes the main enemy is not the one we are chasing but the one behind us at home and is checking our every step and getting to know us better than we know ourselves, so when car chases and gun shots became part of any action scene, intelligence and staying informed about what is happening will be the way to survive and protect ourselves from any treat, specially the one coming from inside, back in our head, willing to change us into a hero or a criminal, away from feelings, emotions and rationalism but being truth to ourselves and fight to make the right thing.