And precisely this is happening to Bridget in this new chapter: "Bridget Jones's Baby" (2016), when after a successful career as a new producer, she is stuck doing what she loves, with a nice paycheck and her lovely apartment but facing the fact that she is getting old, she's still single and all her friends are moving on, building their own families, and in top of that now she faces a new management in the network, fresh and young faces that are trying to bring that plus that this generation likes, but maybe missing the rue point of things, not saying new is bad and old fashion is better but reminding that sometimes we are moving to fast and losing perspective of what really matters and a bit of perspective with a touch of innovation can create better things but sadly as demand keeps growing we are facing the fact that once you are updated you are officially old and a waste for society that has no opportunity for you in this hunt for the top 1 and a new opening in the market. This is how feels to grow up in comparison with last decade when romance was still something to be pursued. So as she realizes this, time to get some fun and adapt or die comes just in time for her 43th birthday signing up for a fun weekend at a music festival where she will meet a new guy, a man that has built a website that uses a formula to find you the right match as a partner or lover. But she doesn't know this, so she just literally falls for him, twice, just to make sparks fly and realize he is a catch, that ware and mostly hard to believe handsome and emotional available guy, that seems to perfect in paper? But why did he like her we never know but they have a romantic and passionate hook up.
Ad as they say, destiny has funny ways, a week later she runs into her ex boyfriend Mr. Darcy, er supposed to be love of her life that apparently was too busy for her, leading their relationship to an evident break up that took him to marry another woman but now is facing a divorce so when sees a familiar face, and such as nice and tender like Bridget's he can't but put his loneliness over her taking her hidden feelings in bed. For a girl with apparently no love life, less a sexual one, two sex escapades in row is such a thing to boost anyone ego's, so tings can look better for her until she realizes she is pregnant and of course, she has no clue who the father is, setting the perfect excuse to funny moments of both men fighting over the lady to prove her who could be a better father, but as funny as is to watch this two trying to be charm and devoted to her, feelings start to develop, who would you choose when you have a perfect guy willing to settle and as ridiculous as it sounds in this century to jump into something serious with someone that just met, or the guy that you loved and even you know why things didn't work out let your past feeling to overcome you and fool yourself thinking that maybe this time they will. Both reasons sound perfectly wrong even we all dream with the moment of being adored and pursued not even by one but two people fighting over us.
Sadly this is more a need than real love. Choosing someone just for the fact of a promising ideal is just than, an idea, a real feeling comes to get to know someone and develop feelings in base to the connection that the two of them have, sharing moments and experiences that will bring them together, falling literally for each other, and being rational enough to realize when its more of an attraction than real love, love happens slowly and with time, and a lot of people fall in the tramp of loving the wrong person under the idea of changing him or her, which is just a justification of their own fear and protection of their feelings knowing back in their head that if things didn't work out was not your fault but the fact that that person never changed. So usually if thing didn't work out, rarely they will because unless was mere because of the circumstances people don't change from one day to the other, but among all this wrong examples that we can find all over romantic movies, one thing that is very true and as hard as it is to accept and realize, love doesn't follow a check list, so even if someone looks perfect in paper, doesn't mean will be the right fit for you, only chemistry and getting to someone for real will make you feel what is right and a perfect match for yourself. And be completely honest with yourself will take you to make that hard decision, that usually is always there, we just get distracted by following an idea sell by others of what we should take that we can't hear that little voice calling the name. So again, why after all this we should spend two hours with this old friend and all this nonsense and his romance and drama? Well, basically for the same reason we go and visit or get together with an old, because even we already know all their non sense and drama, there's a reason why we like them and because at the end we always have a good time with them witnessing their crazy adventures and sometimes learning from their mistakes so when our time come either we fall in the same place or do it better. Are you listening Mr. Jones?
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