viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Security matters...QUANTICO

Do you feel safe? Do you walk the streets feeling safe and knowing you are protected or those days are far away? Is there a chance that we feel treated just by hanging out or go shopping? That you life can be taken away from you at any second just by taking the train or walking at the park? Is a fact that things have changed and that world or country where we used to feel safe and secure knowing that there are institutions and people taking care of protecting us and our families is no longer the same. We were raised in a world where guns and violence were just an issue for the poor and the rebels. A Smith that we know exists but not close to us, but more like in the movies, for those who serve as police or guardians of public security. But now access to those is being turned into a common thing, where everybody owns one, for protection or to take advantage of it. The fact that people has access to guns and others kind of treats, has changed the situation into a chaotic one where now we are not fighting for safety but for survival. We've gone backwards to the old west and roman empire where law belongs to the strongest and we are now fighting to survive another day. But how all this happened? How and why we let things to get out of control so easily, letting others take control over the majority of the people that life peaceful and quietly just to make a point and make some voices be heard, just in a not very friendly way and by actions that might hurt others but started a reaction that has others imitating their actions and trying to own their spot, and by the end of the day we have a world that lives in chaos, terrorism and treating everybody's life.

What is happing inside those organizations built to protect us? What are the mind set of all those fighting and trying to protect us everyday? If ever that has been a tough job risking their lives at every shift, now is just a Russian roulette where no one know what will happen the next second but still there are some willing to do their best to protect us, becoming a hero for a nation that craves from inspiration and help in times of desperation, when safety is no longer available but for a few there is still a chance to change thing and make it right again. But what do we actually know about all these people that live day by day under danger and fighting for an utopia and to bring safety to others. How do anyone deal with the stress of facing terrorism as part of their daily lives, fighting the worst in human kind to bring the best. How can you stay alive and sane to also be able to live your life while protecting others. How strong can anyone turn when you get to see and experience life and death and situations that are life changers, but for you is just another day at job? If you ever wonder or wanted to be a cop when a kid or how would be the life of a cop or agent, fighting and chasing bad guys as part of your job. Sounds exciting right? well you might ask others, like some young interns trying to become federal agents able to protect and serve their country working for the best and having the best training to become not only a cop, button agent able to solve cases while protecting others and chasing the bad guys all at the same time.

But who are the bad guys in this picture ? As we said things have changes are we don't know who is playing for safe and who has a double agenda. We might be trying to serve and protect but also we are looking to survive and that might turn the table and we won't look as a hero anymore. If you still have no clue what we are talking about you better check "Quantico" (2015-current), one of the most popular series from last season that is currently showing on the ABC network, becoming one of the must see shows of the fall and with a lot of buzz mostly cause their twists and eye candy. If you looking for a serious drama that will get deep into politics and insights of public institutions and deep psyche of those who work as public servers for security and protection of others, this is not the show for you, but definitely this is a fun and entertaining ride that brings some more serious questions about what is happening inside federal agencies and the life and romance between the agents trying to make a difference for an institution that looks beyond their potential. So the story jumps from present and past showing the life of a few young agents trying to graduate for the FBI as they enlist on their intense training having to survive and go through different task that will test their habilities to become an FBI agent with the highest standars needed to serve to the most popular country in the world.

What we don't know is that also has been a terrorist attack in present day that has killed hundreds of people and points to some of these agents as the ones behind such attack. We are in the middle of a cat and mouse game where every clue leads to a different suspect and we keep wondering whom from this group could be behind that event and seems to be planing another series of attacks so must be stopped but soon things prove us wrong and bodies start to fall and intentions start to switch at the same time that romance comes and goes. But what really matters is not all this soapy drama located in such an institution that tries to defend a whole country from treats inside and outside of it. What this show lacks is what raises the best topics. How people deal with power and politics while trying to make justice and how can you stay clean and focus on what matters when you face the worst of our society that might try to tempt you with more money, more power, a better security or simply getting away with whatever you want. knowing that we are humans and we by nature are not perfect and we live into a moral debate and we embrace that, because simple is not attractive nor fun but having to decide between what is the right thing to do and the best decision in the moment is something that we can't hide from as simple as that.

How do we know what all these people that we look after and call heroes are really trying to protect us or are they protecting themselves? how do they love and fight for what is right at the same time? How si their mission as important as their families? Even the most honest and idealist gets tempted by power and might get corrupted when the agenda turns in their favor. But at the end are they really doing their job and will they protect us from outsiders and insiders seeking to make a point and hurt others, no matter if they are civilians or agents, a human lose is a life that will be missed and will leave a mark in others and affect many families. How honest are we to each other to keep pursuing our ideals and values no matter if the reward comes just by knowing we did the right thing or by earning some money or other retributions. Are we really able to put our lives in service to protect others or is just an ideal of becoming a hero until reality hits and the one we want to protect the most is ourselves? In times of desperation and crisis when everybody is tearing apart each other, when gun shots and bombs explode at any mall and corner are we still able to make a difference and would be a chance to change things and bring safety back to our homes and others lives, specially when sometimes the main enemy is not the one we are chasing but the one behind us at home and is checking our every step and getting to know us better than we know ourselves, so when car chases and gun shots became part of any action scene, intelligence and staying informed about what is happening will be the way to survive and protect ourselves from any treat, specially the one coming from inside, back in our head, willing to change us into a hero or a criminal, away from feelings, emotions and rationalism but being truth to ourselves and fight to make the right thing.

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