What if? We always wonder what could possible happened if things go in a different direction from what actually is. And that let us play with our imagination as an option to create possibilities and play with new ideas to improve or make it worse. And in times like these where political movements are taking over the news and reality seems as scary as any horror movie where political tensions, terrorism and personal interests are ruling the world and the faith of the rest of the population, it comes as a perfect distraction or something to discuss over the dinner table a fictional possibility of what if things were different from what they are after a global event such as WWII. And that's exactly the fictional world that presents "The man in the High Castle" (2015-current), one of the first main shows from Amazon, in their attempt to become a major binge network bringing quality TV to their members and as far as we can see they are doing a great job so far as the shows has an impressive quality on production, that can compare to any film budget's plus a talented mostly unknown cast and a story loosely based on the popular and acclaimed novel by Philp K. Dick published back in 1962 setting the story in the early 60's just 15 years after the war ended and now the show takes us back to that time with a marvelous production design that will convince you, things turned that way.

The story centers on a dystopian world where after the Nazi's won the war, the world as we know goes in different ways. They've occupied all Europe and East Africa, plus all East and Midwest North America. Then the Japanese took over China and the rest of Asia, Australia, and East South America plus the West Coast of USA, leaving a neutral zone that covers all Canada, Mexico and a fractional line across the United States. So after annihilating all Jews, Roma, Slavs, the rest of the world moves under Hitlers ideology and empire, where things are as closed as any dictator leaving under a regimen that controls everybody's life. So eventually an underground movement starts to arise trying to change curse of things, delivering a series of films that presents and alternate fictional scenario under this already fictional world and are delivered as a series called The Grasshopper Lies Heavy made by someone called The Man in the High Castle. And with the potential threat of this films to come out and bring a new resistance a woman will be involved, thanks to her half sister that is murdered in front of her leaving behind one of those films. Now she's living and trapped in San Francisco area under the Japanese empire and working for them closely.

Her name: Juliana. And she will be contacted by a young double agent, Blake that is working for the Nazis as a cover to reach the resistance and even he has no idea about his own agenda, it's till he meets Juliana that wants to make a difference even his life now is in danger after being exposed by Nazi's. The young couple manage to survive and save the film and get attached to each other but they have to go in different ways in order to make things happen, specially since Juliana has someone, Frank, which is having a hard time with the Japs after they discover their relationship and his Jewish background. Now the three of them have to make it work as they are now very involved in this situation and there is no way back because they've been targeted and after seeing the films, they need to start this movement. With all this setting perfect for any political thriller, where small things start making waves until they become bigger movements in order to change things is the perfect scenario to re imagine how things are moving and how badly they can go if we make the wrong decision. We can't tell if winning that war was for better until we placed another scenario where things are bad, empires and regimens have been proof in history of slavery and marginalize people under one set of mind, leaving small room for liberty, freedom, free way of expression, art, all sorts of openness would be seen as a threat.

They say that history repeats, so maybe we are at a good timing to make a stop and take a look of what have we done and what could be a better solution or a wrong turn. We don't appreciate what we have until we don't have it anymore. So why are complaining about being so liberal? What do we want to go back to that point where living under oppression sounds like the right fit? Why do we need to put more labels and hierarchies for some as a need to feel entitled and better than other just because our race or nationality, when it's already proven that we are all the same and race, religion, sexual preferences, nationality, doesn't make us better, but is how we live and our culture and intelligence that will take us further. As intriguing as it sounds this political thriller, living it instead of just watching it as part of fiction is a big difference. United States of America finds itself as a very divided country, and not only by backgrounds anymore, but by ideologies and political believes, the same way some parts of the world are, moved by their own religions, ideologies, cultures, where in everyone's mind someone is better than the other or is worth to fight against how the rest are moving. For some terrorists the western world is a way of oppression for their ideologies. For the rest their actions are a threat to anyone's life because is all about your actions what defines you, So how we can find a balance that finally should keep us safe and living in harmony all together.

Well, to say that, will imply living a utopia, because at this point we are so many and everyone has different views and perspectives or what would be right or wrong, but what we need to analyze and put on the table is to find a way to co exist even if we can't agree to each other, leaving and let it be, without harming others, and setting some rules and be able to follow them. Obviously this is not working and specially when we get some political heads trying to mess up with all the concept due to their personal agenda. And then we get another Hitler and always will be some to follow and some that will resist but our modern world is ready and capable to resist another global war? Are we really looking forward to fall into another civil war? Dividing countries is the best way to break them apart and to get in and transform or destroy them, because they weak and that's how empire's have been teared down and that's what our fictional heroes in this amazingly well done show will bring to your tv room, a possibility that is no longer a fictional reality but an example of what could happen if...so unless you are trying to look at a crystal ball and figure out how to get there you better watch and learn how all what you know and have, can still be taken away from you and how your life will be transformed or destroyed if we don't start to be rational and learn from our mistakes, putting our differences on the side and work together for a better future instead or trying to reach a fictional dystopia that every minute and every episode feels more real.
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