domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

When things get out of your hands...COLOSSAL

Have you ever thought about the decisions you made and the consequences of your actions? Most of us have but usually we only look at the ones that affect us and they are usually limited to how will they apply to us. When you date someone you most be thinking how this person could be the one for you, meaning if makes you happy, if you like that person, if there's attraction, chemistry, what things you have in common and barely is there room for how this person fits in your world. Would he or she get along with your family and friends, is this a good influence for you? Or when looking for a new job or expanding your professional career, been ambitious, is mostly for the better being of yourself, but how those your career affects your personal life? Your relationship with your family, friends, lovers? Is this what really is the best for you? Not that you need to start making decisions in base what others would like or prefer because that would be totally insane but the same way we should think what is the best for us we need to realize how these decision will impact in others, specially the ones we care the most but also all those around us, that we might or not know but some reason live and hang around our circle because you never know how your actions can change the cycle of others.

This is the premise of a new experimental film, that under a low budget managed to deliver a great production for an indie film, sadly it's mixture of genres will make it inaccessible to large audiences but for the ones willing to take the risk and witness one of the few creative options out in the market won't be disappointed with "COLOSSAL" (2017), a mix of drama with dark comedy under the monster genre, with actress Anne Hathaway, getting back to the indie roots that worked well for her last decade before becoming main stream and celebrity. Here she plays a party girl that has no plan or clue to what to do with her life as only thing she cares about is having a good time and drink the last bottle of beer in the house. Obviously this will let her to no good as her British boyfriend will kick her out of his place once he is tired of dealing with her mess and her lack of responsibility. But been homeless in a place like New York City is not a good idea, reason why she takes her stuff and move back upstate to hr parents place that they left for her when passed away. But going back to your hometown as a failure isn't also a good feeling. Specially when start to running into your old friends and classmates that keep wondering how was your life in the city and what did you accomplish  back there when they were trapped in the same place for their whole life.

So definitely they share something in common. They all feel miserable with their lives. Some haven't done anything, others just been trying without any results, so when you had the courage to leave and try out there, everyone wants to hear the stories of the world outside that bubble but for some that reality might be a shock and hard to swallow making them feeling insecure and leftover. Have you ever felt jealous from someone you know that had succeed or  done more or something that you always wanted to do but never tried? Well that's when we realize how our actions impact in others in ways that we sometimes can't imagine. We look ourselves as a failure but for others we are an example of success and some kind of role model. It's not our fault the way others look up at us but definitely we can do something about the influence and image we are giving to them. Like Gloria, our main girl in the story. She's back to her usual: getting drunk every night, can't find a job that will take her and her mess, she can't even had her place set up for a decent living. That's when Oscar, a friend of her shows up as a prince charming trying to save her. He is not trying to change her but to help her. He offers her a job in his bar. He brings her some furniture for her place and had some friends to set it up for her. He gets drunk with her every night just to talk about their shitty lives. Sounds like the perfect companion and friend that anyone can ask right?

Unfortunately, things are not always the way it seem at first.  At the same time that all this is happening in such a small place somewhere in New York State, in Seoul, South Korea, a monster has showed up, with no reason and apparently no motive but destroying what it's on it's way. These events will be on the news spot making Gloria to wonder how this monster has such an impact at the other side of the world. People are dying there. Others losing their homes. Chaos is happening there, while she can't get her shit together. How all this  can be related to her miserable life? How our actions can have such a big impact that become a wave able to reach further and change lives of people that we don't know and why when they say, put your shit together, it's for real. There always will be consequences of our actions. And so she will figure out when this events will start to escalate and his supposedly friend Oscar will show his true colors, and the real intentions he has for her. As they say nobody takes a step with no reason or purpose. All his actions where based in his own agenda. And that agenda has some history, back when they were just kids. And this is the part when the movie justifies this mash up of genres making everything kind of related and making some kind of sense, serving as a purpose to a story about growing up and figure out things in life while serving as a metaphor or the impact of our actions in some higher levels but mostly to prove that when comes to our lives and relationships, we have no clue about them but a work in progress and learn that get to know ourselves will be the only way to get to know others and be prepared for what they might bring.

Even people that will show some interest for us or say they love you, they also have their own agenda, clashing their interests and actions with us might be for good or turn into a disaster. As Gloria will discover when the cute guy in town, hiding behind some shyness only proves that he cares more about his friends no matter how right or wrong they are, he cant stand up against them not even to defend what he likes or believes. His actions will let her self guarded. And then her ex boyfriend will show up again to try to save her after believing she is doing better now, just to try to make her fit again into his world and his own plans of how their relationship would be or not but caring less about what she needs or deserves, and she has let everybody to take control of her life and decisions so might be time for her to stand up for herself and defend her own interest and scare away all this bad influences that are affecting her life and keeping her under control, far from she deserves and mostly from what she really is? Sounds familiar? Do you have to wait until things start to get out of control to start acting properly and get everything together or should it be something that might occur now and then? Are you aware of the people around you and how their actions have an impact in your life and in the same way how yours influence others? Every single move and step counts, what you doing about it? Go and figure out...before might be too late.

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