lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

ATOMIC BLONDE ... truth could be a blast

Why are we so drawn to the spy genre or stories about spies trying to save the day? As if they were some kind of super hero, is it because the idea of being someone else in order to accomplish something appeals us or the fact that we can hide who we are so we can solve a mystery sounds exciting and takes us out of our routine and simple life? Whatever it is, the fact that we had objectified these people as some kind of super humans able to save the world under the alias of CIA, KGB, MI6, and many others, doesn't change the fact that they are as humans as you and me and can be vulnerable even they've been trained to be not, or dedicate their lives moving under water and pretending to be someone else making some allies while wining some enemies. But they are no more than fancy, well equipped and trained cops. Their goal is still to protect us and catch the bad guy or figure out if something is happening that can turn into a big mess. Yes, they are humans, they don't have super powers but some really cool gadgets and the are well trained to be in the field and face all kind of circumstances from kicking someone's ass to be able to decrypt some intel information from another country .

All sounds exciting and thriller on paper, and even when translate it to the screen, could be too fun to watch but in reality is different. There won't be car chases or futuristic gadgets to work with but our simple human skills and some help from other people. Still we'll get some fighting action and guns might be involved. But if what you really want is a glimpse of this reality, go and check out "Atomic Blonde" (2017), a new action thriller that follows a woman, that happens to be a secret agent, thing is we don't know to whom she works for, and what is she fighting for. Does she have a personal agenda or she's actually following orders and trying to find who murdered his co worker, and lover, and stole some information including a list of all active agents of different international agencies. With a captivating performance by actress Charlize Theron, who is basically who keeps the story moving, specially when she proves, she can kick ass and do it well, facing either big guys or other skilled assassins, she can managed to leave alive and use her strong presence and beauty to get some information while getting in trouble with other agents.

The movie takes us back to 1989 Germany, just a few before the Wall was torn down and the country found itself in the middle of a revolution from the two sides of a divided city, making it the perfect scenario for these agents to move around trying to get each other while nobody notices. Once she gets involved in the case, ordered by her director and pushed by her broken heart, she meets a fellow British agent that is supposed to help her but along the way seems like a reflection of herself, acting by his instructions but moved by his own agenda. So who to trust when the dust haven't settled and all you can see is shadows and shapes. Things are pointing in different directions and everyone seems to have a motive but at the same time a different reason or purpose. And playing naive is not the answer anymore as even she is a woman, guys don't under estimated her. She can beat them up so they won't stop to kill her if they can, plus at every step she seems more lost that before. Is these because the heads back in the agency are manipulating everyone or is it really the agents on the field just messing around with each other trying to create a facade to confuse the rest and get away with the goal?

So this is why we are so fascinated by these game of spies. The masquerade that they create, all smoke and mirrors, so they can move like snakes under everyone else noses, and becoming of some kind of actors, performing to be other person in order to fool the rest and the excitement of traveling around the world, exploring new places, under a different identity,  being able to kick some asses and get away with it, and the feeling that you are doing something big, that will change a country's fate, can't be more intriguing but what happen when all these is over? When at the end of the road mission was accomplished and you got back to yourself find no one waiting for you, feeling lost about who you really are and what really defines you after so many layers of unreality. Truth can be hard to swallow. Facing who you really are and what is your real core and agenda might hit you harder. What's a life of excitement and pleasure when under that, when it vanishes and settle down, only left is a dark empty room. Do you think lying and pretending to be someone you are not to cover all the imperfections is fun instead of taking it raw as truth can be, accepting the fact that is you ad no one else who is making a difference and getting some recognition, Is that more exciting?

Well, you can always escape your reality if still think is too boring and simple by heading to see this and other movies from the same genre, and if you willing to witness a story of a strong, intelligent women able to be one on one with some strong big guys and watch some very well done fighting sequences, this one will make your day, also if in the mood for some twists on the story, that might not surprise you but are well appreciated, and a prove of the talent of an actress than not only can look great in the magazines cover or in a drama but as an action leading actress able to do her own stunts while keeping all together. But what you would miss is going inside of what is motivating all these people to become whoever they are now. Other than their agendas, what are their real motives? What is so sad about our simple, ordinary lives that can't be an example of truth and need to be fixed by some excitement and thrilling action to make it better? Why we judge lying as a sin and immorality bu when you add a cause like being part of your job or as part of a bigger picture then is ok. We like to choose the easy way out and instead of working in fixing our own issues we choose to put a mask and pretend to be someone else or create a new persona as if that would be a solution. Do we want to be a spy or just want to play spy games?

lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

DUNKIRK... fighting for and to get home

At this point we should be tired enough about war movies and specially those back to the great war, World War II. How can it be possible to be more stories to tell and be able to resonant as strong and powerful as the first time? Well, i guess the answer is yes, there are still plenty of stories that we ignore about that period in time and it's all about the way you tell the story that will make a difference. And maybe it's  getting old at this point coming back to the genre but also feels like a reminder in times were tensions between countries are at point and an imminent new war seems to be knocking the door, so these stories serve as a warning more than a tribute in some aspects. And for so, we get this summer a war film that has all critics raving. "Dunkirk" (2017), the new project from talented and visionary director Christopher Nolan, that explores for the first time this genre, delivering what most of critics call a master piece or one of the best entries of the year. But what's all about? Why is all the fuzz about it, when covers just an event that happened during the war and not even translate the whole war but instead summarizes all what the war means and represents for all the involve from one single man to a whole country bringing a strong voice of honor and courage to  the involved.

The story is divided in three settings, telling the same story from different perspectives and timing. One is a view from the soldiers on the ground along a week. The second comes from a family man coming to help to rescue the soldiers on his boat through the English Canal, along a day, and last one is a view from the air during an hour from a couple of pilots trying to protect and defied those Nazi's bombers dedicated to stop the allies to leave the coast. All this based on the events occurred at Dunkirk, a small town in the coast of France where the Nazi's were pushing the allies, cornering them to the share where they await either to be saved by their country or killed by the enemy. 400,000 men where stuck in the shore waiting for the boats to come and rescue them. No where else to go they just wait patiently avoiding all bombs coming from the sky while the Prime Minister of England refused to send any help and focusing on keeping the combat going, no matter the casualties could be, including all these men that were sent to fight for their country and now this one is turning his back to them, reason why Churchill answered the call and send for reinforcements and fisher men and country men ran to their boats and sailed through the Canal willing to help their fellow country men and be part in some way of this fighting proving that united all as a community can be stronger than any enemy abroad.

Same event told from different perspectives being a totally new and different narrative that expand the genre to other dimensions rather than focusing in battles and its consequences. Instead we can feel and live the event of war from the ones that are trapped in it and just looking for a way out. Their fight is over , there's no more for them to do but to fight to survive while help gets on their way. And so it comes in the face of fisherman, and anyone else that owns a boat as they set them up and got in the way through war crossing the English Canal to save their children. And this men know better about war than those fighting them because they stayed home while their children went out to fight. They are survivors from past wars or are the ones organizing and orchestrating war through an office or bunker while others risk their lives following their directions. So now that have the opportunity to make it right and be part of it. To actually make a difference and save their own people because they know the consequences of war and how it changes everyone in ways that no one will be the same or how it makes anyone to act in ways that in other circumstances they would never act. War scratches your brain and sticks with you like and old childhood fear that won't go away even after turning the light skin on. So if they can't come home, home will come to them making history as one of the more selfless events in history where citizens got involved in war risking their lives to save their own and bring them home proving that humanity as horrific it can be also shows lighter colors of courage and unity that is hard to compare otherwise.

And this unity is also a very strong example when soldiers become brothers as nothing can get you closer to another than the fact that both are facing death together and the possibility of someone to be able to save your life and go through a battle next to you, fighting for the same cause risking everything, life included, only create some a bond that only blood can defeat. And so we'll se in the face of a young soldier, he's probably not older than 20 but we won't ever know, because he might not make it, he is trapped in that shore and trying to survive and find his way back home at any opportunity that presents. And he tries but also fails but he will meet another similar kid that won't give up finding a new opportunity when other closes, so now both will increase their chances helping each other but they might not know much about the other. They are not friend but now they are together and they'll help each other sharing the same purpose. But when war hit them and casualties happen their faces can't hide the damage and the change happing in each one of them realizing that they don't see anyone else like humans but just as one more in the list but they have each other until they can't , young teenagers fighting for a cause bigger than them, using their energy and abilities to survive as a weapon when they deserve a better future than the ideals of their elders, and the only thing they need for now is to go home and have a chance of a new start and a new life.

But this opportunity might only come in hands of someone able to help them and protect them. And that's the honor that soldiers show in battle and pilots in the air. When the battlefield is stock to move forward or too destroyed to continue, the only way to reach further is by air and sadly since nowadays sky is the limit and we can reach any frontier pushing a bottom at home, also the damage can expand for miles. Someone has to protect it. And that's a pilot's duty. As a soldier committed with the cause, we are witness of the nerve breaking strategies that take in the air to survive and eliminate the enemy where upside down takes no meaning but only way to make it through is being one step ahead and move faster than the other . From above you can see the consequences of everyone's acts on the beneath you but how to stop it, how can you do more from where you are standing. The only way might be not the best option for one but the better for all the rest, so how far are you willing to go in order to save all that might not include you. Will you be able to fight and protect by understanding that by saving others will give you no escape for you. How selfless can someone be to put others, hundreds before yourself. That's what war can prove and show even when is far from a fair game, shows the true colors of humanity and how capable are we all for greater and evil when all comes down to survival. Are you ready for this tense, dense story with an ensemble cast that includes British actor Tom Hardy and Kenneth Branagh among others with a brilliant score that will keep you at the edge of your seat while learning another passage in human history that would have been better not to happen but will remind us how far are we from learning from our mistakes.

lunes, 17 de julio de 2017

ANIMAL KINGDOM....the american dream

Who hasn't ever wanted a good life? That's what it's been sold as the american dream. A land of opportunities that can be reached. But at what priced? Been able to accomplish a status quo has a high price but what are you willing to do to make it? And what if you lose yourself through the process? We all focus on the goal: making more money and get all needed for a perfect life, a big house, a nice car, trips, provide your family with what is best for them, but what if what you think is the best for them is actually not and can destroy them, and actually turns out it might be the best for your own interests. Trying to achieve your goals and the american dream, might be for the best of you and your family but is it? Stories of family dramas are what surround everyone. We are part of one or probably be close to one. Family is the core and foundation of society or is society what forges and creates families? Either way they have a big impact into each other. And that is exactly what a new series drama for TNT network wants to tell. A story of a dysfunctional family that actually found it's way to make it trough successfully but a very high price. This is "Animal Kingdom" (2016-current).

Based on the Australian film, the story follows J Cody, a 17 year old teenager that after his mom committed suicide by drug overdose, he ends moving with his grandmother and his uncles. But soon he'll realize why his mom kept him away from their family. Smurf Cody, the grandmother nurture a lovely-incestuous relationship with her sons, taking them to get involve in the family business, armed robberies and other criminal activities with a very planned organization and keeping all the information inside the family, giving them most of the benefits from their heists and letting them leaving a very comfortable life but at the same putting them in the sights of the police and FBI. Regardless their criminal activities, these guys are not your friendly neighbor. Raised in the streets and all from a different father these guys play by street rules and are used to  leave with whatever they want but when the are at home, it's their mother who has the control and who rules the house, with love and protection but at the same time manipulating them through her mother love to make them do what she needs and follow them, without realizing she had broken her children souls and now they find themselves navigating through the waters of the city in survival mode just caring about today and and themselves.

The young kid, soon realizes of all of this because he is different. He was raised in a close circle and with some morality, trying to be a student to forge a future for himself. But as soon as he moves in with his new family, everything starts to fade out and he finds himself trapped in between his grandmother influence of unconditional love if, and only if, agrees to be part of the family tradition, while his uncles just keep trying to influence him for good or bad. Pope is the oldest son and he just came back after serving in prison. He is mentally ill so he'll make life miserable to his young nephew after feeling he is taking all the family attention. But he has uncle Baz, the most sane and down to earth of all, that tries to advice and protect him, but only while he can keep it away from the family drama, as he has two families of his own, and while living a double life seems natural to him, after also having a double life as a nice guy that actually commits criminal acts, he can't make his mind what doe he want for his life and what road to follow, the right one or the one his mother has chosen for him, because she need him, as the most self aware, he is the brain of all the operations and his brothers listen to him, so makes him the perfect leader even he can actually lead no one nor himself, making perfect room for mom to take over her influence on them.

Then we have Craig, the crazy one in the sense that he likes to have fun, the consumes drugs and party more than needed and because of that he gets usually in trouble with narcos and women, having to hold on to his family to save him and take care of him, making him needy but perfect to influence and manipulate as a man that acts like a boy. And last the younger Deran, a closeted gay, that has no idea who he is and what he wants, afraid to pursue his feelings and desires afraid of what his family might think or do about it, while back in his mind, he wants desperately to leave them and move away from his background and start over with his lover, a surfer with whom has an on and off possessive relationship but as scared as he is of himself, he is of his family so finds himself in between what he is and what he wants to be, and his fear makes him weak, and his mother sees that and will use in her advantage to keep him close. With all that said, sounds like Smurf is an evil mother but she is not. She is just a survivor that has gone through a lot, reason why she won't let that happen to her cubs. She's fighting a war everyday to bring the best for her family and she loves them to death but the only way to provide the best to them is using them for the only thing she knows how to do very well, to hustle, and she now can't  separate the good from the bad and is  dragging her family with her, reason why her now passed daughter ran away from all that.

Sometimes we do what we learn to do in order to survive out there. We transform and adapt ourselves into this person we need to be in order to survival. If you look weak other will hurt you and take advantage so we  build a wall that can protect us from the rest and sometimes we include our beloved ones into this bubble, forgetting that our battles are ours and not always need to be shared with other but to face them on our own. Family is important and their influence is the most important example we get in life. But most of the time is their fears, insecurities, dreams, goals, frustrations and achievements the ones that we heritage by living them day by day and not by choice, becoming a circle where at some point we'll do the same when times come for us to have our own family and so on, but the lesson learned in this animal kingdom is that you need to make your own choices and follow your own path, either if it aligns with your family's or fight to follow the one that you deserve and picture for yourself. We can't keep blaming it to the love he have for our family or the one the profess for us, but realize that real love is not manipulating but supportive and respectful for own choices and what we feel is the best for us. Blood is a strong tie and can push us far or pull us down but at the end we are the only ones to blame when comes to our choices and how we deal with the circumstances we were given by birth, because at the end any animal has to leave the nest and so we'll see through it's first season of this family that will have to be united by the circumstances while each one of them will deal with their own choices to jump to a second season where they will have to face the consequences of those choices and fight to find themselves before others find them first.

lunes, 10 de julio de 2017

THE BIG SICK.... love you till the end

Love is a very complex thing. A feeling that most of us can't comprehend or even figure out. But one thing is for sure. We all are looking for it and willing to find it someday even we believe or not in it or scared to fall for it. True statement is that we as human could be different in many ways, each person very alike and very different at the same time to the other but only thing that unite us and we share in common is that powerful feeling of love and when that happens, great and big thing happen. But in order to get there is a long way and a path that just a few are willing to take regardless if back in their minds are dreaming about it. So what happens when two very different people connect but at the same time there is a sea of differences and what is called "a cultural barrier" in between that separate the feeling from the reason. How can we manage to understand, respect and love others if we can't understand them? How can we break this barrier if we don't know how because there s so much that we ignore from others background and now that we live in times of globalization where internet has united us as a whole and broke all physical limitations, we can see societies more and more diverse where new generations can't be defined as one pure race but a mix of some and new traditions have started to be written and taken by everybody else.

So whit all that said who can resist a rom-com, that will make us feel good for a moment, make us believe in love and laugh while make us think about the real things happening out there? This is "The Big Sick" (2017), a story that is presented as a love story while underneath is more than that. And all the critics are loving it. Under producer Judd Apatow wings presenting a very actual story that sometimes feels more like a documentary about new societies in big cities and countries where immigration has turned cultures into a clash of different backgrounds creating a whole new one united for more than just a label. To understand this better, let get deeper into it, which happens to be based on the real story of it's main characters and lead actor, Kumali, a Pakistani guy that happens to be a comedian trying to make his  life through standing comedy, waiting to find it's moment and be found for some talent agent that will give him an opportunity to make it big. He's life as an immigrant is  very simple. He has immersed into the American culture, loves comic books and video  games and usually hang in bars with his roommate and friends, all comedians, and visit his family that lives in the suburbs of Chicago. But as any immigrant he tries to educate everyone at any opportunity about his background and country of origin. There are many facts that people don't know about Pakistan other than what they see in the news, most of it regarding terrorism but it's more to know, and one of their big traditions is arrange marriage.

His family keeps bringing girls home trying to find the best fit for him. But he is far from that now. He grew up along the American traditions that can't go along with his family and wants more for him but knows what the consequences will be so lives trapped in between what we wants and likes and what he is supposed to do and what is expected from him. Things get more complicated once he meets Emily, a young grad-school student that likes him and they connect in many ways, so they start just as a hook up thing, something casual, no strings, no commitment, but just casual fun. Until that fun starts to get serious and they keep running into each other, making them harder to not fall for each other. But besides the attraction and the chemistry they will soon find out that there are more differences than just be a guy and a girl. The way they were raised is very different and will put their love to a test. But when Emily gets sick and goes to a medical induced coma, things will get more complicated as families will get involved in the process. Emily's parents come to town to  take care of the situation and will try to take him out of the picture but he is not willing to let her go, so he stays regardless if he is wanted or not. So as the time goes by waiting for good new about her recovery, Kumail, starts to get along this couple and they will also start to get him know and realize why their daughter fall in love with him.

Who can't relate to that? Everybody that has been in a serious relationship has faced the fact of meeting your partners family. And that is a nerve breaking situation. So many expectations are involved. Would they like you? Accept you? Welcome you to their family? Or all the opposite. Now imagine that situation adding the fact that you look different to them, your background is very different, so you have others traditions and way to see things. So that could turn into a mess. But again, the proof that all this won't matter at the end is that if you keep an open mind to get to know someone before judging them and realize why they are different from you, you might actually see that at the end they are more similar to you than you think, Everybody loves and want to be loved. We all enjoy laughing and need to cry sometimes. We all have our goals and try to be a better self, just figure out what that would be is needed. And if you look closer you'll realize how alike we all are. The only thing that matters at the end is if you a good person, no matter how do you look, what do like to do for fun, what holidays do you celebrate , the things that really matter, define you and connect you with the rest of the world are what makes you genuine, humble, smart, funny, educated, because everyone can relate to that and see that beyond however the cover looks.

Sometimes we wonder why some have better luck for love and why others just can't find it. And after being spoiled by Hollywood and their fairy tales making us believe that love will just happen, finally we are learning that love is a thing that we need to make it work out. And for all those hopeless romantic, the formula is not on the cliches presented in the movies or post cards, is about to find the right person and once you do, make it happen, and work hard to build that relationship that you looking for. The key is noticing who's  the right for you. Someone that likes you, that makes time for you and specially is willing to get to know you and accept you for who you are. Many times we are just drawn by the cover and want a person that looks like all that we ever wanted. But beyond the psychical attraction, that is key and just the beginning, should be more, does he or she makes you laugh? can you two carry a conversation for hours going from topic to the other? Does that person makes you feel comfortable and inspired to be yourself and be a better self? Stays with you when feeling sick? There are so many facts that will indicate you that you met the one. Because if someone is ok with you when you wake up, looking at your most simple and natural way, farting when needed, all sweaty and smelly after work out, when sad or stressed out after a bad day. All this are thing that we all share as humans, no matter your background, where you were born, how do you look, if we n pass though all this judgments we an be able to relate to anyone and for once break the cultural barrier, and sometimes could be easier to do than the ones you grew up with and supposedly know you better and have more in common with you but all this is blinding you from what should be rather than what it is.

lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

KIRSTEN DUNST....interview with Melancholia

Ser actor desde pequeño usualmente termina en desastre, arruinando la vida de estos jóvenes talentos que al alcanzar la pubertad se ven envueltos entre el poder y la fama que tienen a su alcance orillándolos a perderse en adicciones y difícilmente encontrar su camino como un joven normal y corriente con una profesión publica. Pero afortunadamente hay algunas raras excepciones que logran trascender y encontrar su talento mas allá de su vida privada. tal es el caso de Kirsten Caroline Dunst, nacida en Abril 30 de 1982 allá en un pequeño poblado de New Jersey donde vivió a lado de sus padres y us hermano menos hasta sus once primaveras. Dotada de una belleza peculiar dada su mezcla, su padre es Aleman y su madre tiene ascendencia Suiza, por lo cual desde que tenia 3 años inicio su carrera como modelo de moda y en comerciales de television. A tan solo 6 años, debuta en la pantalla grande bajo la batuta de nada menos que el aclamado director y escritor Woody Allen en un corto de lo que seria una trilogía sobre historias de Nueva York, "Oedipus Wrecks". Poco despues la vemos a lado de Tom Hanks en "The Bonfire of Vanities" (1990), basada en la novela homonima interpretando a la hija de Hanks.

Sin embargo el papel que la lanzo a la fama y definio su carrera es el de la pequena vampira Claudia, en la cinta "Interview with the vampire" (1994), a lado de Tom Cruise y Brad Pitt, cinta basada en la novela de Anne Rice, que hace alud a su titulo sobre la historia de un vampiro desde su conversion siglos atras. La cinta fue un exito en taquilla per genero criticas encontradas mas la mayoria de los aplausos se dieron hacia la joven actriz quien sorprendio al mundo y la industria adjudicandose algunas nominaciones y premios a su corta edad. Continuando con su ascendente exito forma parte de la nueva adaptacion de la clasica novela "Little women" (1994), basada en la historia de cuatro hermanas durante y despues de la guerra civil. Co protagonizando a lado de Susan Sarandon, Wynona Ryder y Claire Danes, la actriz interpreta a la joven romántica del grupo. La cinta fue un exito en taquilla y con la critica, ganando tres premios de la Academia lo cual puso a su elenco en la mira de la industria. Aunque gozando una prominentecarrera artistica, la joven continuo sus estudios poniendo esta en segundo plano, per el hecho de que sus padres se divorciaran y se mudara a Los Angeles con su hermano y su mama la ayudaria a continuar esta carrera.

Asi, pronto la vimos en otro éxito, "Jumanji" (1995), un blockbuster acerca de un juego de mesa que al jugarlo se transporta en vivo convirtiéndote en parte del juego hasta que no lo termines. Co protagoniza a lado de Robin Williams y aunque la cinta genero criticas mezcladas, fue un rotundo éxito que pronto gozara de un reboot. De ahi no la vemos sino hasta 1998, con "Small Soldiers" una cinta de acción y ciencia ficción que a su vez sirve como parodia del sistema militar americano, en una historia sobre dos adolescentes atrapados entre la guerra de dos diferentes tipos de juguetes y aunque tuvo una aceptable recepción, lo negativo vino por parte de mostrar un tono obscuro e inapropiado para una cinta vendida para adolescentes, mas esto no le impidió convertirse ahora en una cinta de culto para su generación. Lo cual motivo a la joven actriz de regresar a la comedia ahora con "Drop Dead Gorgeous" (1999), una comedia negra sobre un concurso de belleza ficticio y donde sus participantes empiezan a aparecer muertas por misteriosas causas. La actriz protagoniza omo una joven entusiasta que se enlista en el concurso siguiendo los pasos de sus idolos y su propia madre quien concursara tiempo atras. La cinta sirve como medio para exponer este circuito y la gente involucrada en el. Co protagonizando al lado de Ellen Barkin, Dennise Richards, Allison Janney y Kristie Alley la cinta nuevamente gano criticas mezcladas y una pobre taquilla.

Probando nuevamente su talento y embolsandose nuevamente un par de nominaciones la vemos en la primera de lo que serian varias participaciones bajo la batuta de la directora Sofia Coppola, "The Virgin Suicides" (2000), que debutaría en el Festival de Cannes, en la adaptación de la novela homónima sobre cinco hermanas en los 70's que tras el atento de suicidio de una de ellas, forzando a los padres a mantenerlas enceras en su casa, lo cual incrementara su depresión y angustia suicida. Contando de buenas criticas solo gozo de una corrida limitada lo que  a su vez limito su taquilla. Regresando a la comedia, protagoniza a lado de Michelle Williams la cinta "Dick" (1999), una parodia de los eventos de Watergate y del presidente Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon y donde ambas interpretando a dos quinceañeras y mejores amigas que tras una serie de eventos resultan ser quienes expusieron la verdad. La cinta gozo de buenas criticas pero su taquilla fue un desastre que no logro ni recuperar su presupuesto. Esto no le impidió perseguir mas comedias, por lo que se enlista en "Bring it On" (2000), una comedia sobre un grupo de porristas de preparatoria que son el deporte mas popular de la escuela hasta que descubren que sus rutinas han sido copiadas de otra escuela de bajos recursos. Con la excusa de parodiar el sistema deportivo escolar aunado a una serie de pegosos remixes, la cinta resulto ser una grata sorpresa en critica y taquilla que la llevo a un estatus de culto para su generacion y genero varias secuelas que se fueron directo a video por la falta de presencia de su elenco original.

Una vez graduada del colegio, la joven decide retomar su carrera actoral de tiempo completo y así tras una nueva orda de ligeras adaptaciones de novelas Shakesperianas en version adolescente, la actriz estelariza la comedia "Get over it" (2001), cuyo plot esta basado en la novela Midsummer of a night's dream, sobre dos adolescentes que crecieron juntos y tras terminar su romance el joven busca re conquistar a la joven uniéndose al grupo teatral escolar para hacerla terminar con su actual novio. Desgraciadamente esta vez ni la critica ni la audiencia pensaron que esta comedia seria divertida y mucho debido a su falta de originalidad que la hizo perderse en una oleada de comedias adolescentes de la temporada. Por ende en su siguiente proyecto da un giro de la comedia adolescente al drama adolescente en "Crazy/Beautiful" (2001), un romance sobre un joven de bajos recursos que conoce y se enamora de una problemática niña rica que pondrá su vida al borde de situaciones ajenas a el y que lo obligaran a tomar la decision entre la vida que quiere para su futuro o la mujer que ama. Contando que la critica la ignoro por completo, no se considera un fracaso ya que tuvo una tibia taquilla que al menos recupero un poco mas de su bajo presupuesto.

Para 2002, su carrera se catapultaría al estrellato tras filmar su primer blockbuster "Spider Man", la primer adaptación fílmica del popular super héroe, bajo la batuta de Sam Raimi y que derivo en una trilogía, "Spider man 2" (2004) y "Spider Man 3" (2007), las cuales fueron un rotundo éxito de taquilla mundial, cada una superando  a su predecesora y donde la actriz interpreta a Mary Jane Watson, la vecina y amor platónico de Peter Parker, el joven nerd con poderes arácnidos tras ser picado por una araña radioactiva y que ahora se enfrenta al dilema de ser responsable con sus poderes y ayudar a los demás o ayudarse a si mismo y sus seres queridos. Curiosamente en vez de estelarizar un romance fuera de la pantalla con s co protagonista Tobey McGuire, la actriz inicia una relacion con otro joven y talentoso oji azul, el actor Jake Gyllenhaal, la cual terminaria en el 2004. Entre la apretada agenda que con lleva formar parte de este tipo de mega producciones, la vemos en la cinta independiente "Levity" (2003), un drama sobre un hombre que tras salir preso después de un cuarto de siglo tras las rejas, regresa a la ciudad y conoce a una joven rebelde, interpretada por la joven Dunst, y cuya amistad influenciara ambos personajes. Apesar de haber debutado la cinta en el festival de Sundance, esa gozo de una corrida limitada y malas criticas.

Pero su contrato con la distribuidora le permitió formar parte de otro ambicioso proyecto que suena parecido a otros hechos previamente, "Mona Lisa Smile" (2003), bajo la batuta del talentoso director Mike Newell, en una historia sobre una joven historiadora de Arte que termina dando clases en una escuela privada y prestigiada para mujeres, donde al parecer lo único que les importa a las jóvenes es conseguir el mejor partido para matrimonio a pesar de que la joven maestra trata de educarlos mas allá de sus tradiciones y donde  Dunst interpreta a una niña rica y consentida que ve amenazados sus valores por la mente progresista de su maestra. La cinta genero malas criticas pero aun asi, fue un exito en taquilla, en gran parte a su estelar elenco como Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles y Maggie Gyllenhaal. Mas la actriz desperto un gusto por el cine independiente que usualmente gozade propuestas mas originales, tales como "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004), un romance como pocos sobre dos enamorados que  decidieron borrar su mmoria tan solo para terminar enamorandose nuevamente. Protagonizada por Jim Carrey y Kate Winslet, la actriz no le importe ser elenco secundario al lado de Mark Ruffalo como una historia paralela a la de los protagonistas. La cinta es ya un clasico del genero y no solo un exito en taquilla pero amada por la critica.

 Asi, tratando de protagonizar su propia cmedia romantica, estelariza al lado de Paul Bettany, "Wimbledon" (2004), un rom com sobre un tenista profesional y una joven aspirante que aprenderan juntos antes de competirse en rivales o amantes. La cinta careció de originalidad lo cual le genero criticas mezcladas pero la popularidad de sus protagonistas le valió una aceptable taquilla, mas lejos de ser un éxito u otro clásico del genero. Por esta razón se pone bajo la manos del talentoso director y guionista Cameron Crowe en "Elizabethtown" (2005), una tragicomedia sobre un joven fracasado que tiene que volar a su pueblo de origen para encargarse del funeral de su padre, y en el vuelo conocerá a una optimista aeromoza que le podría ayudar a poner su vida en perspectiva e inspirarlo un poco antes de que termine suicidándose. Desgraciadamente este romance no convencio por su acortonado guion lleno de cliches y nuevamente es gracias a la popularidad de la actriz y el actor Orlando Bloom que salio a flote en taquilla. Regresando bajo la batuta de Sofia Coppola, protagoniza "Marie Antoinette" (2006), una extravaganza que pretende mostrar la iconica joven porlo que era, una adolescente en el trono y con poder mas alla de su capacidad par controlarlo. Las criticas fueron muy mezcladas dada la peculiar vision de la directora muy alejada de las clásicas biografía o dramas históricos pero la audiencia sí aplaudió la originalidad de esta propuesta así como la interpretación de la actriz.

Expandiendo horizontes la vemos en "How to lose friends & alienate people" (2008), una comedia británica sobre un periodista y los cinco anos durante los cuales lucho por abrirse camino en los Estados Unidos, pero la historia fue ajena para la audiencia Norte americana y ni el atractivo elenco formado por Jeff Bridges, Megan Fox, Simon Pegg, lograron salvarla del fracaso y el olvido. Lo mismo paso con "All good things" (2010), un thrillerco protagonizado a lado de Ryan Gosling, como un hombre hijo de un rico y poderoso terrateniente en NYC que se ve envuelto en una serie de asesinatos alrededor de el, incluyendo su relacion y desaparcion de su esposa.  Esto no la espanto o alejo del cine independiente, sino todo lo contrario, siendo su siguiente proyecto uno de los mas artísticos de su carrera, "Melancholia" (2011), una original vision del director Lars Von Trier, un drama psicológico, sobre dos hermanas, una que esta a punto de casarse justo cuando el planeta esta a punto de sufrir una catástrofe natural. Según el director, su vision representa la depresión interna de la gente así como su episodio depresivo ante un evento global y catastrófico. La cinta esta lejos de ser una cinta comercial lo que se reflejo en su taquilla pero la critica si la apoyo con una buena respuesta que para muchos es de la majores ofertas en la carrera de la actriz, lo cual la volvio a poner en la mira de varios premios y nominaciones de los circulos especializados.

Tomando un break de tanta seriedad, regresa a su mas popular terreno, la comedia, con "Bachelorette" (2012), una comedia sobre un grupo de amigas organizando la despedida de soltera de una de ellas, exponiendo sus verdaderas intenciones y mostrando los verdaderos colores de su relación entre cada una de ellas. La actriz co protagoniza a lado de Isla Fisher, Rebel Wilson y Lizzy Caplan, pero ni la interesante premisa y guion balanceado entre el drama y la comedia convencieron a la critica y su corrida limitada la alejo del alcance popular. Así, la actriz regresa al cine independiente con "On the Road" (2012), la historia de un joven novelista y poeta y su tiempo viajando a travez de Norte America en la década de los 40's a lado de su mejor amigo y conociendo a una serie de personajes que influenciarían su trabajo. La cinta debutoen varios festivales, como Cannes y Toronto, pero aun asi gozo de una corrida limitada que influyo en su taquilla apesar del gusto de la critica. A la par inica a salir con su co protagonista Garret Hedlund, relacion que terminaria en 206 justo para iniciar otra relacion con su co protagonista Jesse Plemons, de la serie de television "Fargo" (2014 - current) y con el cual ahora esta comprometida

Otro intento original es "Upside Down" (2012), un romance de fantasia, sobre dos jóvenes de dos mundos opuestos que se encuentran uno encima del otro y donde dos jóvenes se conocen en el punto mas alto donde pueden interactuar mas están separados por las circunstancias. Apesar de la propuesta visual, la historia recuerda mucho a otras previas de amores imposibles por lo cual fue apabullada por la critica e ignorada en la taquilla, lo cual la convirtió en un fracaso dado su ambicioso presupuesto. Siguiéndole "The two faces of January" (2014),  un thriller basado en la novela homónima donde co protagoniza a lado de Viggo Mortnsen y Oscar Isaac, sobre una pareja que al viajar a Atenas, Grecia trata de ser estafada por un aparente guía de turistas, tornando las cosas en una serie de eventos que pondrán a la pareja al limite de sus posibilidades. Comparada con un estilo Hitchkoniano, la cinta tuvo una buena respuesta por parte de los criticos pero su taquilla fue muy mala, mucho debido a la falta de mercadotecnia del estudio. En 2015 la vimos en la aplaudida "Midnight Special", una cinta independiente que genero excelente buzz y criticas de boca en boca, contando la historia de un pequeno con ciertos dones que lo ponen en la mira de varias agencias que quieren capturarlo pero su padre y un grupo de amigos haran lo posible por llevarlo a un lugar seguro. La cinta emula mucho el espíritu de cintas de los 80's mas su guion y trama se siente muy actual y ademas de la actriz, un elenco formado por Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton y Adam Driver hicieron de esta una de sorpresa que fracaso en taquilla debido a su corrida limitada mas una vez en video logro mayor alcance.

Recientemente la vimos en "Hidden Figures" (2017), la historia de tres mujeres afro-americanas que ayudaron a la NASA para poner al hombre en el espacio. Rompiendo barreras de genero y raza, la cinta muestra de manera entretenida la historia de talentos desconocidos que merecen reconocimiento e inspiran. La cinta fue todo un exito en taquilla y critica, inclusive llevandola a varias nominaciones de la Academia, tomando a la industria por sorpresa. Y este mes la vemos nuevamente bajo la dirección de Coppola en "The Beguilded" (2017), un drama ubicado en la Guerra Civil, sobre un grupo de mujeres refugiadas en su academia hasta que al rescatar a un soldado las pondrá en peligro por parte del enemigo y del hombre por si mismo, tentándolas hasta llevarlas a tocar sus limites para protegerse en una era donde las mujeres estaban marginadas no solo física sino emocionalmente. Co protagoniza al lado de Colin Farrell y Nicole Kidman, como la dulce y virginal maestra que suena con escapar de su situación y huir en busca de una mejor vida, ofrecida en la imagen de este extraño soldado. Hasta el momento la cinta se ha movido en el gusto de la critica y con una limitada exhibicion pareciera manetenerse en el gusto del publico, lo cual pondra a la actriz en la misma posicion sobre su carrera, o mantiene su gusto por proyectos originales e independientes mientras lo mezcla con apariciones en proyectos comerciales de los grandes estudios. Para una actriz que inicio su carrera a tan corta edad, a este punto puede darse el lujo de hacer lo que quiera mientras logre mantenerse presente y en el gusto de una audiencia que la vio crecer y consolidarse.