lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

DUNKIRK... fighting for and to get home

At this point we should be tired enough about war movies and specially those back to the great war, World War II. How can it be possible to be more stories to tell and be able to resonant as strong and powerful as the first time? Well, i guess the answer is yes, there are still plenty of stories that we ignore about that period in time and it's all about the way you tell the story that will make a difference. And maybe it's  getting old at this point coming back to the genre but also feels like a reminder in times were tensions between countries are at point and an imminent new war seems to be knocking the door, so these stories serve as a warning more than a tribute in some aspects. And for so, we get this summer a war film that has all critics raving. "Dunkirk" (2017), the new project from talented and visionary director Christopher Nolan, that explores for the first time this genre, delivering what most of critics call a master piece or one of the best entries of the year. But what's all about? Why is all the fuzz about it, when covers just an event that happened during the war and not even translate the whole war but instead summarizes all what the war means and represents for all the involve from one single man to a whole country bringing a strong voice of honor and courage to  the involved.

The story is divided in three settings, telling the same story from different perspectives and timing. One is a view from the soldiers on the ground along a week. The second comes from a family man coming to help to rescue the soldiers on his boat through the English Canal, along a day, and last one is a view from the air during an hour from a couple of pilots trying to protect and defied those Nazi's bombers dedicated to stop the allies to leave the coast. All this based on the events occurred at Dunkirk, a small town in the coast of France where the Nazi's were pushing the allies, cornering them to the share where they await either to be saved by their country or killed by the enemy. 400,000 men where stuck in the shore waiting for the boats to come and rescue them. No where else to go they just wait patiently avoiding all bombs coming from the sky while the Prime Minister of England refused to send any help and focusing on keeping the combat going, no matter the casualties could be, including all these men that were sent to fight for their country and now this one is turning his back to them, reason why Churchill answered the call and send for reinforcements and fisher men and country men ran to their boats and sailed through the Canal willing to help their fellow country men and be part in some way of this fighting proving that united all as a community can be stronger than any enemy abroad.

Same event told from different perspectives being a totally new and different narrative that expand the genre to other dimensions rather than focusing in battles and its consequences. Instead we can feel and live the event of war from the ones that are trapped in it and just looking for a way out. Their fight is over , there's no more for them to do but to fight to survive while help gets on their way. And so it comes in the face of fisherman, and anyone else that owns a boat as they set them up and got in the way through war crossing the English Canal to save their children. And this men know better about war than those fighting them because they stayed home while their children went out to fight. They are survivors from past wars or are the ones organizing and orchestrating war through an office or bunker while others risk their lives following their directions. So now that have the opportunity to make it right and be part of it. To actually make a difference and save their own people because they know the consequences of war and how it changes everyone in ways that no one will be the same or how it makes anyone to act in ways that in other circumstances they would never act. War scratches your brain and sticks with you like and old childhood fear that won't go away even after turning the light skin on. So if they can't come home, home will come to them making history as one of the more selfless events in history where citizens got involved in war risking their lives to save their own and bring them home proving that humanity as horrific it can be also shows lighter colors of courage and unity that is hard to compare otherwise.

And this unity is also a very strong example when soldiers become brothers as nothing can get you closer to another than the fact that both are facing death together and the possibility of someone to be able to save your life and go through a battle next to you, fighting for the same cause risking everything, life included, only create some a bond that only blood can defeat. And so we'll se in the face of a young soldier, he's probably not older than 20 but we won't ever know, because he might not make it, he is trapped in that shore and trying to survive and find his way back home at any opportunity that presents. And he tries but also fails but he will meet another similar kid that won't give up finding a new opportunity when other closes, so now both will increase their chances helping each other but they might not know much about the other. They are not friend but now they are together and they'll help each other sharing the same purpose. But when war hit them and casualties happen their faces can't hide the damage and the change happing in each one of them realizing that they don't see anyone else like humans but just as one more in the list but they have each other until they can't , young teenagers fighting for a cause bigger than them, using their energy and abilities to survive as a weapon when they deserve a better future than the ideals of their elders, and the only thing they need for now is to go home and have a chance of a new start and a new life.

But this opportunity might only come in hands of someone able to help them and protect them. And that's the honor that soldiers show in battle and pilots in the air. When the battlefield is stock to move forward or too destroyed to continue, the only way to reach further is by air and sadly since nowadays sky is the limit and we can reach any frontier pushing a bottom at home, also the damage can expand for miles. Someone has to protect it. And that's a pilot's duty. As a soldier committed with the cause, we are witness of the nerve breaking strategies that take in the air to survive and eliminate the enemy where upside down takes no meaning but only way to make it through is being one step ahead and move faster than the other . From above you can see the consequences of everyone's acts on the beneath you but how to stop it, how can you do more from where you are standing. The only way might be not the best option for one but the better for all the rest, so how far are you willing to go in order to save all that might not include you. Will you be able to fight and protect by understanding that by saving others will give you no escape for you. How selfless can someone be to put others, hundreds before yourself. That's what war can prove and show even when is far from a fair game, shows the true colors of humanity and how capable are we all for greater and evil when all comes down to survival. Are you ready for this tense, dense story with an ensemble cast that includes British actor Tom Hardy and Kenneth Branagh among others with a brilliant score that will keep you at the edge of your seat while learning another passage in human history that would have been better not to happen but will remind us how far are we from learning from our mistakes.

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