lunes, 29 de enero de 2018

INGRID GOES WEST ... and you'll get real

Do you still remember those days when in order to meet new people you have to go to social events, join some kind of activities or sports so you can connect with others?  When thinking about the internet was merely about browsing for some information but social media was a mere profile where you can put your self out and expose your real life out of it? Maybe if you are 25 yo or under this might sound like a plot of any movie rather than a real time. But for those who are not consider millennials, that was a reality. A life before and after social media. When Facebook started as a window to introduce yourself int a networking environment that will aloud you to connect with people all around the country and now the globe. Then the smartphones came to the picture giving anyone the opportunity to be online anytime, anywhere. Without realizing that this change in anyone's lifestyle will be a turn of events that will transform the lives of generations to come, such as events like the TV, production manufacturing, any way of transportation, and more that had defined human history and all kinds of culture. But is it working for good or this change is messing with our society and culture more than is helping? In terms of business, and technology is a win, with lots of benefits that make your life easier but anything has side effects and the fact that our lives are now pending and all packed in a phone has turn us into a living walking box, unable to see beyond what is happening on our phones. Traveling has become just an excuse to get pictures and videos that will prove we been around the world and drop them around social media so anyone can see us. And because the act that now anyone can have a glimpse of our lives, we live for it. Social media is our way to validate our lives and the ticket that will show us how to live it.

Now days we spend so much time in our phones, looking at others lives that we forget to live our own. We want what we see and we fight for it, but how much is it real and what part is elaborated by a sum of things that they want you to see. Like having your own reality show. And who doesn't like to have their 5 minutes of glory and stardom? That's exactly the reason why we chose an indie film that had a very limited exhibition so might missed it but now is available on Hulu. "Ingrid goes West" (2017), A dark comedy, that sometimes will make you feel so uncomfortable because it's point is so real that is scary but honest and true. The story centers in Ingrid, our main character, among just a few others, that bring a more intimate feeling to the story, a girl that we meet when having a nervous break down, because her online friend didn't invite her to her wedding. Setting up things about the new kind of relationships in this post social media era. Ingrid is a lonely girl, she is socially awkward and with a lot of emotional problems that will only explode once the only friend she though she had is not including her into her life. But how could you keep up with all these supposed friendships online with people you have never met but at the same time they know everything about you thanks to social media. So after an incident at the wedding, Ingrid is taken to the psychiatric for evaluation and therapy but she is just a girl with no friends, no social life, unable to connect with people because she is too weird for the social standards. So how can she make friends if she has nothing to offer to others to be drawn to her life? That's why she prefer to spend her time looking at social media apps and observe and like the lives of others. And because she has no life, no friends and nothing else  to do, she can become obsessive about  it. Because she wants to be accepted and find that friend that will make her have a life of her own.

Reason why she moves to the west coast once she finds a new girl to be obsessed with. After checking all her social media, she represents everything that she is looking for.  A perfect life. Married with a great guy, with a dream job and living the Californian dream, only makes Ingrid to be desperate her friend and so she starts to contact her online. But Ingrid has no other life than the one she is pursuing for, so sooner that we can expect she is buying a ticket to this new life where she dresses up like  this new girl, and starts visiting the same places she keeps posting and one unexpected day she finally ran into her, just giving her the opportunity to follow her to her place  and start an intense watch of her routine and life style to find a way to fit in it. And when she decides to steal her dog just to make contact with her and her husband as an opportunity to bring the dog back  and as a way to thank her, they invite her to her house, cook dinner for her and open their lives to this friendly stranger that just moved to town and saved their dog's life. And everything starts going according her plan, she offers to help them at any opportunity just to spend more time with them while keeps buying a life that doesn't belong to her but serves as a role model based on her new friends preferences. The young couple seem to like her and soon Ingrid has a new girlfriend, one that after one adventure together spending the whole day bounding and hanging, drinking and smoking, tells her that she likes her and she is he best new friend. Something that Ingrid will take very serious and close to her heart. Her first friend and finally a life that she can also post on social media, just like everybody else.

But who are all these people that Ingrid now is hanging with and that represent her ideal of a life? Well, first of all it's Taylor, the new "it" girl, that after an article in a magazine where she talks about her life as a millennial, and connecting with all sorts of people via her social media accounts where she keeps posting recommendations of places to visit, food to eat, art to admire, parties to go, has become popular and now a target for Ingrid's obsession. And performed with charm and a fresh air of coolness by actress Elizabeth Olsen, representing any girl in her twenties these days, she just wants to have an amazing life, and make lots of friends from everywhere and with all kinds of backgrounds. She wants to feel like an inspiration and that her life has some sort of meaning by doing the right things, but is it really the right thing? or is it more of a search for validation served in what others opinions and judgement?  For now she seems ok with it and proud to be the new cool girl. And her husband, Ezra, a young artist that seems to adore Taylor and after having the perfect wedding and relationship, just represent this idea of a partnership for the cool era where both are two independent and opinionated individuals willing to compromise and be together, but does it really exist such thing as the prefect couple or relationship? Should it be supposed to have ups and downs, fights and disagreements? Well it seems like they are two very different people once you break the first layer, because while she craves for social media attention, he doesn't even have a profile because he believes in privacy and like to keep his life and matters private from the public eye. And things just keep escalating once her brother Nicky shows up. He is just a train wreck. Partying here and there and crashing with family and friends with needed just taking advantage of the situation while keeps bragging for attention with his stories of adventures and sexual encounters because who can say no to a sexy young guy, right? And while his sister applauds every single move he does, Ezra can't be more in a different page and always offended by his comments, unable to do anything because he doesn't have his wife backup.

That's what happen when real people start to hang in real time and you get to know someone out of their social media. They are as human as you and anyone else. Those perfect pictures are no more than a shoot of a second that was or could be but totally manipulated to show and prove something far from what really is, because if your life is so perfect, why would you need to show it off? There is no need to prove anything. And soon Ingrid will realize that all the things she saw and believed from her new friends are just a masquerade.Taylor is just another girl, just like her, that couldn't fit socially until she followed the book and become accepted and recognize, but was as lonely as Ingrid, desperate to make friends and feel validated away from her insecurities. And her husband, Ezra, is an alcoholic, that feels frustrated because his art is as fake as his life and his marriage, and he is aware of it so prefers to go along with the game rather than face his reality that he evades while drinking. And the young brother, Nicky, is a loser than takes advantage of his perfect body and good looking presence, to hustle himself around, as has zero culture or intention to learn or work hard to achieve his dreams, because he feels entitled to deserve the best just for being young and handsome and an asshole. Sadly Ingrid gets trap in all their mess and even when they can see her lies and reject her, she still wants to be around them, why? because she has no one, and it's better to live a fantasy, not matter how close to a nightmare could be, always would feel better than the feeling of being ignored, be nobody. Fortunately there is Dan, her Landlord, a young guy that rents the place to her and likes her, but she has to go through all this craziness to realize that   and notice him, because she was looking for a friend, the best friend, not a boyfriend, but he offers that feeling of love and acceptance she desperately needs and she might finally find it just in a different yet more healthy way, only thing you have to do is look up, way from your phone and realize that life is happening around you and what you are looking for might be closer than you think but you been too busy to notice it, so next time you spend hours on your phone, better give a try to life to find you and have real adventures, no selfies or filters involved.

lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

Nothing last forever...FOREVER MY GIRL

Who doesn't like or enjoy a happy ending? An old fashion romance where you know this will be alright, and love will overcome any obstacle just to prove how powerful it is among us. Specially these days, where things keep getting crazier and chaos is around us with so many political disturbance, and violence and lack of intimacy as par of our daily lives, the opportunity to sit for two hours and believe that love still is around us and we can do better, is hard to say no. And that's exactly the strength of the new romance " Forever my girl" (2018), which to be honest has more flaws as a film to sit and talk about but is just the few good things about it, that makes it a success thanks to it's perfect timing and a charming cast that will make you forget  that fairy tales are not real and we all deserve love and will find it sooner than later. The story centers in a young couple living in a small town that after been high school sweethearts are about to get married. But even everything seems to be ok, he doesn't show up and instead leaves town to the city where thanks to his good skills as a musician, writing songs and playing the guitar, becomes one of the biggest country stars of the country. Performing in the most important arenas and with millionaire tours  that keep him busy, able to forget what he left and buy the idea of this new whole life of stardom where basically has everything but money can't by happiness, so now has turned into an alcoholic and lonely person sleeping with any pretty girl with whom might not have anything in common or even be attracted to other than the fact of her to keep him away of spending the night by himself.

But even that kind of life sounds like anything we all would be dreaming of, there is always a price to pay and even we can keep fooling ourselves trying to convince us that is what we love to do, feel passionate about or our dream come true, that excuse will only last just for some time and then the bill will come to get paid, when we noticed how isolated we are from reality and the true person we really are, as most of this success only happens when you devote your life to it, so no hanging with friends, family reunions or romantic dates but jumping from one business to the other. Reality check usually comes when we get to move away from that life and go back to our roots, to the place we come from just to realize what we left behind and the people that used to care about us, because no matter how different our goals or life style is from home, our hearts and soul will always be attached to it in some way as part of our roots and values that forge the man or women we are now. And so it happens to our prince charming, which is far from charming right now, but just close to be  a hot mess. After feeling suffocated by the media and his exhausting tour, he decides to go back to his hometown when sees in the news that one of his best friends just died in a car accident leaving behind a family and friends, but soon will realize these people had moved on and forgot about him after he left them. disappearing without even trying to contact them. And for many of us this might sounds too intense but the majority of people don't live in the big cities. They are raised and born in a town that sees them grow and where life is a community that helps each other, they know each other and stay together. That is the way it is. Far from the chaos and crowds of big cities, where life is just the opposite, independent and small circles of acquaintances.

But on the other side, she has moved on, apparently. She got her own business and doing well raising a child and even still single, seems like she is having a nice happy life, until he shows up. Because let's not forget this is a romantic dramedy. He stood her up at the church, leaving her humiliated and heart broken. So when she sees him, she is not happy. Her world is about to collapse again, plus the fact that she hasn't forgotten him. She always though he was his true love. And that could be seen as a big flaw in this story as the character of her, appears as lovely strong woman able to make it through in a small town as a single mother but at the end she is just another fragile emotional woman willing to be loved missing any will to be someone that has a life and is independent enough to find love just as a compliment in life rather than be a trophy to be earned. Sadly, this is still a reality in many places where woman are just this companions to men that will fight over them but more as an accessory to show off than their equal soul mate. And sometimes this happens because women are the ones putting themselves in this position as we still stigmatize those that for any reason are left behind single as if something were wrong with them, so we jump into desperation trying to partner up with anyone just to avoid this, but would you call love to that? Sounds more like a requirement or a check list that will validate you rather than finding someone that complements you in many ways.

And so we see how she tries to push him away at the beginning until he realizes that her kid is his as well. By miracle, this guy that has been running away his whole life feels drawn to parenthood just as women are attracted to marriage, and that's when reality starts to lose perspective, but giving him some credit, he has always loved her, and the only reason why he got scared and ran away is not for been afraid of commitment but to been hurt, as he lost his mother when was young, and that left a huge mark on him, that when he found love again the fact of losing that again and being hurt was more powerful than love itself. And that is a reality that is out there and happens more often than we can imagine but we find so many names and excuses for it that we never realize that what we are doing is trying o protect ourselves in survival mode, because we know that a break up will leave us devastated and will take everything that we have. So yes, we get scared, scared of been loved with the possibility of being hurt so we run into this crazy unhealthy relationships that will secure our heart from being broken. And that's why we get so many assholes, bitches, workaholics, substance addicts, loners, etc, etc. Not everybody is strong enough to embrace love and take a leap of faith. But unfortunately this is a romantic story, based on a popular novel, with two very good looking  leading actor that also happen to bring sparks on the screen, plus a kid that will make you reconsider have kids of your won and hopefully be a lucky one to get one charming like this.

So in resume, yes, we all have issues so you better change your mind about finding prince charming or Cinderella. They don't exist. What we get is just what we are. And we are a reflection of our actions and images. And those usually are trying to hide our insecurities or fears. No matter how good looking or average you are is your personality and achievements the ones that will speak for you and what people would be attracted to. And as so, our country start here learns, realizing that no matter how popular or famous he is, the people that really know him and what he did, don't see him the same way the others do and even he is trying to change and go back the guy he used to be, he has to faced all this fears and insecurities first at the same time that uses love to feel motivated because the chemistry between those two is still there and maybe they do belong together but they need to work on themselves. Sadly, we don't get much of this in the movie to focus instead in creating some romance and try to re connect them after years of separation plus the fact that now both are parents so can't just go and date, there's someone more important in the picture now. And while we realize how important is love as an inspiration to anyone to keep working on themselves sadly for this time we only get all this cheesy moments that with a good background, get lost to sell again, the idea of love as something that will just happen by hanging with someone. Love is getting to know someone and that means the good and bad. Their best and worst. And feeling comfortable to accept it that way while feeling loved and accepted as well. It's a two way street but if you willing to make the trip to the theater and in the mood for a feel good movie, it's worth as a reminder in this era where online dating is the way to go and people are more and more independent with higher standards and expectations because bigger fears and baggage to deal with, that putting yourself out and let someone in, is always better than a whole life of money, success, and popularity by yourself because when the lights turn on, are those who stay what really counts and what will bring the best on you unless you prefer to be running scared all your life, like a country song.

lunes, 15 de enero de 2018

PATRICK WILSON...El conjuro de un vigilante

A veces la vida toma caminos inesperados. Uno forja su vida y carrera profesional en miras de una meta que al final toma una vuelta inesperada y termina por sorprendernos llevándonos a lugares inesperados pero que a final puede que funcionen mejor que el plan original, otras veces solo es una lección por aprender. Lo primero pareciera ser el caso del actor Patrick Joseph Wilson, nacido en un poblado de Virginia, un Julio de 1973, criado junto a sus dos hermano mayores, por su madre, una cantante y maestra vocal, y su padre, un locutor de noticias en Tampa, Florida, razón por la cual creció en su mayoría en Florida. Graduándose en 1995 con un titulo en artes dramáticas (BFA), inicia su carrera profesional en teatro en giras nacionales de musicales de renombre que le permiten crear un curriculum que para 1999 lo llevaría a firmar parte de una obra off broadway en NYC. Sin embargo, es en el 2000 cuando logra un papel en la obra "Full Monty" que le valdría una nominación a los premios  Tony como mejor actor en un musical. Aunque no ganaría, esto se repetiría en el 2002 con su rol en la obra "Oklahoma!", aunque no gano le valió reconocimiento con la critica. Lo que pareciera haber sido un doble fracaso para algunos, en realidad fue un gran empuje en su carrera, ya que con tal reconocimiento las puertas en television se abrieron via la aclamada mini serie de HBO "Angels in America" (2003) bajo la batuta del otro aclamado director Mike Nichol's y que nuevamente la valdría un par de nominaciones como mejor actor de reparto en una mini serie de TV, tanto por parte de los Globo de Oro como los premios Emmy.

Tras todos estos reconocimientos su carrera transicionaria a la pantalla grande, donde alcanzaría el estatus del que ahora goza como actor y celebridad. Todo empezó con su debut en la cinta "The Alamo" (2004), una recreación de la histórica batalla en Texas de USA vs Mexico, esta vez enfocándose en los dos puntos de vista politicos involucrados y donde el actor interpreto a un joven novicio reportandose a la batalla tratandose de ganar los honores al pelear a lado de este batallón. La cinta fue aplastada por la critica por su convencionalidad que la hace olvidable, mas en taquilla no le fue nada mal. Meses después vemos el actor en un papel que le sienta bien dado sus antecedentes, la adaptación en pantalla grande del musical "The Phantom of the Opera" (2004), donde interpretaría al ambicioso dueño del teatro que solo busca conquistar el corazón de la joven cantante principal de su obra mientras ella cae seducida por el misterioso hombre que vive escondido en el mismo ocultando la desfigurada mitad de su cara.La cinta fue otro éxito en taquilla pero nuevamente la critica aplasto esta adaptación que pierde la magia de la puesta en escena.Mas esto no seria un obstáculo para su creciente carrera que tan solo esta despegando, por ello poco después lo veríamos en el thriller "Hard Candy" (2005), a lado de Ellen Paige, una cinta independiente que figura como una adaptación del clásico de Caperucita roja, donde una joven adolescente funge como vigilante para usarse como carnada y atrapar y torturar a un posible predador sexual, interpretado por el actor. La cinta es considerada un éxito al contar con buena critica y aunque su taquilla fue baja, dado su bajo presupuesto, lo recuperado es 7 veces mayor.

Probando roles mas serios lo vemos en el drama "Little Children" (2006), a lado de Kate Winslet y Jennifer Connelly, interpretando a un joven padre que lleva a su hijo al parque mientras contempla a los niños jugar extrañando sus tiempos de juventud libre de preocupaciones y que entabla una relación platónica con otra joven madre que ha descubierto la adiccion de su esposo por la pornografia online, exponiendo la vida de los jóvenes padres de esta nueva generación y sus conflictos. Esta vez las cosas se invirtieron ya que en taquilla no le fue bien pero la critica la aplaudió y le valió 3 nominaciones de la Academia entre otras de los mayores círculos, desgraciadamente ninguna para el actor. Con una breve aparición, lo vemos en la semi biografía "Running with Scissors" (2006), bajo la dirección de Ryan Murphy y un elenco multiestelar liderado por Annette Benning como la bipolar madre y Alec Baldwin como el alcoholico padre, que a pesar de gozar con varias nominaciones de varios círculos, la critica y la taquilla la ningunearon. En "Purple Violets" (2007) lo vemos en una comedia indie sobre parejas y relaciones interpreatndo a un exitoso novelista que se topa con su primer amor una joven que busca convertirse en escritora .La cinta contó con una limitada exhibición que justifica su pobre taquilla aunque no el rechazo de la critica.

Mas tarde forma parte de otro ensamble, "Evening" (2007), basado en la novela homónima contando la historia de una mujer en dos tiempos, el actual y 1950, en el cual el actor interpreta a un joven doctor hijo de una familia de bajos recursos que es introducido a la protagonista para evitar su idea de matrimonio con otro joven que no es del agrado de la familia. A pesar del talento involucrado y la popularidad de la novela original, la cinta fue un fracaso por fallar al conectar con la audiencia y presentar una voz única que la hiciera memorable. Dando un giro a su carrera y fijándose mas en el cine comercial, co protagoniza a lado de Kerry Washington como una pareja interracial que es aterrorizada por su vecino que resulta ser un policía de color racista. La cinta producida por Will Smith fue un éxito destinado a puro entretenimiento logrando su objetivo. En "Passengers" (2008), un thriller romántico protagonizado por Anne Hathaway como una psicoterapeuta asignada al caso de 5 pasajeros sobrevivientes de un accidente aéreo que tratara de conectar las piezas en base a los 5 testimonios que no coinciden en absoluto creando un vinculo especial con uno de ellos, interpretado por el actor, pero que al final careció de misterio y de romance y se convirtió en otro fracaso.

Su siguiente proyecto llegaría a la magnitud de los blockbusters con la adaptación fílmica del popular comic "Watchmen" (2009), bajo la vision de Zack Snyder quien brindaría una fiel adaptación de la historia original sobre un grupo de individuos que pretenden fungir como vigilantes de su ciudad y hacer algo al respecto del crimen en ella en vez de no hacer nada y terminaran aliandose como un grupo en contra de un mal mayor. Obviamente la cinta fue un éxito mas no resonó tan fuerte como se esperaba, en parte a su falta de acción y su larga duración. El actor interpreta a Nite Owl, un super héroe retirado con gran habilidad tecnológica. Con un papel menor lo vemos en el blockbuster "A-TEAM" (2010), la adaptación cinematográfica del popular show de TV, que mezcla acción y comedia, un equipo de fuerzas especiales del ejercito que son forzados a limpiar su nombre por un delito que no cometieron. El actor interpreta al agente encargado de organizar a este equipo y asignarles sus misiones. El intento resulto en un éxito en taquilla mas no en critica como era de esperarse. Probando un poco mas de comedia, forma parte del elenco de "The Switch" (2010), una comedia romántica donde Jennifer Anniston decide optar por inseminacion artificial para ser madre y selecciona el esperma de un atractivo y exitoso hombre casado interpretado por el actor antes de ser saboteado por el mejor amigo de ella quien intercambiara su propio semen y confesar su amor por su mejor amiga. La originalidad y quimica de la historia y su elenco pago con una aceptable taquilla y mezcladas criticas.

Buscando establecerse en el genero con miras a ser e proximo leading man, lo vemos co protagonizando la comedia "Morning Glory" (2010), protagonizada por Rachael McAdams, como la productora de un programa de variedad matutino y que pondrá a dos famosos locutores juntos tratando de robar la atención poniendo a la joven al borde de una crisis existencial mientras a su vez empieza a salir con otro joven productor que podría ayudarla con su experiencia y que es interpretado por el actor luciendo sus atributos de galán. Desgraciadamente la formula tuvo una tibia recepcion tanto en taquilla como critica siendo Harrison Ford y Diane Keaton quienes se robarian el show. Mas no todo estaba perdido cuando protagoniza al lado de Rose Byrne la cinta de terror "Insidious" (2011), la cual seria todo un éxito en taquilla y critica contando la historia de una familia que enfrenta un demonio entre otras presencias atraídas por su hijo que suele tener experiencias fuera de su cuerpo mientras duerme. Tal seria el exito que se convertiria en una franquicia pero el actor solo regresaria para la secuela, "Insidious: Chapter 2" (2013), la cual se basaria ahora en su personaje y un ente de su pasado que regresa par cazarlo. Aunque superaría por mucho el éxito de la primera, esta vez la critica no la favoreció al mostrarse cansada de la misma formula.

Regresando al cine independiente, forma parte de "The Ledge" (2011), un drama sobre un joven ateo buscando saltar de un techo para quitarse la vida y el detective tratando de detenerlo, mientras cuenta su historia que lo llevo ahi al formar parte de un triangulo amoroso donde salió perdiendo. Co protagonizando con Charlie Hunnam y Liv Tyler pero a pesar del talento, la critica y taquilla la aplastaron. No así en "Young Adult" (2011), una comedia negra sobre una mujer incapaz de madurar y comportarse como una profesional en su trabajo que al recibir una fotografía de la hija recién nacida de su ex novio de la escuela, esta segura es una señal del destino y decide ir a buscarlo. Protagoniza a lado de Charlize Theron, quien se robo la atención de la cinta e incluso gano varias nominaciones, opacando el talento del actor en su continua búsqueda por ese rol que le permita brillar. Pero mientras eso pasa lo vemos en otra breve aparición, mas como un cameo, en "Prometheus" (2012), la precuela de la franquicia de aliens donde interpreta al padre de la protagonista en una especia de flashback, y aunque la cinta fue todo un éxito, su participación poco se vincula a ella.

Regresando al genero que mas éxito le ha brindado, protagoniza "The Conjuring" (2013), otra cinta de terror basada en los hechos reales de la pareja Warren, quienes han enfrentado docenas de casos paranormales siendo este uno de ellos, ubicado en una granja en el rural America y donde una familia se ve aterrorizada por el maligno espíritu de un bruja. La cinta dio un nuevo ire al genero, aderesandolo con un toque humano y sentimental brindado por esta peculiar pareja y obviamente la quimica de sus protagonistas, el actor y la actriz Vera Farmiga. El éxito de la cinta ya genero una secuela y varios spin offs, pero es en "The Conjuring 2" (2016), donde lo vemos nuevamente como Ed Warren ahora enfrentando una posesión demoniaca en el UK de los 70's mientras su amor po su esposa es puesto entre la vida y la muerte al ser objetivo de este demonio.Lamentablemente su siguiente proyecto se fue directo a DVD, "Space Station 76" (2014), una comedia negra que trata de destructurizar las relaciones idílicas en un escenario futurista pero ni su look rubio, ni compartir escena otra vez con Liv Tayler y Matt Boomer sirvió de mucho.Y lo mismo paso con su siguiente proyecto "Stretch" (2014), el cual se fue directo a VOD, una comedia que el mismo protagoniza como un hombre que sobrevive tras un accidente automovilístico, para terminar enamorándose dela mujer que provoco dicho accidente.

Su siguiente proyecto, que también produciría y en el cual todo el cast están relacionados de alguna manera en la vida real, si vio la luz, mas contó con una corrida limitada y pésimas criticas, "Let's Kill Ward's wife" (2014), otra comedia negra sobre tres amigos tratando de matar a la abusiva esposa de uno de ellos, tan predecible como su titulo, coincidencia o falta de originalidad? En vez de avanzar en dirección de mejores proyectos, su carrera continuo en un giro de filmes que fueron aplastados por la critica y totalmente ignorados por la audiencia, tales como "Big Stone Gap" (2015), una mezcla rara de melodrama y romance sobre una mujer edad media que hereda la farmacia de su difunto padre en su pueblo natal, el cual da titulo a esta cinta basada en la homónima novela y donde el actor interpretara el interés amoroso de Ashley Judd como protagonista. Mismo caso para "Home Sweet Hell" (2015) una comedia negra con tintes de horror sobre los problemas que se desatan una vez que un hombre de negocios dueño de una mueblería contrata a una joven atractiva asistente a falta de una satisfecha vida sexual con su esposa la cual no estará muy contenta con dicha decision y mas tras conocer la verdad de tras de la joven asistente. Finalmente con "Zipper" (2015), intenta volver en curso con proyectos de calidad o atractivos, protagonizando este thriller politico sobre un abogado federal adicto al sexo ocasional con escorts, lo cual pondra su carrera y vida en riesgo. La cinta tuvo una mala recepción en critica, mas lo contrario para su interpretación, y una corrida limitada lo cual no ayudo a impulsar esta interesante premisa que expone una realidad sobre acoso sexual y adiccion sexual que siempre ha estado ahi pero antes del fenómeno me too, era imposible de hablar.

Las cosas cambiaron con "Bone Tomahawk" (2015), un western sobre dos fugitivos que gozan de matar a viajeros haciéndose pasar por indios nativos, hasta que un día llegan a un poblado que les hará cambiar sus fortuna. Protagonizada por Kurt Russell y Richard Jenkins, el actor co protagoniza como un hombre en recuperacion por una herida en su pierna y que enfrentara a estos maliantes. Curiosamente la cinta gano prestigio en varios festivales y genero excelentes criticas, lo cual no ayudo a atraer audiencias poco interesadas en el genero. Caso parecido fue "A kind of murder" (2016), que protagoniza a lado de Jessica Biel, en un thriller de época ubicado en los 60's y que debuto en el festival de Tribeca, pero que fue ninguneado por su falta de misterio y pobre adaptación de la época, contando la travesía de un arquitecto con intensiones de ser novelista por lo que se involucra de mas en un homicidio de una mujer local. Posteriormente lo vemos en "The Founder" (2017), la historia del hombre que cambio la estrategia de negocios con la cadena de fast food McDonald's interpretado por Michael Keaton, y desgraciadamente el actor tiene una breve participación en esta entretenida semi biografía interpretando a un adinerado e influyente hombre de negocios el cual sera dejado por su esposa por huir detrás del fundador. La cinta fue muy bien acogida por la critica pero solo logro una modesta taquilla, al ser ninguneada en la temporada de premios, orillando a la audiencia a buscar otras opciones.

Este 2018 lo veremos por partida doble en grandes producciones. Primero regresa al genero de accion a lado de Liam Neeson en "The Commuter" donde un hombre ordinario sera ofrecido para encntrar a un pasajero en el tren a cambio de una atractiva suma de dinero sin contar que su vida tambien se pondra en peligro. El actor interpreta a un policía y amigo del protagonista que intentara ayudarlo en este juego de gato y raton en un tren. Con su estreno esta semana, supero las expectativas mas tanto la critica como la taquilla se han mostrado muy tibias pero con un futuro prometedor todo puede pasar. Y mas tarde lo veremos en la anticipada adaptación del comic y super héroe "Aquaman", en su primer adaptación a la pantalla grande y donde interpretara al hermano de este semi Dios de la Atlántida y que promete ser un éxito en taquilla mas con los antecedentes de las pasadas entregas de DC comics puede ser una gran bomba en taquilla y critica, y tal vez finalmente este sea su parte aguas para direccionar su carrera a proyectos de calidad y que le permitan volver a ser del gusto de la audiencia y consolidarlo en la industria antes de que de al brinco donde tanto actores se pierden en un limbo de proyectos mediocres mientras esperan aquel que los re posicione y abra las puertas en una nueva faceta como actores serios o celebridades sino se pierden en una horda de talentos luchando por la misma oportunidad, o tal vez sea hora de re direccionar su carrera con miras a otra dirección y probar nuevos aires que le brinden esos aires de gloria.

martes, 9 de enero de 2018

THE POST...for when history repeats itself

After seen a couple of movies in recent years about the importance of journalism and how the work of some many reporters has changed the curse of a country in some many ways that at this point what could possible be new about it? Well that's exactly where we find the new Steven Spielberg's film "The Post" (2017), a very entertaining drama about the nature of journalism when facing one of the ugliest truths about the government of USA.And this is what makes it relevant for an era where the political climate craves for a reminder of our own mistakes in the past as a last call to prevent history to repeats, and with a major female character at the center of the story, nothing fits better for the time as if was meant to happen this way. Reason why all the A listers  involved in this project, rushed to make it happen just in time for the award season at the end of the year. With actors as Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks leading a cast full of well known actors serving a story that centers more in the events and it's impact in history than in each character, they all play along for the big picture and seems like it payed off since critics and the industry are raving about it. But is it truly one of the best films of the year or just a well done movie served with pedigree credits to make it shinny compared to the rest of the offers?

Let's start with the fact that for some reason indeed history repeats. Why? well because seems like human nature dictates that we hardly learn from our mistakes, been proven that humans are the only animal species that is able to repeat more than once the same mistake. And specially because time puts a spell on us making us move on and forget from dramatic events from the past, so even we complain about certain circumstances now, in a couple of years or decades we won't feel or think about anymore as didn't happen so if we forget about it we are able to make it happen again. And here we are, recalling true events from thee decades ago that expose all the corruption inside our own government, that manipulated society and sacrificed thousands of it's young citizens for a plan that was meant to fail but thought was necessary for the country. But while things were managed in different ways, making people believe that were fighting for the safety of their country and protection of their home, it's not until top secret reports came out to the public eye that we are expose to a reality that is far from what were told about. And this is one of the major plot lines of the movie, following the story of these documents while coming to the surface while, obviously, others will try to keep them hidden as threat to the government and others try expose them and show everybody the truth behind a war that is taken so many lives and that in contrary to what has been said, indeed was provoke to happen.

On the good guys side we have a group of journalists, the ones with access to masses, via newspapers. Their job and mission to tell the news and keep everybody informed pushed them to fight to bring these news to every home they can reach. And so big houses like The New York Times took the first step and published the big news just in time to be targeted by the government, reason why the very local Washington Post gets in the picture just in the rise of making the company public and having a board of white men in charge trying to control the owner, a middle aged woman that faces the fact of dealing business in a land  that diminishes her and a group of possibly allies that don't do other than criticize her decisions . But soon they will face a reality bigger than them, either pursue their mission as a newspaper or look after their own business keeping this small and local while trying to do their own business inside the house. But not for her. She is a woman that has grown founded to the news and the paper to let it pass, and even she is not a reporter herself, realizing that what she has in her hands is something bigger than her and her business and both are just a part of a bigger chain that can transform the country, them included. And so she will arm a team that will help her to make this happen and expose those papers with a limited time to go printing and not missing the morning news.

All this serves as a very entertaining view of what makes journalism a challenging and necessary industry in every country. Someone has to bring the news, no matter how bad or goo are they. Keeping informed a whole nation is a serious business and a headline can change anyone's life. With excellent performances played by a multi stellar cast under the wing of a talented but recently over rated director that has lost his touch to tell stories in a very unique and personal way to fit the standards of a modern industry, the film doesn't disappoints neither excites. It's more about seeing this happening all over again what really feels like an urge to run and re witness history. After losing our capacity of remember the past, seeing this events from an inside perspective give us the idea of a very familiar feeling, one that is living among us now days. And as the story centers on how the events happen for all the ones involved, the idea of re calling a scandal screa out for a bigger one, where our actual government is hiding information from us, what is really happening inside the big house? What are they not telling us? All this theories and declarations from insiders suggesting a dark matter cooking in pursue of the agenda of a few that want to go back to that era and no matter how that will affect the country is supposedly for the better of it. Is it? Do we really need to go back from where we come from? Isn't that the first reason why we left? Why we evolve and left that behind? We can't keep sacrificing a majority for the best will of  a few . That's what the post works for. A slap in the face in hope to shake us out and take action.

Focusing on the struggle of the head of a newspaper trying to survive when other big corporations are taking all the big news leaving them social scandals and local reports, limiting their reach to a bigger crowd, specially since they are located in the heart of the political system of the country. As a woman, she has to face the fact of being in charge without even being noticed. The white men kingdom is still ruling and has left her behind to take care of the social campaign of the business leaving all decisions to he men on her board. So when this opportunity arise and she has the last word, will have to trust her gut as part of the business that she has always been but also facing the reality of not being a reporter herself, but following the real purpose of her business, reason why she relies on the good spirit of her floor manager, played by Tom Hanks, in a role that feels like any other of his previous performances but let the story follows her journey more than any other of the characters in the story. At the end, the movie and the story brings back a hot topic that thanks to all the talent involve will bring the audience to the theaters in hopes to resonate a forgotten major historic point that seems to repeat itself and remind us why the importance of keep informative before taking action or follow the word of the rules that pretend to win by speaking loud and promise ideals that only benefit a few but come serve in a shinny plate that can convince anyone who doesn't want to follow change and prefers to sick in the same point against being more progressive and liberal but keep close minded values that lead a whole country to war with the rest of the world and bringing just peace to ones hidden behind white walls making decisions for the sake of their own agenda rather than to fill up the purpose of their chair.

lunes, 1 de enero de 2018

LEGION...knowing yourself is your biggest super power

It's fascinating how we can use creativity and imagination to explain things that otherwise would be boring and hard to comprehend. So in this new era where all entertainment moves around the money making machine of comic books and characters, most of them super heroes, the emporium Marvel brings another entry in their X-men universe owned by Fox, reason why the network FX decided to green light a project about a troubled young man that has been diagnosed with schizophrenia reason why has been spending years in hospitals trying to find a cure to his problem but those voices might be something more, some kind of power and abilities that will make him so unique, powerful and maybe dangerous. Possessing  Psychic abilities let the story explore ways deeper than just any other super power, reason why all the team behind this production wanted to move things in a different direction and created a psychological thriller for grown ups far from the comic and fun relieve of the x-men movies. And that how "Legion" (2017-current) happened and for all of those not familiar with the story, let's say, that David Haller, the main character as soon to become a mutant called Legion, is the son of popular and well known mutant Professor Charles Xavier, that gave him away once he noticed his abilities and afraid of putting him in danger when just a baby.

David grew up with an adopted family that he always thought was his biological family, losing both parents, only remains at his side older sister Katie, that can't understand and do much to help her little brother. He falls into the tramp of alcohol and drug abuse trying to escape all the voices and situations that have been getting out of control, alienating him from the rest of society that can't understand him, until he meets what he calls the girl of his dreams, at a mental clinic, and the connection and romance between both of them becomes the trigger he needed to start fighting what is inside him and this will lead to a full analysis of the human brain, including it's capacity to love, create, imagine, behave, and how the sum of all is what defines us, but the only way to fully use it at it's fullest is understanding where we are, where we come from and who we really are, with no masks and tricks. And using a stylish story  telling the series moves from a 50's retro feeling era to a suspenseful thriller that will relate to anyone that has been through the process of psychological therapy and the anxiety of discovering itself . Using David and his powers to get into others minds and trying to understand his own, the story moves around all the psychological terms that a therapy will take you to and explore, expose, analyse and understand it's characters.

First of all comes the part of understanding where we come from. Who our parents are and as the show describes, it's all about memories, but with time memories can change and become a mix of fiction and reality as we start forgetting details or we erase them for a reason, to move on without carrying barrage, consciously, but the damage will remain, hidden. That's why sometimes we feel like we have been pulled off from situations not knowing that all this is just a mere consequence of little moments that happen in the past, like when your dad tells you a story before bed and it sticks with you for the rest of your life or how when you used to play with friends got lost and felt like everybody abandoned you by leaving you behind. Every situation that we go through shape us for the person we become in the future and the reason why is different for everybody comes because we have different personalities, so each perspective of each situation varies from one to the other.But do you really know why you like some kind of food? Or why you have some preference for certain people? We have a collection of memories that we build with time but some of them are those definitive moments that we need to go through and analyze to really understand their meaning and how did that affect us, because just understanding the problem we can find the solution.

Now imagine that all this comes under the influence of psychic abilities that let you freeze in time and control others mind, get deep into others memories and explore who they really are and what's going on in their heads, being able to influence them and change their reality because the brain is the one who truly controls us. We might be dreaming and nothing that is happening is real but it's all inside our head. Our brains dictate if the feeling is too real to believe it or not. Controls our mood and behavior and pushes us in directions towards what to choose and what to reject. We are basically our brain. So how powerful can someone be if able to control his own and others minds. Reading minds sounds like the perfect recipe for a healthy relationship as no more need to guess that the other is thinking and being able to please him or her but if this goes on a bigger scale it can change absolutely everything as no one could be it's own persona and won't be a true fact to say was your own judgement or decision. Just like when we are kids and our parents advise or force us to choose and pursue what they think is the best for us. Is it? Really is about us or about them? And the fact to discover this is as scary as any horror movie where you realize that the bad guys has been living inside you or hidden under your bed. Terrifying. That's why one of the big achievements of the show is that they manage to move it towards a psychological thriller rather than a science fiction flick like the rest, and other than the power of moving things with your mind, discovering yourself has more science than fiction.

With a mostly unknown cast that serve perfectly to this Marvel universe where mutants exist and the government  is chasing them because of the threat they could represent to others and to use them as weapons or experiments, is all about the writing from acclaimed show runner Noah Hawley, a fan of the series, that brought this to live, and that uses its mythology to explore humanity  from the eyes of those who are becoming less human exposing our nature as compassionate and kind beings as much as predators and selfish personas that when afraid of the unknown are able to the most terrifying actions. But also serves as an introspective to what define us. Each one of us are unique because we are like no one else thanks to our personalities that come in hand from our minds. It's our soul and the personality what attracts or push away others. We've been living in a world judge by the cover. One where looks are what define you and label you in the yes of the rest but in the flesh we are all the same, just different shapes and colors, but what really define us is what hides deeper in our soul, back in our minds, a mix of emotions, ideas, dreams, goals, reactions, and when someone is able to see through all that can really get us and know and love for who we really are rather that what we pretend to be, as we all have the power of hide what hurt us so we can survive and face reality but what would you do if you can change that and be in control of yourself, able to face your worst fear or heal that moment that change you back in time, well in real life is called therapy and if have no idea about what i'm talking about just watch this sophisticated, well written, acted, crafted, visually stunning, drama/thriller and you'll get an idea what means to be human and be trapped and control for your brain, because we are mutants in some way, you just don;'t know it yet.