lunes, 1 de enero de 2018

LEGION...knowing yourself is your biggest super power

It's fascinating how we can use creativity and imagination to explain things that otherwise would be boring and hard to comprehend. So in this new era where all entertainment moves around the money making machine of comic books and characters, most of them super heroes, the emporium Marvel brings another entry in their X-men universe owned by Fox, reason why the network FX decided to green light a project about a troubled young man that has been diagnosed with schizophrenia reason why has been spending years in hospitals trying to find a cure to his problem but those voices might be something more, some kind of power and abilities that will make him so unique, powerful and maybe dangerous. Possessing  Psychic abilities let the story explore ways deeper than just any other super power, reason why all the team behind this production wanted to move things in a different direction and created a psychological thriller for grown ups far from the comic and fun relieve of the x-men movies. And that how "Legion" (2017-current) happened and for all of those not familiar with the story, let's say, that David Haller, the main character as soon to become a mutant called Legion, is the son of popular and well known mutant Professor Charles Xavier, that gave him away once he noticed his abilities and afraid of putting him in danger when just a baby.

David grew up with an adopted family that he always thought was his biological family, losing both parents, only remains at his side older sister Katie, that can't understand and do much to help her little brother. He falls into the tramp of alcohol and drug abuse trying to escape all the voices and situations that have been getting out of control, alienating him from the rest of society that can't understand him, until he meets what he calls the girl of his dreams, at a mental clinic, and the connection and romance between both of them becomes the trigger he needed to start fighting what is inside him and this will lead to a full analysis of the human brain, including it's capacity to love, create, imagine, behave, and how the sum of all is what defines us, but the only way to fully use it at it's fullest is understanding where we are, where we come from and who we really are, with no masks and tricks. And using a stylish story  telling the series moves from a 50's retro feeling era to a suspenseful thriller that will relate to anyone that has been through the process of psychological therapy and the anxiety of discovering itself . Using David and his powers to get into others minds and trying to understand his own, the story moves around all the psychological terms that a therapy will take you to and explore, expose, analyse and understand it's characters.

First of all comes the part of understanding where we come from. Who our parents are and as the show describes, it's all about memories, but with time memories can change and become a mix of fiction and reality as we start forgetting details or we erase them for a reason, to move on without carrying barrage, consciously, but the damage will remain, hidden. That's why sometimes we feel like we have been pulled off from situations not knowing that all this is just a mere consequence of little moments that happen in the past, like when your dad tells you a story before bed and it sticks with you for the rest of your life or how when you used to play with friends got lost and felt like everybody abandoned you by leaving you behind. Every situation that we go through shape us for the person we become in the future and the reason why is different for everybody comes because we have different personalities, so each perspective of each situation varies from one to the other.But do you really know why you like some kind of food? Or why you have some preference for certain people? We have a collection of memories that we build with time but some of them are those definitive moments that we need to go through and analyze to really understand their meaning and how did that affect us, because just understanding the problem we can find the solution.

Now imagine that all this comes under the influence of psychic abilities that let you freeze in time and control others mind, get deep into others memories and explore who they really are and what's going on in their heads, being able to influence them and change their reality because the brain is the one who truly controls us. We might be dreaming and nothing that is happening is real but it's all inside our head. Our brains dictate if the feeling is too real to believe it or not. Controls our mood and behavior and pushes us in directions towards what to choose and what to reject. We are basically our brain. So how powerful can someone be if able to control his own and others minds. Reading minds sounds like the perfect recipe for a healthy relationship as no more need to guess that the other is thinking and being able to please him or her but if this goes on a bigger scale it can change absolutely everything as no one could be it's own persona and won't be a true fact to say was your own judgement or decision. Just like when we are kids and our parents advise or force us to choose and pursue what they think is the best for us. Is it? Really is about us or about them? And the fact to discover this is as scary as any horror movie where you realize that the bad guys has been living inside you or hidden under your bed. Terrifying. That's why one of the big achievements of the show is that they manage to move it towards a psychological thriller rather than a science fiction flick like the rest, and other than the power of moving things with your mind, discovering yourself has more science than fiction.

With a mostly unknown cast that serve perfectly to this Marvel universe where mutants exist and the government  is chasing them because of the threat they could represent to others and to use them as weapons or experiments, is all about the writing from acclaimed show runner Noah Hawley, a fan of the series, that brought this to live, and that uses its mythology to explore humanity  from the eyes of those who are becoming less human exposing our nature as compassionate and kind beings as much as predators and selfish personas that when afraid of the unknown are able to the most terrifying actions. But also serves as an introspective to what define us. Each one of us are unique because we are like no one else thanks to our personalities that come in hand from our minds. It's our soul and the personality what attracts or push away others. We've been living in a world judge by the cover. One where looks are what define you and label you in the yes of the rest but in the flesh we are all the same, just different shapes and colors, but what really define us is what hides deeper in our soul, back in our minds, a mix of emotions, ideas, dreams, goals, reactions, and when someone is able to see through all that can really get us and know and love for who we really are rather that what we pretend to be, as we all have the power of hide what hurt us so we can survive and face reality but what would you do if you can change that and be in control of yourself, able to face your worst fear or heal that moment that change you back in time, well in real life is called therapy and if have no idea about what i'm talking about just watch this sophisticated, well written, acted, crafted, visually stunning, drama/thriller and you'll get an idea what means to be human and be trapped and control for your brain, because we are mutants in some way, you just don;'t know it yet.

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