lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

Nothing last forever...FOREVER MY GIRL

Who doesn't like or enjoy a happy ending? An old fashion romance where you know this will be alright, and love will overcome any obstacle just to prove how powerful it is among us. Specially these days, where things keep getting crazier and chaos is around us with so many political disturbance, and violence and lack of intimacy as par of our daily lives, the opportunity to sit for two hours and believe that love still is around us and we can do better, is hard to say no. And that's exactly the strength of the new romance " Forever my girl" (2018), which to be honest has more flaws as a film to sit and talk about but is just the few good things about it, that makes it a success thanks to it's perfect timing and a charming cast that will make you forget  that fairy tales are not real and we all deserve love and will find it sooner than later. The story centers in a young couple living in a small town that after been high school sweethearts are about to get married. But even everything seems to be ok, he doesn't show up and instead leaves town to the city where thanks to his good skills as a musician, writing songs and playing the guitar, becomes one of the biggest country stars of the country. Performing in the most important arenas and with millionaire tours  that keep him busy, able to forget what he left and buy the idea of this new whole life of stardom where basically has everything but money can't by happiness, so now has turned into an alcoholic and lonely person sleeping with any pretty girl with whom might not have anything in common or even be attracted to other than the fact of her to keep him away of spending the night by himself.

But even that kind of life sounds like anything we all would be dreaming of, there is always a price to pay and even we can keep fooling ourselves trying to convince us that is what we love to do, feel passionate about or our dream come true, that excuse will only last just for some time and then the bill will come to get paid, when we noticed how isolated we are from reality and the true person we really are, as most of this success only happens when you devote your life to it, so no hanging with friends, family reunions or romantic dates but jumping from one business to the other. Reality check usually comes when we get to move away from that life and go back to our roots, to the place we come from just to realize what we left behind and the people that used to care about us, because no matter how different our goals or life style is from home, our hearts and soul will always be attached to it in some way as part of our roots and values that forge the man or women we are now. And so it happens to our prince charming, which is far from charming right now, but just close to be  a hot mess. After feeling suffocated by the media and his exhausting tour, he decides to go back to his hometown when sees in the news that one of his best friends just died in a car accident leaving behind a family and friends, but soon will realize these people had moved on and forgot about him after he left them. disappearing without even trying to contact them. And for many of us this might sounds too intense but the majority of people don't live in the big cities. They are raised and born in a town that sees them grow and where life is a community that helps each other, they know each other and stay together. That is the way it is. Far from the chaos and crowds of big cities, where life is just the opposite, independent and small circles of acquaintances.

But on the other side, she has moved on, apparently. She got her own business and doing well raising a child and even still single, seems like she is having a nice happy life, until he shows up. Because let's not forget this is a romantic dramedy. He stood her up at the church, leaving her humiliated and heart broken. So when she sees him, she is not happy. Her world is about to collapse again, plus the fact that she hasn't forgotten him. She always though he was his true love. And that could be seen as a big flaw in this story as the character of her, appears as lovely strong woman able to make it through in a small town as a single mother but at the end she is just another fragile emotional woman willing to be loved missing any will to be someone that has a life and is independent enough to find love just as a compliment in life rather than be a trophy to be earned. Sadly, this is still a reality in many places where woman are just this companions to men that will fight over them but more as an accessory to show off than their equal soul mate. And sometimes this happens because women are the ones putting themselves in this position as we still stigmatize those that for any reason are left behind single as if something were wrong with them, so we jump into desperation trying to partner up with anyone just to avoid this, but would you call love to that? Sounds more like a requirement or a check list that will validate you rather than finding someone that complements you in many ways.

And so we see how she tries to push him away at the beginning until he realizes that her kid is his as well. By miracle, this guy that has been running away his whole life feels drawn to parenthood just as women are attracted to marriage, and that's when reality starts to lose perspective, but giving him some credit, he has always loved her, and the only reason why he got scared and ran away is not for been afraid of commitment but to been hurt, as he lost his mother when was young, and that left a huge mark on him, that when he found love again the fact of losing that again and being hurt was more powerful than love itself. And that is a reality that is out there and happens more often than we can imagine but we find so many names and excuses for it that we never realize that what we are doing is trying o protect ourselves in survival mode, because we know that a break up will leave us devastated and will take everything that we have. So yes, we get scared, scared of been loved with the possibility of being hurt so we run into this crazy unhealthy relationships that will secure our heart from being broken. And that's why we get so many assholes, bitches, workaholics, substance addicts, loners, etc, etc. Not everybody is strong enough to embrace love and take a leap of faith. But unfortunately this is a romantic story, based on a popular novel, with two very good looking  leading actor that also happen to bring sparks on the screen, plus a kid that will make you reconsider have kids of your won and hopefully be a lucky one to get one charming like this.

So in resume, yes, we all have issues so you better change your mind about finding prince charming or Cinderella. They don't exist. What we get is just what we are. And we are a reflection of our actions and images. And those usually are trying to hide our insecurities or fears. No matter how good looking or average you are is your personality and achievements the ones that will speak for you and what people would be attracted to. And as so, our country start here learns, realizing that no matter how popular or famous he is, the people that really know him and what he did, don't see him the same way the others do and even he is trying to change and go back the guy he used to be, he has to faced all this fears and insecurities first at the same time that uses love to feel motivated because the chemistry between those two is still there and maybe they do belong together but they need to work on themselves. Sadly, we don't get much of this in the movie to focus instead in creating some romance and try to re connect them after years of separation plus the fact that now both are parents so can't just go and date, there's someone more important in the picture now. And while we realize how important is love as an inspiration to anyone to keep working on themselves sadly for this time we only get all this cheesy moments that with a good background, get lost to sell again, the idea of love as something that will just happen by hanging with someone. Love is getting to know someone and that means the good and bad. Their best and worst. And feeling comfortable to accept it that way while feeling loved and accepted as well. It's a two way street but if you willing to make the trip to the theater and in the mood for a feel good movie, it's worth as a reminder in this era where online dating is the way to go and people are more and more independent with higher standards and expectations because bigger fears and baggage to deal with, that putting yourself out and let someone in, is always better than a whole life of money, success, and popularity by yourself because when the lights turn on, are those who stay what really counts and what will bring the best on you unless you prefer to be running scared all your life, like a country song.

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