jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

BLACK PANTHER...foolish build walls, smarts build bridges

It is very surprising that these days the only things that bring people to  the movies are franchises, extended universe, novel adaptations. Feels like no long ago were still movie events, new stories able to captivate the heart of an audience or bring new material to their imagination in order to tell a story that will become a classic. But not anymore. With so many offerings from different studios trying to take a bigger size of the cake in the box office and looking for the next option that will make more cash to the industry, deep buried are those progressive and innovated projects that transformed cinema into a cult that brought so many to the theaters around the world. But not all is lost. Even that we have to deal with the same kind of offerings week after week to get one in between that will break a new record, when this happen, we are about to witness a movie event in it's entire form. So what is going on with this new movie that just after days of release has broken all kind of records and it's attracting masses to the theaters? What is all the buzz around "Black Panther" (2018)? A new super hero movie, one more in the well known Marvel Cinematic Universe, that actually follows the events of this character after his introduction in a previous movie, and with all that said, sounds like shouldn't be anything new or great about it, so what is the big deal this time?

Ok, so for starters, this is the first black super hero. Introduced not as a African-American, but a real African native hero that has the potential to save the world and compete and kick any other super hero's ass. So that is definitely a novelty for the genre. But again, is it that enough to make it the movie event of the year so far? Of course is not! For what we've learned from any super hero story, there is no hero that is able to save the world by itself. Their journey to embrace their powers and become super comes from his or her allies. Those ones around them that will bring some technology, words of wisdom, perspective, knowledge, etc, to help our beloved hero. That's why sometimes when reading or watching their stories, these characters grow close to us, because they are the ordinary ones that in some way helped to save the day, and we could be one of them, they end inspiring us while the hero save us. And Wakanda, a fictional country in Africa, where after a meteor crashes, leaving an out of this world metal that will transform their society with technology that no other place in Earth has, so it's king, is surrounded by this and great people that will fight with and for him now that he is about to inherit the throne. All these characters are represented by different tribes from Africa, exposing the diversity that exists in what we call a third world, a land that we heard about but we have forgotten as don't represent any potential for the modern world.

But in a way to represent all the vast richness that the continent offers to the rest of the world without having modern civilizations, this country looks like the most advance country in the world with high tech that let them travel, treat health, and build the most advance weapons that any army in the world would die for, and all thanks to this unique metal they possesses, and that exactly what triggers the whole story once a misfit, one of their own that has left behind is looking for revenge and in order to reach that hidden city will fish them out by trying to sell their precious metal just in time to challenge to death the new king and being able to take the throne as a result of being a royal himself. Playing more like a soap opera than a super hero origin movie, the film is packed with great visuals and action scenes that will please all kind of taste. But again, this is not what is bringing audiences to the theaters. The answer is that finally is exposing a different story, a different culture, based on real African history, finally the continent and its population, now all spread out around the world get some credit and recognition for their contribution in culture and as part of this new globalization, presented as one that actually is capable to change the world as we know it and because of that will be the one, the minority at any others eyes, to teach the rest how things should be done. It's the perfect timing to show the world that those that we used to discriminate and judge as a third world, lack of culture, and aged civilization to take the lead and prove ho rich and advance they could be being the ones taking the lead to prove that acceptance and unity is key to win and dominate.

So once that this fictional African country faces the fact of having two possible kings, the vision of each one will divide the entire country accordingly to their own agenda. One is looking to use their power to dominate and control the rest of the world, finally coming out and exposing their civilization and technology to position themselves as the more powerful country in the world thanks to an advantage that they obviously have, because hiding has no purpose anymore, while the other wants to keep their civilization and technology hidden, because that's the way always has been and have let them evolve and maintain peace with the rest of the world so no need to change things now, in order to preserve harmony in it's own country. With these two oposite visions of how to rule the country and use their resources, the different cultures that live in peace with other under the same roof, will start to separate towards the option they feel right for their country dividing what once was a peaceful city and pushing them to fight between each other. If this doesn't sound familiar you might have been living under a rock at least for the last decade, so watching in a big screen, what we are living now days in your own country whatever that is, and seeing this civilization fighting to keep united and trying to find a middle ground where both sides can work together as they used is as motivating and inspiring as any good news of the day you can read.

But if these story can feel so real even all what we are witnessing is mere fiction, would that give us some answers and that is the real reason why we need to go and watch it? Let's say that besides it's powerful family drama, where a king becomes stronger to rule his country and unite it in difficult times, thanks to a deep journey to understand where he is coming from and make peace with his predecessors decisions that he might not understand, specially when facing the consequences of it by himself, but all will line up to show him the answers he need to feel more confident to sit at the throne and become a true but different king that the modern times need, and in the same way, all the sum of these events will enlighten the audience with some inspiring moments and characters that will serve as role models to bring some ideas rather than answers, and the way is going back to the basics, unity makes us stronger, and building bridges is a smarter move than bringing walls that will isolate us from the rest, that we all are the same just we come from differences circumstances and our journey has us fighting different battles to make it through and sometimes our idea of peace is the one with ourselves instead of with others, so we will need to put that on the side for a moment to find a bigger picture that will help us all. Maybe we just need a super hero to remind us how to behave and react to the circumstances we live day by day rather than be saved so if for all the ones that are fighting to be listened, trying to find peace to themselves and their home towns, to be recognized as great as anyone else or just to unite all us, this is a film that might show you one way or two while kicking some ass and entertain you big time.

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