domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service .... or how to save the world with manners

Director Matthew Vaughn has proved us that own a very unique style and even when feels recycled using comic based stories to his projects, he always founds the way to take a de tour and re invent himself bringing more than stylish action sequences but entertaining stories with soul. Not the exception in this case when tries to refresh the very wasted spy genre in cinematography.

"Kingman:The Secret Serves", delivers more of those J.D. movies ( James Bond, Jason Bourne), but as they mocked itself, this is not that kind of movie. Even it can't avoid some cliches, still feels fresh and delivers some of the most original scenes and villains in the recent catalogue not too mention a couple of spies that make the journey worth it.

Eggsy is a young man that only by the circumstances ended as a protege of Harry, one of the most valuable spies in this secret service. Once that the professional sees the potential in the young man, he makes it start a booty camp for spies that will bring the best of him, and his more honorable skills and honesty. But this young guy is no hero, he's been trough a lot but not by choice thats why ended in the wrong path but his soul and values remain true to what is right, that's what used to make a real knight in ancient times.

So now, when the world is chaos, overpopulated, and people don't care for other than themselves, manners will make a difference. Thats the biggest lesson this young man will learn among spy strategies, self defense, sky diving, use of weapons, and other useful resources the fact of act as a man and a gentleman is what will make it fight for what is right and protect his family, country and save the world.

What make anyone to become a real spy or what would that even mean in these days? In a world ruled by internet and world wide companies, hackers sound more like a modern version of espionage than a men wearing suits using bunch of gadgets and martial arts to solve a mystery. Once that we are introduce to the world of Eggsy, a young man trapped in a shitty place just because his parents bad decisions, make us root for him and realize how even in the worst cases we can still bring the best and try to keep truth to ourselves, fighting against the chance of loose it instead of against others. He might not have a proper education in a major college but the school of life that you learn in the streets in most cases helps better to face the real demons out there. Then we start realizing what makes a soy even in these days and what is all about it and the way is presented can't make it cooler.

We can still change our destiny and make the best of it, its how and when that will define our future, Fighting for what we believe and protect the our beloved ones is how everyone micro cosmos works and what makes us stand out there, against and in favor of the rest. When others ideas will try to change things, like in this case, one man idea of saving the world turning everyone into others, so overpopulation we be readjusted and without getting his hands dirty, letting others do his job, that's a very polite way of seen things. Still with manners, as we will not kill anyone or hurt anyone by himself but still not the right end of means at the end.

So how many times do any of us get mad because we have a bad day or stress out just because someone push us out in the subway, or we take it off with our family just because things didn't go the way we expected. And things can get worse. But on the other hand, how many times do we smile to a stranger, or we are able to say hello to our neighbor, or please to your partner or thanks to your co worker. Manners maketh  man. It's not only about being brave, or athletic, or smart, but a gentleman which takes all of that and then you go after anyone cause their defense will be down facing something that we already forgot how to react to. And that might get you win lots of battles, in all sorts of environments.

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

The DUFF and the acceptance of being me

Ok, so the teenage genre in cinematography is for sure not the most reliable and award winner from all the different types but once every blue moon we get classics that define a generation based on their popularity and capability to reflect a generation. So we get cases like "The Breakfast Club" (1985) in the 80's, "Clueless" (1995) for the 90's, "Mean Girls" (2004) in the 2000's and so far the title for this new decade is been held by "Easy A" (2010), but nothing is written on stone as the decade was just starting and it wasn't a box office success even that was loved by the critics, and now we got "The DUFF" (2015) to enter to the competition as a modern tail of coming to age with enough references, charm and soul to make a new stand among others.

The title refers to a specific new label in the social hierarchy: Designated Ugly Fat Friend. The one that is less popular or less attractive making it easy to approach in order to get information from your more popular and attractive friends. Oh! High School. How things have changed since those days?

And actually they did. This new generation is ruled by social media and even still keeping the traditional stereotypes like jocks, nerds, popular chick, they have all mutated into more gray areas that can aloud that a jock can play video games or be a comic books reader for example. Or the nerds can be popular and accepted if follow the rules. Well, seems like high school is just an experiment in lower dosis of how adult life and society works. Maybe that's why everyone can feel related to this type of movies.

What is different is life perspective when you are in high school. Teenagers are a work in progress and as a come to age process they try to figure out their role in society and the world, defining their values, ideals and themselves. Thats why self auto estime becomes a main topic that is a thin line between success and fall down as start to create connections, networking, and mostly romance, sex and love, thanks to their crazy hormones that mostly make them act by instinct than using their common sense.

Thats why all these movies follow the same rule and bring the same cliches as is all about this process of growing up, turning from teenage into adult. So what makes them unique is the way they are able to define that current generation. And in the case of the one in the spot now, is getting good reviews and might be the case as shows the evolution of our teenagers, which still are avid consumer in the mall, and their lives still move around prom night, football practice, lunch time at the cafeteria, but with the twist that all of them are fighting now to find a spot in a viral world where everyone gets their 5 minutes of fame or gets cyber bulled.

Everybody feels with the right to judge and has been judge by social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, etc, so you theres no more contest of popularity but being the one with more friends or followers in those sites. New generations have lost their human emotions, using emoticons to express their feeling or reactions, but their faces remain without any expression other than looking at their phone.

And everybody is less or more popular/ attractive than others, depends on the situation so there are no tops or bottoms but everyone is in between and we all been through this process and have felt insecure and tried to take advantage of others but what makes it right is if by the end we just use it as an experience to learn and become better person that we were before cause we can't judge other without looking at us first and judge ourselves cause one thing is for sure, no one is perfect and what we see, specially in a viral world full of pics and videos, is just the best of worst from what others want us to see, usually just covering the real truth about us or what we think is the less of us, but most of the time the way others see us, differs from ours and just to prove that we are the worst judges from ourselves, specially if we don't get any good guidance from people who knows us or believe in us.

So in this scenario, we meet Bianca, a young girl that happens to be different as the social requirements. She likes horror movies, dresses like a tomb boy/ hipster style, lacks of social skills and loves science. But happens to have two best friends that are pretty, popular, and more into social accepted areas like sports and arts. So when she realizes that she's being used as a DUFF for her friends, thanks to his jock neighbor/ old time friend confession, her life is about to change.

And not because things will be different. She won't be popular, she won't change her likes or ideals, she will keep the same group of friends and her unique personality but what will change is her confidence in herself and most important, embrace what we are and bring the best of it, making self confidence the best attribute in anyone. And then she will become popular by its uniqueness, she'll get the boy and she'll find love but just as a consequence of herself, and as she describes is all about this journey to become that.

And so as Bianca, our lovely main character, the movie represents the same qualities of self discovering, making this high school phase a social try out for what everybody faces in their daily basis, but its charm and soul as individuals, fighting, surviving, loving, learning and failing, but mostly trying to figure out what is our place and what is next for us, as getting older, every new step will be a new challenge and a new moment that will define and change us, becoming a cycle and a pattern that turns high school into just an exercise for the rest of the life and as the movie implies, whatever happens in high school stays with us for the rest of our lives. That's what defines this movie and what defines us. So once you achieve that, then is when deserves to become a classic for your generation. We'll see what the box office says now and within the next years this DUFF might stuck with us for the generations to come as a new lesson of respect, acceptance and coming to age tale.

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015

Fifty Shades Of Grey or how to spice your boring love life....

And here we are again, about to watch another worldwide book phenomenon turned into a major motion picture. So what's all about it? Well to be fair with all it's fans and followers we have to start with the origin of the success of the book. A novel that became a worldwide success not for its story or for the well written prose, but for introducing a new topic to the suburban life. Bondage. Well known for those addicted to porn or kinky stuff but more a prohibited and a myth for those well educated and religious or just not familiar with the topic.

So the story creates a romance, very fairy tale based, where a virgin girl, that only acts like an innocent girl when gets convenient for her but as a strong independent women when also works better for her, and so gets involved with a twisted man, that only acts like a alpha male, not like a human being, only to get involved in the same game that is been played since ancient times. The hunting game. We feel attracted to what we can't get and its different but at the same time we want what everybody roots for, romance and cliches, so we move back and forth between those.

But thats an old story, we've seen that hundreds of times, so a change is needed, what do girls and guys like these days, when romance is over rated and relationships as are independent as twin beds? Sex. But also we've seen lot of sex. Lots of stories involving erotic tales and sexual encounters and affairs and these days with online sites and apps that make that easier, wouldn't be such a surprise. So what is there that we haven't explore there but its as appealing to our nature and our common life that need to be explore. S&M.

The same game of being chased and chasing evolves to the private room where turns into a role play, someone will act as a dominant and other as a submissive in order to give and receive pleasure, involving toys and a whole set that includes being tied up and blind folded. But this is not necessarily for everybody but the idea is. Not everyone will enjoy the pleasure of feeling dominated or owned by someone, willing to please him/her and sometimes being humiliated as part of the game. But in paper sounds more exciting. The feeling of finding someone, that of course will have money, lots of money, so will look like being saved for our ordinary life and the excitement of feeling powerful and into something different but always wanted and just lose control.

There's where "Fifty shades of Grey" (2015) fits. And even its success among readers, critics didn't rave for it, nether as a novel or now as a movie. Differences are minimal between the two of them, but what does the movie enlightens is about their characters, where in the book are as dimensional as any Disney fairy tale from the 50's (the number its not the only reference), in the movie they still feel as flat as a new Samsung screen but at least we have motives and some perspectives that make us feel related to them not when it comes to the scripts, which includes all cliches in a rom-com, and lines as boring and fake as a wedding arrangement.

What the movie lacks is what made the book a hit. All this fantasies and kinky lines about fetiches, role play, sex toys, a girl playing submissive for a guy that wants to own her sexually as a way to get pleasure and the way they explore sexuality in other ways than a missionary position or doggy style that any marriage get caught after years together or when kids are around the house. So what we get instead its the intention of reveal of that through images of a play room filled with all sorts of toys and sets to create a perfect bondage session. But here are no words that will help to describe what all they are or what are our two characters getting into.

Anastasia is the virgin. A girl about to graduate in college. That makes everything possible to look like an ordinary girl, an underdog that walks by school with perfect manners, charisma, values, and knowledge defending her ideals as a strong woman willing to be transformed and challenged in a very passive aggressive game. The most ridicule of circumstances made her go to an interview to one of the most eligible bachelors in the country, a very handsome man, multi billionaire, owner of a business empire as lots of cars and properties. How could he not be someone intimidating with such curriculum. Well even he has the most attractive women working as assistants to him, he gets caught by the innocence and naiveness of Ana, who cares less about this man out of her ligue so just lets her make fun of herself asking stupid questions and judging him where others wouldn't. Bingo! let the game begins.

So as any girl, she will play victim and let the guy chase girl with the idea in her mind that he is not that into her till she realices the obvios just to be caught in his arms and the knowledge that he is not into what she is looking for but will agree to introduce her into his own play, as a control freak, we desires her as her submissive companion. But as a good girl she is, she's willing to please him giving it a chance just to realize, as always, she needs more than he, since the beginning and with full honesty, told her its not on the table. But she wants him now, so in her mind she has the idea that she can make him change his mind if she pleases him. So the game falls in to this cycle of dysfunctional relationship where i want you while i can't have you till i get it and then don't want it anymore but can't leave you, and so it goes till we realize we have more in common with this than with the kinky side of it.

So the movie works as any rom-com full of cliches and fantasies about love and romance even if a twisted "kinky" one, but for how long we need to keep seeing these stories that sell other than real relationships and more of fantasies creating patterns that aloud people to behave like that in their houses, offices and out there, instead of help them showing the way real love works out and how relationships work as a hard work in progress and two sided commitment. And also misses the great opportunity of explore more about human sexuality, which is now open to new games that instead of contribute to twist romance could help to create a healthy relationship where the two of them can satisfy each other, explore their bodies, get excited by the other not for what they could be but for what they are, and spice things in bed to avoid routine instead of having to go out and find that with others. Or is that our idea or concept of love, sex and romance?

We are complicated as human beings and we need to see that in the screen, so instead of losing 90 minutes with unreal situations, where helicopters, nice cars, fancy dinners and airplanes get involved we should have known why Christian Grey need this feeling of control after a rough start in life creating on him a behavior incapable to connect other ways with women and people. And why Anastasia has been like this till now, What are her motivations and goals. Why she hasn't any relationship in the past? Is she as damage as he is or even more as she has no excuse to act like that while he has just a different taste and open sexuality but been honest about her? And also we could get more of those 20 mins full of supposedly sex, with real images of erotica, where things could be described about the S&M topic and how it works instead of losing t with images of a contract with names of sex toys and roles and more skin from actor just willing to play a censured role. Sounds like as any fairy tale, we've been cheated for the 50th time.

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

From hate to love ..... YOU'RE THE WORST

Current tv is full of sitcoms, stories about boy meets girl, girls trying to find love, couples exploring life and love in the best and worst, families issues and adventures full of experiences that make us root for them, have fun, laugh at their problems and circumstances while we try to feel related with what are we watching at the screen, but at the end and very deep in those stories still feels like we've seen this before, like eventually is all the same about the process to find love or you other half, so why are out there so many singles still?

Well, life is complicated, as much as we are as individuals, so even that we not crazy or bad persons, not everybody is ready for commitment, can't open themselves to find a connection or even if they put themselves out is hard to date and keep the romance up when this modern times relationships are more about jobs, fun, sex, goals, friends, locations than romance, family or happy endings.

So what about a story of two young individuals, trapped in a mess of their own lives, where they are trying to figure out what to do next or if what they are doing know is they right thing because if so why they feel so miserable and lonely. But even so trying to keep appearances, so thats when masks are created and they show up to others as what they are not, a douche bag and party girl, that they don't care other than themselves but they know how bad and lost they feel just sharing these deep conversations with best friends looking for advances to keep them going on day by day.

Sounds familiar? welcome to the 21st century and to "You're the worst" (2014), a new sitcom that debuted last summer and even its lack of publicity and recognition among all the award season, feels like a new breeze of fresh air among their equals. Under the sign of the FX network, one that is surprising every year for their original and risky proposals these could get in better moment. Now that we celebrate one of the most merchandise holidays, its time to talk about love, romance and the truth behind it, which means finding that right person for each one.

Love as we know is far from a fairy tale. There are no prince charming but still we feel devoted to ideas of feel rescue by that prince or if the case rescue a princess in danger, but why not be both rescued for each other's half? Jimmy is a narcissist writer that acts like a jerk, says what he thinks and care less about its consequences. Living by the success of one hit, can't come with new ideas for a new one so his own motivations and auto estime trembles for more rejection but doing everything to be rejected even for his closest friends. That's a mess. He's a mess. But then there is Gretchen, a girl educated by a conservative family with rules and expectations so when she decides to get away from them and try to live freely, falls into a rabbit hole of parties, drugs and casual sex, just to avoid the feeling of loneliness but making her life unstable as her work is not taken serious and her own place is as unorganized as her own agenda, a complete mess. She is a mess.

So when this two crash in the same point, meeting under others circumstances, agreeing to share their love for casual fun and no commitments sounds like the perfect deal. But romance is about connecting with other and feeling that sharing what we believe, like or what we really are. so when there is no rush or pressure about be the best or look perfect to be attractive or desirable to others the real us comes to the surface and we can get to know others.

But is possible that when your life a complete mess, meaning that yourself is full b***t, is there still room for love? even after sharing hung overs, long sex sessions, job search, failure dates seemed like they start liking to feel understood, having someone to lean on and share their own mess but with every wasted day, with every night without any goal or purpose seems like they feel inspired to be better just as a reflection of the others mess. As we said, we love to feel rescued or being rescued and the fairy tale comes.

But as we also said we know this is not for real and eventually reality will hit on you and them so we can't keep just rooting for our messy/lovely couple to find their way to solve their personal problems, as every day or episode we are more aware of why they become who they are now and thats when we got hit by our own reality, reflecting our lives in the screen, and wondering if they will overcome this so we can and if they can find love so we will. But in the process we are still a work in progress and no more room for corny romance but still enough time for one of the best shows at least saying by its first season and you'll definitely be the worst if not giving it a chance to fall in love with it.

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

Las voces perfectas de ANNA KENDRICK

Quien diría que una carrera tomaría un curso inesperado tras el éxito de una cinta o el reconocimiento de la critica? Tal pareciera el caso de la actriz y cantante NorteAmericana Anna Kendrick, nacida en un poblado de Maine bajo una familia mas orientada a los números, madre contadora y su padre trabajaba en finanzas. Mas a sus cortas 10 primaveras, contó con el apoyo de ellos para asistir a audiciones en NYC, logrando su primer rol importante a los 12, en el musical de broadway "High Society" (1998),  nominandola a los premios Tony, siendo una de las actrices mas jóvenes en lograrlo.

En 2003, tras aparecer en varias obras y musicales, debuta en cine con la película independiente "Camp", una cinta basada en la propia experiencia de su director, contando las anécdotas de un grupo de jóvenes en un campamento para perfeccionar el talento de jóvenes artistas. La cinta tuvo criticas mixtas y su desempeño en taquilla fue pobre dada su limitada distribución comercial, mas logro colocar algunos sencillos en el Billboard de su soundtrack. La actriz logro colgarse una nominación en los premios independientes (Independent Spirit Awards).

Para 2007, regresa al cine independiente con la cinta "Rocket Science", una historia sobre un joven que siguiendo a la chica de la escuela que tanto le gusta, se inscribe en el equipo de debate, convirtiéndose en una experiencia que lo ayudara a crecer y madurar. La actriz comento no haber disfrutado la realización del proyecto, mas este tuvo una corrida limitada en su estreno en los E.U. y desfilo por varios de los principales festivales de cine para pasar al olvido. Para el siguiente año se incorpora a una de las franquicias de la década mas exitosas: "Twilight" (2008), basada en la popular serie de libros sobre el romance de una joven adolescente y un joven vampiro que resulta el prototipo del principe azul para las nuevas generaciones. Sobra decir que la cinta fue todo éxito que origino 4 secuelas: "Luna Nueva" (2009), "Eclipse" (2010), "Amanecer parte 1 y 2" (2011/2012) las cuales la actriz participaría también como parte de su contrato. A pesar de no gozar de buenas criticas y contar una historia de fantasia para adolescentes y ser una popular franquicia, la actriz declaro que no amo el proyecto, tal vez por el hecho de que su papel es muy secundario, interpretando a la mejor amiga de la protagonista o el hecho de que su buena educación actoral le permite identificar la poca profundidad de la obra, lo cual no hace sentir mucho orgullo al formar parte de ella.

Por el otro lado, formar parte de tan popular franquicia le otorgo mayor exposición, colándose a proyectos mas atractivo como la cinta "Up in the air" (2009), una historia sobre un hombre cuya vida gira en torno a estar constantemente viajando como parte de su trabajo, lo cual define su estilo de vida hasta que conoce a un par de mujeres que harán reconsiderarlo y apreciar lo que se ha estado perdiendo. Su interpretación en dicha cinta, la cual tuvo grandes criticas, nominaciones a diferentes premios y buena taquilla le otorgo a la actriz, a su vez, varias nominaciones a los mas importantes premios como Los Globos de oro, Screen Actor Guild y los Oscar.

En 2010 regresa con otro papel pequeño en la adaptación del comic "Scott Pilgrim vs. the world", una interesante propuesta que cuenta a manera de fantasia la lucha de un joven por conquistar a la chica que le gusta, teniendo que enfrentar a los ex novios de la misma para poner ganarse su corazón, en un estilo muy peculiar, lo que al parecer solo intereso a los geeks y fans a pesar de las buenas criticas. Su papel como la hermana del protagonista tiene una corta presencia en pantalla. Posteriormente con un rol mas protagónico, comparte créditos a lado de Seth Rogen y Joseph Gordon-lewitt en la comedia "50/50" (2011) sobre un joven con cancer luchando con las probabilidades de vivir o morir, enfrentando la enfermedad y sus secuelas en su vida, la cual toma un giro que le permitirá redescubrirse y re valorarla.

Para 2012 logra incrementar su presencia en la industria con éxitos como la comedia "What to expect when you're expecting", basada en el popular libro para mujeres embarazadas y sus anécdotas y consejos para sobre llevar esa etapa a lado de amigas, familia y los esposos. Desgraciadamente, y a pesar de contar con un casting lleno de celebridades, la cinta fallo en mostrar situaciones reales y profundas, incapaz de trasladar un libro de auto ayuda en una cinta, que termino por llenarse de meros sketches mal logrados y a su vez una pobre recepción em taquilla. Ese mismo verano presta su voz a la cinta animada "ParaNorman", sobre un joven capaz de ver gente muerta, un don que le permitirá salvar a su pueblo y familia cuando una maldicion esta por cumplirse y de paso darnos una lección de aceptación a aquello que nos es diferente y desconocido.

Continuando la buena racha ese mismo año la vemos en el drama "End Of Watch" (2012), una cinta sobre la vida de una pareja de policías, que nos permite adentrarnos en el día a día en la patrulla y fuera de su guardia. La actriz interpreta a la novia del inatable joven policía. A su vez la cinta es una oda a la amistad entre hombres y esa camarera que se crea en torno a ella. Y cerrando ese ciclo, protagoniza la cinta "Pitch Perfect", una comedia con tonos musicales que pone de moda la acabale y se convierte en un éxito inesperado y un clásico de culto. La cinta cuenta la historia de un grupo de jóvenes con personalidades muy únicas que deberán buscar la manera de integrarse para competir y lograr un unison vocal y grupal.

Tras el éxito de la cinta y de una de las interpretaciones musicales de la actriz, su carrera tomaría un curso enfocado en direcciones mas musicales, mas sus raíces en el cine independiente siempre la atraerán como en "Drinking Buddies" (2013), una comedia sobre dos parejas que empiezan a cruzar la linea de la amistad para percatarse de lo perdidos que están como pareja y como individuos. Continuando con la linea independiente "Happy Christmas" (2014) es un melodrama que cuenta la historia de una joven cuya vida no tiene dirección por lo cual se muda con su hermano mayor, cuya vida esta felizmente direccionada, lo que ocasionara un choque entre ambos y a su vez les permitirá tomar diferentes perspectivas. Aunque debuto en el festival de Sundance solo contó con distribución comercial limitada. Y después aparece en el extraño proyecto "Life after Beth" (2014), un intento de comedia mezclado con cinta de zombies y horror y que no logro atraer el interés de la critica ni del publico a pesar de la interesante propuesta de un joven que tras perder a su novia valorara aquello que le brindaba así como la sinergia de los que giraban a su alrededor para terminar por colapsar todo cuando esta revive como un zombie.

Continuando su amor por el cine independiente, participa en "Cake" (2015), una cinta sobre una mujer lidiando con los estragos de un accidente de coche. En ella interpreta al fantasma de la difunta amiga de la protagonista que sirve como voz interna para hacerle ver de manera sarcástica las consecuencias de sus acciones. Desgraciadamente en esta ocasión su interpretación se ve opacada por  el protagonismo de Jennifer Anniston. Y de regreso a los musicales, interpreta a Cenicienta en la popular adaptación del exitoso musical "Into the Woods" (2014), presentando una version mas realista y obscuras de populares cuentos de hadas que a la fecha ha sido un éxito en taquilla y ha logrado un par de nominaciones en esta temporada de premios, nuevamente poniendo a la actriz como uno de los talentos mas prometedores de su generación.

Este mes la vemos en "The voices" (2015), una comedia negra, sobre un joven inadaptado social debido a problemas psicológicos cuya guía son las voces que escucha mediante su perro y gato que fungen como bien y mal en su conducta y decisiones, poniendo en peligro su relación con dos de sus compañeras de trabajo con las cuales forma un triángulo amoroso y mas voces en su cabeza. Después para San Valentin nos presenta una nueva version del clásico musical "The last 5 years", el cual ya ha sido estrenado en varios festivales y que nuevamente muestra los talentos vocales de la actriz así como una historia de amor desde ambas perspectivas con la novedad que ahora sera cantada en vez de contada. Y para cerrar, este verano regresa a la acapela con la secuela "Pitch Perfect 2", prometiendo mas risas, clásicos en voz a capela y ojalá una historia igual de única y entretenida que la anterior y de paso lograr finalmente establecer la carrera de la actriz en una alta posición de la industria cinematográfica así como del gusto del publico, nada mal a sus tan solo 29 años.

sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015

Project Almanac....o como perfeccionar tu vida.

Entre las mas populares preguntas de "y si pudieras....que escogerías?", el viaje en el tiempo siempre ha sido una de las mas populares. Quien no quisiera tener la oportunidad de viajar sin limites de fechas para explorar el pasado, corregir el presente o descubrir el futuro. En el cine, hemos visto docenas de películas con esta temática y la de una famosa maquina de tiempo. Presentándonos de divertidas aventuras a través de la historia hasta reflexiones físicas sobre la naturaleza y la complejidad que juega el espacio y tiempo en el mundo y universo.

Ahora si nos enfocamos en la nueva propuesta bajo esta premisa "Project Almanac" (2015), que pudiera presentarnos de novedoso o atractivo para incorporarse a la galería de películas sobre viajes en el tiempo. La respuesta es muy simple: nada. Fuera de ser la primera filmada en el nuevo y tan explotado formato de cámara en mano, que como es su costumbre pretende presentar los hechos como si fueran reales filmados por los mismos protagonistas.

Entonces porque vale la pena perder dos horas de tu tiempo con una película que no ofrece nada novedoso? El caso es que si buscas entretenimiento y algunas buenas interrogantes y planteamientos que dan para discusión como haremos en este caso, suena como una buena propuesta, mas desgraciadamente la cinta se queda solo en eso en una interesante propuesta que nunca es explotada y se queda en la superficie de una cinta para adolescentes bien hecha.

La premisa que podemos apreciar desde el trailer es la primer gran propuesta que al final solo se queda en la mera excusa para desarrollar el resto de las situaciones: un joven descubre en la cámara de su padre la cinta de su octavo cumpleaños, pero al fijarse bien, descubre que el mismo, a sus 18 años aparece en la cinta. Como es posible? Interesante!

Esto solo sirve para que el joven, quien es quizá el único personaje bien delineado y cuyo tratamiento se agradece para no sentir el resto totalmente uni dimensional, se reúna con su grupo de amigos de toda la vida, quienes al igual que el, resultan un grupo de jóvenes nerds cuyas aptitudes para la física y tecnología sorprenderían al mismo Gates or Jobs. El joven protagonista descubre escondido en el sótano de su casa un prototipo de una maquina de tiempo que su fallecido padre estaba desarrollando (como, porque, para que? nunca lo sabemos) y con la realización de que si el esta en ese video significa que logro completarla se da a la tarea de finalizarla.

Esto nos lleva la primer mitad de la cinta, la cual se siente mas como un proyecto de ciencias, que entretiene y permite plantear los perfiles y motivaciones de estos jóvenes, como mencionamos antes, en especial, el joven protagonista y su lucha por conquistar a la chica de la escuela que tanto le gusta. Para la segunda mitad, la cinta se transforma en la prometida aventura de viajes en el tiempo una vez que estos jóvenes logran resolver las incógnitas y hacer la maquina funcionar.

Así, a diferencia de otras cintas donde viajaran por momentos que han marcado la historia de la humanidad o resolver alguna situación en el futuro, esta vez solo pueden viajar a momentos de su propia vida y por periodos de horas o meses antes. Así, con la promesa de solo viajar todos juntos, estos jóvenes harán lo que cualquiera buscaría, enmendar aquellos momentos que desearíamos fueran de otra manera. Lo cual se convierte en el principal planteamiento de la cinta: que harías si tuvieras una segunda oportunidad en cada momento de tu vida?

Aquí, es donde desgraciadamente perdemos la profundidad del tema al ser una cinta enfocada a un publico adolescente, que sus decisiones se irán tornando cada vez mas inmaduras y espontáneas, sin medir consecuencias, solo enfocándose en lo que todo joven desea, amor, popularidad y dinero. Mas cuando empiezan a haber efectos secundarios a escala global por pequeños cambios que han hecho, como un efecto mariposa, es que la diversion se torna en drama y su falta de juicio o madurez saldrá a relucir y al menos agradecemos la coherencia entre los hechos y consecuencias.

Como ya bien sabemos en terrenos del amor no hay nada que se pueda hacer para manipularlo, si esta destinado a suceder pasara a pesar de lo que hagamos por modificarlo y si no, de igual manera nunca sucederá por mas que lo forcemos. Desgraciadamente aveces nos cegamos a esta idea y nuestras decisiones perjudicaran a mas de uno, especialmente cuando lo único que buscamos es darnos a nosotros mismos una segunda oportunidad de demostrarnos que somos capaces de lograr algo para lo cual no somos tan buenos, todos tenemos cosas para las cuales somos mejores que otros y carecemos de otras, así que por mas segundas oportunidades que se nos presenten nunca podremos ser perfectos y ese proyecto también ya lo hemos visto muchas veces pero al menos ahora podemos educarlo desde jóvenes en un tiempo donde se esta programando a ellos para tener una vida perfecta. Esa es una utopia actual y no ciencia ficción.