Well, life is complicated, as much as we are as individuals, so even that we not crazy or bad persons, not everybody is ready for commitment, can't open themselves to find a connection or even if they put themselves out is hard to date and keep the romance up when this modern times relationships are more about jobs, fun, sex, goals, friends, locations than romance, family or happy endings.

Sounds familiar? welcome to the 21st century and to "You're the worst" (2014), a new sitcom that debuted last summer and even its lack of publicity and recognition among all the award season, feels like a new breeze of fresh air among their equals. Under the sign of the FX network, one that is surprising every year for their original and risky proposals these could get in better moment. Now that we celebrate one of the most merchandise holidays, its time to talk about love, romance and the truth behind it, which means finding that right person for each one.
Love as we know is far from a fairy tale. There are no prince charming but still we feel devoted to ideas of feel rescue by that prince or if the case rescue a princess in danger, but why not be both rescued for each other's half? Jimmy is a narcissist writer that acts like a jerk, says what he thinks and care less about its consequences. Living by the success of one hit, can't come with new ideas for a new one so his own motivations and auto estime trembles for more rejection but doing everything to be rejected even for his closest friends. That's a mess. He's a mess. But then there is Gretchen, a girl educated by a conservative family with rules and expectations so when she decides to get away from them and try to live freely, falls into a rabbit hole of parties, drugs and casual sex, just to avoid the feeling of loneliness but making her life unstable as her work is not taken serious and her own place is as unorganized as her own agenda, a complete mess. She is a mess.
So when this two crash in the same point, meeting under others circumstances, agreeing to share their love for casual fun and no commitments sounds like the perfect deal. But romance is about connecting with other and feeling that sharing what we believe, like or what we really are. so when there is no rush or pressure about be the best or look perfect to be attractive or desirable to others the real us comes to the surface and we can get to know others.
But is possible that when your life a complete mess, meaning that yourself is full b***t, is there still room for love? even after sharing hung overs, long sex sessions, job search, failure dates seemed like they start liking to feel understood, having someone to lean on and share their own mess but with every wasted day, with every night without any goal or purpose seems like they feel inspired to be better just as a reflection of the others mess. As we said, we love to feel rescued or being rescued and the fairy tale comes.
But as we also said we know this is not for real and eventually reality will hit on you and them so we can't keep just rooting for our messy/lovely couple to find their way to solve their personal problems, as every day or episode we are more aware of why they become who they are now and thats when we got hit by our own reality, reflecting our lives in the screen, and wondering if they will overcome this so we can and if they can find love so we will. But in the process we are still a work in progress and no more room for corny romance but still enough time for one of the best shows at least saying by its first season and you'll definitely be the worst if not giving it a chance to fall in love with it.
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