domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

SONS OF ANARCHY....born to be wild

"A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right." This quote from tv show "Sons of Anarchy" (2009-2014) entitles the plot and line where this individuals turn, became and live their lives, a code that is closer to a religion than a tradition, a way of life that for most of us seems like a sign of rebellion against rules and classes but in fact is more about a philosophy that defines a community that is bigger than we think and that as much they need to learn from the rest of us, also has a lot to teach to all our closed minds.

Usually when we hear about a rebel, what comes to our mind its an idea of someone trying to go against the flow, break the rules, behaving in a way that is not accepted for the majority, and it might be true in some perspectives but also it won't be wrong at all. We were born under al this laws and rules that define our behavior in order to create a better organized and civilized society but who says that always works. Some circles like different type of religions are in fact a way to preach rules for society in order to maintain a general way of live, ideology, that can easily be manipulated by its rules or priests.

So when we get a rebel that doesn't believe in the same way and go against some of those ideologies we assumed anarchy will be created but when we have the chance to get deeper into this kind of clubs, we can observe a profound ideology and philosophy that even benefits more to its members than the rest, definitely brings some kind of peace to the community if cooperate, close to what mafia used to do decades ago. A motorcycle club that shares their passion for the wheels as much for women, guns, and dirty money. Not because they are trying to break the rules but because they see what we are missing about our own rules. Who said that police department or government are not corrupted, we all know that, and no one does anything about it. That's when this kind of club come to the picture. Outlaws as they call themselves. Living by they own rules and trying to make new strategies that pretend, at least in theory, to change society, exposing what is wrong about it and trying to live by their actions as an example instead of words and books filled with them. What in the past became revolutionaries and warriors, who fight against those organizations now we called the SAMCRO.

And in this case the story centers on Jax Teller, a young man that rules the club as VP, trying to grow up through it and bring the best of it through the pages of his deceased father, the old president of the club, and the new one, his step father and best friend of his dad, create perfect balance of young vibe and old traditions. The rest of the members go from young guys that can fit anywhere else or just love living in the edge to this old guys that have been riding this road for so long that can't see other thing that this family as their life. But no men club is ruled by men but their women. Thats where Gemma fits. The lovely mother, loyal wife and tough woman that keeps this family united when testosterone fills the room and bringing the heart and brains sometimes they need to take best decisions and keep their feet on the ground always looking the best for the whole group while acting as a mother educating and protecting with her own opinion and perspective.

Among prostitutes and junk addicts, there is Tara, Jax sweetheart from high school, that just came back to town after finishing medical school and setting the table for two different worlds to collide. She is educated and naive, believes in love and happy endings but he is far from that, he has no education but what life and streets had thought him, he lives at the edge day by day, fighting, killing, stealing, all for the good of his family and a better ending at the big picture. So love can overcome all this? Is it possible to love someone that opposite but at the same time that make us feel so alive and complement us fitting our feeling and emotions as a better suit?

So along seven season we were able to witness what life outside the rules is, not meaning that every step of the way goes wrong, we can also were introduce to a family and rules that unified these individuals as a group. Wearing leather jackets a sign of commitment, and more than a uniform as a tradition and love to their club, can't be a rat, which means no betray to your family, always act in favor of them, even if that means paying the consequences, you will be pay in return with the rest taking care of your beloved ones and yourself while out of it. Might be violence, and need to kill or steal but always will be love for you and the others, food in your table, a place to crash, any help to any issue you need to deal with.

But among all this actions there is a philosophy that tries to make a better world. As they said, its not what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but the things that try to kill you make you sad and angry, so strength comes from the good things like your family, friends, the satisfaction of hard work, these are the thing that keep you whole, that hold on to when you are broken.So how can they survive every day fighting against the flow, without crashing or losing themselves? How can you deal when others try to kill your family, threatened your kids, put your friends in jail. Is that excitement that keeps them alive. Might be too much for others but for them is a way of life, living in the edge, the adrenaline of the moment, the idea of fighting for their own believes, that they are not like the others and pursuing something better. That's their fuel that gives them purpose and even when no the best quality of life it works for them, and in the end show us a true nature of life and drama with complex relationships and real men that have nothing but a day at a time to give their best and make the better of it while loving and fighting with others rules and their own ideas.

We mainly follow all this crew through the eyes of Jax, the way he follows the rest at the beginning just to realize their own flaws to try to transform them into a better club and a more united family, to his own soul search to fit his private life and own thoughts with the club ones, just to realize about the truth behind his family and the origins of this little society that keeps him evolving towards anarchy, rebellion, acceptance, all kinds of love, trying to understand his father motives till his mother influence and need of this club more than the rest of the guys becomes a monarchy no better than anyone in history so his ideals and pure heart can make a difference while trying to hold together his own family and the future he wants for them in and out the club and it's unique way of life.
But at the end what would be more important, to live a life full of love and loyalty while living in danger and excitement unknown of what might happen next or a peaceful, quite life based on others rules and following ideals that are being imposed by generations that you might like or not, or maybe its just all about to enjoy the ride, and what a hell of a ride you'll make.

It’s hard not to hate. people, things, institutions. they break your spirit and take pleasure in watching you bleed. hate is the only thing that makes sense. but i know what hate does to a man: tears him apart, turns him into something he’s not— something he promised himself he’d never become. that’s what i need to tell you: i want to let you know how hard i’m trying not to cave under the weight of all the awful things i feel in my heart. sometimes my life feels like a deadly balancing act; what i feel slamming up against what i should do. impulsive reactions, racing to solutions, miles ahead of my brain. when i look at my day, i realize that most of it was spent cleaning up the damage of the day before. in that life, i have no future. all i have is distraction and remorse. i buried my best friend three days ago, and as cliché as this sounds, i left a part of me in that box— a part i barely knew, a part i’ll never see again. every day is a new box, boys. you open it, you take a look at what’s inside. you’re the one who determines if it’s a gift or a coffin." - Jax Teller.

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

IT FOLLOWS...side effects of losing your virginity

Horror is a genre that has been always underestimated. Full, mostly, of scary stories, attempting to create the audience into atmospheres that will make them jump, scream, fear, or simply create a pop phenomenon but since the beginning the real intention behind all this creepy stories has been the fact of using them as a metaphor to expose, criticize, analyze, test or perform what society is lacking of, the worst scenarios that could been told as a drama or documentary, horror turns it into a scary version of reality showing the nature of such events and its consequences by using something fictional as a way to be straight forward.

Coming from that, we have seen stories of zombies just to expose actions of society and its side effects in a capitalism world, or werewolves that expose the turn out of humanity into primal instinct as a teenager coming to age. Through decades this stories have evolve into alien attacks, animal as predators of humans, and serial killers with motives that mostly teenagers would suffer as a serial preach from your closest church. So after seen all this kind of stories where even coming back from death has been used, not to say, visually we have witness the worst and more sadistic tortures humans can be expose to, that we have got to the point that is hard to feel scared again.

We've lost capacity of feeling scared, surprised, being sitting at the edge of the seat, cracking our knuckles wondering what will be the faith of mostly young souls that are tested in to any kind of faith  just as a test for something from love to become a better self. No doubt that young audiences are the most attracted to this genre but they are also subject of most of the situations where as part of their lost of innocence and lack of experience but full of youth and opportunities make them the perfect subject as mice to a laboratory.

So what now? what possibly could be scarier in times where everybody is connected and knowledge is in everybody's hand. no more killers in the woods, no more ghosts, or monsters, we all know thats no real, that not gonna happen. So whats happening? truth is that all this new era of knowledge has turn human interactions in something easy and casual, so when as young teenagers come to the point of following their hormones and willing to go on dates, putting themselves out to get to know someone and as part of it, get laid and lose their virginity and become an active sexual person.

We are caught in to a new generation full of sexual openness that has brought dozens of diseases just as a warning that is as scariest as any horror movie. Usually the bottom line would be stop having sex as they have been using it in ancient times. No this time. "It Follows" (2015), the new most see and well reviewed film uses this premise to expose teenage and their introduction to sex and dating as a warning of, careful if you use it because if so you will have to use it more. That's its premise, when a young girl, as pretty as innocent decides to finally go on a date with a cute guy from the next county, she gets caught in the game of his seduction just to realize after the moment that has been used for him to pass a curse that he also got the same way.

Nobody knows where it came from, or how to cure it, as many disease no one knows the cure or how to deal with it, so, so far, what they know is that the way to avoid it, will be pass it to someone, but if that someone dies, will comeback to you and will go from there backwards. That's scary as any in reality we know someone or have been informed about all this risks that affect us, and to make it worst in this case, this curse we just got by having sex also will kill us but how? won't be physical but psychological, something will follow us, just like that, without warning, or pattern, will harass us till we can't avoid it so it can kill us.

Doesn't too scary until visions of people we knew start showing up anywhere out of the blue just to start following us and won't stop until we run away to take some advantage of them or we would be able to pass it. As so, this indie film will follow you even when the credits start rolling up. The images will be stuck in your head and the idea of being cursed and no one can see and understand what you are going through make you feel lonely and vulnerable in ways that once you realize will creep you out. No need of blood or big jumps to scare you but the truth about what sex means, it's consequences when you decide to become a player and as part of the deal, to grow up and ace the horrors of life and relationships just to find the good among the worst and that, will definitely follow you for the rest of your life.

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

CINDIRELLA or why we still believe in fairy tales?

How's possible that a story that has served for decades as the story line of hundreds of movies, novels, soap operas, and has become one the most popular fairy tales in history can keep it's charm in the new millennium? How come a story that we know every second of it still can surprise us and charm us as a novelty?

The plot we already know, tells the story of Ella, a young woman that after having a great, dreamy childhood, under the cares of their lovely parents, faces the lost of both of them just to end broke and sharing home with her new stepmother and her step sisters, a gift from his father in his attempt to bring her a new family not counting that this trio is just looking for a new wealthy way of life after been left with no future. So once the poor girl starts spending her life cooking, cleaning for her new family and living in the attic just to suffer the cruel bullying of her sisters and stepmom is that destiny makes her to run into a prince which is facing his own issues, as taking the crown and rule as expected while he has his own ideas and agenda. Once that both share their unique perspective of thing, chemistry shows up and they get hooked.

After some magic, mice turn horses, a stunning dress, a royal ball, dancing, a runaway, a kidnaping and a cristal slipper try out, they found each again and after getting marries they live happily ever after. For anyone who had never listened it, this is "CINDIRELLA" (2015), a new motion picture event based on the classic animated feature from the 50's, brought by Disney, who now brings a live reboot from this classic. And what a success. So far not just have been top 1 in the worldwide box-office, but critics and audience have loved it.

For what reason? its not bringing any twist from the original version and the story is popular well known. So what possible explain how an old fashion fairy tale can make such a hit in times when women breath independency, when love has taken other levels, proving that relationships are more complicated than a simple love at first sight. How could be charmed by the idea meeting a prince in the middle of the woods, just to have a moment that led to a dream come true date and end wining his heart.

This time no one believe in fairy tales. Princes doesn't exist, we already learned that. Sometimes by the hard way. Not everybody is looking to get marries right away. And what about dating? That process when you get to know that person and makes you love or run from him. Besides is hard to believe that we like the idea of a girl being mistreated just to become all her problems and get the best of it. And that's why exactly this formula works. It's all a metaphor that inspires the most skeptical and works the same way horror monsters work for guys in order to expose and criticize society.

Everybody loves an underdog story, being witness of hour the weakest gets over and success through all obstacles in life is not just inspiring but touching as we all can relate to that. In real life might not exist a prince charming but in everyone's mind there is one and we are looking for it, for that person that fits with all the check list that our taste calls as our prince or princess. And love above all is still the biggest motivation. We can still be pursing career paths, goals, adventures, new jobs, family issues, but over all this hides the idea of sharing our live and being introduce to others that will bring a solution to all the mess and create a new one, possible better, much better than this.

So even now, that we live chasing time, just to feel more independent, to achieve goals as professionals, sons, or brothers, we still believe, deeply on the idea of find someone that will challenge us as inspire us to be better and keep improving sharing all this. So yeah, this new movie might not change any story details, but keep the most basics of it, just delivering it with a deeper perspective of who are this characters plus such charm and glow that no one can resist, a perfect sweet chemistry between our main characters, a villain that will make you love it and hate equally, our famous and lovely mice that made us smile when kids, and a costume design and setting that is jaw dropping just to remind us, unconsciously, that deep, deep inside of our soul we are still a bunch of kids looking for that amazing story that made us believe in love and that at the end things will be better if we keep true to our selves and do good in every action and try to act kind and respectful to others as much as to ourselves. As any religion foundation this might still enclose a very sincere message that just proves that everyone deserves love and happiness specially in tough times like today when human connection are as hard to find as someone to fit in our shoes.

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

HUGH JACKMAN...un super héroe miserable

Existe una maldicion en la industria cinematográfica que dicta que aquellos actores que son encasillados en papeles populares, como el caso de los super heroes, tienen pocas probabilidades de alcanzar éxito con otras interpretaciones. Pareciera que dicha maldicion esta por romperse bajo la batuta de uno de los actores contemporáneos mas versátiles de la industria, pues no solo patea traseros, es un bad ass que salva al mundo, pose un musculoso cuerpo, sino que canta, baila, conduce y no lo hace del todo mal. Este es Hugh Michael Jackman.

Hijo de inmigrantes ingleses nació en Sydney, Australia en 1967, donde al cursar su ultimo año en la carrera de comunicaciones ingresa en un curso de drama que le hace darse cuenta que ha perdido el tiempo en el camino equivocado por lo que cambio de rumbo ingresando de lleno a las artes. Decision que pareciera correcta ya que en su noche de graduación es contratado para una serie de television donde a su vez conociera a su futura y actual esposa, a pesar de que el show solo duro una temporada, lo contrario a su matrimonio que sigue vigente y estable, algo poco visto en el medio y dada la popularidad del actor.

Es así que ingresa en el teatro con pequeñas obras locales y festivales de cabaret, siendo hasta 1998 que tras su participación en la obra "Oklahoma!" en Londres le ganara premios y reconocimiento que le llevaron a ser elegido en el castigo de la adaptación fílmica del comic "X-Men" (2000), interpretando al famoso mutante Wolverine. La cinta fue un éxito que no solo disparo un nuevo genero sino la carrera del promisorio actor quien no dudo ni un segundo en tomar las oportunidades de nuevos proyectos y evitar así el estigma de su popular personaje. "Kate & Leopold" (2001), se convierte en su primer proyecto, una comedia romántica que involucra viajes en el tiempo, y un duque cortejando a una Meg Ryan de principios de un nuevo milenio. La cinta tuvo una cálida recepción que la mando al olvido muy pronto. 

Tratando de explotar su faceta como sex symbol, cosa que le sienta bien, ademas de contar con el carisma y cuerpo, así como poca inhibición, lo cual en el futuro le ganaría el titulo de uno de los hombres mas sexis del mundo, protagoniza la comedia romántica "Someone like you" (2001), interpretando al mujeriego y macho vecino de una mujer solterona en busca del amor tras sufrir del engaño de su novio y obviamente es ahi donde el vecino entra en juego para guiarla en su búsqueda que llena de cliches y falta de encanto termino por convertirse en un fracaso que ni el hunky héroe pudo salvar. Meses después, en pleno verano ofrece la cinta "Swordfish" (2001), una cinta de acción sobre un grupo de asaltantes que en pleno milenio necesitan de la ayuda de hackers en su grupo para lograr su cometido.Desgraciadamente ni el comentado sexo oral que el actor recibe en una de las mejores escenas, ni los efectos especiales novedosos para la época, ni las bobbies expuestas de su co protagonista Halle Berry lograron venderla a sus fans.

Obviamente una secuela era de esperarse así que regresa a su famoso rol de super héroe con garras metálicas en "X2: X-Men:United" (2003), la cual supero en todos aspectos a su antecesora confirmando el éxito de la franquicia asi como el rol del actor en ella. Para 2004 interpreta "Van Helsing", una moderna adaptacion del clasico caza vampiros a lado de otra famosa vampira popular entre los geeks, Kate Beckinsale. La mancuerna se traduce en un éxito, perfilando al actor en dicho genero. Para 2006, presenta una serie de proyectos tan diversos entre si que exponen la intencion del actor por expandirse. Obviamente su contrato y amor al personaje lo hacen volver a la franquicia con "X-Men" The last stand" (2006), posteriormente "The Prestige", la nueva propuesta del director Christopher Nolan, sobre la rivalidad de dos magos en busca de venganza y ser el numero uno con el mejor truco de la epoca. Y presta su voz en la cinta animada "Happy feet", una historia que retrata la vida y supervivencia en su ambito natural de los pinguinos del polo sur, con un mensaje ecologico y canciones que pusieron a los pequeños a bailar.

De las tres, resulta curioso que la mas popular y exitosa en taquilla y critica fue la animación. Para 2007 aparece bajo la batuta del peculiar director Woody Allen en la cinta Scoop, a lado de una Scarlett Johanson que al igual que el buscan expandir su repertorio, mas esta comedia/romance/misterio termino siendo un lio indefinido que la manda al limbo. Lo mismo que el filosófico proyecto del actor Darren Aronofsky "The Fountain", un proyecto que oscila entre el drama y la comedia con tintes de fantasia, religion, historia y ciencia ficción que ni los intensos pudieron digerir pero que mantienen al actor en boca de todos. No así, su siguiente proyecto "Deception" (2008), se vuelve otro fracaso tras verse cargado de cliches y poco suspenso para un supuesto thriller que sabe a todo desde erotico hasta romántico, menos intrigante.

Y lo que pareciera una mala racha, no se termina con la cinta "Australia"(2008), uno de lo mas anticipados proyectos del año, que se convirtió en uno de los fracasos mas sonados tras lo simple del guión y la interpretación de la actriz Nicole Kidman, siendo Jackman que gracias a sus escenas románticas y sin camisa que logro recaudar algunos dólares y mantenerse activo entre sus seguidores. Y como dice el refrán :zapatero a tus zapatos, toma la batuta con el spin-off del famoso mutante en "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (2009), mas lo que parecía una apuesta segura se convirtió en otro sonado fracaso de la carrera del actor quien ademas produjo la cinta. La razón, los fans se vieron decepcionados por la poca coherencia de la cinta con el comic, a diferencia de las cintas anteriores, y el hecho de que la cinta se coló en la piratería y muchos la vieron semanas antes de su estreno comercial.

Lo que pareciera el final de su carrera o un futuro poco promisorio tomaría un giro que empieza con "Reel Steel" (2011), una cinta que emula aquellos clásicos ochenteros donde un padre adicto a las peleas de box entre robots, se ve forzado a cuidar de su ahora huerfano hijo, permitiéndoles crear ese lazo inexistente y que entre escenas de acción metálica y drama familiar la convirtieron en un sorpresivo éxito. Pero no todo es color de rosa de inmediato y su bache continua al formar parte del elenco multi estelar de la cinta "Butter" (2012), una cinta tan ridícula como su premisa, contando la historia de una perfeccionista mujer en concursos de escultura con mantequilla. La unica risa que recaudo esta singular comedia fue la de su pobre taquilla y las pesimas criticas. 

Por ello vuelve a prestar su voz en "Rise of the Guardians" (2012), una cinta animada donde Santa Claus, el conejo de pascua y otros hacen equipo para vencer al Boogieman. Desgraciadamente, es la cinta animada con menor recaudación en la historia de la casa DreamWorks. Afortunadamente un as bajo la manga lo salva, "Los Miserables" (2012), una nueva adaptación del musical que no solo genero grandes criticas y nominaciones en los premios mas importantes, sino que le dio su primer nominación al Oscar, donde ya era un favorito desde que sorprendió conduciendo el evento, y para ser un musical, es considerado un éxito en taquilla, poniendo al actor en la cima de la industria por sus multi facetas demostrando que actúa y canta muy bien y no solo es un saco de músculos listo para la acción.

Desafortunadamente su pasado lo persigue y el proyecto enlatado "Movie 43" (2013), sale a luz, siendo una de las peores películas del año, mas su elenco de alto pedigree salvo a cada uno de los involucrados justificando su pobre desempeño en los multiples directores y el desastre que crearon al tratarde innovar con una historia sin sentido que se compone por sketches estupidos y baratos. Y bajo la bendición de su nuevo pedigree trata de sacarse la espina de su amado super héroe, por lo que regresa con "The Wolverine" (2013), una nueva entrega del famoso personaje, mas apegado a una serie de los comics que funciono para complacer a los fanáticos mas no al resto que no gustan de verlo fuera del famoso equipo de mutantes. Y el drama/thriller, "Prisioners", una historia sobre la conducta humana en las peores condiciones y cuando las situaciones orillan a lo peor, exponiendo los instintos mas bajos de cada uno.

En 2014 lo vimos regresando a la franquicia de X-men bajo el nuevo re lanzamiento de la misma en "X-Men: Days of future past", con un elenco multi estelar y siendo uno de los blockbusters mas esperados y ambiciosos del verano pasado y con la cual finalmente confirmo su popularidad con el famoso personaje pero ahora es tiempo de superarlo y moverse en otras direcciones ya que el tiempo no pasa en vano y cada día se acerca mas a papales mas maduros. Por ello lo vemos este mes en "Chapie" (2015), el nuevo proyecto del promisorio director Neil Blomkamp, una metáfora basada en la historia de un robot que aprende a crecer, creer, y existir con todas las altas y bajas de la vida humana para poner en la mesa cuestionamientos reales bajo una mirada ficticia. Y para el verano interpretara al pirata barba negra en "Pan" (2015), la supuesta historia al famoso cuento que ya todos conocemos sobre el niño que jamas crece e la tierra de nunca jamas. Tal vez ahora que en ambas interpreta a los villanos, sea el giro que necesitaba en su carrera tras años de intentar salvarla junto con el resto del mundo. Ya veremos si los fans, la critica y la taquilla opinan igual.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

McFarland, USA welcomes Mexico, MX?

Dato curioso: sera posible que una película americana, contando una historia de deportes, ubicada en un poblado de los Estados Unidos de America, retrate de mejor manera la cultura mexicana y la situación de los inmigrantes mexicanos en el extranjero, que cualquier telenovela o película hecha en Mexico? Pareciera que si. A pesar de que en recientes décadas hemos sido testigos de pequeñas joyas en la filmografía mexicana que han retratado eventos y circunstancias como la de los carteles en poblados del país así como la pobreza y origines de la inmigración de los mexicanos en busca de un mejor futuro y de una parte del sueño americano, poco se ha visto o reflejado de lo que nos define como cultura y como es esta percibida fuera de territorio azteca.

"McFarland, USA" (2015), es una cinta basada en una historia real sobre el deporte de carreras a campo traviesa, deporte poco conocido y practicado en Mexico, pero que gracias a la aptitud para las carreras de los jóvenes mexicanos abriendose camino en el extranjero, como parte de una ola de inmigrantes con pocos beneficios y muy en lo bajo de la escala social, logro que al día de hoy sean el equipo con mayores logros a nivel estatal.

Y quien no disfruta de una buena película de deportes, aquella donde vemos como alguien o un equipo, comienza desde abajo para abrirse camino durante extensas e intensas practicas para empezar a cosechar triunfos en las competencias y poder llegar a ser el numero uno. Lo que muchos llaman an underdog story, así que bajo el sello de la casa Disney, quien gusta en particular este tipo de historias, es que este grupo de corredores y su historia llega a la pantalla grande.

La historia se centra en su entrenador, un Kevin Costner tratando de mostrar su lado familiar, chistoso y amable. Su personaje, un entrenador de Football americano que tras un incidente queda desempleado y marcado profesionalmente, lo que lo orilla a aceptar el puesto en el pueblo homónimo, para ser asistente del entrenador del equipo de ahi. Mas en su intento por lograr que estos jóvenes se conviertan en buenos footbolistas, hace que abra su mente y vea potencial para ellos en otro deporte.

Así, logrando convencer al director de la preparatoria, y recrutando a los 7 jóvenes que integraran su equipo, empieza la verdadera carrera por entrenarlos para unificarlos como equipo, sacar lo mejor de ellos como individuos y direccionarlos en una competencia que es poco conocida por ellos. Aquí es donde el sabor a tequila y enchiladas comienza, ya que como parte del entrenamiento, empieza la lucha de cada uno de estos jóvenes y la historia que hay detrás de ellos.

Aunque todos ellos han nacido en los E.U. o llegaron muy jóvenes, conocen la cultura y el idioma, pero sus familias no. Ellos aun acarrean su cultura natal y latina, aunado a la lucha que viven día a día para sobrevivir, con jornadas de trabajo extensas, sus condicioned intensas, al trabajar en el campo, ser mal pagados y no contar con ninguna beneficio. Una realidad que muchos saben pero que pocos reflejan, ya que son estas personas quienes están llevando en sus hombros el trabajo básico de una nación que ha dado la espalda a este tipo de labores en pos de su propia ideología de ir siempre en busca de algo mejor.

Desgraciadamente, aquí entra un factor que juega en contra de la historia, y es el hecho de que al tratarse de un película familiar de la casa del raton, las situaciones que se presentan son solo una probada de lo que en realidad son, en pocas palabras, vemos el lado amable de las cosas. Si bien sabemos lo desgastantes que son sus labores y por ende la situación en casa, donde los padres se la viven trabajando en lo que se pueda, las madres buscando la manera de educar a los hijos y haciendo que rinda el dinero para alimentarlos y vestirlos y muchas veces ocasionando hogares disfuncionales, como los miles que habitan tanto en el país como en el extranjero, lo que vemos de esto es solo una vision o un guiño de lo que en realidad es y que se siente ajeno a la propia realidad de la gente de campo que habita en paises de LatinoAmerica.

Mas no por ello, o mas bien gracias a esto, es que podemos a su vez presenciar lo que tanto nos ha caracterizado como cultura. Destacando que la Cultura mexicana a diferencia de la NorteAmericana esta fundada en base a la colonizacion sufrida en el pasado y sus efectos de independencia mestiza, no como la construccion de una nation bajo la intension de un futuro mejor. So, En primer lugar la comida. Aquellas reunions familiares donde la comida se sirve hasta que se acaba y con la ideología que donde comen cuatro comen cinco, las enchiladas, frijoles, arroz y tortillas serán un interminable desfile. Segundo, la familia. Esta se ha caracterizado siempre en la cultura latina como algo esencial, ya que siempre esta presente, literalmente. Aveces entrometiéndose mas. Pero que a final de cuentas crea ese lazo que los mismos americanos aprecian o critican mas, el sentirse parte de algo.

No podían faltar las tradiciones, como el mariachi o la mismisima quinceañera, evento para aquellos ajenos a este, donde se introduce a las hijas de la familia ante la sociedad como paso de niñas a jóvenes mujeres. Así, veremos el choque entre la cultura gringa y la cultura mexicana, exponiendo sus pros y contras de ambas, evidenciando como lo que una aporta a lo que la otra carece y viceversa, pero que ahora co existen en una nación construida por inmigrantes y que esta en constante crecimiento y evolución por lo que ahora enfrenta esta nueva ola latina con nuevas generaciones que fusionan ambas culturas tratando de sacar lo mejor de así aunque muchas veces también lo peor, pero en este caso, desafortunadamente para algunos críticos de cine, solo sera la mejor utopia de este sueño, pero para muchos mexicanos sera un logro y disfrute el poder ver finalmente un retrato de su amada cultura y ojalá los pusiera en perspectiva como lo hace la película, pero eso es una fantasia, cortesía de la distribuidora de finales felices.