"A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right." This quote from tv show "Sons of Anarchy" (2009-2014) entitles the plot and line where this individuals turn, became and live their lives, a code that is closer to a religion than a tradition, a way of life that for most of us seems like a sign of rebellion against rules and classes but in fact is more about a philosophy that defines a community that is bigger than we think and that as much they need to learn from the rest of us, also has a lot to teach to all our closed minds.
Usually when we hear about a rebel, what comes to our mind its an idea of someone trying to go against the flow, break the rules, behaving in a way that is not accepted for the majority, and it might be true in some perspectives but also it won't be wrong at all. We were born under al this laws and rules that define our behavior in order to create a better organized and civilized society but who says that always works. Some circles like different type of religions are in fact a way to preach rules for society in order to maintain a general way of live, ideology, that can easily be manipulated by its rules or priests.

So when we get a rebel that doesn't believe in the same way and go against some of those ideologies we assumed anarchy will be created but when we have the chance to get deeper into this kind of clubs, we can observe a profound ideology and philosophy that even benefits more to its members than the rest, definitely brings some kind of peace to the community if cooperate, close to what mafia used to do decades ago. A motorcycle club that shares their passion for the wheels as much for women, guns, and dirty money. Not because they are trying to break the rules but because they see what we are missing about our own rules. Who said that police department or government are not corrupted, we all know that, and no one does anything about it. That's when this kind of club come to the picture. Outlaws as they call themselves. Living by they own rules and trying to make new strategies that pretend, at least in theory, to change society, exposing what is wrong about it and trying to live by their actions as an example instead of words and books filled with them. What in the past became revolutionaries and warriors, who fight against those organizations now we called the SAMCRO.

And in this case the story centers on Jax Teller, a young man that rules the club as VP, trying to grow up through it and bring the best of it through the pages of his deceased father, the old president of the club, and the new one, his step father and best friend of his dad, create perfect balance of young vibe and old traditions. The rest of the members go from young guys that can fit anywhere else or just love living in the edge to this old guys that have been riding this road for so long that can't see other thing that this family as their life. But no men club is ruled by men but their women. Thats where Gemma fits. The lovely mother, loyal wife and tough woman that keeps this family united when testosterone fills the room and bringing the heart and brains sometimes they need to take best decisions and keep their feet on the ground always looking the best for the whole group while acting as a mother educating and protecting with her own opinion and perspective.

Among prostitutes and junk addicts, there is Tara, Jax sweetheart from high school, that just came back to town after finishing medical school and setting the table for two different worlds to collide. She is educated and naive, believes in love and happy endings but he is far from that, he has no education but what life and streets had thought him, he lives at the edge day by day, fighting, killing, stealing, all for the good of his family and a better ending at the big picture. So love can overcome all this? Is it possible to love someone that opposite but at the same time that make us feel so alive and complement us fitting our feeling and emotions as a better suit?

So along seven season we were able to witness what life outside the rules is, not meaning that every step of the way goes wrong, we can also were introduce to a family and rules that unified these individuals as a group. Wearing leather jackets a sign of commitment, and more than a uniform as a tradition and love to their club, can't be a rat, which means no betray to your family, always act in favor of them, even if that means paying the consequences, you will be pay in return with the rest taking care of your beloved ones and yourself while out of it. Might be violence, and need to kill or steal but always will be love for you and the others, food in your table, a place to crash, any help to any issue you need to deal with.

But among all this actions there is a philosophy that tries to make a better world. As they said, its not what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but the things that try to kill you make you sad and angry, so strength comes from the good things like your family, friends, the satisfaction of hard work, these are the thing that keep you whole, that hold on to when you are broken.So how can they survive every day fighting against the flow, without crashing or losing themselves? How can you deal when others try to kill your family, threatened your kids, put your friends in jail. Is that excitement that keeps them alive. Might be too much for others but for them is a way of life, living in the edge, the adrenaline of the moment, the idea of fighting for their own believes, that they are not like the others and pursuing something better. That's their fuel that gives them purpose and even when no the best quality of life it works for them, and in the end show us a true nature of life and drama with complex relationships and real men that have nothing but a day at a time to give their best and make the better of it while loving and fighting with others rules and their own ideas.
We mainly follow all this crew through the eyes of Jax, the way he follows the rest at the beginning just to realize their own flaws to try to transform them into a better club and a more united family, to his own soul search to fit his private life and own thoughts with the club ones, just to realize about the truth behind his family and the origins of this little society that keeps him evolving towards anarchy, rebellion, acceptance, all kinds of love, trying to understand his father motives till his mother influence and need of this club more than the rest of the guys becomes a monarchy no better than anyone in history so his ideals and pure heart can make a difference while trying to hold together his own family and the future he wants for them in and out the club and it's unique way of life.
But at the end what would be more important, to live a life full of love and loyalty while living in danger and excitement unknown of what might happen next or a peaceful, quite life based on others rules and following ideals that are being imposed by generations that you might like or not, or maybe its just all about to enjoy the ride, and what a hell of a ride you'll make.

It’s hard not to hate. people, things, institutions. they break your spirit and take pleasure in watching you bleed. hate is the only thing that makes sense. but i know what hate does to a man: tears him apart, turns him into something he’s not— something he promised himself he’d never become. that’s what i need to tell you: i want to let you know how hard i’m trying not to cave under the weight of all the awful things i feel in my heart. sometimes my life feels like a deadly balancing act; what i feel slamming up against what i should do. impulsive reactions, racing to solutions, miles ahead of my brain. when i look at my day, i realize that most of it was spent cleaning up the damage of the day before. in that life, i have no future. all i have is distraction and remorse. i buried my best friend three days ago, and as cliché as this sounds, i left a part of me in that box— a part i barely knew, a part i’ll never see again. every day is a new box, boys. you open it, you take a look at what’s inside. you’re the one who determines if it’s a gift or a coffin." - Jax Teller.