domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

CINDIRELLA or why we still believe in fairy tales?

How's possible that a story that has served for decades as the story line of hundreds of movies, novels, soap operas, and has become one the most popular fairy tales in history can keep it's charm in the new millennium? How come a story that we know every second of it still can surprise us and charm us as a novelty?

The plot we already know, tells the story of Ella, a young woman that after having a great, dreamy childhood, under the cares of their lovely parents, faces the lost of both of them just to end broke and sharing home with her new stepmother and her step sisters, a gift from his father in his attempt to bring her a new family not counting that this trio is just looking for a new wealthy way of life after been left with no future. So once the poor girl starts spending her life cooking, cleaning for her new family and living in the attic just to suffer the cruel bullying of her sisters and stepmom is that destiny makes her to run into a prince which is facing his own issues, as taking the crown and rule as expected while he has his own ideas and agenda. Once that both share their unique perspective of thing, chemistry shows up and they get hooked.

After some magic, mice turn horses, a stunning dress, a royal ball, dancing, a runaway, a kidnaping and a cristal slipper try out, they found each again and after getting marries they live happily ever after. For anyone who had never listened it, this is "CINDIRELLA" (2015), a new motion picture event based on the classic animated feature from the 50's, brought by Disney, who now brings a live reboot from this classic. And what a success. So far not just have been top 1 in the worldwide box-office, but critics and audience have loved it.

For what reason? its not bringing any twist from the original version and the story is popular well known. So what possible explain how an old fashion fairy tale can make such a hit in times when women breath independency, when love has taken other levels, proving that relationships are more complicated than a simple love at first sight. How could be charmed by the idea meeting a prince in the middle of the woods, just to have a moment that led to a dream come true date and end wining his heart.

This time no one believe in fairy tales. Princes doesn't exist, we already learned that. Sometimes by the hard way. Not everybody is looking to get marries right away. And what about dating? That process when you get to know that person and makes you love or run from him. Besides is hard to believe that we like the idea of a girl being mistreated just to become all her problems and get the best of it. And that's why exactly this formula works. It's all a metaphor that inspires the most skeptical and works the same way horror monsters work for guys in order to expose and criticize society.

Everybody loves an underdog story, being witness of hour the weakest gets over and success through all obstacles in life is not just inspiring but touching as we all can relate to that. In real life might not exist a prince charming but in everyone's mind there is one and we are looking for it, for that person that fits with all the check list that our taste calls as our prince or princess. And love above all is still the biggest motivation. We can still be pursing career paths, goals, adventures, new jobs, family issues, but over all this hides the idea of sharing our live and being introduce to others that will bring a solution to all the mess and create a new one, possible better, much better than this.

So even now, that we live chasing time, just to feel more independent, to achieve goals as professionals, sons, or brothers, we still believe, deeply on the idea of find someone that will challenge us as inspire us to be better and keep improving sharing all this. So yeah, this new movie might not change any story details, but keep the most basics of it, just delivering it with a deeper perspective of who are this characters plus such charm and glow that no one can resist, a perfect sweet chemistry between our main characters, a villain that will make you love it and hate equally, our famous and lovely mice that made us smile when kids, and a costume design and setting that is jaw dropping just to remind us, unconsciously, that deep, deep inside of our soul we are still a bunch of kids looking for that amazing story that made us believe in love and that at the end things will be better if we keep true to our selves and do good in every action and try to act kind and respectful to others as much as to ourselves. As any religion foundation this might still enclose a very sincere message that just proves that everyone deserves love and happiness specially in tough times like today when human connection are as hard to find as someone to fit in our shoes.

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