miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

THE LONGEST RIDE .... fall in love is scary

The whole idea of this romantic movies is that feeling good moment at the end when you leave the theater with a smile and a hope that everything will be ok, that there is someone out there waiting for you, that will be ready to get to know you and love you by the way you are, sharing a life, and making it a better place full of romance and of course, sex. Passion, romance, adventures, the idea of a soul mate. All those ideas were sold decades ago and been evolving generation by generation fitting to each decade standards and new rules but the basics still remain the same.

It's not about sharing a life with someone, it's about making life plans and have someone to share them and feel supported while going through it. It's not about someone falling for you, but the idea and confidence that there is someone capable of like you and care about you which is one of the basic need as a human being, part of a society. We can feel accepted. And loved. Also regarding our pure instincts, sex turns into attraction, and one of things that moves everyone so the idea of feeling attractive and other willing to do what it takes to seduce you, its a confidence boost.

We've seen all these ideas, patterns, stories multiple times and most of them look easy and incredible seductive in paper, who doesn't want that? either romance or sex? it's hard to resist as part of daily basis where we are bomb with unconscious messages from the media and people around us. But truth to be told, its never as easy as it looks, and finally, in an era when relationships are over rated and romance is considered old fashion, stories about real relationships become more usual and silver lining they working towards fixing whats missing and trying to bring back the basic concept of love and what it means and how it matters to everyone, for the healthiest sake.

Women are usually the first ones attracted to this idea, but things have changed. Now women like to be independent, been fighting for an earned place at jobs where is proved they can make it big, as any other man. They start reconsidering about the whole idea of family and marriage. So now the whole game has changed. Even there are still those who can't wait to fall in love and start their own family, the world has focused in personal goals pushing everyone to give the best of themselves to be the best and make it out there through all the competition the market offers trying to make their voice heard.

With all these changes, novel from the american author Nicholas Sparks became a thing for all those looking for the lack of romance in their lives. Mixing love with drama, making feel romance as part of a tragedy that can be confused with our daily lives, turned into best selling books and now motion pictures. After more than five books turned into motion pictures from the author, we got his last adaptation. Surprisingly this one gets out of his own formula to focus just in the story and the romance about it. Yes, still is a story full of cliches and corny lines but mix two different story lines that make all this evolution a comparison of old fashion vs new romance. Best way to prove that in real life love is complicated, messy, hard work, but it's also sexy, sweet, and brings joy to anyones life so what everybody has to think is not if they want it but if they are ready for it as they will deal with their own baggage as with the other's and it might not be for others and can't be confused as a way out for feeling or being lonely, otherwise will turn into a nightmare and thats definitely other movie and other genre.

"The Longest Ride" (2015), its based on the story of two young guys, Luke, a farmer turned bull-riding champion, risking his life more than for joy to get some money as the only way he know to keep his family farm going. And Sophia, a young college student who loves art and just got an internship at a famous gallery in NYC. When this two very different world collide, attraction happens. The feeling of being part of something different, learn, evolve, be accepted, all mix as a chemical reaction and set a table for a perfect romance, but what about a relationship?

Yeah they both like each other and definitely both get along and have great looks, but when their own lifestyles, goals, and ambitions start to get involve is not as simple as saying i love you. Relationships are hard work, and need commitment. Things that new generations have forgotten as focusing in their own  lives expecting to be other who fit in them or if looking to change them having big expectations.  So when this young couple is about to take different paths, they save from a car crash an old man that shares his stories from the letters he wrote to his beloved wife. The more he starts sharing the similar things start to get in between the young couple only to prove that there is nothing new under the sun just the set up has changed.

Realizing how much they care for each other, how great of a couple they make, from having fun to bring the best of each other, they start to work on their relationship to make it happen, but as risky as riding bulls can be, putting yourself out so anyone can get to know you with the chance of being hurt, and get your heart broken it's scariest. Love is a fantasy sold as roses and romance but every relationship is different and as has great moments to hold on the price to enjoy them comes with a lot of work, commitment, communication, love for yourself, your life and others, so once you get to sign for that fairy tale that lives in your head realize that there is no prince charming but a real challenge that will bring to your life a whole new perspective and by the end of it will be mark with all those shared moments and the fact that you are a different person thanks to all those moments at the side of the person you chose and choose you. It's in fact The longest ride to could ever take.

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