lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

Inside Out .... an e-motion event

An once again, animated movies came to rescue the lack of originality out there just to prove that there's still room for improvement  and no wonder or better said, as expected pioneer in this field, Pixar studios deliver their last motion picture redefining what sounded impossible, bring  story about what happens inside your head, yeah as crazy as it sounds, they found a way to create a story, and a very refreshing family entertainment, where we can called a psychology text book for dummies to a major motion picture, and it comes in better terms to this particularly blog as all of you already know, this is not only a movie blog where we discuss and review all those movies we love or deserve to be in the hot spot but create conciseness about all whats happing out there and what affects and makes be the society and individuals we are or have become.

"Inside Out" (2015), the new Disney movie, is the story of a young girl that as any teenager is facing changes in her life starting from those ones out there, like family decisions, new friends, school, as the ones inside her, hormones, moodiness, mixed feelings, puberty, all of them out of her control. But we get to know her through flashbacks of her memories, those little moments through her childhood that had defined the girls she has become. Since her early years where every new experience defined her personality building links and connections with others and personal preferences.

All this comes handy as we also are introduce to this main controllers of our system: joy, anger, fear, disgust, sadness, are the ones in charge to help us through every stage in life and to guide us through day by day making every experience the best one possible, a lesson that has to be learn cause one thing we know for sure is that as humans we are very complex, so help is needed in order to achieve the best of us. And everyone can relate to this. We all have this memories from long and short term memory, all those experiences and moments that we been through and make us unique as a sum we are the only ones that have done such a mix of them and shared with different each of them.

So every time that you remember your first day at school, the best family time, when you discovered that thing that now you feel very passionate about, any lost or major change in your life, you can't avoid to experience through remembrance an emotion that comes with it and that even similar to others experiences, the mix of emotion that comes with it will be unique. Thats what defines us. We all try to figure out whats going on with us as we are target of events that mostly are out of our hands and we need to deal with them but we need to learn how, and get to know ourselves in order to control those emotions and keep going.

Everyone has wondered in some point why re you feeling this or that way, or why you not the same person you were ten year ago. We are constantly evolving and so our emotions, creating new experiences and totally forgetting old ones, redefining us into a new person, capable or grow up but keeping our basic core as a structure of the personality that defines us. And thats the big lesson, learning to know ourselves will lead us into acceptance and embrace all those feelings as part of us, realizing that in order to feel happiness and excitement we need to go through some anger or sadness to take out what is bothering us. Just being able to feel them we can learn about them and from our own reaction to any of them.

While in this movie, the story will lead us through the mind of this young girl and all those worlds and characters that since little she has created and defined as that specific little girl, now about to become a teen ager, when circumstances make her faces new things we will remind another movie, a blockbuster where we travel on the unconscious of our mind for an inception of an idea, this one will show us the conscious side of our mind and how this one operates on a daily basis and on top of everything, exhibiting  all those reactions through feelings and emotions that after all is what makes us human and a person, so no better way to embrace yourself and stick with what is truth about yourself in order to be best version of yourself and be capable of show your true colors.

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