What would you do to make a change? If you get the opportunity to make a difference what this would be ? Helping others or helping yourself? That's the core of what moves a super hero or in real life just a hero. But as we are in this new era where all our favorites super heroes from our most beloved comic books are jumping out of the paper to the big screen and now the small one, we get the chance to be part and involved in this universe where humans without super heroes, just simple and normal people are fighting to make a difference. A personal battle that starts form inside of us as a new philosophy that move you to bigger goals and selfishness in order to help others and make the world a better place.
But big changes start small, so why not starting with your world, in this case your own neighborhood. That place where you grew up has given and taken so much to you that fits perfect for your purposes of revenge and justice. So what if, life has taken your family, first your mother, then your father is murdered by the mafia that rules the city but taking down the ones who did it won't change anything as someone will replace them and basically everything will keep working the same way. This is "Daredevil" (2015-current), the new show from Marvel and Netflix, an intense tv show based on the semi popular comic book of a blind hero that fights crime at his beloved Hell's Kitchen, New York.

He has no super powers, and in fact being blind has developed his other four senses giving him the chance to practice and develop great skills with them, being able to learn self defense and other techniques like martial arts. After graduating as a lawyer and started his own buffet with his best friend, reality splashes in his face with cases that only prove how incapable he is to make a change or face these big fish that rule the city. With only the motivation of bringing justice to his neighborhood so he can get some peace and make amendments while taking all his frustrations and courage for what his circumstances has been turned into, he turns into a vigilante with no other than his incredible skills and his own fists to fight these people.

The format that evolves in a tv show brings as opposite as a movie more character development and the chance for us, as viewers to immerse in all this situations that will let us understand and relate to this characters through 13 episodes, each of one bringing a new experience by itself. At the same time the experience will make us face our worst meaning that doubts and fears will surface and as we fight others will fight himself and wonder why still doing this, is it worth it? How far would you go to achieve what you are fighting for? Would you fight to protect just your beloved ones or would go further for all those in need? Watching Matt Murdock fighting and getting beaten brings the best of hope in us and make us wonder how can everyone could be capable of make a difference in their own world. A gesture, a smile, helping others with favors or just listening to them or giving them a chance to be listened would make more than what we could imagine. Is all about fighting for what we believe.

The fighting scenes are as moving and hard and fun to watch as those intimate moments where we can meet and share with this small group of characters what they struggle and personal fight to become the best version of themselves, has been. Nothing far from what any of us fights every day. Making peace with our demons from the past. Fighting to turn things into a better future that brings peace for us and share it with people that cares for us, here where love and friendships develop as we find others fighting the same battles. So if the world will always have two faces, the one trying to benefit just looking for the same benefits, meaning their own idea of a better world or the one that shows that theres still good in us and just need to let it come over and shade the our fears and insecurities just to embrace them as a weapon that push us for a bigger goal. Now that you watch it, which side are you? are ready to fight or are you just sitting waiting for things to happen?
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