Other times is the fact of be faces by the fact of rejection from others that will turn us into ourselves and trying to find a safe place for that validation. Then our minds get locked and our imagination and creativity starts to wok building all what we are missing and help us to go through difficult times. Looking to surround us by people that might help us moving on or creating some to feel that and nurture that need. "Goosebumps" (2015), is a family film that finds itself in the middle of this search. Based on the popular series and famous for bringing most of our familiar and popular monsters of all time with a more family twist, the story centers in to different characters. The young man that just moved to the town, looking for a fresh start with his mom after his father death in an accident, that has taken him to this path where he has locked himself from the rest of the world, grieving his lost and making hard for anyone to connect him until he met his new neighbor, a sweet and friendly girl that lives isolated at home cause her father rules, so both, one looking to escape and other to be saved, find each other the perfect mix to understand themselves and help each other.
But then we have the father, that happens to be a famous writer that has changed identity to start a new life as well in this small town. What nobody knows is that with al success from his novels comes a curse. If he opens his originals writing from his books, all the monsters inside will come out as real ones and will turn everything in to chaos not to mention hurt others. But who will write such stories and be delighted by them. Even they are popular worldwide, is different to read them and want to be part of them for a moment that have all of them in your mind and try to bring them to life. Well, when this author was a boy, he was sick and that made him be different at the eyes of other kids, that bullied him and made him stayed away and alone. In the need of finding friends he create his own and those were capable to put the others in misery cause they deserve that after the pain that put on him.
When we are young is easy to act without thinking about the consequences of our actions and kids can be mean and cruel as their nature lacks f filters to be polite and respect others differences. This is where this movie stands for the new generations, trying to explain how things work backwards, showing the side effects of those actions in adults and teenagers. So now we can understand where all this monsters and scary stories come from. They were created in a mind that was dark and as a reflection of its pain and needs creates a call of help in form of horror. Because there is nothing scarier than the idea of being alone of being rejected. Both represent the lack of social skills and made anyone feels like they don't belong or not worthy to be loved or accepted, which hits in to your own confidence and evolves into other behaviors that reflects that hole in our psyche and personality. But definitely this film would be a more pleasant ride full of humor and twists that will keep kids scared as much as their parents entertained in such an epic adventure and well done movie that is much helped by their stunning FX as it's real characters.

And that journey couldn't be more fun. The fact that we love this kind of stories, scary in heir shape and dark in their context, only represents our own fears, from beauty to loneliness, rejection to anger, all fears of our basic needs and pure instincts of surveillance in a society that will judge us and challenge us to be better and someday the best. Sometimes we need to be forced to extreme situations to get the courage we need to challenge ourselves and discover new things about us that we didn't know and mostly explore more of us and keep surprising us as the first person we need to take care of, is our own. When we are able to love and accept ourselves, we embrace and welcome the fact of others liking us. And at the same time the fact of not doing so, will turn our life in hell and no story would be as scarier as our own day by day, cause no werewolf, snowman, zombie, serial killer, alien, monster would safe us from our mind and all the monsters that can live inside it and we'll kill any connection and possibility of love consumed by our own fees and insecurities that through our eyes turn any happy ending into a goosebumps ride.
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