jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

Terrorism knocks your front door....HOMELAND

There are times when economic crisis hit us. Others when social media explotes and goes viral. Others when violence invades the streets and security is a matter of time. Or some when family values are expose by tendencies and new sets of mind. But what happens when all the above mix and get together invading every corner of the room? It's call terrorism. Since a decade ago we've been witness of a war happening in the middle eastern. A war that explode based in a clash of politics and religion with the occidental world. And when other interests get involve the result translates in one of the most recent wars in history between the world and terrorism cels trying to break us and infiltrate with violence into society creating a sense of threat among your daily basis. But who's behind all this? who create who? Are the one who pushed the bottom to activate them or we are just a response from their actions?

The United States of America are the main country involved in this, representing all what the new world means. Their policy of create and get involve in all different kind of wars around the globe since the end of WWII has created a sense of hate against them and once that the gulf war ended a new one detonated with Afghanistan as the center of the Islam. So back to 9/11 when the country was under attack a new war exploded till these days. Most of this war has been located out of the country but many threats of new attacks had been moving around. So what would happen if the enemy is at actually here already. At home. And it's one of us under the direction of one of the main cells planing a new attack unless someone can figure it out, identify it and stop it. This is "HOMELAND" (2011-actual), one of the most engaging shows recently, an Emmy winner as best show, a thriller that will keep you edging at your seat wondering what would be the next move and if we would be able to stop it before it's too late.

The story centers on a CIA agent, Carrie, one of their best. A woman that has been in the field back in Afghanistan, that has seen the war and know the faces that we are looking for and how the pieces are moving in their side so when she hears that a new threat is coming under the arm of one of our own won't stop till prove the opposite. Just in time a lost soldier was found and brought back home. Sgt. Brody, a tormented marine that has been kept in enemy arms for 8 years fights to get back home in all ways. His mind seems lost and far, and the fact that he has change after all what he has been through won't make it easier to his family that now have to get back to the idea of him not been dead. Is he ready to re connect or has to find first his way home? Or is he just finding a way to complete his mission or in fact he's innocent and we are just watching him evolve from a prisoner to freedom again. Can you be the same person after being adopted for a different culture that torture you but at the same time saved you?

Our main fear is the same as agent Carrie Mathison, fail to protect our home, our culture, our nation, our believes and ideas, all what we stand for can end in seconds in hands of something different, but is that new stranger always a bad thing or again is just our fear to something different and unknown that scare us? A race against the clock stars and won't stop even after knowing whats the target or who's behind the curtain. We will learn that war is more complex than just an act of terrorism. This feeds from all the politics and interests behind. There are so many people involved, not only government but agencies that things get more complex to identify a real cause or origin but a snow ball keeps growing and feeding from avery act till everything is too confused that only looking at details and small pieces that we'll be able to see through. That's the quest of Mathieson, a woman with bipolar disorder, hiding to from her agency to protect her career but only leading her to a personal war that will get in between saving her from herself and save her career and her country from other hands that are looking for other than what this nation stands for.

So, who are the real enemies or the real villains in this story? are the terrorists outsiders or they also live in here? As the seasons of the show go by, we learn that things have always a two side story, two perspectives and no one act just without reason. We didn't create Islam but th kind of hate against it has been growing inside by people with an agenda for their own.We set the pieces in the right place to create chaos and detonate war. Also nobody is as bad or as good to be a hero or a villain, so neither Carrie or Nicholas are able to save or destroy without help and when they both collide, not only romance will happen but also they will help and learn from each other, saving them from a destiny of honor and disgrace, from death and glory. So when comes to protect your home what is really on stake? Saving yourself from others or you really threatened by others trying to destroy what you have built? Will you as them figure it out in time to stop it or maybe it's too late for any of us?

miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

BRADLEY COOPER...a very american sniper and hustler

Bradley Charles Coope nació un 5 de enero de 1975 en Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, razón por la cual a la fecha es fiel asiduo al equipo local de football. De ascendencia Italiana por parte de su madre e Irlandesa por su padre fue criado catolico. Graduado con honores de la universidad de Georgetown, en la cual participo en el programa de arte y teatro así como aprendiz francés fluido tras un intercambio en dicho país por varios meses lo cual lo orillo a iniciarse a las artes tomando una maestría en The New School en NYC y su escuela de drama para actores. Mientras tanto trabajaba de portero en un hotel. Esto lo llevo a participar en un episodio para la serie "Sex and the city" que lo llevo a debutar en su primer rol cinematográfico, interpretando a un gay de closet en la comedia ahora de culto "Wet Hot American Summer" (2001) y que en ese entonces compartiría créditos con un elenco de A listers de esta generación.

Despues de este lanzamiento se mueve atreves de varias seres televisivas con participaciones que van de pequeñas a medianas, llamando mas y mas la atención a cada paso en ellas. Pero es en 2005 que con su papel de antagonista como el prometido patan y machista de la dulce protagonista en la comedia "The Wedding Crashers" que su cara se pone bajo la mira de todos los reflectores, mas aun cuando la cinta fue un éxito sorpresivo de dicho verano cotizando a todos los involucrados. En 2006 regresa a la pantalla grande en otra comedia romántica "Failure to Launch" interpretando a uno de los mejores amigos del protagonista y aunque su papel es limitado en dialogo y tiempo en pantalla, logra ponerse a la altura del resto del elenco con mayor reconocimiento y su cara genera expectativas en una comedia que no ofreció nada nuevo contando las travesías de un soltero treintañero con miedo al compromiso.

En 2008 protagoniza una cinta de bajo presupuesto que paso desapercibida, "Older than America", contando la historia de la aniquilación de los nativos Americanos en la colonización de la nueva Norteamérica. Moviendose a territorios mas comerciales y re conocidos forma parte de la cinta "The Rocker" (2008), una comedia sobre un adulto buscando liderear una banda de rock en busca de popularidad. La cinta fue un rotundo fracaso y el actor no pudo estar mas agradecido de su pequeño rol que no lo relaciona con ella. Desgraciadamente 2008 no fue su año ya que finalmente logra protagonizar una cinta, "The Midnight Meat Train", un thriller donde el actor funge como protagonista y villano al contar la historia de un reportero siguiendo la leyendo de un psicopata que asesina en el metro. A pesar de estar basado en la popular serie de novelas, la cinta paso desapercibida y mucha gente a la fecha ignora la participación del actor en ella, mala publicidad tal vez?

La suerte da un giro cuando regresa a sus conocidos roles del mejor amigo del protagonista, esta vez para la cinta "Yes man" (2008), sobre un hombre que se propone decir a todo que si, lo cual lo llevara a divertidas e inesperadas sorpresas. La cinta fue un éxito de la temporada decembrina de ese año lo cual torno las cosas a favor del actor ya que en 2009 es el año que cambiaría su carrera. Empezando con la cinta "He's not that into you", una comedia romántica que fue un éxito y con un ensamble de actores reconocidos interpretando varias historias sobre amores y desamores de jóvenes en relaciones modernas, mas el actor destaca como uno de los mas atractivos y populares a pesar de su historia ser una mas de desamor que de romance. Posteriormente para ese verano co protagonizaria su mayor éxito a la fecha y su rol mas conocido como el amigo galán de una tercia de perdedores en "The Hungover", una comedia que se convirtió en un éxito que nadie vio venir, donde tres amigos despiertan crudos y sin memoria de lo que paso la noche anterior cuando festejaban la despedida de soltero del cuarto amigo que ha desaparecido.

La cinta genero dos secuelas: "The hangover part II" (2011), y "The hangover part III"(2013), la primera superando el exit de la primera pero repitiendo la formula solo ubicada en Shanghai y la tercera con menor éxito tratando de mostrar una historia diferente donde los amigos enfrentaran a la mafia antes de otra boda. Pero regresando al 2009, y tras saborear las mieles del éxito y la popularidad el actor presenta un tropiezo en el camino, la comedia "All about Steve", una las peores cintas del año acorde a los críticos y que tuvo cero éxito en taquilla, tras pretender fungir como comedia romántica para un par de personajes histéricos y atontados que pasear del carisma de sus protagonistas, el actor y la actriz Sandra Bullock, fue imposible de salvar. Pero cerrando el 2009, regresa al genero de suspenso con la cinta "Case 39", sobre un mujer encargada de adoptar a un pequeño que carga con una maldicion que amenaza a la joven y a todos a su alrededor. Esta cinta a su vez sirve como excusa para relación al actor con la protagonista, la actriz Renee Zellweger, con quien vive una relación que terminaría dos años después.

Tratando de repetir formulas y éxitos, forma parte de otra comedia romántica con historias paralelas y elenco multi estelar "Valentine's Day" (2010), mas esta no corre con la misma suerte al sentirse cansada la formula y no ofreciendo nada nuevo, pero siendo la historia del actor y Julia Roberts una de las mas rescatables de la cinta. Gozando de popularidad, ingresa a los blockbusters, en un remake de la serie de television "The A-team" (2010), la cual para su genero y dada su fuente original resulto en una agradable sorpresa que se tradujo en una taquilla decente, pero encasillando al actor en su rol de galán y héroe simpatico, lo que lo llevaría a su primer protagónico, la cinta "Limitless" (2011), un thriller sobre un hombre que tras tomar una pastilla desarrolla una habilidad en su cerebro por arriba de la media, logrando descifrar y ver lo que nadie mas, poniéndolo también en riesgo como objetivo de experimento. Al día de hoy el éxito de la cinta llevo al actor a producir una serie de television basada en ella. Y ya metido en la producción también lo hace con la cinta "The Words" (2012), otro thriller sobre el romance de un hombre y la musa que lo inspiro a escribir su historia, pero la falta de suspenso y ritmo llevo a la cinta a un fracaso taquillero.

Tomando el asiento trasero por un monto solo forma parte de la cinta "Hit n run" (2012), una comedia de acción de corte independiente que paso sin gloria por la taquilla pero la critica le aplaudió, mas poco se oye de la participación del actor en ella. De lleno en la escena indie, forma parte de una cinta mas aclamada, "The place beyond the pines", un intenso drama familiar que se lleva a cabo en tres actos, y donde el actor interpreta a un policía que cargara en su conciencia con una decision que afectara el resto de su vida y su familia. Aplaudida por críticos y taquilla, así como a su elenco. Continuando su racha de grandes proyectos y excelentes actuaciones co protagoniza la cinta "Silver Lining playbook" (2012), una comedia romántica sobre un par de incomprendidos con problemáticas de comportamiento y que le generaría una nominación a los premios Oscar de la Academia. Ademas del éxito taquillero de la cinta. Esto lo haría regresar a la batuta del director David O. Russell para la cinta "American Hustler" (2013), sobre un grupo de bandidos de cuello blanco en los setenta y donde el actor interpreta a un joven neurótico viviendo con su madre mientras planea los siguientes movimientos de sus socios. Otra nominación para el actor entre varias mas para la cinta.

Regresando a los blockbuster, esta vez solo presta su voz a un mapache mal hablado en la cinta de ciencia ficción "Guardianes de la Galaxia" (2014), una de las sorpresas de ese verano y una las cintas mas taquilleras también, al menos hasta que otra de sus cintas, esta vez protagonizada por el y contando la historia de un francotirador americano en la guerra del medio Oriente, que lo ha llevado a ser el numero uno en cabezas caídas a la fecha, "American Sniper" (2014), otra nominada los premios de la Academia así como otra nominación para el actor. Este año lo vimos finalmente en "Serena" (2015), un melodrama histórico de dos recién casados y donde vuelve a compartir créditos con la actriz Jennifer Lawrence pero que tras ser apabullada por la crítica gozo de una corrida limitada y se fue directo a Netflix.

Posteriormente y en lo que ha sido un año negro para el actor, un fracaso mas a lista, otra cinta enlatada que vio la luz en el verano para ser aplastada por la critica e ignorada por la audiencia, "Aloha", otra comedia romántica que ni es comida ni tiene romance al pretender contar la historia de redención de un piloto al re encontrarse con su ex esposa en su natal Hawaii y encontrar el amor con una general. Así de mal como suena es el resultado que ni un atractivo elenco ni el pedigree del director pudo hacer nada. Y quemándose tal como su titulo "Burnt" (2015), otra vehículo para el lucimiento del protagonista fallo este otoño al mostrar a un patan como protagonista y su historia para enmendar su vida como persona y chef, tratando de tomarse demasiado en serio fallo en una formula repetitiva y que nuevamente ni el atractivo elenco pudo salvar. Y para cerrar con broche de oro el año, "Joy" (2015), una comedia sobre la vida e historia de una madre de familia creadora del trepador que se seca automático y que la llevo a ser una exitosa mujer de negocios y donde el actor solo aparece como actor de reparto interpretando al gerente de una cadena televisiva que ayuda a la protagonista en su lucha por posicionar su producto. Mientras la taquilla sido benévola, la critica a rechazado este nuevo proyecto dejando su futuro y el del actor en suspenso y en busqueda de una real redención que le permita regresar al buen camino de buenos proyectos y actuaciones que lo posiciones como uno de los mejores de su generación o quede en el olvido de las caras bonitas.

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015

Concussion...will hit you hard

What would take to break you down? or how much damage do you need to kill yourself (physically or psychologically)? or on the other side what motivates you or you want the most? As the movie quotes: heaven was on top and America was next to it, that's the motivation and life changing for our leading man in "Concussion" (2015), the journey of a man while becoming and discovering what be a real American means while fights and stands for what he thinks is right and to prove the truth against the most American tradition, football. He is a Nigerian doctor that always dreamed to become and be seen as an American since from his country and own perspective, this country is a land of opportunities. A place where dreams come true and you can become who ever you want and do whatever you can. A place where anyone can pretend or become the person wanted to be even if that means being for real or fake just to become a better self. But as great as it sounds it all comes with a price as he is about to realize and most important, not everything is as good as it seems and it's all about selling an image and an idea.

He is a very pragmatic and dedicated person. Dedicated to study and improve in his field as a doctor working in the morgue performing autopsies to death people unable to connect with the living but finding exciting to discover what happen with the death bodies to end there and discovering by the way they die how they used to live. Circumstances put him in the right moment for a life changing event when a local sports celebrity ends in his table and once he performs the autopsy more questions pop out, leading him to get deeper involved and discovering facts that will change a national league. This celebrity was a football star and what he found in his brain exposes a new desease caused by concussions in his brain after years of being exposed to crashing a helmet while playing cause our body was not design for such impact.

Football is the most popular sport in the USA. Ruled by the National Football league (NFL), has become more than a sport and entertainment into a millionaire industry that works only for business, not caring about the health of it's players but to rule a game that owns a day of the week and it's loved by millions. So what happen when the fun and the passion for the game turns into a sad reality where once super stars start to die at a young age. We realized how blind we have been craving for a sport that fulfill us with that energy and passion to root for a team that we cherish as our own, caring for it as part of our lives just to move on when the lights are off and all those beloved players become strangers and their faith goes dark for the rest of us until they are back to the front page news as part of suicidal stories.

How come a sport so popular can hide such a big impact in their players and rule the industry and economy of it's country that is able to sacrifice a few in order to keep the show going on. So once that this doctor publish a new desease blaming them for negligence and stands for the truth gets treated and offended, he hasn't done anything wrong, just doing his job and being called a liar for doing the right thing, how offensive to anyone that can be? that's where he'll realize that this idea of a perfect nation is not but another dream and performance that was sold to the world. How's possible that in a powerful nation like this, not a single doctor exposed this before and all the insiders preferred to sell their soul and buy a lie over to do the right thing and one someone does, is looked as an outsider, and in fact it is but the funny fact is that the foreign is the one doing actually the most american thing, standing for what is right, so who's the real hero here?

What really means to be part of a new culture? Football is seen all around the world as a strategic game where giants face each other to fight strategically to overcome the opponent, a very american tradition and historical thing, but as in real life and as history proves, they will be up to sacrifice who and whatever it takes in order to achieve it and stand that idea. Everybody will point fingers and criticize when feeling threatened but at the end truth will stands for it's own and will prove who was right in the first place even if by then you had to overcome all the consequences and become another person or at least fake it in order to achieve the best of you. In that same way this movie moves from a drama that analyzes the life of a foreign doctor fighting to become the person and citizen he always wanted to be while facing the biggest challenge in his career, then switching to a scary thriller that exposes a reality that feel to relevant to be true but if so will let us wondering how's possible we could be so blind or if we would be able to watch it the same way ignoring all this facts and watching these people getting damage for life or will just move on once we leave the theater and be back to our routine and turn the tv on next Sunday.

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

SISTERS...cause they are some attachments that need to be broken

Hemos visto muchas parejas famosas en el mundo del entretenimiento a lo largo de la historia, por lo cual siempre las acordamos con afecto y nostalgia, y caemos fervientes antes su redes, sin importar de que se trate su nuevo proyecto. Así como Biruta y Capulina, Tom y Jerry, hasta las hermanas Olsen o pituka y petaca, tenemos a la colaboración mas moderna, gracias al famoso sit com live SNL: Tina Fey y Amy Poehler, quienes han demostrado ser metes creativas desarrollando proyectos independientes tanto en cine como television, mas cada excusa para ponerlas juntas siempre es bien recibida, incluyendo conducir los Globos de Oro. Pero el publico las ama juntas o separas y la química que transmiten es inigualable, razón por la cual en la vida real son grandes amigas o al menos es lo que pretenden mostrar, mientras una vive en NYC y la otra en LA.

No por menos, su nuevo proyecto, una nueva película que les brinda la oportunidad de protagonizar y estar detrás de cámaras como mentes creativas del proyecto, es una de las apuestas para esta concurrida temporada navideña. La cinta en cuestión, "Sisters" (2015), una comedia con un estilo de humor que mezcla el clásico humor exagerado de Poehler con el sarcasmo de Fey, pero que ha evolucionado en los limites de la comedia americana llena de pastelazos, gags tontos sobre drogas y sexo, así como mantener mucho corazón como historia lineal que la salva de convertirse en una comedia mas del montón o una apuesta barata del genero, pero definitivamente son sus protagonistas quienes llevan la cinta en sus hombros y la logran sacar adelante, no solo entreteniendo sino dejándonos con un buen sabor de boca.

La historia es muy simple, dos hermanas, totalmente diferentes una de otra, pero unidas y con mucho amor por la otra, son forzadas a reunirse para visitar a sus padres una vez que estos han decidido vender la casa en la que crecieron para limpiar sus cuartos y tirar o guardar cualquier artefacto que gusten como recuerdo de su infancia. Obviamente la nostalgia las invade organizando una ultima fiesta de despedida que dará un giro a las cosas y a sus vidas dándoles finalmente una lección de madurez y para moverse adelante de la familia. Tratandose de una comedia y con un plot tan simple, el final se siente predecible incluso antes de que la cinta comience pero como bien dice el dicho, no todo es acerca de la meta sino del trayecto para llegar, por ello es que es este trayecto nos dará una que otra lección y bofetada con guante blanco mientras nos hara reír como cuando éramos niños.

La hermana Poehler es la menor, aplicada, dedicada, siempre tratando de ayudar a todos inclusive sin que se le pida o requiera, divorciada, vive atrapada en un mundo de aburrimiento incapaz de soltarse y aventurarse por mas, temiendo a otro fracaso e incapaz de romper sus propias reglas. Por otro lado esta la hermana mayor interpretada por Fey, una mujer irresponsable, capaz de comprometerse y hacer que las cosas funcionen por su espíritu liberal y aventurero y a pesar de ser una madre, su propia hija esta cansada de ser ella quien cuide de su madre. Ambas mujeres están atoradas en este dilema de sus vidas mas incapaz de salir de el pues es su propia personalidad la que las define y por la cual están donde están. No es hasta que esta rebeldía de organizar una fiesta invitando a todos sus ex amigos de la escuela, ahora todos casados y viviendo la vida de adultos, que las hace recapacitar entre la vida de adultos y sus responsabilidades como tal y la vida que pretenden como adolescentes, obligándolas a tomar riesgos y cambios que no serán fáciles que son mas un deber que una opción.

Esto nos pasa a todos mas seguido de lo que pareciera, sin darnos cuenta de donde estamos parados, vemos la vida pasar pensando que estamos haciendo lo correcto a pesar que todo el mundo nos tira en la cara lo contrario. No hay reglas que nos dicten cuando o que hacer para madurar, para comprometerse a una relación, para lograr un éxito profesional, pero siempre hay un manera de saber cuando las cosas no están saliendo bien y aunque volver a casa y recurrir a la familia es siempre la opción para sentirse seguro y recargar la pila para volver a enfrentar al mundo, aveces es esta escala la que nos regresa al punto de partida y en vez de volverse en una ayuda se vuelve una de las fuentes del problema, por lo que en ocasiones saber cortar el cordon umbilical y volar fuera del nido para aprender a sobrevivir por nosotros mismos sera la única lección que nos dejara conocernos a nosotros mismos por lo que somos y no por lo otros esperan de ti así como enfrentarnos a si mismos y darnos cuenta que el apellido lo traemos marcado en la sangre y aveces ese lazo es tan fuerte que l distancia ayuda a disolverlo para er las cosas claras y ser capaces de volver a casa con nuevos aires y una mejor persona que la que se fue.

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

THE BIG SHORT....a big hit!

When was the last time you heard or learned abut finance? Do you really know and fully understand what's going on with the big markets over Wall street and how they operate and control your nation's money? Well if you have no clue but you saw two years ago a movie called "The Wolf of wall Street" (2013) with Leonardo DiCaprio, you might have an idea of the concept of Wall Street, what is the role it plays economically and how all these people get involve with the money, buying and selling, investing in what brings millions to the table. But now we are about to see the movie that the previos mentioned intended to be. This is "The Big Short" (2015), a true story based on a novel from the same name that intends to tell the truth behind the last economic meltdown of Wall Street history and the last one that made the world collapse leading millions to lose their jobs and homes. And thats the best example of how the first world rules worldwide. How capitalism takes advantage of any opportunity to sell even lies and illegal transactions and how USA can make the markets go up as much as can make them go down.

So, not trying to get in details of the movie and ruin the surprise and also avoiding to bore anyone with financial terms hard to explain, this movie stand on it's own being the most interesting and funny finance class you will attend in years. Being original and creative, the story serves as a parody that makes us root for its characters while they try to achieve their goal, which is basically steal our money, which is when the reality hits and everything turns as sad and sarcastically pathetic as the system is. Delivering great performances from an A list cast that includes Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling,
Steve Carell and Christian Bale, the smart direction and script make them dance between comedy and drama, showing us how humans can we be when comes about money and how greedy can ur morals can turn, without being villains or heroes, just being smart and finding opportunities in a sea full of them. and it could be the more realistic heist movie you've seen in years but they are not planning to robe anyone, this guys just realize of a bubble in the system that can be used and turnes as an opportunity for a few and a disaster for the rest.

We are the ones to blame. For being so naive to put our future and money in hands of a system that promises to deliver more back, interest and ideals of dreams where everything can happen and we can jump from a hard working life to the American dream just by playing with the odds and take a risk. Is that how lazy we are or that's just pat of our fight to achieve and earn our place in a world that values who you are for how much you own? how much are you willing to sacrifice to make your money worth? Hanging around people that disgust you or annoys you but might be the right connections to get you to a better place matches with your own ideologies and what you stand for? How much do you know about the government rules and it;s rule for your money and future? Because we like to blame others for our own ignorance and it's not until things happen that we open our eyes or a movie like this comes to show us and explain us what really happened for something that only a few saw coming and no one ad the courage to stand for.

In 2008, an economic crisis happened in the United States, pointing fingers to the banks that as major institutions in the country managed to clean their guilt and made it through the chaos, but no one paid consequences but as the movie well says, just the ordinary people ends paying for the mistakes of those on top. If facts like this can happen in major economies like the big countries ruling the world what can the others called a third world can expect? when their economy hangs on currencies far from their own, becomes like a world wide to manage stability from falling down and crash. but how things end on the wrong hands if even the own government has no control on those markets and assume that all controls are set to avoid a mistake but theres no perfection and that cost will be paid for the rest of the country but not for the ones who created it in the first place. So that makes you inmoral or lack of honor if trying to look up for yourself in a market that becomes a battle field but where if place the right cards, can leave you with a financial security of a life time? What becomes more important, the role each of us play or the power that we give to others to play for us?
Each of one of the characters in the movie play an essential role in all this events. Each of them isolated from the other but acting like a chain reaction, getting this machine to work even realizing of the damage that will bring if succeed, but as said the fault won't be theirs, as they are just acting under the rules, taking advantage of a possibility, one created under the major nationwide mortgage industry and its own deficit as based for this country economy. All of them are doing their part and if succeed will deal with their own guilt but aso will get their own reward. And part of dealing with that guilt is that they came straight forward with the truth to the media and the government that ignored them and avoid getting into the sensitive matter, again letting them get away with their own. In fact sounds funny and ridiculous as any good comedy but also feels so real that makes it the worst drama or suspense in life and that's why this movie is now a golden globe and critics choice awards nominee, because it's able to educate, slap in our face while make us cry and laugh about the truth of real events that either you will enjoy it, will learn more about your finances, and will have a history lesson and explanation of facts, you will be entertained by the sad major event of the biggest most recent economic crisis if the century that affected million of people around the world and that at this day, has no faces that paid for it and no major rules have been applied to avoid and control banks and other institutions from steal our money. How's that for the next horror movie?

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

KRAMPUS...your worst holiday nightmare

OK. So the holidays are around the corner. Soon would be time for christmas carols and lots of presents and family reunions. Holiday parties and snow. But what's all this joy and love for the season? Why it's called the most wonderful time of the year? Corporations have sold the idea of Christmas as an opportunity to increase their sales by pushing people to run to the stores and fight for the perfect gift. Families love the opportunity to share a meal with their love ones that travel just to bring presents and catch up under the excuse of being united for this great moment full of love and hope. And that's essentially the idea of creating a Christmas day. To remember everyone that we can't lose hope. We have to remember ourselves to love and value the people we love and care about us. A reminder that there is good in all of us and sharing with others is not only a celebration but a gift.So what went wrong? Well seems like everybody forgot all that and focus on their personal agenda, stressing out to give the perfect gift or host the perfect party but what about the real propose of having people over and share the best of you with them?

Not everything is about give, but learn to forgive and move on could be of more value. That's why marketing create Santa Claus, as an example of being humble and give before ask and get. To share and be humble enough to accept and learn from our mistakes to become a better self. But now days this is more like an urban legend, same as Santa Claus. More a pop icon than a real meaning. But as all good comes in different shapes, has to be something dark, another reminder for all those grinches that had lost hope and lack of love in their hearts. For all the joy and cheers that the big guy in red brings to kids and their families, there's another legend for all those empty, dark souls, and it's called "KRAMPUS" (2015).

Based on another Germanic folklore story about a dark santa that will come not to give but to take from all those that had lost hope in Christmas and it's real meaning. That had fallen in a dark path where life seems to have no meaning and real purpose but to feel miserable and complain. So, the same way that Santa will come to bring all of us that joyful and happiness to the children and the family in form of presents, this sinister devil will come with a full of servants and toys to help him to take away all the family members of those whose wish wants to become true. All as a reminder that hope shouldn't be never been lost. And this won't be a nice time to celebrate or be excited for but a moment to fight for survival and a time to meditate of what been done and what took us there. Not only when we start losing that we start noticing the value it had in our lives. As hard as it sounds most of the time we learn and overcome better from our mistakes and for the challenges than for the triumphs and the good times.

It's more common to find more and more people calling themselves Grinch for the holidays and christmas, avoiding all cliches that come with them under the philosophy or not falling for all this marketing created to sell an idea and push capitalism to its extreme. And they might be right in terms that at least the whole month people get such in a bad mood worries to finish all errands before the holidays to be able to spend them with family which is another motive to stress out. The idea of spending days with family ends in fights and discussions instead of making the most of it. A competition to prove who gets more and the best and show off in their own houses and school becomes like the next game changer of the year. Far from all those cute and innocent images of communities sharing a moment and enjoying others company, not matter if family or strangers.

 Sadly the movie is not as scary as expected, specially after watching the previews, as it moves from comedy to parody and then to horror, keeping a PG rated mood approachable to the family, but still brings good entertainment and assertive suspenseful moments and some other full of heart that won't feel into cliches or trying to preach us but to show how bad can things go if we don't do good, specially for anyone annoyed by the fact of elf singing nonsense and people trying to be friendly and happy even when life seems to be unfair and hard on them. All thanks to a great cast that serves perfect to this propose and an accretive direction for a screenwriter turned director that know how to manage an hilarious suspense. That's why this movie serves as a dark reminder for all that and feel like a fresh breeze in the horror genre and for this holiday season bringing the best timing to prove all said above and serving as a dark tale to bring the best of it. Remind us that we should never give up and lose faith even when things get bad and try to leave the moment and never put aside the people we love the most cause maybe tomorrow will be too late to have them back and show us the real meaning of family, a group of people united by blood and by learning to accept and respect each others not by choice but by the love of being part of something bigger than you and that's a success enough to cheer for the box office and for this season with a new motive to go through it and learn that behind every fake smile you will come across there's a whole krampus story along waiting for it.