Steve Carell and Christian Bale, the smart direction and script make them dance between comedy and drama, showing us how humans can we be when comes about money and how greedy can ur morals can turn, without being villains or heroes, just being smart and finding opportunities in a sea full of them. and it could be the more realistic heist movie you've seen in years but they are not planning to robe anyone, this guys just realize of a bubble in the system that can be used and turnes as an opportunity for a few and a disaster for the rest.

In 2008, an economic crisis happened in the United States, pointing fingers to the banks that as major institutions in the country managed to clean their guilt and made it through the chaos, but no one paid consequences but as the movie well says, just the ordinary people ends paying for the mistakes of those on top. If facts like this can happen in major economies like the big countries ruling the world what can the others called a third world can expect? when their economy hangs on currencies far from their own, becomes like a world wide to manage stability from falling down and crash. but how things end on the wrong hands if even the own government has no control on those markets and assume that all controls are set to avoid a mistake but theres no perfection and that cost will be paid for the rest of the country but not for the ones who created it in the first place. So that makes you inmoral or lack of honor if trying to look up for yourself in a market that becomes a battle field but where if place the right cards, can leave you with a financial security of a life time? What becomes more important, the role each of us play or the power that we give to others to play for us?
Each of one of the characters in the movie play an essential role in all this events. Each of them isolated from the other but acting like a chain reaction, getting this machine to work even realizing of the damage that will bring if succeed, but as said the fault won't be theirs, as they are just acting under the rules, taking advantage of a possibility, one created under the major nationwide mortgage industry and its own deficit as based for this country economy. All of them are doing their part and if succeed will deal with their own guilt but aso will get their own reward. And part of dealing with that guilt is that they came straight forward with the truth to the media and the government that ignored them and avoid getting into the sensitive matter, again letting them get away with their own. In fact sounds funny and ridiculous as any good comedy but also feels so real that makes it the worst drama or suspense in life and that's why this movie is now a golden globe and critics choice awards nominee, because it's able to educate, slap in our face while make us cry and laugh about the truth of real events that either you will enjoy it, will learn more about your finances, and will have a history lesson and explanation of facts, you will be entertained by the sad major event of the biggest most recent economic crisis if the century that affected million of people around the world and that at this day, has no faces that paid for it and no major rules have been applied to avoid and control banks and other institutions from steal our money. How's that for the next horror movie?
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