There are times when economic crisis hit us. Others when social media explotes and goes viral. Others when violence invades the streets and security is a matter of time. Or some when family values are expose by tendencies and new sets of mind. But what happens when all the above mix and get together invading every corner of the room? It's call terrorism. Since a decade ago we've been witness of a war happening in the middle eastern. A war that explode based in a clash of politics and religion with the occidental world. And when other interests get involve the result translates in one of the most recent wars in history between the world and terrorism cels trying to break us and infiltrate with violence into society creating a sense of threat among your daily basis. But who's behind all this? who create who? Are the one who pushed the bottom to activate them or we are just a response from their actions?

The United States of America are the main country involved in this, representing all what the new world means. Their policy of create and get involve in all different kind of wars around the globe since the end of WWII has created a sense of hate against them and once that the gulf war ended a new one detonated with Afghanistan as the center of the Islam. So back to 9/11 when the country was under attack a new war exploded till these days. Most of this war has been located out of the country but many threats of new attacks had been moving around. So what would happen if the enemy is at actually here already. At home. And it's one of us under the direction of one of the main cells planing a new attack unless someone can figure it out, identify it and stop it. This is "HOMELAND" (2011-actual), one of the most engaging shows recently, an Emmy winner as best show, a thriller that will keep you edging at your seat wondering what would be the next move and if we would be able to stop it before it's too late.

The story centers on a CIA agent, Carrie, one of their best. A woman that has been in the field back in Afghanistan, that has seen the war and know the faces that we are looking for and how the pieces are moving in their side so when she hears that a new threat is coming under the arm of one of our own won't stop till prove the opposite. Just in time a lost soldier was found and brought back home. Sgt. Brody, a tormented marine that has been kept in enemy arms for 8 years fights to get back home in all ways. His mind seems lost and far, and the fact that he has change after all what he has been through won't make it easier to his family that now have to get back to the idea of him not been dead. Is he ready to re connect or has to find first his way home? Or is he just finding a way to complete his mission or in fact he's innocent and we are just watching him evolve from a prisoner to freedom again. Can you be the same person after being adopted for a different culture that torture you but at the same time saved you?

Our main fear is the same as agent Carrie Mathison, fail to protect our home, our culture, our nation, our believes and ideas, all what we stand for can end in seconds in hands of something different, but is that new stranger always a bad thing or again is just our fear to something different and unknown that scare us? A race against the clock stars and won't stop even after knowing whats the target or who's behind the curtain. We will learn that war is more complex than just an act of terrorism. This feeds from all the politics and interests behind. There are so many people involved, not only government but agencies that things get more complex to identify a real cause or origin but a snow ball keeps growing and feeding from avery act till everything is too confused that only looking at details and small pieces that we'll be able to see through. That's the quest of Mathieson, a woman with bipolar disorder, hiding to from her agency to protect her career but only leading her to a personal war that will get in between saving her from herself and save her career and her country from other hands that are looking for other than what this nation stands for.
So, who are the real enemies or the real villains in this story? are the terrorists outsiders or they also live in here? As the seasons of the show go by, we learn that things have always a two side story, two perspectives and no one act just without reason. We didn't create Islam but th kind of hate against it has been growing inside by people with an agenda for their own.We set the pieces in the right place to create chaos and detonate war. Also nobody is as bad or as good to be a hero or a villain, so neither Carrie or Nicholas are able to save or destroy without help and when they both collide, not only romance will happen but also they will help and learn from each other, saving them from a destiny of honor and disgrace, from death and glory. So when comes to protect your home what is really on stake? Saving yourself from others or you really threatened by others trying to destroy what you have built? Will you as them figure it out in time to stop it or maybe it's too late for any of us?

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