miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane ... road to the apocalypses

For starters and without any intention to spoil the surprise for those that haven't seen the movie have to warn that if you continue reading the surprise that brings watching a film event like this would be totally ruined but if that won't stop you to run to the theater and watch this new project from the continuously greatest geek of this era, J.J. Abrahams, have to say that this is nor a sequel or a spin off from the other film from 2008 that share part of their title, so if you loved that one this might be a good surprise but maybe a kind of disappointing one but also if you didn't like it or are open to embrace new ideas and a new fresh proposal that parts from the same canvas bringing a new turn into something that could definitely become a new kind of series that brings a new proposal with every new entry. With that been said, this is "10 Cloverfield Lane" (2016), a project that tok everybody for surprise when it's first preview came out just two months ago reveling what could be the sequel to that box office hit where a monster came out of the Atlantic ocean to destroy most of New York City .

This time we don't know much but the story centers in 3 main characters, that seems trapped in a bunker, but why? who are them? what's happening out there? is this part of what we already saw years ago?. The story focuses in a young woman that apparently has been kidnapped but also seems there is another guy and seem to get along just fine, but also she is fighting to get out there. She's hurt and that's because she just woke up from a car accident when she was running away from her boyfriend because that is what she does, she runs away when things get complicated, but also that has made her a strong woman, ready to fight to survive so when she realizes of her new reality she can't but fight for her freedom if there is still one, but seems the life she knew is over. All this comes from her captor or savor, an old man that is trying to keep her safe and with the help of a young man, became the three of them a new family trapped in this new reality that lead them to just wait and help each other to keep things going down there. The reason? apparently the world has started a fight with something we don't know and people are dying if have no refugee.

Two men, a woman, co existing in a small place under post apocalyptic circumstances with a different agenda of their own only get things started for chaos unless the possibility of something bigger is happening above them and they actually need from each other or this is just the perfect excuse to cover their own true colors? While we are awaiting for a new monster to show up in the screen and we keep going from one twist to another in the plot that keeps us at the edge of the seat we start to realize how true the slogan of the movie is, monsters come in all different forms, meaning sometimes we are more focused for those creatures we don't know and can pop out in any second to destroy our civilization or to start destroying humanity, but how about those monsters that live next to us or hide inside our thoughts and just come out when we aloud them or we become pray for others?

A definition of a monster comes to different perspectives and interpretations, a monster movie also can be seen as a disaster movie or an intense thriller, so when we get a mix of both we get also a mix of monsters and interpretations but the most interesting and the one that has all the critics raving for this movie is the one that hides just next door, and the fact that we as humans are a very complex creatures that can turn from great humble and unselfish moments to others that can be judge as psychotic and aggressive. We move around others with a face trying to fit in society but always back in our heads another reality hides and keeps us motivated to pursue it fighting and learning how to achieve it, with an illusion that allows this idea to become a goal either for bad or good. We all one from different places and our stories got us to the place we are now and most of that comes from the decision other made for us in early years and the ones we started once we became grown ups, and are those decisions that started defining us and defining the real person hiding over that idea that most people see in us when meeting us.

We can be fighting monsters from deep waters or aliens from far out space but in every second of that fight we will be fighting our own instincts and are those that will get us to a real fight agains us or others and sometimes creating virtual realities will keep us move along others day by day until an opportunity to achieve that need presents in front of us. And as we can find monsters that can destroy a building with just a push others can annihilate a person with a bite, we also can find all kind of shapes and intentions from the monsters among us, capable to destroy a life with just a move or decision as bringing someone down with a phrase or sentence. Being able to identify all these monsters living among us will make more than a scientist trying to find life out of the planet or discover a new species but is our strength to face our own demons what will train us for that big test if the opportunity presents or will destroy us when facing them, so once you fighting to survive the apocalypses knowing who you are and what you are capable of will save you or destroy. Maybe.

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