miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Live your life SHAMELESS....

How broken can someone be so can't be fixed? How many issues are we been carrying for a life that define us and when comes to the point of share our life with someone or raise a family, those same issues will become part of the family and will be present in every step of the way dictating every move we make and categorizing every decision. We are what we are thanks to our experience and a mix of genetics and destiny. But how deep can some scars be that will hurt if we try to avoid or how easy is just to follow the patterns instead or fighting to be someone different. There's always a point when we can choose and either can be easy but miserable or hard but satisfying. Life seems like a bunch of test that will prove what we are made of and will shape the person we are meant to become. But always all this process will come in hands of others that will deliver the tasks and consequences, being only us in charge of the doing, taking decision that will not just in between all the others.This is "SHAMELESS" (2011-current), a tv show that has been categorized as a comedy but can be looked as a drama with a big heart and lots of comedy, just like life is.

Owning it's success to that mix of drama and comedy while being one of the most unapologetic, realistic show in tv, full of sex and naked bodies, again, just like life is. Based on the same British concept of the show, you'll be first introduce to the Gallagher's, a very white american family than other than be very united and seem like a picture perfect are nothing but a mess. Frank, the father, happens to be a selfish alcoholic that will only seek for his benefit and personal satisfaction, no matter if needs to take advantage of any of his children in order to get money or whatever he needs to get away with it. Instead of trying to raise his kids and keep the family safe and united leading them with a good example, seems like the only example he's using will be defined as the how not to become, reason enough why his oldest daughter will assume responsibility for her siblings, trying to give them love, attention and all care they need, but her role as a substitute mother won't fit her well, as even her love to them is real, she needs to learn how to love herself first and realize that she needs to have a life of her own, reason why she will fall into all kind of dysfunctional relationships and embrace some addictions that might be part of her heritage.

So time for the second in charge to rise up, Lip, the oldest son, a young man, way younger than Fionna, will have a journey that will turn him into the only sane and good person in the family, just in comparison with the rest as he also has a baggage of his own, even he is smart and want to learn and do something, he also likes an easy life, so in order to achieve that kind of goal, he'll become in what everyone needs him to be, putting his family first than even himself. But as a family, he is not alone, his brother Ian, will become his best friend as well, until he devolves the same bi polar illness that their mother has, and as gay guy will fight to be accepted in every way even if he doesn't accept himself as a whole, looking for that acceptance and love in the eyes of his bullying neighbor, just as his other younger sister, Debbie, a teenager looking for validation and romance in ways that she have never experience from a very dysfunctional family, leading her to do whatever it takes to find a guy that will like her and become a woman. And finally, Carl, a kid that sees his father as a role model, when should be the opposite, only to take him to the wrong path and send him to do all the wrong things a good man to be will do.

Other characters will appear and be introduce to this family that in their own way are here to prove that family matters not even under what kind of circumstances but mostly that life is messed up and that in a country like USA, where we are used to certain social rules and stereotypes, also exist a bunch of families like this willing to take advantage of the system and under the oat of being americans and true believers of the American dream, will prove how even in the best families, things get really complicated and we all have issues of our own and is our journey to find a way to deal with them or make the best of them, always proving that at the end of the day family is the most important social cell and being surrounded and loved by those people is all what matters, to have hope and believe things can be better, even happy endings don't exist all the time, life will bring good new at the same time of bringing that will complicate things and put in a test the life we know. But most of the time we are just the sum of our circumstances and we'll need to stand up and speak for ourselves always counting with the help of the people we gladly call family.

So what will be better, live a structured life with all the economical benefits but tied up to explore yourself and try something different or be free and able to break the rules because we don't care about rules and structure, only the ones we created to survive and be able to have what is closer to a normal life. Bad habits die hard. But we are capable or evolving and make changes, not that will be easy but there always will be options and with the support of our family we can all come with a new solution to our problems and even we can be broken from the inside, all this love, and support, and a need of survival will, eventually, bring the best of us, at least for a moment that will serve as a glimpse of what can be. So even we will laugh and love this family and our own one,  we'll also hate it once they start showing their true colors, but isn't that the point? to realize we all have issues and we all need some love but at the end of the day and after a series of laughs, crying, screaming, running, it is fun to break the rules and challenge a system that has taken me and the people i love to a position where best survival will be the one dancing and drinking in the middle of the night while sharing a shitty broken life surrounded by all this people that might lack of lots of must but they love you and ill be there for you, and that is more worthy than any successful and high class status that anyone would die to throw us. At the end of the day we are just another family, survivors, the Gallagher's.

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