viernes, 1 de abril de 2016

Everybody Wants Some!! ... what did you get??

Sometimes, it's not all about a story but a bunch of moments that define the person that we'll become. And mostly the people that surround us will influence in many ways our perspectives and ideas of live, love, success, fun and friendships. All that and more is "Everybody wants some!!"(2016), the new project from awarded director Richard Linklater, the one that in my personal opinion should had won the Oscar last year, but as he has proved with his unique style, we get another story that is more like a sum of moments that in certain way celebrate the early 80's as a new decade awakening to the modern era we know these days and also to the process of acknowledging who we are transitioning from a teenager to a man. Because who hasn't questioned before how come they became the guy we are now, the man that goes to work and watch games and drinks beer just as everybody else instead of something different or maybe just the opposite. Every man embraces the fact or being part of a group of guys and feel like a wolf pack venturing through the world seeking validation from himself and others and specially from the opposite sex, a mission that every man dedicates full time, the feeling of being desired and popular among women that are willing to believe all his speech and go as far as he will be ready to take them.

So in order to tell all this misfortunes, we are introduce to the baseball of team of a regular american college, where leaded by one of the new guys in the team, we'll also get to meet the rest of the team or at least the ones that make the team the number one in the state. But who are these guys? Some of them have nicknames, others are called by their names and a few are just followed by their personality. The one that is ruled by hormones and desires. Trying to conquer the world, their own world and searching for answers that will come after a long session of smoking and drinking, but mostly at those times when bounding with the rest of the guys just trying to make it through another day, building relationships and discovering personalities that will click and others that won't. What defines being a man? Why do they all behave like a bunch of idiots amor cave men just trying to have fun or prove something. And that might be the point as all of them start to get competitive and that competition leads to perfectionism and that will put together a group of individuals willing to do their best and prove among the others that they are part of the team, that they have something to offer, and that opportunity is well appreciate and admire by the others just in time for be part of a team and feel part of a group that will support you as much as taking advantage of you.

Here won't be feelings arising or drama. They will hate each other just to be cool ten seconds later. They will push each other to their limits just to get what is needed from everyone but also will make fun of you if necessary to break the ice and entertain the rest and prove how smart and funny you are making stupid jokes using you as a bait because they makes me smarter over you. But ate the end all is for a good cause and just after the first pitch of beer arrives, they will become closer as brothers. How many guys are hazed and heated in school or their jobs just for being different? How many times we wonder why we did such bunch of stupid thing back then just to follow others? It's all about having fun, but behind that, hides the real essence of anyone, after the first couple of days when we pretend and show the face we are trying to wear in public, we start showing our true colors and everybody start getting a real idea of who we are over who we want to be. But thanks to all those moments that we are pushed or tempted to try is that we experienced all kind of feelings and ideas that will open our mind to figure out what is our own concert of life and what we want from it.

Man will be man, no matter what, and specially when a woman is involved. Then he will bring the best of him to try to conquer her heart or just get laid. But those moments at a party while getting waisted and chasing girls by giving them a big speech about how amazing we are, trying to making them laugh so they can see how sweet and funny we are, hoping that will take us to bed and get naked, is just part of a ritual that will help in the future to earn some practice and make up our mind about the type of girl we want for us in the real deal. Because men have only one thing in mind all the time, and that only thing is the one we share with all our species: sex. Because there is nothing more important than having as much sex as possible. It's not about our grades, classes, connections, networking, etc that we go to college but the multiple possibilities that all men have to get super laid.

And that's why everybody want some. Success, fun, sex, parties, friends, love, knowledge.  A new future opens for us when we are young and these might apply in other ways any time of our lives. Never is too late to break barriers, open our mind and rediscover ourselves. Making new friends and embracing all those thing we know we like and try some other new will make us go from one decade to the there and instead of college, it might be a new job, a new city or actually going back to school and keep ourselves preparing in new fields and turning our lives into multiple circles instead of just one but always good to make a quick stop and celebrate those moments when possibilities felt like a first time, when you realize that you are freshmen in colleague, meaning you are not in high school anymore and that puts you into another level and now you are by yourself and it's time for you to start making your decisions, creating a new family that will be packed for your recently assigned and selected brothers cause they will be part of your next years and then for the rest of your life just to realize you did the same to them because everybody gets some.

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