So as did in the past with previous shows trying to entertain while making a social revolution transforming things from open society's mind to re organizing social structure and fight for diversity, tolerance and acceptance, creator and producer Ryan Murphy, brings a new creation under the name of "Scream Queens" (2015-current), a new tv show that opened last fall season for a medium rating and mixed reviews, not trying to target older teenagers, so jumping from high school to college, but still trying to impact and reflect a new social environment with actual circumstances. Playing like a horror movie, follow the most recent tendency of that genre where a serial killer rises among college students just to start killing each one of them with an apparently no propose but whereat the same time anyone can be the killer and us, the audience, will play the role of a witness, trying to guess along the run who the killer could be, just to be surprised and twisted at every turn. But at the same time this is actually not a horror story but a comedy, a satire to be more specific, that will only use a fake horror mask to tell a story and follow that plot line while trying to entertain when its not preaching or becoming more annoying.
And everything starts with a possible murder from years ago, where the now adults were younger and were the students, just to become now the responsible ones trying to hide it but theres a collateral damage and it will show up with this new generation, that focuses any around a sorority, called Kappa Kappa Tau where a group of girls called the Chanels, leaded by queen teen Chanel Oberlin, trying to rule as bitch, spoiled, annoying, pretentious, superficial girl just focused on be the most popular, better looking and always right girl in campus while having a group of girls following her and doing whatever she dictates but hating her at the same time for treating them that way but letting her do it at the same time, sounds familiar?. Related to this group of girls will be a group of guys, some of them from a fraternity that relates to the girls as their masculine version leaded by Chad, a self centered jock that talks more than he thinks and as any guy in college just tries to have as sex as much as possible. But the real story begins once the Dean includes some low key girls to the sorority as an opportunity to create diversity and respect among the different groups mixing them to live together, but this nerdy girls all what they want is to become one of the Chanel's girls, so the competition is on.
By the time all this special and very cliched characters start to mix and suffer from interacting with each other, affecting each others lives, a serial killer under the name of The Red Devil, shows up to start killing everybody in campus, and pushing some of them to try to figure out who the killer is and what is up to, while other will just pretend that nothing happens and continue with their normal life. Because remember what i said, this is a satire, to everything can happen, and it will in the most extreme and ridiculous way just to make a point, like all this killing that only will prove why the show is called that way, as every female character will start screaming every 5 seconds turning any fun into an annoying competition for the best pair of lungs in tv history. And all the blood and gruesomeness performed just tries to show and prove how blind we have become, focused on taking selfies at any time, at every place we are at. Trying to expose ourselves in the media, like scream of help to get more attention, trying to become someone and be more popular, ad stand among others just to prove we exist. And still will be a competition, to be more beautiful or popular. Have better clothes or attend to better parties. Doesn't matter if you a good or bad person, al what this generation matters is how big you are out there. Manipulate, abuse, lie, whatever it takes to make yourself someone over the rest.
All sounds like perfect ingredients for a thriller or comedy. Trying to expose a new generation self centered and narcissistic. But instead what we got is neither of that but some funny gags filled with pop culture references and some stylish based on very well known cliches, a group of characters that never shine by themselves or can become a new icon on tv history, and all together gets to a point of annoyance by this laud and silly girls followed by stupid and simple guys, all behaving like adults trying not to be adults, and the real grown ups are just mere second characters serving to this teenagers for a mere purpose without bringing an identity that will compare two different generations clashing into a new social structure or serving as mere metaphor of how adulthood have become into a new come to age phase were at 40 people are still fighting to realize and find what they want and who they are following the steps of their younger ones. So by the end, the killer would not matter as much as should be finding a clue to it's motive but just to root for te end of this group of people that might deserve what they are getting in a world that tolerate them and all what they are able to do without consequences other than take their phones away as if that would change this and that might be the biggest metaphor of all, when we are trying to change this just by ignoring them or becoming part of it, so looking at them from a different perspective won't change anything but a scream of help might wake us up from this fantasy and realize how far have we gone in dehumanization and lack of communication to set new rules for us to survive as a functional society and then, just maybe, start killing all those ones than are a lost cause.
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