lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016 to spend your 7 lives

What could you get from a mash up of two comedians and a kitten? the idea sounds just like a big bummer coming or a very well planned disaster but when you get deep into it things might get a different meaning. Cats are the most watchable animals in youtube and own millions of videos over other animals like dogs or goats so definitely have became very popular among those browsing for something funny or just killing time. And when you get two of the most creative and hilarious comedians in tv these days that have no problem to criticize american culture and expose with straight forward jokes all their new tendencies that as a culture has experienced we just can get a very fierce social analysis able to creat a satire from the new pop culture or make a serious comment from stupid ideas as music, diversity, racism or pets. So what could be said from a comedy that is just released in the out coming summer with tons of comedy offers and big budgets packed with A-stars?

Well the answer is just "Keanu" (2016), the story of a kitten as cute as hell. That just to watch him staring at you will make you melt. Like any other cute videos in Youtube, you'll just aww and smile any time that he is on screen an even as the movie gets to it's third act you;ll see more of his moves and some acting flashes that will inspire you for a possible big applause. But what would be the point of just make a movie from a kitten running all around the place and being adopted from a loving lonely guy to be te most wanted pet in the mafia. Well if you add the fact that this kitten is the most wanted from the mafia since before falling in front of the door of a single young guy that has his heart broken and is going through the phase of a break up just to call his cousin for desperate help while this other guy, the cousin also happens to be in need of help, even that he hasn't asked for it, his scream for help is as obvios as his playlist and high tones are.

So the idea of a night out for these two guys sounds like the perfect way to start a weekend, but they are just two simple dudes, with no malice in them. They are just as average as the top 40 in music or as any action movie playing out there. They are geeks that love intense conversations and pretend to be action heroes and dream with all what they are not because they are just two normal guys living a simple and normal life. But when they come back home and realize that they little super cute kitten is gone and was taken by a very dangerous local drug dealer, they will man up to save it cause that little pet is all what he has and need it to hold to something so even the other doesn't want to, can't leave the other by himself so they jump to the van and start what would be a life changing experience. Pretending to be street sellers, they find the way to sneak in the group and make a deal with the dealer in order to help him with the business getting the kitten in return.

This will just be the excuse to detonate a series of adventures in the streets for these two hanging out with other four guys from the group that will check up on them while helping to accomplish the sell. But these guys are not your nice, friendly neighbor. We are facing the darkest side of our society, those guys that have grown in the streets just surviving and leaving scars physically as emotionally just to become savages willing to kill to find their place in a society that has taken all from them and reject them as parias while deep they are just another simple and normal guys that just had a rough and tough journey since the beginning, and have no other option or at least not one that they know. But when things start to get out of control they will need to face reality, these is no longer a game for a fight for their life and what started as a game now is real and just they love from each other motivated by a little kitten will help to come along all this mess and just stay alive and fool everyone as they have fooled themselves.

As intense and serious all these sound these is just a parody so we'll face this challenge with laugh and irony because the only reason for all these journey is to expose how american culture has iconized drug abuse, own of weapons, violence, racism, diversity, pet adoration and pop culture as guide lines through our every day forgetting that for all of these are side effects and consequences, that some of those would never experience, some other maybe for a while and others will face it as a curse for the rest of their lives, just while trying to follow the steps that have been shown just not in the right way so who are we to blame and who's fault will be behind all the mess? Probably just at the end  will need to face reality and grow up enough to challenge our faults and fight to achieve the ideal of a person we have back in our minds just to become the person we always wanted to be, taking away all those fears and realize that sometimes theres more that we can see, specially if theres a cat or a video involve. Its time to face reality and challenge ourselves and why not, criticize the system just to break it at our own way and have fun all along the way.

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