They say American is the land where dreams come true, where everything is possible. But also is the land of the brave and the hardworking, so everybody is looking for their dreams, pursuing happiness and success and all what they need is an idea. Who doesn't want to be a millionaire? Or a successful businessman able to afford the rest of their life? So while the fight begins in America there is a place where things are happing these days, an area where the most promising new companies come to create the new next best thing and bring a new idea that anyone had yet and will fun fill that open niche in the market and launch a new brand that will become a popular sensation and a new part of our lives. You just need to have an idea, be able to perform it, be successful and the best at it and find the money to invest in it and make it happen. Sounds easy right? well is not. And we are about to embark in that journey that is happening right on the west coast, at the "Silicon Valley" (2014-current), a place in the San Francisco bay area where all the new tech companies are located and new projects are being develop to bring to the market the new thing that will turn every system on and will change social behavior. But also is a tv show that in a comedy tone takes us to the experience and the full journey of being part of a team that is fighting to bring their idea to the world, make it real and be the best at it.

That's how we meet Richard Hendricks, a program/software engineer that has a platform that he has invented and that is able to transform everything that is out there. His product promises to revolution any other existent product and become a new one and the best. But in order to put it out in the world he would need some help because in order to create a business you have to make business so he needs the money and some guidance through this process because e has no clue and no experience. Unfortunately the big sharks of the Valley have notices his talent and confirm that he has a great product that will get their own in risk so if you can't beat the enemy keep it closer, thats why the two big corporations, think on something like Microsoft and Apple, want him in their team and want to invest in his idea. But he is not alone, he has two friends and programers that are helping him developing this platform and making it accesible and building it the way it need to, so can become the product they are promising to see, Gilfoyle and Dinesh, other two peculiar characters that as engineers can hold back but compite and make fun of each other as a way to express how they like each other but also feeling threatened by the other's talent so just being dudes hanging in the same room, will make the other as uncomfortable as possible. So once this small team is ready and set up to start creating and building this project is time to settle and start it.

That's where people start showing up trying to take advantage of the situation, so is the case of Erich, a kind of a loser guy that has a strong personality able to intimidate and easy to talk so he can negotiate giving you no option but to agree with him, offering them his house that serves as a start up incubator in the Valley, that of course will give him some stocks in the promising millionaire company, so from here now he will be the voice of a promising talent that as a geek and introvert brilliant mind would need to sell his idea and fight for the rights of it. And finally a new addition will show up, Jared, a total nerd, as talented in business and management as the rest of the team in programming, that admiring Richard's product and personality ask to join as advisor and project planner bringing some balance to a group of engineerings that now a lot about systems but not about business and management. So now that the team is set up and ready to go, things are just about to got messy, and not just because they are such a group of geeks with lot of pop culture knowledge but lack of social skills, but everybody out there is willing to take them down as a competition, and steal their idea and build a similar product so they can be the first in the market and get the more attention.
Supposedly based on a real life experience from an engineer in the Valley, the new HBO sit com is sell as comedy based on the funny and ridiculous situations this group of guys keep getting in to and mostly not because they want to but because life is unexpected and when you are swimming in open sea when u don't even know how to swim can become into a real nightmare and even kill you. While trying to protect their product and with all faith on it, they will fight till the end to make it happen and put it out there as a market product, they just need the money to building it and make it real. And even when they keep proving their product is legit and the best that can be offered, getting the money is as hard as win a war without guns, and this guys are willing to sell their should to the devil in order to get what they need to succeed. Fortunately they will meet Monica, a young assistant for a millionaire tech guru that is willing to invest on them and she will guide them though this rough waters. And sometimes you will want to cry but mostly you will laughing out loud with all the bunch of situations these guys are getting in to learning how to transform an idea into a product and making any possible mistake in the process just to find the right answer back in the cover when needed.

So for all of us, watching these journey that feels so real but too far, is just fascinating how simple and complicated things can be and realizing that that's exactly how life turns to be, making things hard when we are fighting for something and we all share that dream of being successful and why not?, millionaire in a capitalism world, to innovate and transcend through an idea that serves like our unborn child, and will impact society in general until a new idea pops out. With an assertive scripts that is full of funny but incoherent lines that sound like someone is high but also feel as real as any of our friends are when getting drunk, making all kind pop culture references and being as incoherent as bold possible but at the end is just a bunch of guys trying to find their way through, learning on the process, becoming stronger, more confident and facing their fears as underdogs in a society where the best looking and the most popular get the best opportunities and the girl, these group of dudes that are not only nerds, but geeks and also real dudes with opinions and strong personalities while trying to hide their own insecurities, using drugs for it and hiding behind the computer just as any other dude you probably know but is your brain and your talent what will define you and most important, how will you use it that will make the difference and stand by yourself in a land of the free and the home of the brave turns to be ruled by the biggest, strongest and wealthier. Fight for your dreams and be you as imperfect as we all are, just normal people trying to survive and make it big.

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