From the creative minds of Adam Samberg and his two old college friends, comes the story or better said, sequel of this character created back in their Saturday Night Live sketches a.k.a SNL. And this is the story of Connor, a now solo artist that after his original boys band got apart, pursue a career as a pop singer achieving a point of celebrity thanks to the great reviews of his first album. The one that put him in the charts and had everybody talking about him. His songs transform the industry. They were played everywhere and now are called classics because were able to touch masses and make them feel. But what means for real to change the industry, when the same industry is constantly looking to be changed, and seeking for a new revolutionary twist that will bring another ten options in similar ways to make more money, create a cycle and then get tired until a new one comes and re invented again. Music is like a reflection of human life. It moves in circles. All follow by phases were everyone can classified their lives defined by moments that transcend and stays with us of the rest of our lives. We keep evolving but at the same time in the core or the basics we are the same just adapting to our new circumstances. Music is the same just evolves through times where some tunes are more popular than other depending the circumstances of the public worldwide.
So what happens once that you made it through and finally got your breakthrough album? Then you get paid. And by paid means you get million just to be the new selling point of an industry and they will use you as a personal agenda to take all what is possible and make it commercial. After your album that is just the introduction, you will make public appearances, then you will go on a tour. And all your fans will be following you, spending money on you, talking about you. And you? you will become more than a person, you will be a celebrity, a popstart, or a moviestar, or an icon of your generation, where you'll be devoted as an artist by your fans that will love whatever you do and perform. But is not about the critics raving or hating your new production, or the anchorman using you to make fun of you in from of a live audience, or the magazines selling any kind of gossip about your private life but you, you will be the only one capable of keep yourself on top or bring all your career and success down by losing yourself. Never forget what are you made of what brought you here. That's your talent, that what made you who you are and most important, made you unique, different and talented. So when you start acting like a diva, like a duche, proving that you have no talent and everything that happened was just a mix of luck and connections, then even your most loyal fans will question their devotion for you and will turn back seeking for a better one that will provide them what they need.
Because at the end you are not important. You are just a product. A product from an industry that manufactures figures to sell in form of music. And that music has to touch others in order to be accesible and likable but if the performer is not won't be music and the connection between the artist and the audience will be lost. And then you are nothing. All what you thing you created will fall. And won't last forever. Because is a cycle. We are humans and live by cycles. And as one of the best metaphors of the movie quotes, this life and career is like a rollercoaster, sometimes you will be up and others down, so you need to be able to realize the up's so you can learn from and be prepare for the down's and be able to survive them otherwise you can go really down and lose everything. And more of your talent comes the one that you get surrounded by the right people because the only way to get to the top is to get around the right people, connections, ideas, team work that when put all together is able to change things and create others. That's the real talent. But if you are able to blind yourself to the pint of pushing all this people away then you are isolating everybody and carving your own grave.
So what's about the movie? well al what we just say and more. Its an hilarious story that exposes this huge industry of entertainment well people are just mere products to create icons and moments that will stuck in others life forever. The only and best way to be introduce into this world is through the sight of a comedy, and making fun all these ridiculous facts that fulfill our lives because only that way we can be able to take a step back and actually realize that we are part of it. We make these people get to that pint. We create them by idolizing them and following them. It's when we see the way all this industry works in such a shallow way, seeking for an artistic level than never comes but in form marketing created for us to be the beat for a comercial trap that is also a need for us to get out from out ordinary lives and seek for something bigger and fantasying with dreams of popularity and fame. Because what connects us other than music, are the same ideals and feeling that we as humans share. And in form of a documentary we will laugh through catch verses and songs that as silly as they sound pretend o prove a point in life and in music but as always we are the ones with the last word.
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