For those looking for an intense drama that tries to explains, expose and go deep human condition, might get disappointed and probably feel better looking for some other options, but if you able to sit and enjoy a ride that will take you to different situations that might sound logic or not and be able to open your mind to let those ideas get in and fantasied about the fact of a possible truth behind all this, you might love and get caught in the upside down reality of the show. And specially if you were born in the 70's and 80's, you will feel nostalgia at every from while watching this perfect setting of a show in the 80's where you can beat every pulse of what made that decade a classic.Also the show serves as a tribute to some of the major classic sci fi films of the era, from Spielberg to Scott, winking at them with every turn of the plot just as if all were clues leading you to a destination that you know just to end feeling more like a deja vu than a familiar face but the experience will definitely feel like an east egg chase or treasure hunt, so whatever is going on in your head while watching it might be just your childhood trying to show up at a late party and make you feel overwhelmed and welcome back to your own life. But don't take for granted that because you feel familiar with all these homage, you'll know the answers because you'll be surprise of how things can take a different turn and how little we know about all this stuff.
But behind all this alternative reality we have real people in front of it, dealing with their lives and problems and having a real shitty moment as we all do at some point, just to face these new events as a challenge to reunite them or to start fresh. The faces in charge of this addictive and sometimes scary journey is Oscar nominee Winona Ryder, as Joyce Byers a neurotic mother that while struggling to keep up with her two young sons trying to support them in a small town upstate New York, while been abandoned by her husband, trying to provide them with all what they need working long hours just to face one day that her youngest has disappeared and while most of the people are giving him for dead, she knows he is not and start noticing some kind of signals that prove her he is around and still alive and even trying to communicate with her. All this would show her as a crazy woman but his son friends, a group of nerdy kids met a lost girl that happen to have telekinesis, a sort of desease that here seems more like a super power, but had her in the middle of a runaway from the government trying to use her for her experiments but she will help the boys to look for their missing friend, even she has no explanation of what is happening but has some knowledge of what might be a possibility.
While trying to understand what is going on with this weird girl and find the clues to find their lost friend, they have to struggle with being bulled in school for being smart and corky. And also we meet a group of teenagers, that while dealing with their own stuff like first love and friendship in times when we feel like rebels and no one understand us, that happen to face the fact that one of the group goes missing too and some clues will point to some coincidences from the little boy in toen the has gone missing too, so they will start they own journey to find her while the rest of the town, including a sad and lonely sheriff that after losing her daughter from cancer, saw her marriage disappeared and moved from the city to this town just to live a pathetic life behind a desk, trying to hide all his pain just in time to need to focus and move on so he can do his job and remember how good he is at it, also teaming up with a desperate mother than only counts on him to find her son. There is much more going behind all this drama and adventures but saying more will ruin the surprise of a mystery screaming to be solved and calling you to follow it step by step only if you dare to open your mind and let strange things to happen in your life and accept the fact that we don't know nothing other than what others try to show so maybe is time to start looking for your own signs and might find a clue to your own reality and be ready to embrace this unique journey called life and all what is attached to it.
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