miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

When life gives you lemons...SCREAM

Another proof of the lack of originality in entertainment is the new tendency of turning movies into tv shows, because why not?, since before we've seen a bunch of tv shows turn into movies why in this new golden era for TV can't we do the same? But is it really a lack of originality what is missing here or a scream for new stories to new generations that need or deserve to been told, or the fact that demand out there has reach a point where we can't keep up with so many options and keep all them in an original line, trying to fill up those spaces with remakes, sequels and new adaptations? After proving how lucrative can be the entertainment industry, more and more people want a piece of the cake and for so they need to bring a new offer and next we'll have hundreds of options in the small and big screen trying to find a spot connecting with the audience that will turn it into the new best thing or the coolest thing to watch or simple create some buzz that will make it trendy. So when it comes to a genre like horror that suffers of a very well known formula, with not many twists or fresh options, we have to look back to those few moments when something happened that re launch and re invent it and why not, bring it back now on television with a new opportunity to still make something different, while targeting new audiences and enjoy the success that made it's original so popular and have a new opportunity to continue the story.

That seems to be the case of "SCREAM" (2015-current), the new case of a popular movie going from the big screen to the small or not so small these days, screen. But what possible were they thinking to continue a story of a serial killer chasing a young girl and all her fellow friends, co workers, family, lovers and all the ones that have luck to cross her path? Well in case you missed the original film, back in 1997, it became a box office boom and re invent horror in the serial killer sub genre, bringing a twist of who could be the killer, making all the characters a candidate to be killer or victim and shocking the audiences at the end with a twisty revelation, while mixing some gore killings with humor and a lot of pop references specially toking and as a tribute to the genre. So if we already know the formula and we are aware of the twists, what could be interesting for a tv show that will make us invest a whole season to see the final revelation at the end of the season, and specially from a network like MTV, best known for it's reality shows, musical videos and shows targeting teenagers? Well, the answer seems to be exactly that. What a better place to bring this world of torture and scares made for teenagers and that might only impress teenagers craving for blood, cheap thrills, and hormones, all ingredients of the formula for horror movies, so if you are trying to translate the genre to television, definitely all those ingredients have to be there and mix them with what the millennials love, gadgets, social media and strong female characters.

This time the story follows Emma, a young teenager with a personality brought from any horror movie, sweet but strong, innocent but smart, virgin but sexy, and her friends in a town that from the sudden is targeted by a killer hungry for blood that uses a cyberbullying incident to go viral and spread chaos around the whole town and it's locals trying to prove a point where as all small towns happen, little secrets can't be kept forever so in the same way as in the movie, our main girl is just a pawn from circumstances made by her family in the past, but when her best friends are caught in the center of this murderers, all victims happen to be related to some point of their daily lives, lovers, friends, co workers, class mates, neighbors, making harder for them to figure out who possible be behind this murders that seem to be connected in some way leading some clues to find a truth that has an impact on the killer proving that his actions are more a rebel cause than a series of random acts. So through the two current seasons, we'll be able to witness some of the most graphic and violent killings in tv, making one more gore than other as if were a competition with what we have seen in other movies so far. All trying to bring some kind of tribute to popular and classic horror scenes and movies, filling every episode with multiple references for horror fans and as the movie did years ago, make fun of the genre quoting all it's rules as a checklist for it's own formula just to break it and re use it as a parody.

So why should we watch this specie tv show after already seen the franchise in the big screen? Mostly because what the show parodies now is the clash of generations. For those who were witness of that generation craving for a new breath of fresh air and getting closer to an end of an era now that generation is far from there and all of them are around their 40's making them mature folks far from the teenage hormones, and with a new generation of teenagers that screams social media at every blink, facing a new era that has just started, where they pretend to know everything and don't get surprised for much after been able to see and access to basically everything, they need a shake of what they are doing to themselves, prove them that life is not all about being online and upload every action and every side of yourself just to be seen and noticed because that could be turned against you, turning it into a weapon that might kill you. They also need and deserve to be brought back to the basics, and understands where all this comes from. They need to be punished for being so spoiled and teach them how life was before all what the assumed to know but only suffering in certain way they can realize and be shocked by reality, been taken from their immersive world to learn in the hard way how means to be a person instead of a profile. Just by putting them to a test of when your life depends of it, we can et some attention and maybe we can get to a point, starting from zero and going back to the basics can mix the old fashion style with modern technology.

That's how Emma will learn to appreciate her best friends, Audrey, a lesbian, that as strong to face society and make her voice heard, can be as vulnerable to feel targeted by the loss of love and friendships, and Brooke, the fashion, girly chick that only cares about beauty, popularity, and be the center of attention even if this comes not from a smart background but for any kind of tweet, until will be tested from love and crazy love, becoming all three in the main target of a serial killer that is playing with them and with the help of the nerdy Noah, their guide through all pop references and online research, might have a chance to find any kind of answer before become the next target, and also the help of Kieran, the sexy jock in love of our hero, won't hurt as always some strong extra hands are needed. But what are the real intentions of all these guys? What are their motives other than go to school, find love, become popular, look amazing, get some attention from people we don't know but can see us worldwide? Are they good people, are they selfish and banal? Or are they good people trying to make a change or be better? Is their generation a lost cause already or just the beginning of something great that need to be shown the way to go or is this a way to say we need to cut the bad seeds before they become a threat and get the best for a new and better start? As if a horror story could be as simple as die is.

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