miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

BILLY LYNN'S LONG HALFTIME WALK ....of shame or fame?

What does mean to be a soldier? To serve your country? To protect your homeland and all your beloved ones? Family, friends, fellow citizens, we are all part of the same country. Born under the same roof, raised by the same traditions so would be the right thing to do to fight against those trying to destroy it or attack those values that we are supposedly very founded to. So why war feels so wrong these days? why is there more in stake than just fight overseas to protect what we call home? Why we feel so connected to those next to you on the fire ground but so disconnected from what is happening back home and seems like no one can see the real truth behind the uniform and a mission? We have so much respect for all those soldiers or any one involve in military for their sacrifice to protect us but why when they are struggling to save lives and fighting for the cause while trying to stay alive and safe we can care less, worries for stuff in our simple daily lives such as laundry or what to get for our next meal or how can we get a new car because the one we have starts to feel old. We applaud them and show all respect wen they walk around us but how many prayers do we give to them or how do we re pay they service trying to keep safe and on track this country that they are fighting us, because actually sometimes seems like they are fighting because they want to and no matter how hard they try the place waiting for them back home is falling apart so for real there is no point on that battle anyways.

So after another popular novel gets it's own adaptation to a motion picture things can go great or wrong, and seems like in this case is about the second for most of the critics that had scared audiences from the opportunity of witness a great modern story that fits perfect to this times of anxiety where war seems to be the answer to solve all our problems for humanity around the globe where still exists capitalism, religion and racism, and while all these exist will be fights and disagreement bringing war a solution by proving who gets to choose what is right or wrong. "Billy Lynn's long half time walk" (2016), based on the popular novel about the experience of one soldier and his squad along a day when they are being rewarded as heroes after saving his captain from enemy hands and being recorded on the moment, making him an instant american hero of a nation hungry for hope in times where war has everybody anxious and dissapointed for how things are turning for their homeland. So why even the plot resonates hard and deep in these times for a nation that seeks to find greatness again and were fighting for peace and acceptance, went wrong in his big screen adaptation under the unique and acclaimed  direction of visionary And Lee and a A list cast that includes Vin Diesel, Kirsten Stewart, Steve Martin among others?

Well mostly have to say that it's a very well done movie, amazing photography under new 4K technology that shows images even better than HD, but sadly all this efforts work against the story, one that doesn't need a facial to look good but heart to reach everyone, a better effort to translate this journey of joy and pain from a soldier's perspective to sow and expose the world his unique vision of war and civilization back home is put on the passenger seat to give all the credit to the visuals and they definitely look great but they are missing that connection with the characters, putting them on the side missing all the background that proves that deepness in their psyche and explaining why the tears and the laughs other than just a moment. To understand them and emphasize with them  is the only way to make us listen and realize that they have a point and all this world against war has a reason and they are here to expose that. They are normal guys as our neighbors or co workers trying to make a way of living but theirs has a bigger level, trying to find a cause bigger than them, serve to their country, our country, but that service comes with sacrifices and a life or death risk attached to their weapon as their working tool. And the price for that involves psychological side effects and post traumatic behavior that will get them in trouble when trying to fit back in society, one that doesn't understand what they've been through, what means to kill another human being, one that makes you be aware 24/7 of every action or move around you because anything can kill you.

 So this nineteen year old private, joins the army after having a hard time with his family (sister has a car accident and got dumped by boyfriend so he crashes his car), getting him in trouble and making him wonder, what now? is this what i want to become, so goes seeking for some discipline after an absent father figure to help him through. And he finds this in his captain, a caring and grounded soldier that knows how to lead and bring the best from his team, but still Bill has no clue about what he wants and what to do to make a difference because back in his mind war is not the solution to his problems or anyone's problems. So after the incident that makes him lose a friend and make him a hero for one of the worst days in his life, he has to go back home and sit on a tour as a war hero that pretends to prove a country that all of this has a meaning, that they are making a difference and things are about to change even when they know this is not true. They don't want to fight or go back but they are soldiers and they are committed to this ode and to their brothers, because they have each others back and they have become their new family, one that makes no distinction in races or preferences, but just to help each others to stay alive and save the day. So when they see the opportunity to sell their experience for a movie and get well paid so they can do something with lives for real, and quite the army, a light of hope shines above them but sometimes nothing is better than something, even when other people wants to join the army just to enjoy the benefits of a life time that comes with the service and sacrifice their lives, they won't settle for less than what they deserve because their lives and their story is theirs and is as worthy as any multi millionaire investment.

So when everything happens in a day when they will make a special appearance in a half time show for a football game, things start to get real, he will meet a beautiful cheerleader with whom will find a connection that ill make him have second thoughts about going back to war, and not just because he can picture himself having sex with this sexy girl but because she makes him feel understood, appreciated by his sacrifice and related to someone that suffers the same curse of being seen as an object used by only purpose when happens that is more behind the cheers and costumes, but a real service to her community and she loves that, same as he is loving to serve something bigger than him as a purpose, but when some people treat them as heroes others just make fun of them, self involved in their lives that can't appreciate what others are doing for a public service so will only get them in trouble and make them try to give them a lesson but is the greed and cockiness of the rich and wealthy that will make them speak by heart and stand for what they believe and defend their honor making them feel safe tier in war than back home and make them understand and to all their family and friends that just want them to feel proud of them and what they are doing because even war is just someone else's business and their just pawns in a game of power, they are fighting to make a difference and to protect from some bullets that have been fired already so by the time the real show starts at the half time of the game, only exposes how blinded we are as citizens by those in charge of corporations and governments that get us numb with fireworks and entertaining moments just to lead us in the direction they need, so ate least we should stand for ourselves and take direction towards what we believe is right and fight for it, defending our honor the same way we protect what we call home.

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