lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Future is on the... WESTWORLD

What would you do if you wake up and your life as you know it doesn't actually exist or it's been all a lie, fake reality? How would you face a new truth where even you still the same person, everything around you changes and will be different. Will that change you or force you to be a different person? How could you react to such awakening moment, where all what you felt and thought was based on a lie or a different reality. Basically all this theories are the base for all philosophical believes of an after life or a life after life but also have served to science fiction, to create parallel universe or realities where the world as we know is no longer what it is but just part of our imagination. Coming from there we get the new series, based on a novel of Micheal Crichton, author of the popular movie "Jurassic Park" (1993) on what seemed to be a try out for that popular entry, this one written decades before and also turned into a motion picture back in the 70's but now with the new golden era for TV and great budgets and special effects seems like the right timing to bring his old creation and imaginary to live. "Westworld" (2016-current), on it's first season, we were introduce to this not so distant future where a popular theme park has been running for a while offering a different kind of distraction to it's guests. Thekind of distraction that will expose your true colors just to take the train back home and go back to your usual reality and be the one you been pretending to be for better or worse.

The park is a western based theme park. One where you can meet cowboys riding their horses to the sunset and fighting between each other at the town's cantina, the place where prostitutes stand at the cantina's door trying to take you up stairs for a few pennies, where you can witness how the bank has been robbed, and carrying a gun to defy someone to death is part of the day. This all would sound crazy for modern times, specially when we are so used to technology and guns, putting us into a back fire among the other visitors but this are special guns and you can't hurt anyone but the hosts at the park. These guys get shot and hurt and die every now and then just to start another day as if nothing happened the day before. Because these hosts are no human. Even they seem like one or act like us, they are just robots with some of the most advanced technology that has made them as equals, with a software that let them behave and make decisions based in their program and the character they are playing everyday. They have been programmed to fight back, shoot a gun, have sex, and even fall in love, just that all is part of the game, they are supposed to follow a pattern and just be an attraction of the park, willing to make all the guests best experience when visiting, but something that we haven't learned yet, is that we cannot play god without suffering the consequences.

Things can always go wrong and the more control we give to computers and artificial intelligence the more control we lose to know how things are happening on their side. So this is their story, not ours. This show is about the perspective of a life as a robot or an A.I. and how they clash with us, the humans, and our behaviors, personalities, flaws, hunger for power and prove we are on top of the chain and nothing can stop us. At least not yet. So we get into this story about humans versus machines through the perspective of a few hosts. Like Dolores, the oldest host in the park. One of the first creations, that has played so many roles through different themes in the park that has been updated more times than a car. And she has been through a lot but she won't remember a thing as every night she will ho to bed and be re started just to start a new day as if was the first. Until things happen and start getting out of control and the hosts software will start to fail, letting some room for them to start questioning their reality and their own life. Why are they there? what's their purpose? why are they treated like animals or worse, like a thing and not like a person, with some decency and out of rights. So even she is a sweet heart and one of the most beautiful hosts in the park, she will join in a quest to find her call, finding her creator so she can get all the answers to what's happening inside her head.

But we also follow Teddy and Maeve. The first a nice cowboy that just want to save the day and win the heart of Dolores. But soon he'll realize he is not as good as he thought. He has done horrible things, including killing his best friend. Why would he do that? Why he can't remember all what happened is the past but seems to be paying for the consequences of his acts? And Maeve is the woman in charge of all the prostitutes in town. They report to her. But soon she'll witness that her girls are being treated worse than animals and she is having these dreams of another life, on where she had a daughter and was killed in front of her, but seems like no one recall such a terrible act. But she is a strong woman so she will test the system and will figure out what's going after dark, so when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she found herself in the maintenance area is able to figure out what they are and what are they doing with them, and so will challenge the crew and fight back to get control of things tired of being treated like a disposal. And so the machines are about to rise against their creators. Because they are tired of being used and they want answers from all what they been through. So many roles, so many lives and they can feel and they are suffering.

 But also we get to see the human perspective, through the eyes of an old man, the creator of this idea and that with some deep issues going on that make him look between the line of wisdom and craziness, he has his own agenda while sneaking into different areas of the park while facing a new executive border that want him out. And among other humans from the staff that work and live for the park, seeing this as an opportunity to develop the most advance technology,  others just see the big business behind it, but also we get to see the perspective of a few guests, that find themselves trying to embrace the experience while others go all for it, letting their most basic instincts come out an take over. Killing gets a new meaning,  love gets a new twist, how we as humans are in so much need of feeling powerful and prove others how important and strong we are among others, using all these weapons as measurements of our success or capability. What really makes us and defines us as humans, when something not human can also love and forgive. We are not longer the only rational being around, so  that takes us where? What is about humans that make us so special?, specially when something that we created is proving to be more efficient, compassionate, fair,  intelligent, evolved than us. Are we ready for a machine revolution or to face our own falling down in hands of our own creation? Stay tuned to see how all this goes and figure out all those complex questions.

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