lunes, 2 de enero de 2017

Re discovering history...HIDDEN FIGURES

Continuing this path were we as society, we've been evolving to a point where the long due fight for human rights, equal rights, tolerance, acceptance, respect is a must, not a necessity but is part of everyone's life and we embrace that as part of looking to each other as equals without barriers of race, gender, sexual preference, religion. We all try to live and survive in modern times, fighting to be a better person and do our best at whatever we decide to do. We now move forward creating a variety of relationships and breaking paradigms that kept us holding off from a better be. So coming from this tendency and a new era where we look at each other as equals and we fight the same battles together as we applaud anyone's good effort, comes a new feel good movie based on a true story about some women that actually did a great job back in the 50's but due to the repression of the era where the white man ruled and all the others were seemed as a minority, is time to start recognizing the effort of so many people that had built the future, and the present we all live in. Many people that was working behind all those figures that are now part of history and we treasure for so many years but as always, it has been a team work that took them there, so the stories behind all those people working to help them and to make things happen deserve some kind of recognition.

So it is "Hidden Figures" (2016), a tribute and a film that not only will make you smile and feel better after leaving the theater but serving as remembrance of the work of the people that once didn't get the recognition they deserve for their achievement in changing our world and making history. In addition, this is a story of three women that not only are black, but also women working in a men's world, one called NASA, a place that was trying to get a man in space and has a tough competition from their fellow institution in Russia, the first country that send a man in space, so pressure for USA was getting harder and in times of Cold war, these were matters that moved the country among others, so when finally a group of astronauts were assigned to the mission, only missing thing is to figure out all what is needed to do so. That's where this story begins, meeting these three friends that working behind a desk, mostly doing paperwork on the basement of the farthest building in the campus, finally get their opportunity to be assigned to this bigger project and make use of their capabilities that many of their co workers would envy, proving that women can be strong and intelligent, but also initiating without intention a new era and revolution for civil and equal rights for black people in a time where the can't even pick a book from the library if not from the color section. And just when we thought education was available for everyone as a right of freedom and opportunity

First we met Dorothy Vaughn, the oldest of these women, working as a manager just that happens she is not one. She's been fighting for the promotion and the opportunity but due to her color and the way her white boss looks at her job, she keeps being refused to it, until one random day, trying to her best at her job, she hears about this new machine that will help people to do things faster and multi task in activities that will take for some longer than needed, making things as equations simpler and faster. Her driven took her to start learning about this machines, now called computers, and that way becoming the first afro-american woman to manage a computer in the USA. And once she's able to prove the real IBM guys how to use it, she will turn all eyes on her and others will ask for help giving her that opportunity she's been looking for and proving wrong to others that judge her by the cover. On a side note, have to remind you, that this is a feel good movie, than more than expose a situation as drastic and unbearable as discrimination and racism is, tries to bring some kind of tribute to this women, so most of the situations, even we can realize for sure were harder and more dramatic, what we get to see here is  more friendly and funny version of the events that will make us relate to these characters and even when we are witnessing their struggle in that era, they still manage to make us laugh and smile looking them fighting back to the curves in every situation.

Then we have Katherine Johnson, a shy widow, mother of three, that she only wants to do her job and be able to provide the best for her family but she happens to be a genius for math. This has been since elementary school, and her capabilities took her to get a degree in an ivy league school, where she become one of the few african american girls there. But now she has been working behind a desk, doing some numbers here and there a special assignments until gets the chance to prove the director of this so important mission her talent and even she gets rejected by the rest of the team, treating her as someone inferior or with less value than the rest, she manages to keep a good work going, and helping in what is needed even they totally block her from some important information, but thanks to a friendly and open minded astronaut that trust her gut and her abilities, he is the one to ask for her if still want him to do the job. That way she is able to calculate the trajectory of the capsule where the first man will be orbiting around the Earth and most important, the speed and point to come back instead of keep orbiting forever till get lost in space. How could a woman would be able to do that? And prove the rest of a men crew wrong? Because some talents and abilities are not related to race or gender, and that;s why is important to see each other like human beings instead of using labels for everyone because everyone is special and unique, and able to transform or destroy life as we know it so the only way to relate and understand each other is starting to see everyobody as equals and treat them all the same.

But also we get to see the other side of this characters, the one after work. Even they did all this great contribution to make a global event such as send someone to space, that are also women struggling with their lives. They have families waiting for them to come home. They have to be wives, and mothers, and friends, so that way we get to see why drives them to become the figure they will, and how for some matters more just do their job and bring food to home and for others is more about achieve their dreams, get to change things and fight for their cause but always proud of who they are. That's where we meet the third woman, Mary Jackson, a beloved wife and mother, than after proving her knowledge  for math and physics, she fights to be able to get the proper education, meaning be able to go to school but working on NASA, there are some standard, so she needs to go to a school for white people, so why she has to quite to her dreams and the possibility of a proper education when has proved her abilities to become a great student and an excellent engineer, just because her skin color, something that she didn't choose and is changing her life. So when we are witness of the daily fight of some to achieve some goals, we can get inspired or we can just keep suffering for our problems as if ours could be the worse and only ones, or just fight back and if not make history and change the course of living, at least we can change our own lives and the way we are choosing to live them, because we can all, always be a hidden figure behind others transforming their lives while making ours better. It's always a team work and behind a great man there's always a great woman.

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