martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

And the OSCAR goes to....

The only reason why we are talking about this is because how fascinating it is to look back and realize how into and committed we are with our pop culture that most of the time we forget that is just entertainment and a few times art but we how we love to point fingers to others as we were perfect and our lives are more important than others when actually it's not like. After the shocking and pitiful conclusion of the last ceremony from the Academy Awards  a.k.a as the Oscars, named the highest prize anyone in the Hollywood industry would be able to achieve and now even world wide for any one working in any kind of cinematography, that turned into a very bad ending when production gave the wrong envelope to the actor announcing the last and biggest award of the night, best Picture, which turned into after confusing the actor to leave it to his co host and made the wrong decision by naming the wrong winner. WHAT??!!, yeah, first time in Oscar history that this happen, but it's ok, it's just a show, things happen, they are live and at the end no one died and everybody played good sport here proving that we can be a community that support each other. But a different story came when all media and social media start exploding with post of what just happened. Of course everybody were talking about it and mostly complaining about the lack of credibility and what a disaster was made from the Academy and what a terrible show was. And that's fair, probably that's what they wanted, it's a show and have something to be remembered it's the main goal, for better or worse, but it's just so funny how serious we can tale this as if they have changed the curse of lives.

We have to remember that the Academy has been target of lot of comments regarding their nominations and winners. First the lack of female winners in the technical categories, the the lack of diversity, now they credibility. So why not remembering that Hollywood is an industry, that has growing on to this place thanks to us, the audience that has built and invest in them. We are the ones that turn an actor into a celebrity. And they are a mere product. Yes. This is not a festival where the critics, which are the major knowledge regarding cinematography, witness and vote for the best piece of art. Because that's what cinematography is, a mix of seven different arts transformed into a motion picture. But Hollywood is a different story. Most of what we see is made for commercial purposes. And lucky us, now they are more concern about delivering a better product so are working hard to produce more quality films because we've proved that that is what we want to see now, no matter the genre, we are paying and making the time to witness an event that not only will deliver entertainment but is well done, independently of it's budget. So why everybody gets so frustrated and invested in such events as the super bowl, award shows, beauty contests?

It's like our lives depend on the results of this events. But we have to wake up and realize they are not and by just taking the time to make some buzz it's giving them more power. These are entertainers. Not scientist or politicians that are changing the world. They definitely define and can make an impact in our society by creating life styles or tendencies, but just by our craving for roles models that we can devour and relate to but shouldn't be a big deal. There are actually scientist and technicians that get some awards for their achievements transforming the industry but those awards nobody care, that's why any network broadcast them. We want the gossips, the glamour, trashing and idealizing our favorite celebrities when they walk over the red carpet. Because who hasn't dreamed to be popular and famous right? Instead we should be paying more attention on what is happening around us, economically and politically.  Also in our lives, relationships, jobs. And the same way we are able to take time to criticize a movie we should be able to stand up and demand to our government for better rights because that's exactly the beauty about movies. They are trying to tell stories that might inspire us or serve as a reminder of what we've done so the real action should happen out of the theaters not inside.  There are many people changing life's and transforming our way of life for better or worse. Some entrepreneurs trying to find the new thing that captivates all the attention or soldiers fighting wars in the name of their country, or people saving life's for those in need, or just regular people fighting their own battles to become a better self or find happiness in darkness times. And no one is giving them any awards and sometimes not even recognition. Until maybe a movie could be made in their honor.

All these people involve in the industry are passionate about what they do and they are story tellers. But they realize that as an industry, it's main purpose is to make money and the way to do this is by transforming actors into celebrities, movies into events, stories into reality, involving fashion industry and commerce as part of franchises that will bring the dollars to the producers pockets by tons and actors and directors realize that. They know the price they have to pay to have a current job and get a status so they can be able to choose their projects. And then they can find a way to serve in a more meaningful way. Doing some charity and joining to social causes. Serving as role models to inspire others searching for that answer or just by working on projects that actually can mean something for those that go and see it, like more recent documentaries that are trying to expose some realities that we all deny but is just time to not pretend is happening anymore. And so we saw this year nominees as young actors and actresses like Ryan Gosling just trying to have fun and not taking this serious because it is not, but trying to prove his talent and commitment to his projects. He got a lesson of acting from big stars like Denzel Washington playing a father that lives under his own rules , the same ones he inherited from his father and how males can be as weak and insecure when trying not to. Or a Casey Affleck trying to perform grief and life without a purpose and how been broken means or a war hero that fought to make a difference and almost die in the process but was his choice and motive and no one until now knew about him until Andrew Garfield was able to bring him back to life under the direction of a talented Mel Gibson back to director chair after a long breakdown. And same thing goes for all the actresses.

So when we get to the point of choosing a better story among the others, we usually go for the one we like the most, the one made feel and enjoy or suffer the most. Sometimes is about the actors or the team behind a movie, because we like them so we empathize with their work, others is about the story, if was a clever scripts or a fun one, and some others we just go for the one we think is the most artistic because at the end and behind all these fireworks we are supposed to be watching a piece of art. And because of that expectations are high and as any piece of art it will come from different perspectives. To appreciate it is all about the audience and it's connection with the artist. But behind these shows and process there are a lot of politics. The actors choose the best performance for their colleagues and so everyone in their own category but sometimes they also vote for the one they like the most or if someone is nicer than the other is a friend or not, so calling someone the best by this process raise a lot questions as not everybody is voting for the BEST because is simply the best in that term. No that's why finally there are some diversity in the categories because they deserve to be called the best regardless their race or background . Stigmas are all around and if they want to make a difference they have to start with the example. But remember this a show, and it's all about advertising this industry around the globe and make it accessible and glamorous. So when a drama like Moonlight wins over a musical like La La Land even that this one is a clever, reinventing, realistic twist for the musical genre comes to a small independent drama to actually serve as a well done story about minorities by being poignant in a theme that happens around the globe and those stories deserve to be told over romance and refreshing  technical and musical venues but by the end why not honoring the ones that honor those long gone figures or devastating stories of survival , or maybe fictional tales with a point over corporations and their impact in our lives or aliens showing us a lesson about time and love. Again it's all about perspectives and politics so let's focus on the real ones so we can change history and excuses to great stories worth to be told in the big screen.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

DANE DEHAAN.... a cure for fever

Encontrar una oportunidad que te lance al estrellato o simplemente te posiciona en la industria para poder considerarlo un trabajo estable es una de las cosas que la mayoría de los actores luchan constantemente, en una industria llena de talento y caras bonitas, encontrar el factor que te distinga sobre otros y permita a la audiencia apreciarte, lo cual se traducirá en popularidad que para todo productor se transfiere en dinero. Cuando la mayoria de los actores trabajan por amor al arte, la industria busca imagenes que garanticen a sus proyectos el exito necesario para convertirse en ganncia, pero en tiempos de social media es dificil ser recoocdo solo por el talento, mas para Dane William DeHaan, esta oportunidad pareciera estar tocando a su puerta tras haber probado su talento en un par de filmes independientes y contar con un fisico que se le ha resemblado al talentoso y popular actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Mas sin contar con ninguna relacion entre ambos, el joven Dane es originario de un poblado en rural Pennsylvania, en Febrero de 1986, hijo de unprogramador de computadoras y una ejecutiva de venta de muebles, en lo que el mismo describe como una normal y muy tolerante infancia, inclusive al inclinarse por perseguir las artes en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte.

Su carrera comienza en teatro, siendo el suplente del actor Haley Joel Osment en la puesta en Broadwa de "American Buffalo". Esto lo llevaria a empezar a codearse con el mundo de la television, teniendo breves apariciones en series como "Law & Order", "In Treatment" y "True Blood". En 2012 lograria su primer gran oportunidad en la pantalla grande, en una cinta pequena que no contaba con grandes aspiraciones mas sin embargo resulto ser un sorpresivo exito en taquilla y critica. "Chronicle" fue esa oportunidad que lo puso en la mira en una historia tres amigos que tras tener contacto con un meteorito que ha caido cerca de su pueblo, los tres empezaran a mostrar habilidades de telekinesis que los pondran en cierto riesgo al no saber manejarlas. La cinta se enfoca mas en los personajes y sus conflictos antes y despues de etas circunstancias, mas alla de ser otra historia de super poderes, lo cual le valio el gusto del publico y la critica, y donde el actor interpreta al villano de la historia, que no es otro que un joven inseguro que sufre de ser maltratado fisica y emocionalmente por su padre y amigos lo cual le ha forjado mucha ira y resentimiento guardado en si mismo.

Luego lo veriamos en la cinta independiente "Jack & Diane" (2012), una cinta de romance y terror sobre dos jovenes, una de ellas trastornada por sufrir de sangrado dela nariz constante, que la convierte en una clase de mounstro, hasta que el contacto con la otra joven la ayudara a calmar estas ansias psicoticas. Obviamente la cinta jugo en las ligas del cine independiente y colandose a algunos festivales como el de Tribeca en NY pero de ahi en mas fue totalmente ignorada. Ese mismo verano lo vemos en "Flawless" (2012), a lado de Tom Hardy y Jessica Chastain, en un western acerca tres hermanos y su lucha contra el sheriff del pueblo y su nueva ley de impuestos. La cinta tuvo un moderado recibimiento tanto en taquilla como critica para una cinta de verano. En 2013 regresaria bajo la mano de la cinta independiente "The Place Beyond the Pines", un drama sobre dos amigos cuyas vidas no pudieron ir direcciones mas opuestas, y que en algun punto los enfrentaria nuevamente en dos opuestos de la ley mostrando sus verdaderos colores. Con un reparto multi estelar que incluye ademas del joven actor a Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper y Eva Mendes, la cinta gano excelentes criticasy apesar de su limitada corrida, el efecto de boca en boca le valio una muy buena taquilla.

Mas tarde lo veriamos en "Lincoln" (2013) en lo que seria una muy breve participacion como un soldado en plena guerra Civil. Obviamente la cinta gozo de mucho pedigree y buzz al ser dirigida por Spielberg y contar con un elenco de grandes actores, por lo que el cameo del actor es mas una gran oportunidad que un gran exito. Continuando su busqueda por proyectos relevantes que le den cierto reconocimiento como actor forma parte de "Kill your Darlings" (2013), un drama autobiografico acerca del grupo de escritores de la llamada Beat Generation en Estados Unidos y que terminaria con un asesinato. El actor interpreta al escritor Lucien Carr, quien tendria una relacion con el escritor Allen Ginsberg, interpretado por el actor Daniel Radcliffe. La cinta tuvo una corrida limitada pero desde su exhibicion en el festival de Sundance hasta el Festival de Toronto, gano excelentes criticas poniendo a su elenco bajo los  reflectores de la industria. Meses mas tade lo vemos en el nueo proyecto del aclamado Director Atom Egoyan, "Devil's Knot", un thriller autobiografico inspirado en el libro homonimo que cuenta el caso de tres jovenes desaparecidos y su vinculacion a un culto satanico que figura como los responsables. Protagonizada por Reese Witherspoon y Colin Firth, la cinta estuvo enlatada por meses debido a su polemico tema y para la epoca de su estreno, gozo de muy poca publicidad y malas criticas, por lo cual un excelente film paso desapercibido dado a la falta de alcance para su audiencia.

En 2014 regresa con otro proyecto diferente bajo el brazo, la satira de horror "Life after Beth", interpretando a un joven que tras perder a su novia en un accidente, empieza a pasar tiempo con los padres de esta hasta que ellos le cierran las puertas justo a tiempo para una oleada de zombies apareciera en el pueblo, incluyendo a su difunta novia, exponiendo ciertos temas acerca de las relaciones modernas. La cinta fue un fracaso en taquilla y con tibias criticas tampoco logro trascender como queria. Sin embargo, ese mismo verano lo veriamos en su primer blockbuster, "The Amazing Spider man 2" (2014), interpretando al mejor amigo del super heroe que a su vez se convertiria en su principal villano. La cinta fue considerada un fracaso para los estandares de un blockbuster de su talla y con pesimas criticas, marco el final de este intento por retomar la franquicia del super heroe, una de las mas populares en la historia de la industria. Por ende regresa al cine independiente y se pone esta vez en las manos del talentoso director Terrence Malik en "Knight of Cups" (2015), un drama experimental que cuenta la jornada de un deprimido escritor por lugares publicos de Los Angeles y Las Vegas, sin embargo en esta ocasion la critica no la recibio tan bien como sus proyectos anteriores apesar del excelente reparto que incluye a Cate Blanchet, Christian Bale y Natalie Portman.

Por lo contrario, participa en "Life"(2015), un film independiente que cuenta la anecdota de un escritor de la revista TIME y su entrevista con el joven James Dean, interpretado por el actor, y que en esta ocasion su interpretacion asi como la pelicula en genral tuvo excelentes criticas mas nuevamente solo conto con una corrida limitada. Posteriormente otro interesante proyecto, "Two lovers and a Bear" (2016), un filme independiente sobre dos jovenes enamorados que viven en la Antartica y enfrentan dificultades en sus vidas que pondran a prueba su relacion y su estancia ahi. Obviamente la poca difusion de la cinta limito su alcance a la audiencia apesar de haberse estranado en temporada decembrina para ser considerada por los premios de la Academia tras su buena respuesta en el festival de Cannes. Este mes lo veremos en "A Cure for Wellness" (2017), un thriller sobre un joven que tras seguir los pasos de su jefe termina atrapado en un psiquiatrico que pondra a prueba su salud fisica y mental. Bajo la direccion del visionario Gore Verbinski y siendo su primer protagonico, cargando el peso de la cinta en sus hombros, tiene un gran reto por probar es capaz de atraer audiencias al cine, lamentablemente la critica tiene mezcladas perspectivas de esta cinta y su fin de semana de estreno fue muy pobre lo cual no le augura un exito al menos en la taquilla nacional.

Este verano tambien marcara un importante paso en su carrera, primero cargando el peso de un blockbuster en sus hombros, al protagonizar la cinta "Valerian and the city of Thousand Planets" (2017), una cinta de ciencia ficcion basada en el popular comic Frances y donde interpreta a un agente espacial que viaja por el tiempo, y bajo la batuta del director frances Luc Besson, y con un elenco que incluye a Ethan Hawke, John Goodman y Clive Owen, es ya una de las apuestasmas fuertes para este verano. Mas tarde lo veremos tambien en la cinta de epoca "Tulip Fever" (2017), en un drama sobre un pintor del siglo XVI que se enamora de la mujer que sirve de modelo para su retrato, y que resulta estar casada. Con un elenco de alto pedigree que incluye a Alicia Vikander, Christopher Waltz y Judi Dench, existen altas expectativas para este drama, y que en conjunto con el resto de sus proyectos, hacen de este 2017 un parteaguas en la carrera del actor, que definira el futuro de su carrera hacia los alcances de grandes presupuestos o proyectos independientes y experimentales, o talvez ser solo una estrella en ascenso que no alcance a ver los destellos de la fama, solo el tiempo y un par de buenos proyectos lo dira.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

want a RING this Valentine's Day?

Funny thing, we've been talking recently about how bad horror movie had turned. It's not about scaring anymore but to make more money out of a low budget cost which represent a good income since these films don't need a big investment but just a few millions from the box office make it perfect to cover the production cost and leave room for some profit after marketing expenses. So where are those creepy stories that were intended to give you goosebumps and let you awake out of night? Have we lost our capability of being surprised and scared? Or even reality has become scarier than any paranormal situation? Also we have to add the influence of social media and the internet in our lives as part of our daily basis where any doubts or need for knowledge can be solved with tons of information. And they say living out of knowledge is like living in darkness so all those myths and urban legends even now could travel faster through the web, actually had become less interesting and scary due to the fact that we can learn everything about it. And as any scary movie, the more you show the less it scares. So what possibly crossed someone's mind when decided to bring back one of the  scariest and popular films from last decade, thinking might work the same way? As easy as the fact that now they wanted to transform they creepy original idea into a mean stream object that as the internet now, can reach anyone, anywhere. But that's not scary at all and when comes to original story and gets lots in translation. But let's go step by step to see what could possible be good and what definitely went wrong with the new movie "RINGS" (2017).

First of all they embraced the fact of having an heroine at the center of the story. In this franchise we've seen that women are the ones saving the day and this would be the case again, when a young girl runs to try o help her boyfriend after suspecting he just got into some trouble. And this time won't be him the one struggling to safe her, until she decides to take her place and play the good Samaritan, risking her own life to save his. So for a 2017 heroine that sounds just like the stupid decisions that girls used to make back in the 80's when about to be slashed by a serial killer. Only difference here we are dealing with a ghost that comes in form of a curse that will hunt you after 7 days once you watched her video. So what now? we have seen this before and by now we know by memory that video and it's disturbing images, so not scary anymore. Well, the story makes a turn, now is not about trying to solve the mystery of who is Samara but where she comes from before the events we saw before. And as ridiculous as they are, that twist is the only thing that keeps the movie and story moving. They are not a mystery for great minds or detectives but make it enough for a Scooby Doo  quest and for this amateur group of young guys will serve to get them in trouble and have an adventure. For obvious reason we can't spill the beans and give more details about how this end and where things go but is worth to mention that the effort is well appreciate it and if want some distractions for the actual scary situation we are leaving now days, the ride will be fun and will keep you entertain, specially if you can relate to any of these characters.

The fact that definitely went wrong and screw all the mystery and creepiness about a ghost story of a tormented soul that had a rough ending so keeps taking revenge on the livings using a VHS video a a gate to the real world was an urban legend hard to resist, have you seen the video that after watch it you get a call saying you have 7 days before dying?. Who could resist that. But now on a You tube era we are used to browse any video that goes viral and as creepy as sound the fact or watch a video that might kill, we don't go that far anymore and we don't buy it. The fact that this urban legend came from a VHS made it tempting, an online video not so much. But this twist brings the opportunity to explore another aspects, not that they haven't been expose before, but for the moment they work, such things as how we live to for whatever happens online. Even if we don't know nothing about it we feel the need to be part of anything that happens viral and this premise sets the tone of the movie when a group of students, including our strong independent final girl boyfriend, that trying to end the curse got involve i it while trying to explore any kind of hidden meaning on the original video, using all kind of technology now available to study a video. The result as we know is getting that creepy girl out of a water well just to come for their victims and we all know how that goes.

The fact that this girl puts herself after her charming boyfriend more than proving how strong she could be by trying to save him, just gets her back to that lady in danger from ancient times incapable to be stronger to fight and find an answer first before love and romance. We have no background to understand why she did that or why this relationship is strong enough for her to sacrifice herself in order to safe her charming boyfriend. Neither we get to know if there's something in her past to push her in that direction but other than be and feel like a lucky girl with a guy that seems decent and cares about her is enough to put your life in danger to save that person that we call our partner. And they will team up to find an answer, and together they are ready to kick some asses and get in danger. Trying to find and answer to a new video that has come viral proving that things have changed and this spirit has evolved and it's trying to communicate with her in some way, maybe because she has proved to be sort of strong and not scare of dying risking her life over her boyfriend's. How ridiculous  does all this sounds? it just gets worse and worse but as said the ride will be fun if decide to put your brain on the side and just follow this two young guys going through one cliche of horror movies like old hotels and cemeteries.

What the first movie brought in an atmosphere of suspense telling a story about a mother and her son, struggling to survive as a new family while trying to survive from a menace that will kill them in seven days, this one fails in all ways when targeting young audiences looking for a fun time at the movies, willing to be sacred the way the new generations can possible feel scared these days and with a couple of main characters that bring only their sex appeal and an idea of old fashion romance just doesn't feel creepy or scares at all. What will be the future of horror movies then when in modern times hardly could be something that scares more than reality. When living in times where any day a new war can explote, racism is still a thin line that separate culture and ignorance, corruption still manages the countries and rules over governments that try to treat their citizens as puppets they can still manipulate and they are getting control of our lives and freedom in ways that feel like a curse or a paranormal entity that is watching us or can come to take us anytime, using the surprise factor in their side and making us feel insecure about peace and lack of opportunities using technology in their favor offering to us the options that will keep us busy and entertain enough to keep our sights out of them and use it to send messages of an inexistent hope, one that will kill any intention of fight back and numb us with false promises and terrorism is hiding behind any opportunity to take them down while we get trapped in the middle of a battle that can scare to any demon or even a girl that has born from pure evil and know no love or compassion, just as many public service we face in our daily basis. Feeling goosebumps already?

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

THE FALL....have you reached bottom?

There are many ways to explain how to be a better person, to teach you how to do improve yourself, trying to bring the best of you. Motivational speeches trying to convince us that we have some good in us, that we can reach our full potential and we are entitled to success and happiness. But what about if also our nature has some mean and disturb behaviors and not every body is as good as we expect them to be. Some cases just because their nature and personality comes off by violence and depression that will turn into some aggressiveness and disturb behavior, but other as forge as a consequences of our environment, the way we were raised and the role models we feel related to can transform our perspective of happiness. But why do we judge and expect always the best from everyone without knowing they journey or background? And not realizing that sometimes human brain acts in mystery ways that even when someone has good intentions their instincts and thoughts are not focused to what we call the right thing, so we call them sociopaths or psychopaths, and the way the act and interact in society will be very different from what are we used to and sometimes hurting others will be their goal, just because, or for personal pleasure or might be with a purpose that we might not understand but for them seems like the right thing. Only way to have an idea of what's going on, and why a particular person with such behavior is doing such things is by getting to know him and understanding their motivations and thoughts.

An example of this cases we can see in "THE FALL" (2013-current), a British thriller series currently showing on Netflix, that through it's 3 season we are in merge in a cat and mouse chase between a serial killer and the detective in charge of the case, trying to follow his steps to finally catch him  while he finds this game so appealing that might want to take it to the next level, getting intrigue by the detective moves. But what makes this show standing over the rest or any physiological thriller  is the fact behind the game of two people chasing each other for different reasons we get to know their real motives, They do they come from, what kind of people are they when not at work or what's around in their lives that had made them the way they are ans with so, realize that there's a tiny ine between madness and sanity, that what seems right not always is, and that always fall for that challenge that someone can give us when there is a connection at some level that can turn on us in some direction, either if for better or worse but at the end of the day we'll be judge by others rather than for ourselves exposing our true colors and proving that we all different from each other even when we share same values and ideas and we are all trying to be our best in some sort of form.  That what actually make us so unique will affect others in ways that we might embrace or reject and we can't predict their reaction and even when following patterns, there are always black holes in need to be filled and that's where we can can find ourselves or get lost.

Set up in Belfast, North Ireland, the story follows, two hunters, one,a young man called Paul Spector, looking for preys in form of women that awake in him some kind of sexual fantasy that will lead him to kill them. No sexual intercourse involve separates him from a rapist. He is a lover, passionate and tender husband, that loves his children and in his own way loves his wife but at the same time is leaving a double life following a hidden desire that comes as a curse from his past and background pushing him to explore his instinct with other woman, dominating them and researching them in a sort of game that will challenge him to figure out their lives and the best way to get to them so they can finally surrender at him and he can posses them in some way and give them in his own terms some kind of salvation but not before torture them and kill them following this type of woman, dark haired and white skin, that he founds so appealing until he meets his match on the personification of a detective woman from the London police Department that puts him up for a challenge while trying to hide his trails from the murder scenes and exposing out light in from of the whole police department as a social working practicing some therapy for patients that have been under stressful situations. But he is nice and good looking, which works in his favor to hide like a predator like any wolf on sheep skin, getting all the information and help he need from those around him that ignore what he is up to by night or at those moments that he likes to disappear. But he cares for his family and for this game is just a shot of adrenaline for him that can't ignore, not because he is a bad person but because he's been through a rough path coming from an abusive father and an absent mom, making him any girl's dream while trying to fix them when he only wants to be left alone to get away with murder.

So who's the one behind the team trying to catch him? DSI Stella Gibson, a tough woman that is full committed with her job. With a strong personality and lots of experience in the field and with this kind of personalities and profiles, proving knowledge in psychology to be able to determine what are the patterns to follow and what could be the next move for this hunters, finding herself hunting her own demons behind her own persona, hiding behind a desk and without a life outside her job, reason why ends sleeping with all her co workers and flirting with anyone related to her cases as a way to prove how strong and independent she is, in no need of anyone at her side just proving go lonely and incapable to actually relate to anyone she can be, making her the perfect person for the job, but with all this going on, she might not be doing the right thing when comes to other than catching the bad guys, the killers, but she is no saint and might be her cause that made her this way but might be as well that she is using this killers to hide her own demons. How can you face evil dressing in white? How can you fight to bring good in others life without getting messy and without been touched by that darkness that you are hunting?, Does that make you a cold heart or just use it as facade to be able to survive, forcing you to keep those you love away to protect them from the danger you are exposing while chasing bad guys or playing a cat and mouse game? Who is the real villain and who's the one fighting for the right cause? according to who's definition of right and wrong  are we playing here?

So is it totally true we are all good people or is it part of our nature to have some darkness in us. Feel attracted to something prohibited and unmoral at the sights of others? Why violence and sexual domination has been increasing now days? Aren't we trying to fight for peace and equal roles in society, so why when come to intimacy and power, still feel attracted to the fact of feeling superior or inferior to someone as part of a turn on? Why do we judge to the actions of other when most of the time they come as a result from our own actions? We keep blaming to others for our own faults and then we fall into a tramp or game that becomes addictive or a cycle that keep us going as part of surviving, so who's the real bad guy here? and who's the villain? Can we be both, depending on the perspective? Playing more like a drama with hints of psychological thriller this series has proved through it's three seasons to be a worth watching one but under rated as comes from overseas but with impeccable performances and twists that will keep you at the edge of your couch, you better give it chance and follow this hunt for a serial killer that has become obsessed with the chasing game from his opponent, or maybe has a bigger plan, but while trying to survive surfing from life as a parent and husband, struggles with his own and his past is chasing him closer than anyone else, while the team trying to get him has their own issues as they are also ordinary people with more than a 9-5 job,  and putting their lives in risk. Something that might not be as pleasant as changing the world but maybe they just want to make it better or safer or maybe they just need it as much as their preys to keep themselves put and sane to function without following that call to a dark side and fall into the rabbit hole.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

A DOG'S PURPOSE... be humans best friend.

If you are a dog lover this is movie is a must for you. If you a cat lover it might actually answer some questions of why you prefer cats over dogs but also why you cant relate to canines. If you are a dog hater, definitely there's something wrong with you. The reason why there are still movies based on animals more than to cash money attracting people to theaters willing to cry and cheer for their pets looking at themselves reflected in the screen, actually goes beyond that. Te fact that sometimes is better to understand us as another animal species, humans are animals, we own our specific basic instincts but we are also very complex and sometimes the way to understand us better and stop scratching our heads trying to figure out what now? is by looking into things from a different perspective. The same way we compare with other people, why woman use both sides of their brain and men only one at the time explains why we are and act in different ways just because our gender. Or why someone behaves in some way more impulsive while others are more conservative and like to stay in a comfort zone?. All is good and fair for each one but the only way to accept and respect what is different to us in by understanding our differences. Same thing happen when we look at other species, how they behave, why they migrate or they live in packs or kill each other. Understanding nature and how we share similarities even we can be completely different will bring us new perspectives and open our mind to understand us better.

On that note, trying to explain our life from the perspective of one of the most popular animals, and not by popularity but because is one in demand. Most of us in some point had one as pet or felt like owning one. Because they can be cute and funny, and loyal and make the perfect company for different kind of occasions. that's why they call them, Man best friend: Dogs. Yes, thy can be too small, or too cute or to aggressive but have proved they are loyal and they make the perfect company for us humans, as they seem to go along with whatever is in our minds. They might not understand a thing that we say but they recognize their name and sense when are we happy, excited, sad or in danger. So what's "A DOG PURPOSE" ? (2017). That's the big question that served a popular novel now turned into a motion picture, trying to answer what's anyone purpose in life, and how that question might take a couple of lives to resolve but sadly as different as our cute pets, we only have one and we keep wondering that question till the end of our days. Why am i here? What makes me different to others that at the same time makes me unique and gives me a reason to be here and make a difference? What is the reason for me to transcend in life? And the answer will get more complex as it applies to anyone because everyone might have a different purpose in life or maybe we all share one in common, who knows? Well maybe there is someone that knows all the answers and actually that someone spends most of it's life at our side so who better to get to know us in a very unique way than our pets if the could only communicate to us and explain it while they figure out their same issues.

So this is the story of a dog, that as we all know, they have a shorter life than humans so we met him around a few lives, while he dies and comes back in a different shape or better said, breed. In each of one, he has the same question, what is his purpose? as seems to have fun, play around, feed, rest, and play again, seems like a simple life with lots of fun but no real purpose. That is until he meets a young boy, Ethan, a caring and driven boy that looks after him saving him from the hands of other people that almost left him to die. So he founds his person in this young boy and be part of a family makes him feel part of the pack. So the story actually turns into this boy life. The struggles he has under the roof of a family with a depressed and alcoholic father and lovely mother. But he is a positive person and he is focus on his goals, as keep practicing football in order to get a scholarship to go to college. So the years go by and this dog makes a perfect partner in crime for the boy, now a teenager, that still wants to enjoy life while fighting for his dreams even things at home are getting harder and harder. But one thing dog's are good about is to sense what's going on, so when things get sad he tries to entertain, when there are happy moments, is there to enjoy and when love knocks the door, he will also make thing work for his friend as they include a new member in their pack,a  girl, and he can sense those hormones going crazy between the two of them.

But life can be full of surprises and sometimes even we have control of our actions, comes to others what destiny is ahead of us, and they will face the consequences of someone's insecurities and issues while trying to play a prank to Ethan, leaving him with a broken leg and losing his opportunity to go to college, forcing him to stay around in town, turning him into a sad, lonely person that pushed away everybody from his life. But that was only one of this peculiar dog's life. Then he comes back again, in a different place and different breed, with another life very different from the last one, that will show him another side of humans, a lonely and dangerous one, where when a heart has been broken, there's a lot of pain and sadness left that we might not notice but people around do so sometimes opening our eyes and mind to what happen around us will give us a better sense of where we are at and who have we become. Coming from the perspective of someone that can sense our mood, from joy to happiness, our excitements and share our pain, would be interesting to take a deeper look at them to understand us better. Because they might not share things in common with us but they definitely like us, and same as us have feelings and needs, but investing time to care and procure your pet and your friends will show more of ourselves that hours of therapy as here is only us in the battlefield facing reality and there is no way to hide that or just pretend other than what it is as simple as any animals life, following their instincts to survive and satisfy themselves.

As we go through other lives with this dog we learn more about humans than about dogs, they are more simple and easy to please and understand, even tho not always can get that, as we get to see them as a thing, a pet that only needs to be feed and sometimes not even that suffering from aggression and mistreat from their owners, but they way they look at us, as a more complex animal. Humans always act in different ways and even when following some patterns moving in different directions and hard to satisfy. We want love and be loved but our fear of being hurt keep us away from socializing and meeting new people. We want to be successful but we are afraid of taking risks and try different things. We want to do the right thing and bring justice in our society but we are unfair to the ones we love and live with us, forgetting they have no obligation to stay or because they happen to be there. We want to be grateful for what we have and try something good for others for we forget we are all equal and just be kind with some specific ones forgetting we all live in the world and deserve the same kind of respect . So what's our purpose in life? Why do we get up everyday if our lives are full of contradictions. We suffer in order to get some joy. He fight hard in order to get some happiness. Why can we just be good at be there, at that moment, bring and make the best of it and share it with everyone no matter race, gender, or any other label we could fit on them, just be and enjoy. That's a dogs purpose.