Funny thing, we've been talking recently about how bad horror movie had turned. It's not about scaring anymore but to make more money out of a low budget cost which represent a good income since these films don't need a big investment but just a few millions from the box office make it perfect to cover the production cost and leave room for some profit after marketing expenses. So where are those creepy stories that were intended to give you goosebumps and let you awake out of night? Have we lost our capability of being surprised and scared? Or even reality has become scarier than any paranormal situation? Also we have to add the influence of social media and the internet in our lives as part of our daily basis where any doubts or need for knowledge can be solved with tons of information. And they say living out of knowledge is like living in darkness so all those myths and urban legends even now could travel faster through the web, actually had become less interesting and scary due to the fact that we can learn everything about it. And as any scary movie, the more you show the less it scares. So what possibly crossed someone's mind when decided to bring back one of the scariest and popular films from last decade, thinking might work the same way? As easy as the fact that now they wanted to transform they creepy original idea into a mean stream object that as the internet now, can reach anyone, anywhere. But that's not scary at all and when comes to original story and gets lots in translation. But let's go step by step to see what could possible be good and what definitely went wrong with the new movie "RINGS" (2017).
First of all they embraced the fact of having an heroine at the center of the story. In this franchise we've seen that women are the ones saving the day and this would be the case again, when a young girl runs to try o help her boyfriend after suspecting he just got into some trouble. And this time won't be him the one struggling to safe her, until she decides to take her place and play the good Samaritan, risking her own life to save his. So for a 2017 heroine that sounds just like the stupid decisions that girls used to make back in the 80's when about to be slashed by a serial killer. Only difference here we are dealing with a ghost that comes in form of a curse that will hunt you after 7 days once you watched her video. So what now? we have seen this before and by now we know by memory that video and it's disturbing images, so not scary anymore. Well, the story makes a turn, now is not about trying to solve the mystery of who is Samara but where she comes from before the events we saw before. And as ridiculous as they are, that twist is the only thing that keeps the movie and story moving. They are not a mystery for great minds or detectives but make it enough for a Scooby Doo quest and for this amateur group of young guys will serve to get them in trouble and have an adventure. For obvious reason we can't spill the beans and give more details about how this end and where things go but is worth to mention that the effort is well appreciate it and if want some distractions for the actual scary situation we are leaving now days, the ride will be fun and will keep you entertain, specially if you can relate to any of these characters.
The fact that definitely went wrong and screw all the mystery and creepiness about a ghost story of a tormented soul that had a rough ending so keeps taking revenge on the livings using a VHS video a a gate to the real world was an urban legend hard to resist, have you seen the video that after watch it you get a call saying you have 7 days before dying?. Who could resist that. But now on a You tube era we are used to browse any video that goes viral and as creepy as sound the fact or watch a video that might kill, we don't go that far anymore and we don't buy it. The fact that this urban legend came from a VHS made it tempting, an online video not so much. But this twist brings the opportunity to explore another aspects, not that they haven't been expose before, but for the moment they work, such things as how we live to for whatever happens online. Even if we don't know nothing about it we feel the need to be part of anything that happens viral and this premise sets the tone of the movie when a group of students, including our strong independent final girl boyfriend, that trying to end the curse got involve i it while trying to explore any kind of hidden meaning on the original video, using all kind of technology now available to study a video. The result as we know is getting that creepy girl out of a water well just to come for their victims and we all know how that goes.
The fact that this girl puts herself after her charming boyfriend more than proving how strong she could be by trying to save him, just gets her back to that lady in danger from ancient times incapable to be stronger to fight and find an answer first before love and romance. We have no background to understand why she did that or why this relationship is strong enough for her to sacrifice herself in order to safe her charming boyfriend. Neither we get to know if there's something in her past to push her in that direction but other than be and feel like a lucky girl with a guy that seems decent and cares about her is enough to put your life in danger to save that person that we call our partner. And they will team up to find an answer, and together they are ready to kick some asses and get in danger. Trying to find and answer to a new video that has come viral proving that things have changed and this spirit has evolved and it's trying to communicate with her in some way, maybe because she has proved to be sort of strong and not scare of dying risking her life over her boyfriend's. How ridiculous does all this sounds? it just gets worse and worse but as said the ride will be fun if decide to put your brain on the side and just follow this two young guys going through one cliche of horror movies like old hotels and cemeteries.
What the first movie brought in an atmosphere of suspense telling a story about a mother and her son, struggling to survive as a new family while trying to survive from a menace that will kill them in seven days, this one fails in all ways when targeting young audiences looking for a fun time at the movies, willing to be sacred the way the new generations can possible feel scared these days and with a couple of main characters that bring only their sex appeal and an idea of old fashion romance just doesn't feel creepy or scares at all. What will be the future of horror movies then when in modern times hardly could be something that scares more than reality. When living in times where any day a new war can explote, racism is still a thin line that separate culture and ignorance, corruption still manages the countries and rules over governments that try to treat their citizens as puppets they can still manipulate and they are getting control of our lives and freedom in ways that feel like a curse or a paranormal entity that is watching us or can come to take us anytime, using the surprise factor in their side and making us feel insecure about peace and lack of opportunities using technology in their favor offering to us the options that will keep us busy and entertain enough to keep our sights out of them and use it to send messages of an inexistent hope, one that will kill any intention of fight back and numb us with false promises and terrorism is hiding behind any opportunity to take them down while we get trapped in the middle of a battle that can scare to any demon or even a girl that has born from pure evil and know no love or compassion, just as many public service we face in our daily basis. Feeling goosebumps already?
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