martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

And the OSCAR goes to....

The only reason why we are talking about this is because how fascinating it is to look back and realize how into and committed we are with our pop culture that most of the time we forget that is just entertainment and a few times art but we how we love to point fingers to others as we were perfect and our lives are more important than others when actually it's not like. After the shocking and pitiful conclusion of the last ceremony from the Academy Awards  a.k.a as the Oscars, named the highest prize anyone in the Hollywood industry would be able to achieve and now even world wide for any one working in any kind of cinematography, that turned into a very bad ending when production gave the wrong envelope to the actor announcing the last and biggest award of the night, best Picture, which turned into after confusing the actor to leave it to his co host and made the wrong decision by naming the wrong winner. WHAT??!!, yeah, first time in Oscar history that this happen, but it's ok, it's just a show, things happen, they are live and at the end no one died and everybody played good sport here proving that we can be a community that support each other. But a different story came when all media and social media start exploding with post of what just happened. Of course everybody were talking about it and mostly complaining about the lack of credibility and what a disaster was made from the Academy and what a terrible show was. And that's fair, probably that's what they wanted, it's a show and have something to be remembered it's the main goal, for better or worse, but it's just so funny how serious we can tale this as if they have changed the curse of lives.

We have to remember that the Academy has been target of lot of comments regarding their nominations and winners. First the lack of female winners in the technical categories, the the lack of diversity, now they credibility. So why not remembering that Hollywood is an industry, that has growing on to this place thanks to us, the audience that has built and invest in them. We are the ones that turn an actor into a celebrity. And they are a mere product. Yes. This is not a festival where the critics, which are the major knowledge regarding cinematography, witness and vote for the best piece of art. Because that's what cinematography is, a mix of seven different arts transformed into a motion picture. But Hollywood is a different story. Most of what we see is made for commercial purposes. And lucky us, now they are more concern about delivering a better product so are working hard to produce more quality films because we've proved that that is what we want to see now, no matter the genre, we are paying and making the time to witness an event that not only will deliver entertainment but is well done, independently of it's budget. So why everybody gets so frustrated and invested in such events as the super bowl, award shows, beauty contests?

It's like our lives depend on the results of this events. But we have to wake up and realize they are not and by just taking the time to make some buzz it's giving them more power. These are entertainers. Not scientist or politicians that are changing the world. They definitely define and can make an impact in our society by creating life styles or tendencies, but just by our craving for roles models that we can devour and relate to but shouldn't be a big deal. There are actually scientist and technicians that get some awards for their achievements transforming the industry but those awards nobody care, that's why any network broadcast them. We want the gossips, the glamour, trashing and idealizing our favorite celebrities when they walk over the red carpet. Because who hasn't dreamed to be popular and famous right? Instead we should be paying more attention on what is happening around us, economically and politically.  Also in our lives, relationships, jobs. And the same way we are able to take time to criticize a movie we should be able to stand up and demand to our government for better rights because that's exactly the beauty about movies. They are trying to tell stories that might inspire us or serve as a reminder of what we've done so the real action should happen out of the theaters not inside.  There are many people changing life's and transforming our way of life for better or worse. Some entrepreneurs trying to find the new thing that captivates all the attention or soldiers fighting wars in the name of their country, or people saving life's for those in need, or just regular people fighting their own battles to become a better self or find happiness in darkness times. And no one is giving them any awards and sometimes not even recognition. Until maybe a movie could be made in their honor.

All these people involve in the industry are passionate about what they do and they are story tellers. But they realize that as an industry, it's main purpose is to make money and the way to do this is by transforming actors into celebrities, movies into events, stories into reality, involving fashion industry and commerce as part of franchises that will bring the dollars to the producers pockets by tons and actors and directors realize that. They know the price they have to pay to have a current job and get a status so they can be able to choose their projects. And then they can find a way to serve in a more meaningful way. Doing some charity and joining to social causes. Serving as role models to inspire others searching for that answer or just by working on projects that actually can mean something for those that go and see it, like more recent documentaries that are trying to expose some realities that we all deny but is just time to not pretend is happening anymore. And so we saw this year nominees as young actors and actresses like Ryan Gosling just trying to have fun and not taking this serious because it is not, but trying to prove his talent and commitment to his projects. He got a lesson of acting from big stars like Denzel Washington playing a father that lives under his own rules , the same ones he inherited from his father and how males can be as weak and insecure when trying not to. Or a Casey Affleck trying to perform grief and life without a purpose and how been broken means or a war hero that fought to make a difference and almost die in the process but was his choice and motive and no one until now knew about him until Andrew Garfield was able to bring him back to life under the direction of a talented Mel Gibson back to director chair after a long breakdown. And same thing goes for all the actresses.

So when we get to the point of choosing a better story among the others, we usually go for the one we like the most, the one made feel and enjoy or suffer the most. Sometimes is about the actors or the team behind a movie, because we like them so we empathize with their work, others is about the story, if was a clever scripts or a fun one, and some others we just go for the one we think is the most artistic because at the end and behind all these fireworks we are supposed to be watching a piece of art. And because of that expectations are high and as any piece of art it will come from different perspectives. To appreciate it is all about the audience and it's connection with the artist. But behind these shows and process there are a lot of politics. The actors choose the best performance for their colleagues and so everyone in their own category but sometimes they also vote for the one they like the most or if someone is nicer than the other is a friend or not, so calling someone the best by this process raise a lot questions as not everybody is voting for the BEST because is simply the best in that term. No that's why finally there are some diversity in the categories because they deserve to be called the best regardless their race or background . Stigmas are all around and if they want to make a difference they have to start with the example. But remember this a show, and it's all about advertising this industry around the globe and make it accessible and glamorous. So when a drama like Moonlight wins over a musical like La La Land even that this one is a clever, reinventing, realistic twist for the musical genre comes to a small independent drama to actually serve as a well done story about minorities by being poignant in a theme that happens around the globe and those stories deserve to be told over romance and refreshing  technical and musical venues but by the end why not honoring the ones that honor those long gone figures or devastating stories of survival , or maybe fictional tales with a point over corporations and their impact in our lives or aliens showing us a lesson about time and love. Again it's all about perspectives and politics so let's focus on the real ones so we can change history and excuses to great stories worth to be told in the big screen.

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