martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

THE FALL....have you reached bottom?

There are many ways to explain how to be a better person, to teach you how to do improve yourself, trying to bring the best of you. Motivational speeches trying to convince us that we have some good in us, that we can reach our full potential and we are entitled to success and happiness. But what about if also our nature has some mean and disturb behaviors and not every body is as good as we expect them to be. Some cases just because their nature and personality comes off by violence and depression that will turn into some aggressiveness and disturb behavior, but other as forge as a consequences of our environment, the way we were raised and the role models we feel related to can transform our perspective of happiness. But why do we judge and expect always the best from everyone without knowing they journey or background? And not realizing that sometimes human brain acts in mystery ways that even when someone has good intentions their instincts and thoughts are not focused to what we call the right thing, so we call them sociopaths or psychopaths, and the way the act and interact in society will be very different from what are we used to and sometimes hurting others will be their goal, just because, or for personal pleasure or might be with a purpose that we might not understand but for them seems like the right thing. Only way to have an idea of what's going on, and why a particular person with such behavior is doing such things is by getting to know him and understanding their motivations and thoughts.

An example of this cases we can see in "THE FALL" (2013-current), a British thriller series currently showing on Netflix, that through it's 3 season we are in merge in a cat and mouse chase between a serial killer and the detective in charge of the case, trying to follow his steps to finally catch him  while he finds this game so appealing that might want to take it to the next level, getting intrigue by the detective moves. But what makes this show standing over the rest or any physiological thriller  is the fact behind the game of two people chasing each other for different reasons we get to know their real motives, They do they come from, what kind of people are they when not at work or what's around in their lives that had made them the way they are ans with so, realize that there's a tiny ine between madness and sanity, that what seems right not always is, and that always fall for that challenge that someone can give us when there is a connection at some level that can turn on us in some direction, either if for better or worse but at the end of the day we'll be judge by others rather than for ourselves exposing our true colors and proving that we all different from each other even when we share same values and ideas and we are all trying to be our best in some sort of form.  That what actually make us so unique will affect others in ways that we might embrace or reject and we can't predict their reaction and even when following patterns, there are always black holes in need to be filled and that's where we can can find ourselves or get lost.

Set up in Belfast, North Ireland, the story follows, two hunters, one,a young man called Paul Spector, looking for preys in form of women that awake in him some kind of sexual fantasy that will lead him to kill them. No sexual intercourse involve separates him from a rapist. He is a lover, passionate and tender husband, that loves his children and in his own way loves his wife but at the same time is leaving a double life following a hidden desire that comes as a curse from his past and background pushing him to explore his instinct with other woman, dominating them and researching them in a sort of game that will challenge him to figure out their lives and the best way to get to them so they can finally surrender at him and he can posses them in some way and give them in his own terms some kind of salvation but not before torture them and kill them following this type of woman, dark haired and white skin, that he founds so appealing until he meets his match on the personification of a detective woman from the London police Department that puts him up for a challenge while trying to hide his trails from the murder scenes and exposing out light in from of the whole police department as a social working practicing some therapy for patients that have been under stressful situations. But he is nice and good looking, which works in his favor to hide like a predator like any wolf on sheep skin, getting all the information and help he need from those around him that ignore what he is up to by night or at those moments that he likes to disappear. But he cares for his family and for this game is just a shot of adrenaline for him that can't ignore, not because he is a bad person but because he's been through a rough path coming from an abusive father and an absent mom, making him any girl's dream while trying to fix them when he only wants to be left alone to get away with murder.

So who's the one behind the team trying to catch him? DSI Stella Gibson, a tough woman that is full committed with her job. With a strong personality and lots of experience in the field and with this kind of personalities and profiles, proving knowledge in psychology to be able to determine what are the patterns to follow and what could be the next move for this hunters, finding herself hunting her own demons behind her own persona, hiding behind a desk and without a life outside her job, reason why ends sleeping with all her co workers and flirting with anyone related to her cases as a way to prove how strong and independent she is, in no need of anyone at her side just proving go lonely and incapable to actually relate to anyone she can be, making her the perfect person for the job, but with all this going on, she might not be doing the right thing when comes to other than catching the bad guys, the killers, but she is no saint and might be her cause that made her this way but might be as well that she is using this killers to hide her own demons. How can you face evil dressing in white? How can you fight to bring good in others life without getting messy and without been touched by that darkness that you are hunting?, Does that make you a cold heart or just use it as facade to be able to survive, forcing you to keep those you love away to protect them from the danger you are exposing while chasing bad guys or playing a cat and mouse game? Who is the real villain and who's the one fighting for the right cause? according to who's definition of right and wrong  are we playing here?

So is it totally true we are all good people or is it part of our nature to have some darkness in us. Feel attracted to something prohibited and unmoral at the sights of others? Why violence and sexual domination has been increasing now days? Aren't we trying to fight for peace and equal roles in society, so why when come to intimacy and power, still feel attracted to the fact of feeling superior or inferior to someone as part of a turn on? Why do we judge to the actions of other when most of the time they come as a result from our own actions? We keep blaming to others for our own faults and then we fall into a tramp or game that becomes addictive or a cycle that keep us going as part of surviving, so who's the real bad guy here? and who's the villain? Can we be both, depending on the perspective? Playing more like a drama with hints of psychological thriller this series has proved through it's three seasons to be a worth watching one but under rated as comes from overseas but with impeccable performances and twists that will keep you at the edge of your couch, you better give it chance and follow this hunt for a serial killer that has become obsessed with the chasing game from his opponent, or maybe has a bigger plan, but while trying to survive surfing from life as a parent and husband, struggles with his own and his past is chasing him closer than anyone else, while the team trying to get him has their own issues as they are also ordinary people with more than a 9-5 job,  and putting their lives in risk. Something that might not be as pleasant as changing the world but maybe they just want to make it better or safer or maybe they just need it as much as their preys to keep themselves put and sane to function without following that call to a dark side and fall into the rabbit hole.

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