This is the beginning for the new movie "Before i fall" (2017), a new teen drama based on the novel which also reminds another popular movie called Groundhog Day, but now set on Valentine's Day, where after an accident a young girl see herself trapped living exactly the same day over and over. The movie works pretty well in so many level even it's not able to avoid all the cliches of the genre, which seems playing against itself but it's the performance of her lead actress that puts it on a different level, where without trying to preach and mostly flirting with suspense to figure out what is happening in there, we get to realize a message that is hiding with so many echoes that can't but get out of the theater with more than one thought. What would you do if only have one day to leave and might not be the last one but is the only one you have? The movie and story manages to answer this but since the perspective of someone young, from that point of life where we feel like rebels and entitled for all what is about to come. But it's meaning resonates to anyone at ant age because even we grow up we get caught in different paths and follow similar patterns, and even this is a teen film, it might please people from any age of gender, and mostly is well done, directed, written, and performed so we'll totally buy it and in merge in this paradox situation moving us from romance to anxiety back to drama and trying to find more clues to solve the puzzle that will change our and her life.
So basically we follow a young popular girl in high school, in what seems to be another regular day, or better said another traditional holiday, where as any girl, more than getting excited about Valentine's day and spend the day with friends and boyfriend, the man concern is to see how many roses will they get as a proof of how popular they are and all plans about the day focused on tonight's party. But what seems like a perfect life in general once is put under the loop, might take a different context. And that's exactly what happens when you get life over and over the same day. As any kid trying to learn how to ride a bike, routine will make it easier, but not in this case as our pretty and popular girl will feel trapped in a circle going over and over the same day, the same moments, like a deja vu, where you know the feeling of something that already happened. At the same time will try to figure out what happened that put her in a limbo as if all her life now will depend on answering that question. And for that she will go through different faces every day, same as we do every time we get up every morning and face a new possibility at a new day, and so she goes from anger to joy, trying to do her best of the day to simply doesn't care and be bold and careless, but seems like it's not about changing the course of events but to pay attention to what's underneath and turn thing up side down.
Are this people that we love and call friends, really good friends to me? bringing joy and making you feel special and be a better self, accepting you the way you are and embracing your path and ideas as their own, or they are simply there because you match their needs and they can use you for different purposes. How about family? Why sometimes we put other before them, and we assume they have to deal with us just because they have to, we never get the chance to enjoy them, to really get to know them, we just use them as a punch bag for our frustrations, and what about when comes to our relationships, when we are looking for love, for that special one that will complement us, make us feel special, and ended with the opposite just following stereotypes, like chasing the popular guy just because seems like the right to do, but never feels right until we give us a chance to discover other people and how they can make us feel special and even without noticing them they are trying to impress us and sometimes know us better than we do because they can see the real you, the one that is hiding behind a mask or a costume pretending to fit in a world that might not belong to us but it's easier and let us forget about the real things and just enjoy giving us some confidence and access to more stuff that can be attractive until it's not.
As the story goes over ad over the same day and trying to do things differently and trying to solve the puzzle of your life, just instead of taking you a lifetime, imagine that you only have one day. It might sound cheesy and over rated the fact that we live unconscious of what we have and we are always looking for what is next and sometimes we miss the fact that the things that we like and we are looking for are already there just in a different form from what we expected, but things can be just the way we want right? And how shocking it is to realize and discover the true colors of all those people that are part of our life until we really give it a chance to understand their behavior and motives. And specially be aware of how our actions have an impact in people that we might haven't noticed but are there and sometimes we just start affecting people for no reason. Why did i get mad with my parents just because they say no? Why am i dating this person that only sees the outside of me but totally misses the real me? What do i have in common with these people i use to call friends if they are just not very nice people but insecure and popular? So why do we need this constant reminder of what matters in life and to enjoy it at it's fullest making the best of everyday when should be a way of living instead of a topic for discussion or a reminder of what we are here for. proving that we like to complicate things and as social animals we follow tendencies instead of ideals getting lost in between, so wake up before you fall.
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