viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

T2 TRAINSPOTTING... addictive to nostalgia?

Have you ever noted that the older we get, the more we look into the past? While we were young we only care about the future and all that bunch of possibilities awaiting for us, something happens a long the way that the more you live and get far from those young moments full of experiences and risks, excitement and dreams, the more you start looking back at them and a new feeling arises... nostalgia. And nostalgia is a bitch. As much as can get you in a good mood and look at things from a good perspective of what you wanted to do and what you've done, it also can bring you down, wondering what happened with that life and those moments full of live, specially if feeling like your present life sucks. Or missing people that has gone in separate ways, either family that you grew up with, friends that are now part of that past and those moments, or a past lover that made you feel like life is worth of any risk and full of new sensations and emotions, or simply tough you how to love and what love means. What happened with you though all those years from youth to a grown up? What have you turned into? While if you were escaping from a terrible life ad trying to move on and re invent yourself, looking back could be a sign of relieve and proud for all what you'd achieved but if you moving in the opposite direction and now feeling like your life is stock and going nowhere or just lacking those dreams and purpose, nostalgia will hit you as a way to shake up things or just get trapped in memories from all those experiences making you want to go back.

There are moments in life that define us and most of them happened  while we were young, when we were brave and willing to take risks in order to pursue our dreams and ideals. But sometimes the lack of experiences got us in trouble and sometimes we moved on leaving some open resolutions that need to be addressed and get some closure and when growing up and getting more settle and mature, feels like a need in order to fully move on and find some piece and conscious. And for all of you having a moment of Nostalgia and mixed feeling about your first two decades of life, specially thanks to a new invasion of the entertainment industry, willing to make us spend our money as junk addicts craving for that feeling of going back to that place when that moment happened while listening a song or watching a movie, there for we get "T2 Trainspotting" (2017), a long due sequel for all of those fans of the first film and movie goers that mad the original a cult movie, telling the story of a group of friends trapped in their small town, lacking of opportunities and immerse in their boring simple lives, just to find an escape through the new best thing around, heroine, and with that trip and adrenaline that any drug brings, a new idea and opportunity to change their life presents, by stealing some money and running away to London.

But for all of you, already know how did that go. Renton, played the by a young unknown Ewan McGregor, betrayed his friends and business partner, by taking all the money and running away by himself to London to start a new life leaving the rest at mercy of the authorities and stuck in their shitty town with now an even worse life. Yes, we might blame drugs for their decisions and the consequences but still doing something like that to your best friend can't let you sleep at night for long. So after suffering a sort of heart attack, and now in his mid 40's and after being fired from his job and going through a divorce, just seems right to start making amendments and get his life straight back, meaning going back where he ran away 20 years ago. And that won't be a pleasant ride as his old friends are not specially excited to see him back. Prud is trying to commit suicide. His best friend sick boy is scamming public serves with kinky taste, and Begbie is trying to escape prison. So even he is trying to make amendments will all of them, he stole more than just money, but trust, and hope, and all their opportunities for a better life. But nostalgia is a bitch and once he agrees to help them to get more money back so they can start a new business, things start going smoothly between them. Remembering their childhood together and all those things they share in common, and made them friends in the first place.

The movie still movies in the same pace as the original, thanks to it's visionary director Danny Boyle, re taking the story and knowing how to make it move forward twenty years without losing it's essence, and having the original cast back, definitely helps as all of them fit back into their characters as if they were doing it for the last two decades. The humor is still there and having the gang back together can't but trigger that nostalgia addiction of looking back to  the moment where we met them, and now they seem to go back to where they were just looking and feeling not so young, and avoiding hard core drugs but still trapped in some addiction but now as grown ups they need to man up and face their realities with family and relationships. What is missing is that innovating feeling that the original brought to cinema. It's music defined a generation and their performances and their characters were raw in a way that we haven't seen before, but by now feels so familiar that even we are more than happy to welcome this reunion, it just doesn't make memorable anymore. Definitely we get a deeper story with more real issues underneath now as all are having a mid crisis life rather than struggling to fight for a better one when still young but what defined it's predecessor was a new look and take of the drug addiction in young low income kids and the translation of that world and their experiences out of it to the screen. Here we just got what would be just a smoke after trying all other kinds of narcotics.

But that's not a bad thing at all. For all who ever wonder what if, or what happened to those familiar faces when the going to the movies and credits start rolling, specially after having such an enjoyable and thrilling ride, we always crave a hungry for more, and this opportunity is perfectly full fill by bringing some characters with some pending issues back together in a different setting in life. And who couldn't relate to that? We all move from one stage to other through years, from high school to college, from one job to other. from one relationship to other. always meeting new people, making new friendships, sometimes relocating, and at each phase we try to re invent ourselves, learn from the past and make this new opportunity better, but usually at the same time, leaving behind projects, plans, and people that we get close to and we influence and get influenced by, but some other times we just get stuck and seems like no way out, feeling miserable and like wasting our time living another's life but ours. Only blaming other but us for our lack of will to fight and take risks to achieve more, because we deserve more, and we are so entitled to just wait for things to happen and when not, we fall into some addictions that will bring that exit to all those feelings and bring some new, like nostalgia, love, excitement, confidence, but will be just a rush and when starts fading out we fall apart, needing always more, blocking us from reality and living in the past or looking only to a future that will come as fast as will go, but how good does it feel!

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