Trying to reinvent the monsters genre, and bringing some kind of deepness into it while adding some conscious about our environment and trying to build some culture related to taking care of natural resources in a time where global warming is happening in rush time and some still want to blind themselves about it, the idea fits perfect for a colossal big budget spectacle. And what better than bringing back one of the most iconic monsters of all time and a cinematic celebrity: King Kong, the biggest ape of all time. But we know the story. We have a beloved classic that reinvented cinema and created a new genre. And we got sequels of course. None of them worthy but with new technology it was about time to get a remake so it happened last decade but now is time for a new story. There's more to uncover about this character and it's own world. We know just a little about him, other than you can find him anytime when you visit the Empire State building in NYC but that's just his more iconic scene and one that is now part the of cinematography archives. But what else? What else should we know about him and why do we really need to know more?
For all that and more we got "Skull Island" (2017), a new blockbuster that will take us this time to the ape's hometown so we can get in more trouble and figure out some of those questions that have been around our heads since we saw him for the first time almost a century ago. But this movie is a new, fresh start. Has no relation with what we've seen before. The story follows a group of explorers and scientist that came to realize of the existence of a new island in the Pacific Ocean that has been hidden due to a weather system that for some reason cleared up for a few letting us to catch it. But this is the 70's. So a war just ended. And one that the Americans lose so they are not happy, specially militia spirit is down so when they are assign to an expedition to explore the new island, the opportunity to prove themselves they can do better couldn't be in a better timing. But as part of this research we will drop some bombs to the area so we can be able to track earth movements, or maybe just to provoke the natives and bring everyone out, no matter the natural impact we can cause to that eco system, again we are as selfish as we can to get our own agenda done and who ever crosses our way will pay the consequences. But this time we will pay for actions, finally!

The movie works as a perfect spectacle. You will get what you paid for and even the story lacks of originality and takes a lot of references from other movies from the genre to please crowds, it's very well done and the fact that they try to make it as real as possible focusing on the story as much as they do on the visuals, feels refreshing and keep it's pace going for a non stop thrill, but definitely it's still missing than human factor that will add deepness to the story, maybe analyzing more about all this group of people, that we barely get to know and for that instance we can care less who will be the next victim, like in another films where the monsters represents a metaphor for some of our fears and treats, this one just want to make an ecological conscience that will work better if we could truly understand the motives behind the actions and relate to what we are looking at so one the light are on we can't stop thinking about it, forcing us to discuss it with other and that's how pop culture transforms society but maybe just for this time we'll settle for fun time at the movies and a A-list cast that only add some pedigree to attract the audience to see what might be also a genre in danger of extinction.
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