miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

THE CIRCLE...social media is all rounded

Dear Technology,
Remember those days where we needed to buy maps to get anywhere or figure out how to move around? When we used to watch the weather forecast at TV or read the news in our local newspaper? How about back when we needed to go out to bars to socialize and meet new people, and talking to someone at a bar or the street was a nice gesture, because we used to flirt by eye contact when walking on the street? And family dinners where all about discussing everyone's day and plans. We used paper and pen to  take notes, keep records, make payments, organize schedules. Those were very different days and they feel old and due by now, when basically it's only been 10 years now that things have changed so dramatically that we can't see our lives without you. You came to our lives as a revolution. Like the one that happen with the industry a century ago and transform capitalism in the new role model around the world. Now you seem to be the one ruling it and trending every new step of the way. Making our lives easier, more safe, and comfortable. Connecting people not only by relatives but around the world. Giving us access to whatever is happening far way from home and hopefully soon expand our territories beyond our own planet now that we basically are killing it by keeping you alive and innovating you. How do the millennials can possible survive without you?

Is it? Is this really what we want from you? We really create you with a purpose to make our lives easier and help to make thing better, faster, and now we can access to things by one finger move when before were unthinkable. But what's the price of this whole new world? Is it worthy? Why are you making us so dependable on you that just the idea of going back to what we were before you came and evolve into this seems like the stone age, not really sure if i'd make it back there again.Do you know? Because i might. You better check this movie called "The Circle" (2017), based on Dave Eggers 2013 popular novel that had everyone reading about the trend of technology back on those days. Sadly with only four years since the novel was realized things have moved forward really  fast and now what we read the is more of a close reality making the whole story feel outdated but it's message is still there. And it's all about you, technology. And that's exactly is not working for the movie as it did with the book, because we are missing more of a plot and character development while watching this at the movie theater than just a lecture warning us about what you have become.

And it's sad after having a very talented cast, such as Tom Hanks and Emma Watson on the main roles, and a story that has so much potential and feels like a scary, creepy reality from that side that we might need to make a stop and realize how deeply connected we are to you now. Don't know why i mean? Well the story centers on Mae, a young girl living in the suburbs of North California, trying to make for a living after graduation and having her dad sick, trying to help  their parents is what mostly drives her to look out for a better future. An this is holding her back from anything else in her life, reason why her only friend that might have a crush on her, it's growing apart from her. But things might get better for her when an old friend from college calls her for an interview at one of top tech companies in the Silicon Valley, and her innocence and determination gets her in. And what might seem like a dream come true, because we know it's not thanks to companies like Google or Amazon, takes stage for a long run instead on focusing on her journey there, instead of that the new tech world becomes the new character, showing off how friendly people are when working in that industry, and how they can't be if they have free food, outdoors area for relaxation and mingle, parties at night, weekend events, modern and comfy facilities design to make you feel better while working.

But isn't that the whole point? To become more efficient and make our lives easier, pushing us to achieve what we though was not possible? Well in paper it is. But as an industry and ruled by capitalism rather than a charity, the only way to keep up with demand is innovation, so now everybody is just trying to make it bigger, better, faster, louder, and that's why things get out of control. For example, why we still complain about privacy when now more than ever, we have our lives exposed out there in social media? Strangers that we'll never know can access to our photos and information but if the government wants some access for public safety we all scream and get mad. We are ok sending nude pictures around the web, but if someone talks about sex we get aroused. We feel proud to show off our trips, daily activities, friends, relationships, even when we make fool of ourselves  on a short vid just feel those 5 minutes of fame when everybody like it so why we are afraid of post anything that has no filter from us, why can't be transparent with the real person we are and not only with what we choose to show, we expose our lives but under the condition of being filter, so how honest that make us?
And that's exactly what the movie tries to prove as we meet the CEO of this tech company, hence to the title, that feeling like a guru, tries to motivate his employees with a weekly meeting to show all the new trends and innovations coming up. And by many factors that only in the movies can happen, this master mind ends liking our main girl, and ask her to be the new face for their new project will be streaming live her every move all day from a micro camera that she will be wearing and letting everybody see what her life is like and watch her, as if that couldn't sound creepy enough to be watched full time, but it's the fact that you will be real and no filters and soon she realizes how wrong things are now that she's been used, his friends and family are exposed too and they didn't asked for it, how can she turn all this off?, and why is ok for some to communicate and live through the social media, and in need of the use of phones and apps plus our gadgets at home and work to feel functional? where are those times when we used to think without them, using real language and making human connections rather than user names and codes, emojis and new techy languages . Why technology are making us act more as robots and less humans? where can we get those filters to applied to the things that matter and draw a line between why we need you and why we shouldn't let you, and when things just need to stop and when to continue to innovate. Why are we letting you in and make us so addictive to you? Explain technology, please.

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