viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

RIVERDALE...when having secrets feels like home

Everybody who was born in the last century, should be familiar with the ARCHIE comic books. You've probably seen it at your local news paper, or a cartoon, or a movie. All based in a character that become so popular that is now an icon of pop culture from XX century. Even was created back in 1939, it really gets a boost and fame through the second half of the century, reflecting the era of the 50's, 60's and then evolving to the 80's and 90's, reflecting teenagers from middle class America, as he is a charming ginger jock in high school, where he struggles with all the issues of that age, falling in love with his best friend Betty, the perfect blonde girl, and Veronica, the sexy brunette new in town, while sharing adventures and ups and downs with best friend Jughead. All these characters have served as a reflection of different times and eras where love and friendship remains but also evolves in different ways. And each of them has been well rounded in a way that anyone can relate to them plus adding a diverse group of second characters, like the Pussy Cat Dolls, a rock band of the school, that represent the rebel side of rock and rock and teenagers trying to express with music their anger against social repression and a scream to diversity in a very white America back then. All having fun and growing up at the same time just to become a beloved part of our lives.

For a non super hero comic book series, this one has been one of the most popular and successful franchises out there, but where would it lead these days when Millennials are too far from what the story beholds and their story feels like aged or more like something that their parents would relate to, which would never be a good thing for 2000's teenagers. So apparently is time to evolve again and present a new side of Archie and his team, a new story that can keep it's roots and feel accurate and real for all generations that have been following the gang. Most obvious choice would be bringing him back to the new trend these days, television. And with so, we get "RIVERDALE" (2017), a new tv show based in all these beloved characters, taking it's name from the home town where the comic is based and that has never been revealed as a real place or even where is it located so that adds the fact that anyone can relate to it. For what we see in the show, could be any place located either on the North East or North West side of USA, but now this place is home for a lot of secrets as the teenagers had evolved to a time where everyone has access to information and where things can go public so keeping secrets is now more of a challenge and a way to live than a random coincidence.

So in it's first successful season, we are introduce to the characters that we know portrayed in a very modern way. The story is told from the eyes of Jughead, a misfit in the town that observes everybody else and knows what's happening with the town until the popular jock from the football team and son of the wealthiest family in town is murdered. Everybody seems suspicious about this incident and seem to hide some kind of interests or information relate to it, specially for those teenagers that were close by the murder scene when a shotgun was fired and days later the dead body found. One of those kids is Archie, a nice red headed that now is very athletic, sexy jock that is not only interested in sports but also has an artistic soul, willing to pursue music along his classmates, reason why had an affair with his music teacher, putting both of them in an illegal situation, but he has a good heart so doesn't want to cause trouble but falling for his teacher while a murder was committed. But someone else is watching him, and that's Betty Cooper, his neighbor and all childhood friend that has a crush on him, dreaming that one day he will share her feelings  and be a happy couple, specially one that will make anyone in town jealous as both are two good looking teens.

Unfortunately someone else caught his eye, and that's Veronica, the new girl in town, that also happens to just moved because is running away from his family past and a backstory full of corruption and rebellion, but she want's to be a good girl, leave everything behind and start fresh but seems like past always catches up on her. Opposite to Betty, she has experience and she is no naive so knows all the moves to make it through social status in high school, even her family reputation is playing against her finding only open arms in the circle of Archie and his friends. Now all four get to hang in the town's diner and share their concerns like any other teenager but as the murder keeps bringing more people and information to the table, they get sucked into it, starting their own task to research what really happened and avoid being trapped in the spotlight. Like any teenager from this generation, their access to information makes them believe they can solve the puzzle and that they might know more than the rest just to realize that they know nothing about their parents and the grown ups world, but that won't stop them to go after new clues while falling in love, having a fun time, cry and dream about their ideals and dream big, proving that what matters at the end is to be true to yourself and stand among others for what you are and not for what other want you to be,

This is the real soul of the show and the comics back in time, and even the circumstances have changed to the new millennium, still keeps  that heart that proves what being a young soul means. That search of identity and your place in the world surrounded by people that might want to bring you down as others that will love you and accept you for what you are. Playing with stereotypes,  we get to see how judging by the book usually is a mistake that leads to the wrong direction, as an example Archie is not an asshole or insecure jock trying to make feel bad others to make himself a better person, he pursues what is right and cares about his friends and wants more than what other expect from him. Same way Betty might look like the naive and dumb blonde girl that just wants to be perfect and be a role model for the rest of the girls, but actually she is a strong woman that stands against her overprotecting mother to follow what she believes in and protect the ones she care of. It's time to go deep in those layers beyond the stereotypes that we have created through time about society roles, and appearances. And what better than having a group of friends that we know and have been part of our culture for decades to prove us wrong and show us a new way to follow and re define all these concepts while solving mysteries and realize that we all could be young at soul forever, and it's about a name that you will make it through time rather than how you look or posses, so if you ready for a ride, this small town is awaiting for you.

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